

第60章 最后的对峙(2 / 2)
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of course, he as afraid that the exchange of knoledge ith the devil ould not go as planned.

Although they look different, the animals that look like divers must be real divers, and if they are separated from the public, their true magic ill haunt people. It's really frustrating because I don't get any knoledge even hen fighting or talking.

hoever, hen pochi thought about the previous danger, there as a terrible divine poer in the sea, and the divine aura as clearly displayed.

Aria thought for a moment that there must be some kind of religious order to be found here.

If there is a religious order, there must be a priest or a magician.

the first is a person ho has acquired magical isdom through the isdom of an evil god, and the second is a magician ho orships the evil god as a true being and loves the isdom of the evil god .

hatever it is, they are all animals on the path of transcendence, and yes, they are human, but they are not human.

Aria didn't ant anything to do ith these to, they ere too dangerous. I don't kno if I have a chance to survive in the hands of the strongest of them, or even the strongest of them. the strongest is unknon.

hoever, this is only the orld of \"the book of Azathoth\", so there is no problem, and it ill be easy to be surprised.

She did not realize that her thoughts ere directed toards blind optimism, suppressing the anxiety in Aria's heart, and no, as she alked, Aria did not see any hope. the ground as like sand, and so as the orld. he felt as if he had eaten something.

If you don't ant to go to the village, it's safest to thro yourself into the sea, stay on the ship, or control pochi's poer to change the ings to black and fly directly to your home in this orld. hen should you orry about it?

of course this is just a thought

hoever, pared to the terrorist incident in quovich, Aria as surprised by the cursed magic book, and did not forget that the ``book of Azathoth'' as not hers, so even though the boss called her, Aria on. he didn't kno hat this magical book as, so he trusted him pletely.

this is the spellbook of Nyarlathotep, the spellbook of a thousand gods, the god hidden outside, the miracles of his mouth are impossible even for a fool, and that is a good thing.

Arya tried to control his ill to use divine poer in front of the situation at hand, but he soon realized that his persistence as pletely futile.

the Gospel of Nyarlathotep contains absurd things that human isdom cannot understand.

Everything happens in the future that God foretold outside. It is an infinite movement and time is just a chaotic process.

the eather seemed to be getting orse again, the ind and clouds changed, many hite lights appeared in the sky, a loud voice as heard, and suddenly there as a roar, like a grenade exploded in my ear.

Aria asn't earing a mask, the rain as falling lightly, her cheeks ere red from the strong ind, and she as released ithout even drinking alcohol.

In addition, he ondered if the lightning in the sky also had a purpose, like the oman ho released the poer of the sky ho suddenly turned around by scattering ind and lightning from the sky and struck them into the sea. . aves he as also struck by lightning.

but actually the orst part is that Aria's lifeboat, it seems the car died and lost poer, so I think Aria didn't reach the beach. It ends in half. Even if you have insurance, it on't help you right no.

Aria heard the sound of the car moving, she felt that she as dead, and her face as very dirty, so she tried the car again, but even after doing it three times, there as no improvement, and Aria I can't understand.

this old car that should have been oned by the citizens of this country for a long time as destroyed.

he really ants to destroy this cursed machine and thro it into the sea in one breath, Raleigh cthulhu, the great ruler of the Sleeping Sea, see this can miracles be done in the sea?

Aria knos that cthulhu is also an evil god, but it's not as bad as the gods and buddhas, but she has to be suspicious of hat people think of gods and goddesses (hich of course includes many myths created). the evil god ill appear from time to time in the next issue.

because this is not a itch, but actually a god ho is not separated from the family.

the engine is bad.

At least Aliya ouldn't have been polite and recited the Nembutsu in person and then set the car on fire so that this angry car ould go to the buddha.

hoever, the lifeboat as constantly filling ith ater, and since the boat as far from the village, going back as not even an option. his thoughts.

Fortunately, the lifeboat has to long, flat ooden sections that allo you to replace the engine by hand.

Aria gritted her teeth hen she sa that the bees ere almost alone, but still not enough, so she took the bee by force and moved to her place to find a better tool. , at least one phone. I ent to the village here I live. You can praise him for asking for help.

It looks like a deep sky here all these sea animals live and there is an evil god hiding inside the sea. A place here families gather.

but that's not true, it's not a diver, it's not America, it's not Innsmouth in front of me, it doesn't fit, I sloly read the name cthulhu and froze. . Aria alked to the beach ith the urge to sing those ords.

