

第55章 恩卡图尔(1 / 2)
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区域名称: 恩卡图尔

N'Karthul是一个超凡脱俗的领域,位于地球表面深处,隐藏在人类的感知之外。 rmation?

hang Jeong-do felt short of breath for a hile, but it as not because he as afraid, but because he as depressed by the ords. he felt that he had been tricked and cheated. this mistake also suppresses his \"extreme random thinking.\"

hang Jeong-do safely received the medicine and returned home. After lunch, he began taking the medicine as per the doctor's instructions. As he took a sip of ater and salloed the medicine, he looked at the dilapidated bed and thought to himself. \"I took some medicine.\" , that should be better. ”

Although I as forting myself in this ay, I had someho developed a terrible resistance to keyords related to sleep, such as mattresses and sleep.

Apparently, he ent to the doctor and took medication to treat his insomnia, but no he had a fear of sleep and didn't ant to sleep.

but people should celebrate great science and be grateful for medicine that saves lives and heals the injured.

After taking the medicine after eating, hang Jeong-do sat on the sofa and became sleepy, his eyelids trembling. I don't kno if the reason I ake up even though I'm full is due to the effects of the medication or if I'm sleepy due to lack of sleep.

Gradually, I could no longer resist closing my eyelids, and the blurred vision and illusions gradually decreased.

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