

第74章 觉醒后(1 / 2)
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觉醒后,克内尔感觉到他的感知和与客观现实的关系发生了微妙的变化。ive me.

. (No refund ill be given, so please ait for a hile.)

hen michelle released Aria, she took a fe steps back and aved her hands up and don as if she didn't kno here to put them or hat to do.

At this moment, their eyes looked at each other, but they didn't kno hat to do. chizuna, ho anted to deal ith the gray olves, also returned. on the ay back, I as behind michelle, so I saluted her and hit her ith my right hand.

michelle alked as if pierced by a needle, and hen she looked at the person behind her, her face turned pale and she looked like an evil demon in life, flashing her teeth and hunting.

he stretched out his hand and pointed it at chizuna. chizuna greeted him ith demonic glee and let out a strange scream.

ho are you here? are you alive If you're not in this situation, you're not alive, right? hat a demon!

michelle screamed and immediately ran throing her hole body at Aria. this as because michelle's physical strength this time generated a lot of force every time she jumped, and that force as forced into Aria's body at once. this caused Aria great pain, and even though her pure body as dying, the sad feeling made Aria unfortable.

hatever you ant, God, leave me alone, you are too stubborn.

Aaliya grumbled unsatisfied. ho could this man look like a coard and e and kill him?

After thinking for a moment, Aria decided it as orth it and looked into michelle's blue eyes, hich looked like jeels ith tears.

michelle cried and ansered:

It's a demon, it's scary.

Ah, there's no limit, magic can be used by both the living and the demon, right?

Aria didn't understand at all, but hen she sa the face of one of them, she cried in fear and felt that she as orse than a fool if she lost.

ell, e don first, it's not an evil spirit.

Aria tried to keep her voice don because she didn't ant to kill him.

In addition, he heard the rise and fall of michelle's chest, God is bigger than him, ho is bigger?

Aria felt like a gron man had killed her face.

(Shrine maiden? You haven't fallen into the priesthood yet? haha, it looks like you have a chance to be cleansed this time. It's scary. You can imitate the artificial machine idols made by the gods. It's not hopeless, haha, that's eird. , you must live.)

mr. chisner smiled at this funny scene, and at the same time said that he had a good hope in his heart, and that it as just a joke.

oh, maybe I came at the rong time?

please don't orry about me.

No, help me, they ill kill me.

Aria immediately reacted to chisner's situation, but michelle's reaction as a bit different as she clutched her chest.

Am I too heavy?

don't use such force, ill you break your arm?

I don't think so.

michelle's face suddenly changed and immediately released the small hand she had placed on the other person's body. Go as far as running. Looking closely, he as at least 10 meters aay from Alya and chizu, maybe 15, maybe 20 meters.

but are you all demons? or is it an earth spirit or something?

michelle is a master of the God of ar, a poerful secret arrior, and no a demon, although she prefers normal people in terms of personality. he is not afraid of the living or the dead, but of the living dead. She is just a girl ho is afraid of the dark and ghosts. he is not afraid of killing or tearing people apart, but he is afraid of interesting things like children.

the reason he thought as apparently because michel's on mind as controlled by the God of ar, because the God of ar system changed himself and some of his ar-related memories. Every memory experience must be magnified and modified to make it frightening and disturbing.

For example, in michelle's mind, cizna as continuously beaten, killed, and beaten.

that's hy it's hard for michelle to understand hat the person in front of her is like. So, ho is this man hose body is not yet broken and has the breath of life?

As for Aria, michelle remembers herself having to be thron into the river after fighting a false god called the Grim Reaper. ho is sitting in front of him no?

(No, if you think about it, another person's face can be beautiful like a fairy tale, but you cannot see the breath of life. there is breath, but there is no heartbeat. the blood is still there. It flos. ), it seems different that man, the sound of animals just moving in his body. )

michelle thought to herself, but she as rong. the blood floing in Aria's body as different from a normal person, so it as doubtful if it could be called blood, but since this body as a monster, the blood floing in her body as the blood of the pochi monster she as carrying. .It is. From pochi's body.

hoever, Aria feels that she needs to clear up some misunderstandings ith michelle.

rong anser, rong. You're stupid, you're evil, you're not an immortal spirit, you're a half-dead spirit, hat good are your eyes? do I see any signs of decay in my body?

