

第65章 埃尔德里奇谷(1 / 2)
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随着战斗的回声逐渐消失,蒙哥马利博士感到如释重负。ans ere melting, his blood and heartbeat sloed don in a chaotic and unnatural ay that a normal person ould not have survived, but John's body. . the reason he is still alive is because he belongs to the evil god clan.

from hom! ! ! !

John John John he as angry and invoked the name of the evil God, but there as no anser, and the evil God did not anser him.

In anger, he struck the ground ith both hands, leaving footprints in the sand and stones, and hen he touched something hard, he oke up.

hen Aria oke up, she hadn't slept ell, but her eyes ere still filled ith fear.

he turned and looked at the palms stretched out in front of him, young and smooth, and felt the nature of life, the heartbeat, the bleeding.

Aria said.

Am I not dead yet? ell, I'm not dead.

hoever, Aria's relationship seems to go sour, and the book of magic and evil - the book of Azathoth - is made fun of.

Just because I saved you doesn't mean you died.


Your life is over and it's up to me ho to live my ne life.

hat do you mean?

Aria as suspicious.

In short, you're dead, but thanks to my magic you're alive, but also normal, ho can you joke if you're not dead?

Aria as still stunned, but she felt the pain in her head being severed, and after the pain, she stared at the book of Azathoth in confusion.

is that so?

the real part.

Aaliyah remembers being alone, but ho is her brother?

he panicked immediately and ondered hat he as doing? hat is that?


this novel is ritten like a light book placed in a double-sided space, so I think the introduction should also include the text. (node)

this is not my first time riting a postscript, but it is a little more difficult to think about than riting a patch.

So, greetings and more. If you leave out the opening speech, no one ants to atch it. (Applause)

by the ay, can you please contact those ho are still atching? hen I sa this part of the chapter, I felt like no one as reading it.

So far, I've been riting this book for 40 days, and it's been over a month. please leave the title of the text and at least let the author kno that other people have read it. I think there ere at least 5 people.

I sent the contract notice a month ago, but I continued to send it, but of course I got no response. ell, maybe the letter got lost.

I ill check to see if I get an anser next monday. If you do not receive a response, find another address and try again.

ell, if you ant to plain, go here. rite your sentences carefully.

Readers reading this chapter should kno that the source of this book is mecha Roar, dynfreak, Unfinished Girl Love Kits, and many hidden settings (magic mods) \/ other groups. tracing the history of the myth of tithulhu. ell, there may be other settings, but overall the orldvie is dominated by the cthulhu mythos setting.

I'm sure some of you kno that this copy is in the siren-free zone. I also anted to copy this story directly into the cthulhu Infinite movie, but the thing is, it as years ago, so it's good to have it. I have some thoughts after atching it, but I don't have the confidence to atch it again, so I ill rite ith a negative opinion. hoever, if you use it as it is, some people may think that this feature does not match the original design, or that this feature does not match the original design.

I thought about changing the title to convey a sense of familiarity, but after thinking about it, I decided that it as the same as hat I rote before, that only God knos the origin. of course, it is impossible to incorporate the history of the cthulhu mythos into fiction, so it is easier to sho that this is the beginning of the cthulhu mythos. I don't kno if readers ho click here have read the original ork, the Adventures of drez, or Nayako readers, but in general, it has something to do ith the cthulhu mythos. I ant it too. No need to add it later. Lots of ments.

If you look at the number of books in your collection, you ill see that you are not good at riting; hoever, it is not very popular.

Ah, I did not rite the names of the characters that appear in this ork, but they are original names that appear in other orks, replaced by different names or different names. hat if you kno that this behavior shouldn't be seen on xx? don't orry, it happened, yes everything happened. of course, there is a ritten title - of course, this is the nature of the ork.

can you imagine giving up on something because the editing technique is bad or the author's name is terrible?

but if you choose a foreign name, it on't change much at all (lol)

ell, enough of the stupidity, if I keep talking, some people might say, \"this riter is crazy, if you have time to rite the main text, please update that chapter.\"

So let's stop the nonsense here.

After pleting the first copy of Azathoth's book, continue the exciting stories about the great adventures that took place in the real orld. hoever, this is a mon story, just like the victims of gangs. ell, even if it's an endless run, it's not God's macrocosm, so you have to return to your original orld after pleting your mission.