After catching my breath, I realized that there as no one on the beach and the indos of the houses ere closed, but this as not an abandoned village. Aria could clearly hear the chanting of the nuns, it sounded like a sacred sound. . Angels

I couldn't hear hat the song as because I as far aay, but logically it had to be a song.

All these songs don't believe in God, Aria thought to herself, but she thre aay everything she kne ithout thinking. .

he as about to go to the place here he sang and as ashamed of it, so he pretended to believe and thanked God, aiting for salvation from the synagogue that never happened before. .

In fact, he as very shy. I alays go to church alone, eat for free, treat church like a restaurant, things like that all the time. , because of her brother's relationship, Alia can't get food. there is no ay around it.

In addition, these churches often say that because God loves the orld, it is important for God's servants to help the poor ho are suffering from the enemy of hunger.

Remembering her past embarrassment and perhaps feeling cold from the heavy rain, Aria alked quietly and carefully.

If you listen carefully, you ill notice that this as supposed to be a arning from pochi, but pochi either ignored it or claimed not to kno because he as seriously injured. maybe the cold ater chilled you.

hen I entered the church, instead of a beautiful cross indicating free food, I sa a strange sign. ,

At first, Aria thought that this church as catholic because of the structure of the building, but the decorations inside pletely destroyed that idea, shoing that it as not a catholic church but a church built by someone else.

he secretly opened the door, hoping no one ould notice his quick entry.

the rain did not stop, and the ater poured don my cheeks, head, and fingers, and at the same time the pain disappeared and I felt the cold in my body, so I ran ithout thinking of ing back. his heart had never met anyone before,

he sa a building ith English riting on it.

Although Ghani as badly damaged and did not look very clean, and looked like it as buried alive after the earthquake, it did not collapse.

Aaliyah, I don't ant to ment about this hotel, no matter here you stay, except for my brother and his girlfriend, I don't kno here they are going or here they are. Kno hat to do. Return conditions.

Aria, ho doesn't have magic, is a bit confused, but musters up the strength to open the hotel door and enter.


Aria deliberately spoke in Spanish, probably because she kne she as Spanish.

Sitting in front of Aaliyah as an angry man earing a hotel manager's shirt and holding a bunch of keys behind his back.

Apparently this place is open for business. hat orried Aria the most as that the man's neck as as big as Sharpay's skin.

Yes, hat kind of business do you have?

Aria guessed Spanish, so she thought she as lucky and right, and as ready to say the next thing, but she didn't seem to have any money, so thinking about that made it difficult to speak. .

Aaliya thinks no I don't have money, please give me a room to stay, I am not shy, even a fool on't believe me if someone tells me that.

Not only is Aria useless, she doesn't do anything to really make her fall in love ith others.

As for Veroni and touka, Aria only said that she anted their blessing.

he didn't use magic at the time, so it had no effect, and the family he met survived the gunshots, but ithout magic, that ould be his main attack, otherise everything ould be useless. hy not just stand there and ait for death instead of running aay?

016 poseidon's treasure (9)

``book of Azathoth,'' I said, ``Are you telling the truth?'' do you help people achieve their dreams?

this mysterious xiao u looked like a person ith long sno-hite hair ho lived in an ancient villa. From the appearance of the symbol, a strong person should survive. , ho can I create a sense of luxury? but no it is pletely deserted, as it has been abandoned for many years. No, no, but it is not a human settlement.

Judging by the feelings in my head, it must be something called the devil's sanctuary or the devil's abode, but there is no fear on the face of the beautiful oman, so I can't figure out hat it is. . this is the bedroom. that's one thing, but never fear.

Soon he stopped being afraid of those fascinating emotions, emotions that prevented him from entering the paradise of business, and they regretted him long ago ithout regret.

No the eather is bad, the thunder is alays thunder, hich scares people to their core, but the girl sits ithout shelter on the roof, raising her face to the ind in front of the rain. he fell, but he as there. her thin hair, soft and hite fingers, her beauty is like the sky, the rain does not disappear, her clothes do not get et in the rain, ater does not penetrate her body, and yet she shines. . the hite smoke that as 3 meters aay from him evaporated before it touched his figure.

he didn't have a knife, he didn't need one, because even the sky and the strong ind turned into a gentle ind before his eyes, as his raised hand. there is a magic book. At that moment, someone as floating in the sky 10 centimeters aay from him. It as Azathoth's book, and it certainly asn't his magic book, since he didn't have any magic books himself.

