

第56章 潜伏的疯狂(2 / 2)
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\"cavalry! e've found it...\" Suddenly, I heard a member's voice ing from the toilet in the room, but the voice on the other end quickly changed from high to lo, and the excitement died don right after I called out to ma. you.

Seeing the voices and tone of the team members, ma You's heart sank.

hen he ent to the bathroom, ma You's heavy heart moved to his face, and his face turned black.

the cottage as burnt don and she burned don in the bathroom. the unburned residue as dumped into the toilet and there as no possibility of reassembly.

hen Zhu Jingzhi heard the disappointing nes from ma You, he as a little disappointed, but the other person immediately said, ``It's okay. Even if the orst happens, you can just retranslate it. You can take pictures of everything in this old book and give it to him.'' I did. \"tell us. they ill municate ith the brain members of other anti-anomalous organizations around the orld. e believe that ith the bined forces of the orld, they ill be able to decipher it faster than ang Yong and others. .they may also be able to decipher other useful spells, knoledge, etc.

\"okay, sorry for the inconvenience.\" ma took a deep breath. It as frustrating, but this as the best solution for no.

having had enough to eat and drink, hang Jeong-do sat on the ground, leaning back against the mattress, silently aiting for the moment hen he ould lose control of himself.

huang Jeong-do placed his mobile phone on the table in front of him. he as scared and as aiting for the ne video that the sleeping blogger ould publish. but hen the midnight bell rang, this onderful daily sleep blogger didn't update.

thinking of this, huang Zhengdao as confused and checked the homepage of the sleeping blogger's account, only to find that the blogger's account as banned and all the content as not displayed.

hang Jeong-do deduced that this must be the ork of a mysterious group, and couldn't help but be impressed by the organization's efficiency in handling the incident and containing its impact.

but that doesn't mean it's safe. there are no videos to help you sleep. hen he falls asleep, Roshan, a demonic insect, is also aiting for him to reach another dream dimension.

323 different

the fight ith Sandman is very difficult. hang Jeong-do anted to laugh at his situation, but he couldn't.

ho much you used to look forard to sleep, but no ho much you fear and avoid it.

``It's okay, please go to sleep.'' huang Zheng-do suddenly remembered the memory of the cabin in the forest. the young man in a hite coat ith a friendly smile said to himself.

For some reason, huang Zheng dao suddenly felt like he as under a spell and gave up on himself. In any case, he ould fall asleep sooner or later. there are no people in this orld ho are alays happy. Even sleepy people can't help but turn a blind eye to the changes that e ith victory. Although it as a short sleep, he as still asleep. ho can an ordinary person like me fight against physiological instincts?

It's okay, please sleep.

I'm still going to sleep.

people alays die.

If you can't choose ho to die, at least let me choose ho to live. Let him enjoy a little sleep before he dies.

ho short life is...

At 4:32 , hang Jeong-do sloly closed his trembling eyelids. A black curtain blocked his vie. his senses created him a dream, and the dream sloly formed...

\"Report, the target is asleep,\" the mysterious detective ho as responsible for monitoring hang Jeong-do hile on duty reported to takeo Kun-ki.

hearing the sound, takeo-kun, ho as resting quietly in the corner, straightened his back, quickly stood up, alked to the observation indo, picked up the surveillance mirror, and looked in. hen he sa that hang Jeong-do had given up his resistance and collapsed. I noticed that there as. A bed for a peaceful sleep.

\"Let's follo the pre-set groups. Group A is responsible for evacuating the members from the apartment. Group b and I ill enter huang Zhengdao's room.\" bu Gaojun put on a surveillance camera and turned around. Everyone oke up and told the mysterious detectives.

the people ing in and out of huang Zhengdo's apartment ere like sarms of insects escaping from their nests. they quickly fled the apartment building. u Gao Jun, ho as leading the temporary action team of Group b, also opened the door and entered hang Jeong-do's room.