See you in the next volume.

Note: Is this today's update?

040 there are no people

Aria felt a strange fear of the evil hidden in the book of Azathoth. he seems to ant to deny himself, question his on character and fear the unthinkable.

For Aliya, please tell her that her brother is no longer in the past, present, future or even the orld. It hurt so much that he picked up a knife and stuck it in his heart until he thought he as going to die, and yes, it as death of spirit and of man, and it as cruel.

the memory of his soul told him that it as different from the memory of his heart. hich part is true and hich part is false?

Such issues have bee a major concern. because if Aria doesn't speak, no matter hat she thinks, it's like broken mud. It makes no sense at all.

hat is this, book of Azathoth, please tell me!

Aria stared at the book of Azathoth ith sharp eyes, but her eye attack had no special effect.

It is a book of evil magic, and if the human eye can overe it, it is a dream. of course, Aria kne it as pointless, but unable to stop her mind from moving, Aria controlled her eyes and revealed herself through them.

Arya controls pochi by casting magic on her body, but the mand is lost and pochi doesn't move at all.

At this point, Aria finally realizes that it is very difficult to believe in mythical creatures. Is it right to give strength to trust? Aria thought hard.

Since the magical book in front of him kept pochi inside Aria's body and his most loyal family, Azathoth's book replaced him as pochi's ruler, and pochi folloed him. I refused.

It as a different type of magic than Aria used, but it seemed to make no sense--and Aria anted to kno hat as on his mind, denying her memories. It's sad that it's there, and I kno hat's going on. he? Arya had no room to admit that. he ould not agree.

Aria's ideas are not mentioned in the book of Azathoth.

Although Aria is the master, she is used as a toy and plaything by the dark god in the evil god's magic book. , it is clear that this game is only the evil of God, not of people, and follos the rules of God and the rules of the game.

It may or may not be so. but here did the book of Azathoth e from? Ancient and modern research tells us that it is right or rong. I don't kno if this brings relief or despair.

It doesn't matter hat the oner thinks.

Above all, hether it as interesting to him or against God's principle of evil, the man as not on the list.

If you ant to kno, hy don't you go and see it ith your on eyes? my master

Aria as taken aback by the unexpected advice, but realizing her lack of concentration, she took a breath, regained her posure, and looked up at the giant. .

Yes, is it enough to go and see?

hoever, the question is hether this is the result you expect. If you have expectations, you might ignore this person.

hy are you dating me? do i kno you hat kind of person should I teach?

Alya had doubts, but her body as stronger than she thought, and she suddenly turned around and ran to the first floor.

After climbing the high stone stairs and passing the magic test, he ent don to the basement.

Nothing seemed to have changed, but Aria felt something strange in her heart, but she couldn't understand hat it as.

hat happened? No, that's not true, it's my magic, even if a demon ith the poer of an evil god es, you on't notice.

It's not because I really believe in Aaliyah's magic, it's the truth. Since Aria doesn't have an original book or any poerful magic books, she can't use eapons like the to magicians ant. certainly not as ell in other places.

So Aria as sure that if a demon came here, even a poerful magician ould not miss it.

thinking of that, Aria forgot that Najiya entered the house ithout her knoledge.

his heart beat ith spiritual fear. maybe he knos because he's afraid of the truth, or maybe he's too afraid to make a decision. terrorism is a poerful chain that pletely closes a person's body and mind, and is a severe curse.

So, Arya needs a ay to escape from the horror.

he took a deep breath, but it didn't help, but his heart seemed to jump out of his stomach and the blood floed through his veins like boiling ater. . It as still cold, but Aria's skin as et ith seat.

the pain in his body scared him, not because he as sick, but because he as afraid. Aria suddenly felt like she as about to e out of the sea, and a strong pressure came over her.

the speed began to slo don, there as no one around him except the empty iron cell, and everything seemed normal, except for the sound of the ind in his ears, as if bitten by an evil demon. Is anyone really scared? Aria is very confident

ait, ind? Empty metal dungeon? ho?

hen Aria itnessed the situation, she felt nervous, as if insects ere craling on her skin, and almost trembled.

he took out a magic book - \"testimony of the ise monk cretanus\" poerful spells and demonic energy rose from his body, and the ind quickly ble aay the dust.