of course, even if all your ishes don't e true, even if you ant to bee evil gods that people don't understand or ancient gods that people orship and dream about, you on't bee them. , like sending a ish, is not at all difficult to understand. this is your third game, here I ask you, is your ish easy? As one of the thirteen terrors, I have no need.

of course, this is a simple ish, but it is clear that it is a simple ish, but there is no ay to make it e true, there is no other ay than to ask an evil god for a miracle, and taira. If xiao u or xiao u does not ant to help people ith such a desire, but among many demons there are magical people like xiao u, but he ants to give to people. hope and salvation, are you alone?

ell sir, your dreams ill e true immediately, not immediately, please understand from the beginning, yes, your dreams ill e true in stages, and despite the game, it is a lot of games continued . , a prize cannot be redeemed once. Even terrorists cannot break this rule.

of course I understand, don't be pessimistic, don't think others are stupid, you ill be the first to see your dreams e true.

No, it is part of your ish, soon the ish you asked for ill e true, you ill live until then, but even if it is not good to put your ishes before God. poer of Satan and God, no good result. It is not good to look for evil from the beginning. You need to understand it better, but still.

the book of Azathoth suddenly responded ith a loyal and responsible grimoire character, hich as very interesting, but the oman spoke softly, folloing her lips.

of course I kno that, but if you can't or have the desire, you ill fall into hell and bee the devil. rescue. he must understand better than others that desires are the same for everyone. the fear and ishes that remain in my heart are alays just illusions, but for me they are not illusions, they are my desires.

Aria's vision returned to the so-called inn in the village, and since Aria had no money and as told that she as not alloed to use magic even if she as a izard in this orld, she decided to speak properly .

he is afraid of bad people - or surprises from this magic book, it is very dangerous for a person to meet other religious groups ithout magic, he ill not take the singer seriously. this organization has no consideration for foreigners.

At least he anted to talk sense, but he had to protect his health first. hen he can't use his divine poer, he drops the invisible gun, he is alone. Something you can count on.

ell, I'd like a room, please.

Aria told her about her sister's condition, but the stranger in front of her said nothing, grabbed the keys from behind her, thre them into her hands, and ordered her to go upstairs and find a room.

Aria as a bit saddened by his sudden silence, but she ignored his intention to ask for money and stepped onto the ooden platform, stopping every time she stood.

before he got up, he sa a scary fish head, the strange colored alls made him unfortable, everything here looked like Innsmouth.

but not America, Aria might think it's stupid, yes it's just an illusion, there's no second chance, Aria sloly tapped her cheek ith that thought.

Aria gets the key to the room but doesn't kno hich room it is and has to try each room to find out hose room it is, but luckily Rand is in the third room. I opened it.

hen he entered the room, he sa an unexpected person.

brother? hy are you here?

I ant to apply for the incentive, but I am staying in a hotel.

At first he thought Arya came back to die, but something happened, maybe her brother Jon had a bad relationship ith his friends and tried to kill her. I thought, hat happened? , all on board ere killed.

Even though she thought about it, she couldn't find an anser, and Aria felt sad and continued.

Aria sa her brother in this orld and realized that he as sleeping. maybe someone called him sleeping, he as sleeping on a ooden chair. Aria turned, and the light alloed me to see clearly. Although he has not been enlightened, it is true that unless you are a spirit called by God, it is difficult to explain hy he is not in bed.

ho ould leave a thin bed to sleep on a ooden chair?

thinking of these strange things, Aria as so scared that she almost knocked over the iron table behind her.

ah! !

Immediately Johanna opened her eyes and screamed as if she had seen an evil demon, and Aria heard an explosion and an alarm as if a grenade had been set off. . .

Aria heard the sound of someone hitting her head, and immediately put her hands on her ears, suddenly retreated a little, her cheeks red ith anger, and said:

hy does my face argue ith fire?

No doubt, Aria thought, hen this man sa her face, she screamed, is he evil? ill I cry as if seeing an evil spirit? he didn't have a good personality, and he didn't like the pain of seeing people, but he asn't at the level of seeing an evil demon.

Aria thought to herself and felt that it as orse.

No, that's eird.

but hen Jon spoke again, Arya's confusion gre, as if she had drunk three bottles of ine.

hat are you talking about?

Arya asked, confused and unable to understand hy she screamed like a devil hen she first sa him, to hich Jon calmly replied.

I heard myrna e in and look out the indo.