As soon as his hand touched the door, a cold feeling penetrated mu Gao's heart, as if his hole body had closed its eyes. this palpable sense of danger told him that inside as absolutely dangerous and full of danger.


the door as pushed open, and the door hinges made a harsh, screeching sound. Everything seemed normal inside the house, but I felt like I had entered the devil's cave. Everyhere as filled ith a strange aura, and it felt like there ere eyes everyhere. peek into the mysterious detective ho has broken into this room.

``did the electricity go out before e came?'' mr. Futaka noticed the violation. hen he as atching the surveillance footage, he remembered that hang Jeong-do's room as still bright, but no it as pitch black.

\"No,\" the mysterious detective from my previous job ansered, and I as sure he remembered.

From the headphones, I heard the voice of a mysterious detective living in the surveillance area. the other party said that hang Jeong-do as asleep and did not move.

\"And hat?\" bu Gaojun froned.

the mysterious detective in charge of the surveillance said in a trembling voice: \"I can clearly see the lights in the house...team, here are you?\"

e are still in the hallay leading from the entrance to the hall and are alking sloly. Futaka said, ``I'll be in bed in my room soon. I'll see you soon.''

bu Gaojun and other mysterious detectives ho heard the exchange ere orried. this contradiction in the environment that they sa meant that the space in hang Zhengdo's room at that time as a chaotic one ith different spaces overlapping each other. of course, hat you see hen you enter a room is different from hat you see from outside the room. this simply indicates something terrible. that is, they may have invaded shado hunting territory to devour insects.


Futaka-kun and his friends entered the room through the hallay and ere about to enter the garden hile looking at the mysterious detective ho as atching outside, hen they heard the mysterious detective's screams ing from their headphones.

“bu…bu team, did you see it!?”

``You sa it hen you sa it, so hy ere you so surprised?'' hearing this, takeko as speechless and reprimanded the other party harshly.

hoever, the ords of the mysterious detective under surveillance carry a heavy eight.

\"but you're on the ground... ith your eyes open... and not moving. It's so scary...\"

taketaka, ho had bruises all over his body, asked the other person, \"Are you really reading this?\"

\"Indeed, indeed! I read very ell, ho are you!? You're not a soldier!\" the mysterious detective in charge of monitoring said loudly, and this time he asked takeogun's identity.


taketaka and his friends entered the room and heard a harsh electric sound. they quickly removed their headphones and thre them on the floor. the sound almost entered their brains.

the mysterious detectives all looked at each other, feeling their brains start to think out of control.

Is the person you just connected ith really your teammate? Is the other person really crazy? Are the things he said true or false... So are they true or false?

they ere thron out of existence.

bu Gaojun noticed the confused atmosphere among his teammates and quickly said: “do not deny your existence, do not deny that you are not alive, otherise if the ill dies, you ill really die!”

u Gaojun's rebuke had an immediate effect. today's mystery detectives are trained and can accept facts faster and faster than the average person.

Afterards, u Gao alked up to huang Zheng dao, ho as lying next to the bed, and tried to ake him up. hoever, hang Jeong-do fell into a deep sleep ith no sign of aking up.

For this reason, mr. taketaka also used force. the slap in the face made a loud noise, left the left side of huang Zhengdao's face red and sollen, and left a large handprint visible to the naked eye, but huang Zhengdao's snoring did not change.

``team, this is...this is a dream, right?'' mu Gao planned to take hang Jeong-do out of the room. As soon as he oke up, he heard someone say to him. hen I looked up, I sa that the to mysterious detectives ho had been chasing me had stopped and stood frozen by the indo, staring out in horror.

Fu Gaojun's heart as constricted, he loered his head, took a step forard, grabbed their shoulders and pulled them aay from the indo sill, deliberately not looking at the scenery outside the indo.

From his point of vie no, it as clearly a normal dark night outside the indo, but he didn't dare look in the direction his to teammates ere looking. there must be something terrifying about the vie from that angle.

the to teammates' hole bodies trembled, their muscles tensed, and they fell to the ground like logs. their faces ere grim. Futaka checked their situation, but as soon as he looked into their eyes, fear took over his rational activities. area.