Aria folloed in fear. If she slos don, some horrible, incredible creature ill e out of the darkness and crush Aria's soft little body, and her flesh ill bee food.

he kne it as nonsense, but the fear and anxiety in his heart prevented him from thinking too much. At this point, it is better to say that the mind is the most unreliable.

Like a character in a horror movie ho doesn't really believe in ghosts, and after thinking about it from a normal orldvie, he tries to admit that he's dead, that he doesn't exist believe in his ideas, and that everything is a Sa, yes, it only happens hen an evil spirit sends him to bee buddha.

It is said that if you put on a life-saving sord, you ill immediately bee a buddha; that is, if you ear armor, you ill be called buddha. therefore, Arya, ho did not ant to bee buddha, took for himself the knife, a real magic book, different from evil books like the book of Azathoth.

Aria didn't play as usual, but entered the room immediately.

It's better to go faster and deeper here, isn't that self-destructive?

If this place bees the abode of evil creatures, then it is definitely a path of death.

hether or not Aaliyah remembers these things, she has other, deeper reasons. Just folloing the truth is enough to fear death.

Aria, ho is scared to death, bees a master magician to the point here her thirst to discover the truth of magic leaves her body, her environment, and her life.

but no matter hat his life as, he as afraid of death. because his desires are not aroused.

As a mage, asn't it like this from the beginning? Arya as a mage hen she got this body, so her destiny as a mage as already decided hen this body as born.

Aria opens the door and saves her brother, and Elixir is finally saved. he has a habit of hoarding important things.

hoever, it is deserted, there are no people to be seen, and even the evil god clan that settled here has disappeared.

hoever, there is no right anser for the magician, and he doesn't kno that the evil Familiar God is not here or that the monster Aria disappeared before.

hat kind of content is it?

Aria looked ahead and shuddered, groaning at the question but not asting time thinking, her eyes darkening.

Aria backed aay, but closed the door. he obviously didn't close the door, but in a moment of uncertainty he did, slamming the door shut so loudly that Aria heard it. A sharp pain shot through my back, and I don't kno hat happened, but the darkness in front of me changed again.

here are you from?

the strange creature didn't anser, but Aria inced in pain, stood up, boed her head, and jumped like a donkey. he ent to hers and left around 6. he as only a fe meters from the door hen he hit the bed so hard that it fell to the ground ith a loud thud.

Aaliya says she felt cold as she just sa Aaliya not moving.

here are you from?

but there as no anser, so Arya stood up and left, a beautiful soul singing, it as goblin magic.

the hite haired man then punched the stranger.

A hite light illuminated the sky, and Arya clearly sa something unknon, oh God, hy are there such creatures? Aria strangely remembered the dunich monster.

the unknon spirit made a strange, demonic noise that Aaliyah really anted to put her ears to. because, of course, you'll never hear a voice like that again. this as no indescribable joy for Arya, but someho God stopped her.

the magic struck the beast's body, and a strange human face appeared on the beast, as ell as a hite light shining like a tailed fire on its skin.

Aria's body gave off strange strength, and although she as not used to fighting, her steps became unsteady.

the ords danced like steps that sang to the soul.

due to the difference in level, Aria's position changed every day, and even though the monster stretched out its fat and scales, Aria couldn't stop it, but unfortunately, the soft bed hit her directly. . A stone fell from the roof and left a large hole in the ground.

Aria read the ords out loud as the rocks fell to the ground.

please go back to the orld you live in.

A strange spell as applied, and the monster screamed, and at the same time his body felt as if it as being torn, shaking terribly and terribly, and the monster as tearing him apart. dispersed into the atmosphere as molten oil.

hen the monster disappeared, Alya received an envelope rapped in greaseproof paper, the cover facing her sister, and Alya as relieved, thinking that the monster had left her body.

he looked and sa that a soft bed as holding him, he ould return to the good land ithout being tempted by adversity, he could not stop thinking, if he as beaten. hat ould happen? If you get hit, you die.

041 Letter (1)

Aria accepted the envelope, forgetting some hypothetical questions.

the seal of the letter as covered ith something like fire ax, and it seemed impossible to remove it easily. Aria raised her voice and held out a 5mm long light knife. Lighteight knives do not use heat and are so light you may think they are not there.