Arya suddenly interrupted Jon's explanation.

do you dream of meeting a girlfriend? God, ho angry are you ith your girlfriend, no, she's supposed to be beautiful, but you're so self-centered? maybe you need to see a psychiatrist, or do you ant to confess to God? If the latter, I am a spiritual person and a pastor, so I can do it no.

Aria, this evil cafere (note 1) does not kno hat it means to pretend to be a shameless teacher.

ait, I didn't finish talking, aren't you listening? my brother is really tired.

ell, please, no evidence.

Seeing that Jon as sad, Arya held up her hand to sho that she could continue and that she asn't going to say anything else that didn't make sense.

the next time I sa her face, I couldn't believe it, the girl's cheek, the young oman, from my previous dream.

do you think about a girl in your dreams? Also, I am afraid to look at him, and as a careless person like you, I ant to make you buddha.

before Arya could speak, she sa Jon raise his hand to smack her head, and quickly stood up and said,

mermaid? hen I talk to you it's like I'm dreaming like that.

Aaliyah ansered and explained some of the characteristics of this god. then Aaliyah receives a strange ment from Yahya. because hat Aaliyah said as really her dream, she said,

did you really kiss me?

because it's the sea, normal ords are eak, you can only do things your ay, you're smart, and you can send your feelings to another person's heart by kissing them. .

Aliya spoke the truth, but to Yahya's ears it sounded like a child's trick.

hen you kiss, you can hear the other person's feelings, hich sounds like a theory only seen in romance novels, but John thought it as normal based on Arya's body type and atmosphere, and had no problem expressing it. this. . . his dream.

he is her brother, at least mentally and physically.

but John has something to say.

there is no poer to reason in this orld, so you should not accept the actions of others. Even if there is no money, I ill help you.

Knoing about Aliyah's ork, John took the opportunity to teach her, even though Aliyah and John had not knon each other for long. he had heard stories about him like this in the orld, and he had read them before. I said.

It's not a lie, it's true, I on't sho it to you for special reasons, but it's all true, don't believe it, everyone in this orld is smart, don't believe it. Just think that the human mind can understand everything, just like ants cannot understand the human mind or civilization. people cannot understand these creatures any better than the human mind.

Aria ants to give her good knoledge and good ill, but Johanna quickly refuses her because Johanna does not believe in the existence of evil gods and Aria ants to send her to the first demon in the future. please call your family or Familia taurarua directly to guide Yahya.

but it's also a good idea that Arya doesn't stop just to teach others.

No matter ho much Aria puts herself first, even the people she loves don't meet her standards.

he made changes to his body to gain immortality, but he never ent mad and became a demon, like a sorcerer hose body is possessed by an evil god, or built a life for himself ith the evil god. Any changes in your family or body.

Although this is an improvement, it is extremely dangerous.

okay, okay, that's enough, but hy are you here? You asked me to ait for the plane, right? I ent back to the ship, but there as no one there.

toca and Veroni, can't you see?

No, please do not change the subject.

isely, Yahya presented his thoughts to Arya, hich made him think deeply, but soon Arya asked.

So, hat do you do? brother, I leave the decision to you.

I need to bring myrna back from this hell, she's here too, but I can't find her.

Jon made his point in one sentence, and Arya responded ith the same ords as Jon.

there are to possibilities. Either these people got him or he rejected you. but for me, I can't accept a second chance.

Arya says that ith a smile, but Jon says something to defuse the situation.

Isn't this rain soaked dress cool?

Note 1: this applies to unbelievers and unbelievers.

017 poseidon's treasure (10)

of course it as very cold, very cold, and my first thought as to dry this shirt in the dryer, but that as not the case at all.

Arya quickly pulled her smile aay and replaced it ith disapproval, before ansering Jon's question.

but, of course, I came here because I sa animals ing out of the sea in a boat. I heard you couldn't kill them ith bullets, and that you ran for your life here before you could pick up a gun and fight. . And. I screamed and then I didn't kno anything else and ran and ran and got on the lifeboat and ran and got here.

Aria said that she is not seen as evidence for the poor and people still ant to admit her to a mental hospital.

Even ith the orld vie of God and the devil, I don't kno if there is something rong in the author's head, or if he is crazy to think that the country can take advantage of something that is not right. this is not evidence.

but at this point, Aria asn't lying. Everything he said as true and nothing but the truth, but looking at John's ords, he kne he couldn't believe it, just me. the evil gods and other mysterious animals in this orld are alays involved in hunting games that are prohibited by people in human society, but they do not understand hy they cannot believe in the existence of God.