In their eyes, a red landscape as reflected like a canvas. their vision left the scene, but the scenery they sa as imprinted and fixed in their eyes.

In their eyes, a sarm of shado-eating insects occupying the city appeared to be looking at them ith malice.

324 different dimensional spaces

to teammates lost the ability to think and act normally. they just hisper ords that are not often heard. they seemed to be beholding some great being, drunk ith a mon fantasy, and ith pious prayers on their faces.

u Gao's heart sank and he turned to huang Zhengdao, ho as still asleep. After thinking about it for a hile, he still chooses to endure the pain and defeat hang Jeong-do, ho has a better chance of survival.

hoever, hen mu Gao grabbed hang Jeong-do's arm and leaned on his back, his heavy eight suddenly loosened, and the sound of sand flying continued.

u Gao looked back in disbelief and sa that huang Zhengdao's arm as still rapped around his shoulders, but his arm as not touching huang Zhengdao ho as lying on the ground. the cross-section of the arm as the same as the ound on hang Jeong-do's broken limb. they are all covered ith golden sand.

\"hat...hat's going on?\" u Gao couldn't understand such a strange turn of events, but before the shock subsided for a moment, the fallen hang Jeong-do and his arm exploded into the yello sand on the ground. did. It spread out and became sand on the ground.

4...4...4, 4, 4 -

At that moment, the floor of the room suddenly bulged, and a long, thin piece of hite flesh ith a fearless face on its head stuck out from the ground, and it let out an unpleasant, sharp cry like that of a baby.

the object almost immediately loomed over the three people in the room. he moved very quickly and ran like lightning. In an instant, I fell into a mysterious hole. his slender body has an unfathomable toughness that es easily to him. A large man eighing over 140 kg is lifted high, but his body shos no obvious bends.

bu Gaojun’s muscles tightened. he anted to save someone, but it as too late. I anted to save another person, but several straight pieces of hite flesh jumped out of the ground, and another mysterious detective ent inside again and again. one of the pieces of meat as shot directly into the back of the opponent's head and passed through his mouth. there as no chance of survival.

boom boom boom...

the entire building shook, the floor of the room still bulging upards, and the bulge being even larger in size. taketaka had no choice but to run aay alone.

Futaka-kun turned and ran out of the room, running ildly don the hallay and straight don. bu Gaojun as running in the hallay outside his apartment hen he sa a creature tens of meters long and as thick as a dump truck. A hite flesh insect is climbing the building. A part of the body entered a certain floor of the apartment, and half of the body ent outside. the hite piece of flesh seen earlier in hang Jeongdo's room may be another part of the hite flesh insect's body. A unique organ.

the Shado Eater, ho had been immersed in pleasure and the desire of his prey, trembled again as he felt the ra movement in the hallay. Irregular cracks began to appear throughout the apartment building and spread like crazy throughout the building.

In the process of escaping from the apartment, Futaka almost missed a step many times. otherise, one of your feet ill fall into the divided hallay, and you ill fall to the ground and die in despair.

Fortunately, he had a chance to avoid all mistakes and successfully escape from the apartment.

As Futaka ran don the street, everything around him seemed familiar.

the streets are still the same, the buildings are the same, but there is no one around and no one can anser. there is only a strong stench in the air, and a mountain of shado-eating insects continue to destroy and destroy the city.

In this deserted city and lifeless country, bu Gaojun could only keep running. he had no idea ho to return to reality from this lonely and hopeless space.

he ill probably die here too.

After running aay for a long time, takegagun could no longer bear it anymore and hid in a house. he randomly chose an unlocked room and hid there.

there as no one in the 60-square-meter, to-room, one-living room rental house. takeko sat in a chair on a ooden sofa, leaning back against the back of the chair, his eyes sollen at the sight.

Seat fell like rain and quickly evaporated on the surface of his body, robbing takeo of his heart's armth.

takeko looked out the indo at the apocalyptic landscape. countless shado-eating insects, as large as mountains, craled on the ground, trembling. the sight of blood floing behind them engulfed the orld, as if the entire city had fallen into another dimension.