Isn't he half dead?

After hearing this information, michelle not only calmed don, but also felt fear in her heart, as if the cold lifted her directly from the bottom, like a freshly frozen ice pack. head..

hoever, it is not an evil spirit. besides, you are a personal hero and have a poerful magic book to control you. Should I be so scared? Although he is an evil spirit, he should be considered a human being, because he is a secret arrior and magician.

are you stupid? of course, the poer of your body is the seal of the seal shop, and it is an ancient seal, so that the amulet on your body can destroy evil spirits if it ants to, hich are evil spirits ho live as ordinary people. he rejected the truth. If this is true, it should have a protective effect.

Aria said that she quickly jumped from michel's side and folloed him to the field, a gentle smile on her face, but she quickly stood up hen michel as shocked.

you! !

You look very scared.

hen Arya finished speaking, a smile spread across her face, but she seemed a bit scared, especially since she as one of the itches ho could summon fake demons and had a lot of experience. , then nothing, just a pliment.

of course, hen dealing ith children, it seems better to resort to threats.


but hen Aria spoke, michelle's voice became serious and she suddenly felt hurt.

but if you anser my prayers and save me from dying among the hite olves, it doesn't matter, I'm not orried about such small problems.

michelle then stopped her heart from pounding in fear, folloed behind Aria like a running demon, and reached out and grabbed her chest. he seems to have overe his fear, so the next step is to do it ithout delay.

Aria's face armed hen she felt him touch her breasts, and as she danced, she suddenly jumped from michel's hands and hugged her chest ith both arms.

ho are you my sex life is normal.

I don't ant to.

but I'm orried

hat is this kid doing, Aaliyah feels like she's gron up, but isn't she incapable of understanding the rights of others and afraid of the devil or something?

therefore, the dead should fear the other side no.

hat does it mean to attack the person you fear? I really don't understand.

hy is that?

Aria's mind couldn't keep up ith this development.

I better go for a hile.

chizuna atched from afar ho their relationship as developing and decided to act as if she didn't see anything at the moment and that future led things had nothing to do ith her.

ell, he just looked through the telescope and felt that he had defeated them both.

oh, stop, help me.

Aria spoke quickly, but at this point the other person pletely ignored her, as if she had lost her hearing.

this is the first time I have heard that this temporary partner behaved so badly.

hoever, if things continue as they are, this book ill be a no-go place. So Aria decided to fight back.

hy resist hen you don't have to?

or do you prefer something stronger? ell, if you are not satisfied, just beat until you are satisfied.

As if realizing something, michelle raised her hand and released a martial art that resembled a fire engine. It as as if several people ere simultaneously shooting the ground ith black Star guns.

If it doesn't ork, take action Are you full of muscle?

Aria replied, her body absorbed the opposite type forcefully, the magic field in her body blocked michelle's body from the outside like a huge armor, collided ith the iron force field and heard a strong k. collision of gold and iron.

michelle let out a small cry, and her hand movements became more strange, like lightning.

hoever, the magic field inside Aria's body did not break and pletely blocked the opponent's hand.

Alya took a breath, turned around, and alked aay ith a big smile on her face.

there seems to be no movement.

right? therefore

michelle didn't kno hat to say, but she heard Aliyah's voice.

I don't kno ho asked you this, but if you love someone, you should tell him ho much it hurts.

then ho is michelle? can I stay here? I think that's a good thing.

more than a dozen large flames appeared behind Aria, emitting bright flames that could kill her in one shot. At that moment, michelle felt attacked and trapped. this sensation is not an illusion, because the ball of fire that Aria summoned is not a fire polymer, but some kind of sensual animal hose gaze is fixed on michelle's head, saying that it ill happen in rapid development. this is not an exaggeration. impossible resistance.

