

第73章 紧张局势升级(1 / 2)
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hen Aria tried to question Izan, the oner of Azathoth's book kne about Aria's anger and understood hy this reaction happened, so the other person suddenly stopped talking. Forced silence.

(hy as I disappointed hen I realized this?)

hat Aria thought as right, chizuna didn't ant to say it, she couldn't say it because she didn't ant to confuse the evil god ho reincarnated her after death, even so, a lot has been said, enough is enough , the ise man ill face the end. but Aaliyah is stupid and stupid, and it's impossible to go rong using the ord stupid to describe her appearance.

hat are the cancellation rules? ho did chisner kno? Evil gods are not machines, so they don't need to use technology that harms humans.

thinking about brain cell problems is like eating soup ith a knife, it makes no sense.

hoever, Aria doesn't kno if she believes in reincarnation after death. ouldn't he be very happy if this actually happened? this is true immortality, to live forever in endless torment, able to challenge all difficulties, any kind of death, no difference beteen life and death. , this orld is beautiful and happy, die once and take it. Aria is jealous of this, she could have stayed ith her brother forever if she had the chance, but even if she as crazy she couldn't.

but I can only confirm that, and such a happy event is unlikely to happen, so I think there is a limit.

border? yes.

right? did I mention this?

No, but isn't it obvious hen you see it in your face?

chisner replied ith a smile.

080 monster

Is that ho it is ritten? Is it clear?

Aria didn't hear it at all, so she ondered if someone could read minds. but hen he looked at her ith such eyes, the other man shook his head and indicated that it as only for his relationship.

Seeing this, Aria rubbed her cheek in annoyance.

but they don't listen to me even if I ask.

hy? You didn't even listen to hat I said so clearly but you kept quiet and didn't say a ord. ?hmm, if you don't ant to say it that's okay.

No, this is not prohibited content. As long as I can survive today, I have no problem talking. hAt

(Even if you didn't mean it, are you seriously hurting me?)

After thinking about it, I realized that Arya as unfortable, so I anted to kno ho to talk to her directly through magic. Aria is impatient as a mage. If it asn't for the devil ho seemed to be sleeping, he ould have been impatient. because the dead are intentionally evil, but if you can't beat them, you can't beat them either. he couldn't stand anything.

they do not clearly understand their poers and act according to the situation ithout thinking. Arya is also a good model of a reformed immortal spirit, so she has no such problems and can at least sho patience.

I think it's very difficult because you alays have to explain it once and repeat it, and I've done it many times. . Again, it on't last long.

(Recently? hat does that mean?)

Aria tried to ask more questions, but the situation clearly told her that even if she anted to kno, there as no ay to tell her. So Aaliyah hasn't blushed yet, but her eyes look like displeasure, and she's ashamed of people ho say they're allies, but in reality they're just a secret group they don't ant to talk about, and that's it. It's sad and frustrating.

hoever, chisner himself did not understand and continued to speak.

hoever, as e approach the end, I ill take you one last time.

(ho about this plot about unexpected friendships?)

hen Aria finished the game and as about to leave, she felt a strange feeling as if on the other hand she had a purposeful expression on her face. It looks like the violence ill end soon. .

but it should be a good change, right? hy do I feel this ay?

Aria continued to think, but her anxiety gre and she continued to speak sloly.

So that doesn't stop me?

Aria stared at her opponent. he really anted to kno the anser, but he didn't ant to kno if his partner ould glare at him hen he made a move. Not long ago, the enemy did that ith the intent to kill, but on the other hand, God's poer is not false. If he continues to be restless, Aaliyah ill be forced.

No, I can't hit you no, it's not your first time meeting me, so you might feel better. this is the book of Azathoth. do you have a book?

. A function called bb mode, is it from the enemy camp? \"If you think about it, priest, it is possible that this priest became the oner of the book of Azathoth. hat terrible thing has happened to me?\"

right? did I tell you about this magical book?

Even though she thought that in her heart, Aria acted as if nothing had happened. If that person as really from the enemy's magic faction, I ould also be scared, but if it as someone else, there as no need to say such things directly. So there are to possibilities here.

(the first possibility is that the other party never kne the story of the book of Azathoth. the second possibility is that the enemy group never existed. this is just my opinion. this is a thought.)

of course, chisner as quick to respond.

No, finally, before you die, please stop if this happens to you again. because this person is not someone you can talk to. but at this point it should be different. this man is still alive

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