

第53章 Nyktos的中心(1 / 2)
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编年史描述了他们遇到的风景,每一个都比上一个更加陌生和超凡脱俗。ot to breathe.

he itnessed a couple in their house biting a humanoid monster ith a frog-like face and the frog's clas, hich ere covered in raised bumps and skin irregularities. they looked like starving savages. their mouths ere full of blood. It seemed so delicious that I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth from turning up. they ate ith crazy smiles, but their eyes ere empty and filled ith tears. .

the monster's body as torn apart and rotting, and the missing limbs gave off a foul odor that gave off the smell of rotting flesh. there as glass in his bloodshot eyes, giving people a cool feeling. his eyes ere filled ith glass of unknon flesh. the giant frog's eyes seemed to have a strange look of mockery, as if it despised this crazy couple.

the couple's faces ere distorted, their limbs ere sollen, their bellies ere distended, and their eyes ere gloing. Although it as clear that he could no longer eat, he still ate the meat that fell on his limbs and stretched the skin of his body. It bees thinner and more transparent, ready to burst at any moment, like an inflated balloon.

Fang u as cold all over, and his limbs ere stiff. he stiffened like a living scarecro and headed for the next house. there ere unpleasant sounds and smells in the room, and I as just as tired from ork. horrible things about human relationships.

hen the fear reaches a certain level, the poer is activated. Fang mu's stiff limbs suddenly regained flexibility and ran quickly.

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