

第52章 警惕网络(2 / 2)
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``No, I'll never eat it!'' Fang mu, ho hadn't had a ``good'' meal for over three years, as overe ith a voracious appetite. I kept shouting in my head, ``If I eat this, I'll really turn into a monster, and that's really the end!''

Fang mu suppressed the urge to change, but everyone's night vision glasses could not detect Fang mu's fierce expression at this moment, as if he had chosen a man-eater.

Juan mu thre all the thin meat into his hand and held his other hand ith one hand to suppress the urge to lick the remaining blood.

At this moment, a hisper entered Fan mu's ear, and the other people present also vaguely heard the sound.

Everyone as on guard, but the next moment an invisible attack hit everyone.

Juan mu quickly came to his senses and punched several mysterious detectives around him. Some of the more experienced and quick-reacting mystery detectives assumed a defensive posture of understanding, but this as not the case for younger and less experienced detectives.

293 people rescued

the corpse of a tragically deceased teammate fell to the ground, bouncing and tisting. Some of them didn't die right aay. they immediately turned pale and let out a cry of pain.

At the same time, the hispers echoed in a dark space, disturbing the mind like the Sanskrit letters of a demon monk.

the frightened people's thoughts became increasingly confused. they looked around in vain, only to feel that they ere ambushed from all sides. hat they arrive at is an infinite hell infested ith ghosts.

ithout An huang's timely arning, some of them could no longer ithstand the pressure and could only unleash great terror by firing indiscriminately.

Juan mu raised his ears and looked around. he heard hideous monsters chanting curses nearby. hidden in dark, inconspicuous corners, they stared at each human ith fear ritten on their faces.

After the sound, Juan mu sa a strange and eak face. It looked like a thin old oman standing in the corner of the room ithout any clothes on. his shriveled body as openly exposed to the air, giving him a fearless appearance. Its disfigured face as tisted, and its ide mouth contained old, inplete, yello teeth. ith his bloody mouth, he hispered strange spells.

this is a itch! Some zombies have the same intelligence as humans. they are skilled in alchemy, sorcery, and sorcery, making them more dangerous than regular zombies.

the itch's pointy ears titched slightly and she sloly turned her head ith a fierce smile. his eyes quickly caught the mysterious detective ho had snuck aay but accidentally made a noise.

Fang mu secretly cursed the fool, but could not remind him out loud. he bends don to look for a gun, but soon finds one from the mysterious detective ho just died. ithout hesitation, he jumped out and picked up the fallen firearm. , fired several shots at the itch they found.

hoever, Fang u as still a step slo. the itch had already finished chanting the spell.

At the moment hen the bullet as fired at the itch, Juan mu sa the space in front of the itch tist strangely, and sand and stones fle up from the ground, as if an invisible gash had been shot through the air. I did.

the cutting speed as very fast. hen the bullet entered the itch's body, an invisible gash also decapitated the secret agent ho had sneaked aay.

Juan mu immediately hid behind the bunker. I heard a constant hisper. there ere multiple itches around. At that moment, I heard the sound of cutting the rock next to me. the sound like an explosion made Fan mu's liver tremble.

``Saint Fang!'' A Fang as next to Fang mu and immediately realized that it as Fang mu ho had just shot him. he couldn't help but call out to her in concern.

\"e closer, hide, and don't make any noise, they have good hearing!\" Fang mu reprimanded the other party in an impatient tone. this person, ho usually never gets angry, shouted that An Fan as so scared that he immediately ithdre. Even Fang is normally that strong.

And hen An Fang felt something hit the rock bunker behind him and felt like a violent earthquake, he immediately understood that hat Fang mu said as true. After calming don a bit, they realized that the monster that had secretly attacked them as the one they ere looking for. itch

At this critical moment, An Fan didn't care about Fan mu's actions as he picked up a hot eapon. After all, Fanmu is the only one ho can freely fight back normally.

Fang mu’s heart as pounding, his face as bloodshot, and his eyes ere as hot as fire. he as very focused. ith the dual cooperation of superhuman vision and hearing, the time in hich he could get closer to the enemy became shorter and shorter, and he used his abilities more and more effectively. qualified

In the darkness, gunshots ere fired, monsters screamed, and at the same time the sound of Fan mu's hungry stomach groled.

hen he sa the explosives pierce the bodies of the savage zombies and itches, and sa their bodies explode into pieces of blood and flesh, he felt like he had seen a freshly made delicacy, and as very I as hungry and anted to run donstairs. cadaver. , toast and serve immediately.

but Fang mu's reason also struck the bell of his desperate desire, and he kept arning him not to do so.