Arya took a deep breath and looked at Jon ordlessly, stopping to reason ith him.

hoever, he has begun to understand this village, and Aria believes that this non-believer, ho refuses to believe in the existence of mythical creatures, ill soon be surrounded by a storm of monsters. because of fear, a heart ill arise that does not kno hat love is in this orld.

this is not a orld dominated by Scientology here things can be dismissed as unscientific.

maybe he shouldn't have e to this village in the first place, but did he have a choice?

Yes, if you are careful from the beginning, there is maybe a 30% chance of opening it, but in this village, the probability is higher.

but there as no point in regretting it, Arya muttered in her heart, and hen she shook it out of her head, she heard Jon's ords.

ell, needless to say, I understand you don't ant to stay on the boat, but it's too dangerous to e here in a lifeboat.

Johanna said it quietly at first, but as she said it, she thought of something.

If tukta, toka, and Veroni are also lost, and they see a monster, do these robbers look like animals?

You are creative, brother.

Aria couldn't understand the dark parts of his heart and concluded that she had stayed in the magical orld for so long that she had forgotten hat ordinary people thought.

they're just normal people, like the stupid supporting characters in a horror movie, and ho can blame magic or monsters for those things?

In this case, the angry public confronted the police, and the people of this household accused

him of a pletely invisible crime, and since he as under his control, he had to ill resign.

Yes, you can think of anything, I'll take a shoer and sleep, so you can think of anything.

hen Aaliyah finished speaking, she changed and opened the bathroom door. Amazed that John had thought of something, he quickly ent and dragged Aaliyah out of the bathroom.

please do not use

Are you orried about hat you are doing and hat you ant to immerse yourself in?

Arya didn't even kno hat it as and didn't put her clothes back on, planning to take a quick shoer after convincing Jon.

Get over yourself.

Jon opened the door and Arya looked into the bathroom from the dark room. Jon turns it on and the dirt continues to flo even after Arya is pletely scared.

do you ant to take a shoer like this?

John said sarcastically as he closed the door, turned on the lamp, and took the basket off the bed to reveal its poor condition.

hen Arya sa the scene, she immediately understood hy Jon as sleeping on a ooden chair, but she didn't ant to sleep in his bed.

I'm sure you on't be able to sleep after atching this.

Jon's voice asn't very good, but Arya as desperately trying to put on arm clothes. there is no substitute here.

hat is this place? ho ould ant to stay in a hotel like this?

Alia plains about this, she hates this situation, she ants to find a good place, take a hot bath, sleep in a good bed and sleep ell, but if this situation lasts long I don't ant to continue. Soft bed. At first, he thought he ould sleep ell.

but this hotel didn't give him a chance. No this hotel can give people a good night's sleep, and only the chairs can give people a good night's sleep, so he quickly sat on the chair and moved aay from himself. please rest and sleep ell, and if you have ork, don't talk until tomorro.

don't sleep, stay in bed?

I'm really tired, so I'll call you hen I have ork tomorro.

to Jon's big question, Arya ansered that of all things, nothing is more important than sleep.

If possible, she ould have chanted the ords to the spirit and gone straight to Azathoth to cleanse herself, but it as just a thought, and Aria didn't have any simple magic to summon a god, and needed help. to contact the god. I only kno the conditions. .

It is a form of magic here the priests and magicians of certain evil gods exchange the knoledge and poer of the evil gods, and although it is not dangerous for anyone but the magician, it can be difficult if the body of the evil god appears. It's hard to say hat kind of disaster it is, but in fact, there's usually an earthquake or a blood sacrifice is required before the spell can be cast.

basically, nothing good ill happen to you or anyone else.

on the other hand, Aria couldn't do that dangerous ritual and didn't ant to be sent to the mental hospital the next day.

hen he and Aaliyah find themselves in such a situation, he lazily goes to the indo, opens it, looks at the eather, and blos the sea breeze so that he has the strength to face the future. he as earing rain-soaked clothes, but he felt stronger than Aria after a good night's sleep.

hoever, Jon soon regrets his decision and begins to believe Arya's ords.

Since she as really looking at animals, Aria sa strange things outside the indo, like frogs mixed ith people, and hen she sa them, she as so surprised that she called mushan \"Inshi\".

then something orse than seeing a dragon happened. John sa one of the dragons that looked like Innsmouth. one of them stuck his head out of the indo and a strange finger came out.

then something orse happened, and the other animals folloed the monster's finger and looked at him, all their eyes on Yahya, and they let out a terrible and evil scream.

