

第60章 最后的对峙(1 / 2)
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抵抗组织成员之一屈服于诱惑,从井中深深地喝水。 rmed about Aaliyah's shooting and realizes that someone is ing and a plane is on its ay. hat happened on earth? he had no idea. It could be a patriotic citizen ho es to save people, or it could be the devil in a horror movie. I don't kno here it came from.

he asked curiously, but Veroni quickly felt better and realized that he as alone here.

there as too much silence, the bleeding had not stopped, and although it as not a rapid loss, Veroni's head began to spin, and he tried to use his muscles ith all his strength, but the strength of his strength made this is impossible. . \"Even if it pushes him a little, he regrets ing to this room, or he ill lose his life and go to Spain, and if you do that, he ill regret ing into this room. must be angry.\"

but soon Veroni heard the sound of soothing footsteps and asked in a hopeful tone.

Aria? Are you ing back?

hoever, the person outside the door did not anser and directly opened the door. Veroni immediately felt uneasy that the person ho entered the door as not the person she kne, or... as this person a real oman?

Veroni sa about three people e in, they ere dressed like sea creatures, but they had the characteristics of sea creatures, Veroni thought that they ere I like to think that science has advanced a lot because I as at sea for a long time. t, he is only a monster, and only a monster.

hat do you ant

Veroni said that he as shocked at first, but it turned into a scream as he alked aay.

Note 1: A species created by God is usually an animal created by the breeding of God, a creature born of God, but it is not a descendant of God, but a creation of God.

Explanation 2: Unlike a god ho is not human but has the poer to overe birth defects, and a god ho adjusts the ability to reproduce at birth, there is a species that can reproduce despite birth defects. It refers to things. monster man

Note 3: It also refers to the brain. the name is Ge, or Uggoth mushroom.

015 poseidon's treasure (8)

Aria sa a bullet go off from her gun. the bullet did not penetrate the other side of the tent, but it penetrated the skin and bounced back through the strong muscles that tisted like a bandit. . Aria concludes that her mother has extraordinary physical abilities.

of course, he got aay ith it all, so e can think of it as a vieer, but otherise, e can't do anything but risk breaking necks and arms and getting into pointless battles. many

After boarding the lifeboat and starting the car, he as a bit orried because he as going to the village.

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