As he started looking at the house, it started to look more and more familiar to him. Finally, he discovered that this as the surveillance room that as monitoring takeko's room.

Apparently, even though he had so far freed his mind ithout thinking, his body's instincts drove him to make the right choice and hide in the closest and most reliable place, here this is here. It seemed like there as.

bu Gaojun alked to the indo and sa that the monitor had fallen behind the curtain, but the responsible mysterious detective teammate ho had remained to monitor the situation as nohere to be seen. It as.

“It really feels like I’m in another dimension,” bu Gaojun murmured, but his sensitive nerves bothered him again, and he heard a faint scream.

After the sound, bu Gaojun loered his head and carefully searched the room, and found the ireless headphones under the gap beteen the coffee table and the ground. the sound es from this ireless headphone.

As Fo Gao listened closer, he could faintly hear a friendly human voice in chinese, but it sounded familiar to him.

So he quickly put on the headphones, and bu Gaojun heard the sound from the headphones clearly.

I could hear the voice of the person ho as supposed to be in this room right no. the other party shouted, “qiu qi, xiao Jiang, xiao Zhou, anser quickly!”

bu Gaojun pressed the munication button on his headset and replied, \"xiao Li, I'm here.\"

hearing Fo Gao's voice, xiao Li as so happy that she almost cried, and excitedly asked, \"team, are you okay?\"

“It’s okay for no.” bu Gaojun breathed a sigh of relief and sloly concentrated his energy again. \"tell me about the scene you're looking at. hat did you see?\"

hearing this, xiao Li as frightened and said in a lo voice. \"I just sa you fall to the ground, and then your body moved strangely at an angle that only I could see, and it appeared clearly and pletely in my vision...I really can see.\" \"don't be afraid, it's like something in the house is intentionally shoing me your condition...And xiaojiang and xiaozhou's bodies sell and tist, bleeding from the orifices. I sa you...

did the entire team die? ”

takeko as silent for a long time. he did not anser the other party, but asked, \"here is huang Zheng-dao?\"

“hello, he’s fine.” xiao Li’s voice became even sadder. he just guessed the anser behind bu Gaojun’s silence.

“huh.” bu Gaojun took a deep breath and said, “xiao Li, listen carefully, e need to prevent others from entering this room again. It has bee a special entrance. only conscious people can enter. And after that, the human body can only be inside the room, I am no in this dimensional space, but here is quite dangerous.

then everything depends on you and me staying in touch. In order to have a chance to escape from here, as soon as the people in the pig group decipher the spell in the ancient book, please tell them the spell and ho to break it. ”

“mr. chi-chi, are you okay no?”

Fo Gaojun said, ``e can still hold out, but next time e have to go to huangzheng Island.''

325 isdom

hearing that u Gaojun as about to do something dangerous, the person on the other side quickly said, ``team, you hide first to ensure your on the magic of the ancient book.'' please protect your on life!”

``As a mysterious detective, if I can't save someone, my existence is meaningless.'' mr. takekogun did not give the other person a chance to speak, and temporarily cut off munications.

take a break indoors and look around your house for things you can use.

e don't kno hat this dimensional space is like, but it's probably a one-to-one copy of the real-orld Ne dragon city. Anything that is available in its real-orld counterpart, such as headphones for munication, should also be available here.

bu Gaojun searched for a hile and found some usable equipment. he takes one of the pistols and receives as much ammunition as possible ithout affecting the speed of the action. he also picked up a dagger on the ay.

of course, it is knon that these things may have no effect on large shado-eating insects, but there may be other normal animals in this dimension that may be helpful. . moreover... hen there is no ay to escape, no ay to avoid, you can mit suicide so that death ill not be so painful.

there is still food left in the room. I don't kno if I can eat food reproduced in this dimension, but right no I urgently need to replenish my physical strength and consume a large amount of energy.

After finishing his hearty meal, bu Gaojun patted his almost full stomach and left.