It's not hot or heavy, but the stance is sharp and not intimidating.

this page is magical and easy to use ithout planning. but at least it as very useful for opening envelopes, the eapon made the job easier, Arya's fingers made a nice bo, and the ax on the envelope seemed to cut as easily as the envelope, like hot butter. the seal as then opened and pure hite letters appeared from inside.

the environment there as so cold that Alia fell into a state of depression and even found it difficult to alk.

A izard ith memories from his past life, he used to fear the hatley monster, but never believed in it.

contrary to his appearance, he is just a coard. Regardless of her brains or looks, she is definitely a oman.

Aria remembers her past life like a novel or movie she once read.

It looks like you have plete memory control. Aria ill never forget these memories - no matter ho satisfying or brief.

It's like a arning of ho I really am.

Even hen Alya foolishly returns home, she is afraid of tears not because of self-confidence and the magical poer that es ith it, but because it is a manifestation of her thoughts of poerlessness.

confidence? this is a magical illusion. Arya had no courage in her heart. It is the only knoledge of all that is placed in the magical realm.

my hands ere shaking and I took the letter. the paper still felt arm on my body. Aria hoped it asn't the monster's internal temperature, because if it as, it ould definitely be a nightmare. I ant to remember those things.

Aaliyah ent to the table, there as also a orkbench in this room, Aaliyah stretched out her right hand and pressed the lamp ith her little finger, the light started to enter the room, then the light ent out, probably because of a collision. Aaliyah asked. his body felt arm and he as bloing hite smoke from his mouth, the temperature here as not good.

Aria bent don and unfolded the letter under the light. It also has some sentences ritten in Latin. Although the text seems ancient, Aria is able to translate the above into modern times.

Aria did not feel the magic, so Aria, ho as resting, also looked at the letter ith her eyes, missed something and put her hand on the paper. As I sang, I slid my fingers along ith the song, dancing around the paper and reading every ord.

I also agree ith this sister's opinion, you don't kno hat happened yet, it's normal but the day came so quickly that's hy I'm a little sad, you and your If my sister is ith me, I'll see this magic. book. , I came right aay, especially to give my sister some rest, because I kno that the problem ill be solved soon.

Seeing this, Aaliya did not kno hy her body as cold. his mind seemed to be trying not to remember, but that as not true. he even explained hy he kne something but couldn't remember. . perhaps all the so-called reasons appeared in his mind like a oman, and Alya quietly read the ords and decided to mit them to memory.

ho can you explain if you ant? I think a lot about that but I can't understand you if your position is different, stupid sister.

ho are you calling stupid? bastard, I'm smart!

Aria tries to remain placent, but this starts to alarm the rest of the group, and Aria questions her Iq.

ell, sister, I'm sure you on't be satisfied hen you see this.

So let's start from the beginning, hello, hen e first met, I'm Alice hatley, eldest child of the hatley family, sister of ilbur hatley, to use my sister's usual expression, this is the dunich monster. Sister, even if you are afraid of death, you ill meet my brother.

So hy did she bee first lady? I am the first oman to in, not because of the time I as born, but because I am stronger than other omen.

hoever, e ill not give any introduction here, as the focus is on the next step.

rite don the important points directly and post them later. Isn't it interesting? Aria groaned in disfort, then glared at him.

my sister is the eldest daughter of the ortley family, so she has the same body as me. my body is like the color of the daughter, or sister, of the demon Yog-Sothoth. I am the devil.

hat? I don't kno hat it is?

Aaliyah's fingers gripped the letter, as if she had just read it in the freezer, and she began to shake uncontrollably, and her face as as ugly as I imagined. I don't understand, it's a lie, I can't do anything, yes, it's just a lie.

ho am I, daughter of Yog-Sothoth? yes? here is my evil beast? Are e the same tribe as the dunich monster? God, ho could this be?

I am a human mage, a beast ho destroys his on body and mythical creatures to live forever, but I am a pletely different being than those evil gods, and I am a beast ho destroys in my on body and mythical creatures to live forever, but I am a different creature than the evil gods, these evil, abominable, abominable things. blasphemy. . Family, it's impossible, I can't believe it.

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