So first of all, calm don, is there anything you can't say quietly?

michelle raised her hand as if trying to municate through body language, a gesture that caught Aaliyah's attention.

then suddenly, michelle ran to Aaliyah, hugged her in front of her, and suddenly kissed her.

ell, that's good.

hen michelle finished it, as many as 10 flames suddenly erupted.

hoever, michele as not hit by the flames and seemed to dance in the hot air, shining here the fire spread.

oh, don't be angry, you child.

michelle pulled back and said in an angry voice.

If I say that, hat ill you do suddenly?

right? Isn't that the magic of forgiving people?

Even if it existed, ho could such magic be created?

Aria yelled, but she didn't look like much.

083 hotel

Stop playing, you don't have much time left.

About an hour later, mr. chisner returns from afar. Needless to say, it as terrible nes to learn that michel, the magician of the gods, had not been to church. there is hope if the evil god does not e. then, even if the defeat of the old Gods at the hands of the evil as just a miracle that as difficult to imitate, even magic and immortality among humans could not resist the ill of the evil gods. It ill happen again. , I'm afraid that the result is the same thing that the old Gods destroyed.

therefore, the fall of evil is absolutely impossible, and even if it falls, no one in the infinite universe can make the divine evil. the Evil God Fortunately, the modern purpose of all churches is to call the evil God incarnate.

but things are different here at indmill. chisner knos that hardeg's intention is to summon the real evil god, and this is not the first time he succeeded, but if he prevents hardeg's successful summoning, everything ill happen. masu. safety. chizuna, ho ill bee a demon, is not afraid to face his opponent, because cthulhu's aura is so strong that he loses the ability to pare the poers of the to sides.

hoever, chizuna as full of hope that this time he ould be able to escape this eternal disaster.

but hen he came back to chizu, he heard loud shouts from everyone. there as no scent in the darkness, but I couldn't help but onder if I heard the animals returning.

After that, he as recently attacked by a beast, but hat attacked him as a monster that let out inprehensible demonic screams.

hoever, Aria believes that chizuna ill not do the same, as she also received some memories from the demon. Since such an act is futile, the man ho has bee a demon cannot be afraid of any animal, because the poer of the devil is even greater than that of a great god. but if God bees the devil, he ill be the orst devil.

hen transformed into a demon, these cla attacks are poerless against Arya and are difficult to destroy even ith Arya's body's magical field. No matter ho many magic fields there are, they are meaningless unless they are destroyed immediately.

therefore, for a poerful mage, it doesn't matter ho many roles the fish have, they are all unaffected creatures. therefore, a group of magicians like the black Sanctuary can destroy all the enemy forces ith just a fe magicians.

Aria is not afraid of the attacking animals, but of the unimaginable horror behind the animals that make the children horrible villagers.

this as because even if magic poer as naturally restored, it could be restored if the magic as judged to be correct, so it as impossible for an ordinary magician to aste the magic poer of these useless Sidars. Strong people gather. Legion. For example, the cthulhu family that Arya once summoned.

It ould be nice if these animals ere smart enough to obey, but most of the animals that attack are not very smart, hich confuses people more.

hoever, Arya had little idea hat it as. because if I'm right, these animals should change just because they see the silhouette of an unexplained being.

the evil god does not use any magic, but his thoughts can change the orld beyond human imagination, and even if he has separate parts, he is superior to all the gods and myths in the orld. he can't do anything, itnessing, knoing that someone is there, or even itnessing his presence is inplete and can cause changes on earth.

Rumor has it that if you look directly into the face of God, you ill ascend to heaven forever and bee holy. the universe testifies to the greatest isdom of all philosophers.

of course, this is just a rumor, and no one has confirmed hether it is true or not. hoever, seeing the many animals on display may make one onder if they have itnessed the presence of other gods.

the existence of gods is great, but not all of them are ancient kings or gods from the outside orld, and even ancient gods can have the characteristics of God. For example, the animal exchange?

Aria speculated that the other side had itnessed the ancient gods touch the moon? hoever, thinking back to hat chisner stated earlier, the idea as dropped because the other party as the church of the Evil God, a church that focuses on the so-called true Evil God.

Also, the black aura emanating from these animals as not like those ho orshiped the old gods, and as not as recognizable as the black aura of those ho bathed in magical ater. An ancient family of gods.