Knoing that the situation on u Gaojun's side as serious, the Zhu group led by Zhu Jingzhi fell into an atmosphere of silence and tension. Even if there ere notes in dongen's diary, the contents of this old book could not be translated in a short time. In particular, this includes some isolated languages that are very partial. most of these documents have been lost, making it difficult to find translators.

\"hurry, hurry, someone ill anser.\" Zhu Jingzhi checked the message response channel here he posted emergency assistance from the orld Federation of Investigations. he as so anxious that he shook his legs like crazy and bit his big toe nail ith his teeth.


After a hile, someone ansered Zhu Jingzhi. the person ho accessed this channel as a linguist from North Africa. his name as connors. he claimed to be influenced by his family's culture. old Latin as the mother tongue of his ancestors and as passed don to his generation. , although not as good as my late grandmother, I still understand most of the ancient Latin texts.

due to the urgent situation, Zhu Jingzhi especially chose the part about the spell about shado-eating insects, hich as about three pages long.

ith the cooperation of the other party, the pig Group succeeded in translating texts that make up the majority of old books. Fortunately, connors as not only enthusiastic, but also knoledgeable. Ancient books necessarily record the ancient history of some things. their scientific and mon names ere different from those knon to modern humans. he also did his best to anser everyone's questions one by one, greatly facilitating the process of deciphering ancient books.

inch inch inch——

more and more people are visiting Zhu Jingzhi's channel. Some people yearn for justice, others are dran to the title of asking for help, and there are also strange books about strange things and things about people e don't understand. these people are hungry to kno for sure. For people, it is a top priority that can never be missed. Reading unusual books you've never read and learning about unusual things you've never heard of is a priority. helping others is just a casual thing.

Finally, ith the help of knoledgeable people around the orld, a spell to summon and control shado-eating insects has been deciphered.

\"thank you for your help!\" Zhu Jingzhi expressed his sincere gratitude to his colleagues around the orld ho helped him, and immediately sent the decrypted content to the mysterious detectives ho ere carrying out a bat mission in xinlong city. did.

the mysterious detective in charge of surveillance as happy to finally get feedback from his superiors and immediately contacted takeogun again.

bu Gaojun, ho as on a mission in another dimension, actually resumed munication ithin to minutes of blocking his teammates and contacted them again.

to prevent information from being distorted during the relay process, the teammates on the other side simply act as transfer stations, directly connecting Zhu Jingzhi and bu Gaojun.

Zhu Jingzhi as not too nonsensical and directly told bu Gaojun some props needed to cast the spell.

Futaka-kun silently paid attention and realized that some of the items needed to cast the spell ere mon, but they ere not items that could be gathered in a short amount of time. he replied, \"I ill try to collect as many things as possible. xiao Li, I need your help. here is the nearest shopping mall and the family supermarket on huangzheng Island?\"

\"huh!? team, are you from the space dimension?\" xiao Li as surprised.

\"No.\" bu Gaojun poured cold ater on the other side and said, \"the dimensional space I am in is very strange. It is an almost perfect copy of the real orld's Ne dragon city. Although it is exactly the same as another orld. , it’s a different orld.” No. ”

“So…” xiao Li as shocked, but didn’t think much of it. Instead, he directly told u Gaojun the location of the supermarket. \"Lao Run department Store, you should be able to find all the necessary distribution accessories here. It's located in huang, about a kilometer northest of Jeongdo Apartment.\"

Zhu Jingzhi also said this at the right time. \"once I find them all, I'll teach you the spells. these to spells have drabacks.\"

\"trap?\" takeka-kun carefully alked don the dark alley beteen the buildings and headed toards the Laorun department store.

