

第54章 面纱风暴峰(1 / 2)
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随着战斗达到高潮,编年史记录了定义最后立场的关键时刻。an making sounds.

the strange thing is that Ji Jiang couldn't imagine that this as a sound made by humans.

think about it, this is something a normal person can't do. ho can make the sound of the tongue moving in the mouth and the sound of teeth grinding at the same time?

Is this an effect of speech synthesis?

or are multiple people making sounds at the same time?

Ji Jian asn't sure, but she felt that the audio in this sleep aid video as not the product of speech synthesis, much less ing from to people's mouths. the sounds ere so harmonious that they seemed to e from \"one person's mouth.\"

Are video bloggers masters of editing ho perfectly interpret the various sounds humans make ith their mouths and use great editing techniques to perfectly bine and stitch each recorded sound together?together ?

Ji Jian could only think so. otherise...I ould have imagined a malformed mouth that as pletely different from that of a normal person.

I don't kno ho much time has passed, but the sound of the video that lulls me to sleep has changed again. this time, it as no longer a mouth sound, but a different sound, similar to the sound of kneading some flexible object. You can hear the sound of kneading objects. the bouncy sound it makes hen it bounces is due to its hardness.

hoever, even though I kneaded it, it may not have been strong enough. Ji Jian immediately heard the sound of an object breaking, folloed by the sound of shattering, and then the sound of something sticky and unknon falling onto his skin. It should be atery and sticky.

hen Ji Jiang closed her eyes, she couldn't help but imagine her mother chopping the meat into small pieces, scooping them into balls, and rolling them in her hands. It as the closest sound he had ever heard.

then, the moment he opened his mouth, I heard him fron. It looks like the paste as eaten. the mouth that had been making noises before no made the sound of grinding meat.

Ji Jiang shuddered at the thought that it might be ra meat and thought, \"hat on earth is this?\"

As he continued to listen, a sound came from the headphones that made Ji Jian even more unfortable. It as the sound of bones, joints, and muscles being torn apart, but there seemed to be infinite strength in the hands that removed the bones and flesh, and there as very little force. ith a poerful sound, bone and flesh ere torn apart, and then there as the sound of teeth turning and crunching.

Ji Jiang's thoughts began to ander, hat is this man eating, ho can he bee stronger?

317 memories


Ji Jiang's hole body as shaking, and she suddenly oke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing. he opened a pair of blank and stupid eyes, sloly got up from the bed, looked around a little dazedly, and the confused expression on his face became more and more serious.

“ait, hat time did I go to bed last night?” Ji Jiang felt that he as losing his memory. he took his ears off and realized his headphones ere gone. A search of the bed revealed a bluetooth headset under the pillo. hen I opened the earphone case, the earphones ere safely inside.

“did you put it back together yourself?” Ji Jiang scratched his head. he didn't remember hen he fell asleep, and he certainly didn't remember hen he put on his headphones.

the only thing Ji Jian remembers is listening to a dead sleep aid video for a hile before going to bed, and the sounds of gnaing flesh and bones are still fresh in his memory.

the afternoon is a little hellish, but those mouth sounds hit your eardrums and hit the tie points in your skull.

``Good orks are orth collecting and paying attention to.'' Ji Jian listened, opened his mobile phone, and found the video ebsite App. he found sleep videos in Stories, folloed vloggers, and noticed sleep videos. I clicked the button three times ith the intention of posting a good revie, but after I finished and sent it, I suddenly remembered that the ments section for this video as closed.

Sure enough, as soon as the ment as submitted, the App immediately responded ith a pop-up prompt that said \"blogger has closed the ment area.\"

After thinking about it, Ji Jian decided to copy the ment she just made and send it to the blogger to send a private message encouraging love.

this time the message as sent successfully and the blogger had not turned off the private message feature.

After going into the bathroom to do laundry, Ji Jiang looked in the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. he looked a little doubtful and said, \"have my eyes ever been this dark?\"


“It’s ednesday again.” Ji Jian returned home and sighed happily as she searched through the refrigerator.

on the shelf next to the freezer, I still had a plate of ribs, a head of lettuce, to potatoes and tomatoes, an egg and lemon, and a fe bottles of soda.

Ji Jian’s eyes couldn’t help being dran to his ribs. then his mind started repeating the unexplainable sounds he heard last night, and he as a little distracted for a moment.

Ji Jiang didn't ake up until the alarm sounded, indicating that the refrigerator door asn't closed properly. Ji Jian touched his stomach, hich made an \"old grol\" sound, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

For dinner, I had steed pork ribs ith potatoes and stir-fried vegetables ith garlic. Ji Jiang ate everything. he felt he had never been so hungry and enjoyed his meal. After eating, he lazily leans back on the sofa and atches tV hile iping his oily lips.

Kalbi has less blood and is delicious. Ji Jiang licked his lips and remembered the pork ribs and steed potato dish he had just eaten for dinner. I couldn't cook it for long because I as hungry, but hen I tried it, it as alays satisfying.

hile ashing the dishes, Ji Jian loered his head and looked at the garbage can in the kitchen. All that as left ere vegetable leaves, peeled potatoes, and a packing plate of ribs.

\"here are the bones? oh yeah, it as so delicious that I ate it by myself.\" Ji Jiang as a little forgetful, so he secretly laughed and smiled to himself.

At 9:23 , Ji Jian came out of the bathroom after taking a shoer and noticed that her mobile phone screen as on. he thought someone had sent him a message, but hen he picked up the receiver and looked at it, he couldn't help but smile. , \"It looks like this blogger has updated it. Let me see hat other videos have been updated around the orld.\"

this is also a video that supports a good night's sleep ith high-quality sound effects. there are no photos and it's just over to hours long. No matter here the video is placed, it ill be pretty explosive.

Also, like the previous video, ments are prohibited in the ment section of the video.

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