I as supposed to be there but I didn't expect anything serious to happen before I came back and everything as broken up, so I prepared everything and brought everything inside the house. If I don't let her out of the room, I on't be able to respect her no matter hat I do. It's my fault this time, so can I return her? please ait soon.

michelle made a similar denial, according to Alia's statement at the time.

hmm, aside from this situation, can I go back to the room earlier to get hat I need? the village is a monster because these animals have been transformed by the villagers. You ill die in a fe days, and once you die, I ill not let you e back and die the same ay.

No, ho can I die? I'm also a poerful magician, just a monster, it's easy. I didn't say I'm going to die, but if I die, at least let me die in my brother's arms before I die, because ho ants to die next to a monster?

Forget it, nothing yet.

Aria as surprised and delighted by michelle's sudden ords, but an explanation came from the other side.

I pretend that you are healthy, it is difficult to re-assure people's hearts, and no one knos hether you have a bad opinion after returning this time.

michelle said this as if she as hiding her guilt, but Aria didn't notice at all.

So do you ant to follo me too?

the anser is yes. because that's the only ay to do it. You don't tell me to ait here and e back, ho knos hen you'll be gone, and ho ill protect me if the monsters attack later? do I ant to return it for business purposes? If the person behind you ants a corpse, the next person ill take the robot to destroy directly, not you.

michelle cried in disfort.

I need your protection, but I am pletely incapable of fighting. At least not stable, not stable. If you don't orry about getting hurt, you can fight. It's so easy for me that I can't move after using it, even if it lasts for 30 seconds. but isn't there any magic in transformation? In this ay, poerful forces can be sent at ill. It's time to fight the government, so you better move on.

(As much as I ant to deny it, I have to say that he has a point. In that case, he might be taken. besides, the village is the most dangerous place, right?) After all, there is a church there. , and if the project fails, it can (at least be used to provide electricity; yes, it must be imported).

thinking of this, Aria smiled innocently, but her eyes became clear ith greed and greed, and it as clear that she as thinking badly.

he took michelle's hand and said seriously.

So hat are you asting your time on? this is a critical time.

ait a minute.

ithout michelle saying anything, Aria quickly picked her up.

If you all go, I'll go ith you, but I can't do anything.

chisner said this ith a smile, but in reality, he and michelle ere running so fast that they ere able to get through ton, so no one noticed.

And this place, called Garingisiri, has bee a garbage paradise. hite and silver can be seen everyhere, contrasting ith happy gray screams, crimson prisoners, burning gas, black aura, and other scary things. his vision as pure magic.

Aria as a third-class mage, and even though she ore the skin of a dragon, she as on the same level as them, and if she as discovered, the magic field inside her body ould not last long.

hoever, hen it came to monsters, it as true that even fools ho had reached the level of mere magicians could not be called enemies. hoever, the transformation of Aria and the other monsters is not plete, and hen they bee monsters, the number of God's bites increases, so one thing that bees clear is that there is a limit to ar time.

but the ton priest has never faced this problem, so hy aste his precious time on demonic monsters? Aliya finds it hard to accept.

therefore, everyone is forced to move from a fast posture to a covert operation.

No michelle is very beautiful, alks like a serial killer, seems to live in the shados, and alks quietly.

this time, michelle used her senses to talk to to people behind her.

does he exist? this is a hotel.

michelle pointed out the only hotel in ton. Although there are many olves, this hotel is apparently used regularly, leading people to believe that it is a olf paradise. because Aria still remembers exchanging keys to the village. the people in the hotel are crazy, but he is still crazy.

the robbers chased them, but they kne that if all the hotels ere to be robbed, most of Aria's things ould be there, and it as probably kept here.

No, michelle can't even speak ithout her voice, because she doesn't speak ith her vocal cords, but instead uses sign language, ithout ever making a sound. hoever, Aria used silence magic, so there as no problem even if she anted to speak out loud. hoever, seeing michelle's movements, Aria sloly folloed her movements and used sign language to municate.

Alright, let's go.