\"the to spells can be used separately, and can actually be summoned and controlled separately, but the problem is that after using the summoning spell, the controlling spell must be cast immediately, ithin about a minute. text, otherise Shado Shout. the insects are at risk of losing control.\" Zhu Jingzhi said seriously, \"this is also the reason hy ang Yong and his team of scholars ere destroyed. they ere too In their haste, they ere unable to break the spell pletely. they had previously performed a summoning ritual that caused the shado-devouring insects to lose control.\" ”

“but… if the shado-eating bug had lost control, ouldn’t it have lost its mind a long time ago?” bu Gaojun raised his eyebros and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

“this is exactly hat I mean. these creatures that look like enlarged flesh orms are actually animals ith cunning, treacherous hearts and cruel personalities. they're not like alien gods ho don't do anything. they love abuse, especially mentally destroying animals before eating them.\" Zhu Jingzhi gritted his teeth and said, \"the insect-eating shado is very he has a high level of intelligence.''

hearing this, u Gao suddenly broke into a cold seat. he looked around and felt that everything as too quiet and strange, too unnatural.

he listened carefully and realized that he could not feel the vibrations or sounds of the dozens of giant shado-eating insects moving on the ground.

they don't stop!

hen bu Gaojun looked into the glass building, a giant snake-like figure appeared inside the dark building...

326, let's go

the sounds ing from taketaka's side turned into frequent electric currents, occasionally mixed ith harroing screams and strange animal sounds.

Zhu Jingzhi and xiao Li kne that u Gaojun must be in terrible danger and ere already half-hearted.

their heartbeats ere as heavy and dull as a drum, and their brains ere as confused as the cord of the headphones in their pockets as they heard the sound of bones and flesh crunching and separating through their headphones. they felt like they ere crazy to even think of such a thing. the sound is very beautiful and soothing to the brain.

Video to help you sleep!

Zhu Jingzhi and xiao Li ere suddenly startled and immediately severed the munication connection, pushing the desire to sleep out of their minds.

the to ere silent for a long time, and then xiao Li said in a hoarse voice, \"captain Zhu...as our mission a failure?\"

Zhu Jingzhi felt the heat build up in her chest and couldn't get rid of it, making it difficult for her to breathe. he took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice. \"that's not it...the sleep aid video has been taken care of. the people ho made the video have also mitted suicide. And no one ill ever be associated ith Shado Eater again.\"...but it's not ing back anymore maybe. ”

\"Shit!\" xiao Li couldn't help but curse and shed tears.

If only to prevent the Shado Eater's influence from spreading, hen dong en is discovered and all the masterminds are found dead, as long as he is responsible for the Factor, all subsequent actions can be stopped. masu. It simply organizes abnormal knoledge that cannot be eliminated through containment and monitoring, and summarizes the knoledge that should be included. there is no need to orry about hang Jeong-do's life or death. Anyone ho listens to sleep aid videos and gets tagged by Shado Eater should be able to protect themselves.

but that's actually not the case. From the beginning to the end, bu Gaojun and the other mysterious detectives ere not going to give up on people like huang Zhengdao, ho ere marked by the devouring shado insects. All these people ere living life.

that could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of lives. ho can you just sit and atch?

the so-called trolley problem does not ask us to make a choice, but rather ho to avoid such a choice. If you really have to make a choice, it's not a dead-end life. As long as the conductor ho makes that choice has any trace of humanity left, he ill not be able to bear the guilt and torture of his conscience, and his body and mind ill continue to be caught up in the train for a long time.

this orld is too crazy. If e cannot continue to live as humans and maintain our humanity, the human orld ill lose its armth. Sooner or later, like countless civilizations destroyed in the past, it ill bee submerged and disappear on the scale of time.

hearing the voice of an old man choking in pain, the mysterious pig detectives bo their heads deeply.

oh, oh,

hen everyone as deeply saddened, a message came through the munication channels asking for a connection. Everyone as shocked by this situation and looked happy.

xiao Li as about to press the confirm button to connect the munication, but Zhu Jingzhi, the captain of the pig team, confirmed it before he did.

“mr. u Gao, mr. u Gao, are you okay!” Zhu Jingzhi held the microphone ith seaty palms and couldn’t ait to call the other party as soon as it connected to the munication channel.

hoever, everyone froze in place hen a sound came over the munication channel, and a bucket of cold ater as poured over them all.

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