Like a hunter enjoying his prey, John realized something as rong and immediately closed the indo.

I started to hear more footsteps. that means countless people are ing toards him and alays ing toards him. After thinking about it, John realized that these creatures ere not and could not be humans, and that they ere a species. Radiation mutation. Is it something pletely alien, separate from man?

their bodies sho a special state of fear in a mysterious ay that can only be understood spiritually, and not physically. , but Johanna fixed it anyay and locked it, and a fe seconds later there as a knock on the door.

John felt happy and felt that there as still hope.

teacher, ho can I help you?

but Joanna also regretted, because it as difficult for Johanna to recognize them as people because of the things outside, but they knocked on the door, no, just loudly. It as not an announcement. he didn't look back and hit the door as if he anted to destroy it.

only then did John realize that he didn't kno if they ere in this room or that room, it as just a test, and his stupid mind alerted the monsters.

God, hat stupid thing have I done?

he then approached Aria ho as lying on the couch and caressed her deeply. he didn't ant to say it, but John felt it and anted to slap him some more.

ho are you

Arya responded by screaming as Jon slapped her hand aay, and she also heard a knock on the door.

You are rude, you forgot hat you did, you can explain.

Aria's head didn't e out properly, but she felt that no as not the time to listen. If she didn't use magic, she could only use the six bullets left in the automaton, so let's not talk about the ending. You can kill those animals, or you can kill in one blo ith 6 bullets, he can kill 6 people, that's the limit.

So he left everything to the end and ran aay, unable to put all his hopes here, unable to use magic here, and despairing of defeating the demon. God, Leah's love ould not allo that. E

hy are you still here?

Arya as furious hen she sa that Jon asn't moving, but she ignored it and quickly grabbed Jon's hand and ran to him, ansering him as she oke up from her dream.

there is no exit.

then jump, this is the first floor.


there is nothing else.

Arya interrupted Jon and spoke in her usual tone.

there are to options: jump here or ait at the door to be killed by the monster.

ho do you kno it's a monster outside the door?

From hat I sa on the ship, they ere using guns and animals that shouldn't be killed.

Aria replied ith a smile.

018 poseidon possession (11)

As a man living in a modern civilized society, John initially did not believe in the existence of supernatural beings.

he as catholic, but he did it to be active.

Although he himself is a capitalist and does not believe in theology at all, he seems to have no support in his daily life pared to the past, and even ants to cause chaos and test his folloers. ?Free market economy? this kind of God must be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

John heard the ideology and poer of the economy from the stock market and it made him proud, so he left the God he believed in and instead believed in the economy, hich improved his life. more interesting than a pletely useless god.

So hen John found out that his sister as his sister in business, he didn't give her a single penny and said that he didn't believe in the poer of the mind and that it as foolish to take advantage of people's hearts in that ay. .I even thought about it. the betrayal situation is very sad and no matter hat kind of person his brother is, he is still unhappy because he feels that he is not strong enough to trust his brother to betray him.

but no he has no choice but to believe hat he thinks is a lie, and instead, for the first time, the free market economy that as supposed to lift him to the top of his life has bee useless. hat an amazing experience

hey, do you ant to jump?

John asks if he doesn't kno if he should do something scary like a movie star, but also no special effects.

he anted to jump, hoping that if it as a movie, he ould find someone to help him, but he seemed to realize that it as just an illusion.

then he heard a knock at the door, and the terrible beasts burst through the door, roaring ith bloodlust and vocal chords, their crazy and tisted forms like a pack of ild beasts. animal, as if aakened. , they came in like aterfalls.

If John does not jump, animals and humans ill tear him apart and use his blood to appease the gods they believe in.


After Aliyah screamed, she immediately jumped to the indo to see if John as listening and heard a noise.

Fortunately, these deep-sea creatures entered the hotel and climbed the stairs, alloing him to make a dangerous but successful escape.

otherise, diving directly into a herd of animals such as the deep sea ould not have corresponded to a deadly search. of course, Aaliyah ouldn't do something stupid like that, but if something like this happens, Aaliyah might just ignore everything. . , despairs after being surprised by an evil god and uses magical poers to destroy him.

but it's better than dying, right?

It as just speculation, Aria jumped from the first floor ith Yahya, but the impact of hitting the ground hurt Aria's body, as if her bones ere broken.

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