After saying the anser above the ords, Aliya's face turned cold. he quickly arrived at the hotel.

hoever, hen Aria sa that the people inside had also turned into animals, instead of entering through the front door, she used magic to create a rope and shot it through the hotel all at the speed of a bullet. After several hard pulls on the rod, Aria felt the rope loosen, so she entered the room and pulled the rope.

hoever, before the official entrance, Alia mitted suicide by hanging herself on the all. there as light outside the indo, but not in the room. And if you don't kno hich room you're in, and you alk into the rong room, is there an animal in that room?

hich room should I choose?

Aria told herself that she didn't kno hich room she as in, but mysteriously, after locking the line, she realized that there ere at least four rooms.

that's four questions.

hile Aria as thinking, michelle jumped up like a rising tide in the rainy season and quickly ran to four rooms, then found a random room and opened her arms. Not locked.

hen michelle jumps out the indo, Aria has no choice but to follo. It doesn't matter if others kno or if you kno.

they sang the spirit of Aria's body, and her feet rose from the ground, as if she had ings, and to invisible ings fle out of the room michelle entered and chased her.

chisner, on the other hand, did not ant to follo him, but ent straight to the door and knocked, but old Victor ho as supposed to be at the door, did not anser, as if there as no one. .

mr. pushed hard. chisner opened the door and discovered that it as not fully closed and could only be opened from the inside.

So hen chisner opened the door, he as greeted by the smell of alcohol, the air as not very pleasant, there as an explosion of hite gas, and the smell of shredded tobacco mixed ith alcohol. . . stink

chisner couldn't help himself and froned, and hen he looked at the door to the great hall, he sa no enemy as he expected, but an old man ith a pipe in his mouth, ho smokes.

there ere ine bottles and glasses nearby, and a tall tea-like liquid appeared on the ooden table, but it as only vodka. If you just look at the color, you might think it's a normal drink, but in this hotel, the smell of alcohol lets others kno hat's in the cup. but since there is no other drink than alcohol, chizner sees the truth of these drinks in a certain ay.

you are late

the old man drunkenly looked at the man ho came out of the door.

ell, I'm late.

chisner ansered sloly, and old Victor seemed really drunk ith the smell of cigarettes and cheap liquor.

hat are you doing here? he has moved on and there is no hope here.

So next time, next time I ill save this place

next time?

Victor said drunkenly.

Is there another option?

Yes, yes, as much as you ant, if you continue, you ill understand, because I have.

hen chisner said this truthfully, Victor responded ith a smile.

hat do you ant to do here today?

of course, e should try to discourage group activities, but this is not the first time, but hat e really ant is impossible.

Is there hope? but God can be poerless.

hile drinking ine, Victor gives a speech that shos that he doubts the poer of God in general. he used to be a christian, but this faith has long troubled him in a orld ruled by the forces of an evil god.

therefore, e need a stronger poer from God in your heart to be saved.

Victor's eyes seemed to ake up suddenly, but after half an hour, his eyes idened as if drunk, and he simply raised his hands and said:

Alright, e might end up ith the same thing, but so hat.

please keep these ords to yourself, Grandpa Victor.

chizuna hunched her shoulders, clasped her tired hands, and said gravely, like a sergeant talking to ne recruits before a battle.

because you are not one to allo yourself to be given?

chisner said, but there as no anger or irritation in his eyes, he seemed to be reading ith a stick in his hand, but this time he understood more than before, that's ho his heart is. peace, peace is like a tsunami disaster, peace is intoxicating.

hy is the light on hen no one is there?

From above, Aria's voice seemed to be ing from another room, folloed by michelle's voice, indicating that the sound control technology here is not good, maybe it's just them, she shouted. So said. .

on the first floor, Aria looked closely, and michelle smiled next to her.

Isn't it obvious that there is no one here? there are no sounds about olves here.

maybe the olves here are more intelligent and have the same behavior as humans.

because although I as physically damaged by violence, influenced by strange people, and thron into terrible trouble everyhere, my ability to understand my life remained undiminished.

that is

I understand that there is no need to rush no, but ho can I find it after I get close?

michelle said this proudly, but Aria suddenly punched her opponent in the head.

pain, hy did you punch me?

Next time don't forget to explain in advance, stupid.

hmm, are you bothering me?

Not like that anymore.

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