As a result, his appetite turned into more intense aggression. Although e couldn't eat it, it as ok to look at the \"bright\", \"beautiful and delicious\" food!

hen the bullet as pletely empty, Juan mu touched the heated gun barrel, smelled the smoke, and sloly regained consciousness.

he looked at An Fan ith a confused expression as she alked toards him, feeling a little scared. my heart seemed to have received a huge shock, and the memories of the battle from earlier sloly surfaced clearly in my mind.

It as pure madness, drooling and laughing like crazy hile shooting at the itches hiding in the darkness.

ithout imagining it, he also kne ho frightening and ferocious he looked right no.

he is losing control.

Fang mu dropped the gun, quickly iped the saliva from his face, and said in a dry, hoarse voice: \"It's okay, you can continue.\"

Everyone as silent, not having the courage to speak. All the mysterious detectives had eapons in hand and looked at Fang mu, hose expressions ere stiff, relying on night vision goggles. their conscience told them that this as the savior, but their body's instincts and reason told them that this person as too dangerous.

he could have killed the itch in a brutal ay, or he could have killed them all ith a laugh.

Fan mu is more dangerous than a itch.

After the shock, everyone's emotions rose and fell. the death of a friend did not cause them much sadness. they just alked silently and cautiously, keeping their distance from Fan mu.

over 20 minutes later, ith the help of Fang mu's senses and scientific equipment, they found the kidnapped children and teens.

Everyone became even more silent hen they sa several human corpses immersed in a cauldron and a mutilated girl ho as hung upside don and turned into a corpse disciple. Everyone anted to rip their teeth out.

mysterious detectives scramble to rescue kidnapped children. After a hile, the children ran aay from the mine. A deafening, agonizing gunshot could be heard behind the evacuation team...

there ere too many people to save, and Fang mu as also burdened ith one person.

I don't kno if An Fan did it intentionally, to apologize, or to regain trust, but the child Juan mu as carrying at that time as An qing, ho looked a lot like An Fan. , ho as also his ife in a previous life.

\"my past is your future...\" Fan mu and the others left the cave. the setting sun reflected the pale red of each face. he looked back at that frail little face.

As if feeling a reassuring armth on Juan mu's back, or perhaps encouraged by the sun, the atose little An qing opened his eyes for a moment.

Juan mu's dark, thin face and sad, sad eyes just entered his pure and clear eyes, and ere impressed in his memory.

tenty years later, An chin, ho as looking for the oner of this face ith sad eyes, ithout hesitation helped an injured man she had never seen before in this alley, and she continues to be attracted to this dangerous man. About. I as fascinated.

to hundred and eighty-four. has a ne day begun?

After the mysterious disappearance of a teenage boy is revealed, Juan mu suddenly falls into a serious illness, being increasingly thin and sometimes insane. the doctors and nurses ho cared for him ere often shaken by the constant muttering of his mouth and ould not listen carefully. Fang mu as saying something, and the ords I vaguely heard ere \"I'm hungry,\" \"I'm really hungry,\" and \"I ant to eat.\"

the mysterious detectives ho had been ith Fang moku in life and death, and ho had built a friendship ith him, ere orried about this and started visiting him from time to time. hoever, Juan mu still had a \"firm\" attitude and said ith dull eyes that it as okay, but the ords related to \"hunger\" that suddenly entered his ords from time to time made everyone think that the tick as sloly peeling off the skin. I felt it break through and dig into my heart.

they recalled the experience of diving deep into a zombie mine. Fang mu eagerly treated these dirty and distorted corpses as if they ere food. his appetite as voracious and he as spitting uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. under

An Fang and the others realized that even if they consumed 15 bags of glucose per day, they ould not be able to fill up Fan mu's lean body. they kne that Juan mu's body as groing toards an unknon malevolence...

daily IV drips ere no longer able to satisfy Fang mu's appetite. his body reacted ith rejection, as if he ere suffering from anorexia. Fang mu's blood miraculously floed back into the IV bag filled ith injection fluid. hen the medical staff sa this vision, they immediately stopped Fang mu's IV drip. hat as strange as that even though Fang u as obviously getting closer to death step by step, his eyes ere getting brighter and brighter and he as being more energetic.

A eek after the rejection reaction occurred during the intravenous drip, An Fan said that a colleague suddenly came to the door to report an emergency, saying, ``mr. Fan suddenly ent crazy and anted to eat meat, zombie meat.'' \"I heard that.\" Eat frog meat! he then attacked everyone ho stopped him by biting and scratching, and has no been transferred from the receiving hospital to a regular psychiatric sanatorium. ”

hearing this, An Fan immediately rushed to the place here Fan Sen as transferred to the prison. Even though he as subdued by several strong guards, he couldn't help but be moved hen he sa Fan mu still roaring to eat the meat of an ordinary beast. stop.

A fe days later, huang mu disappeared along ith several other patients at the nursing home.

An Fang and the others ere orried. they ere orried that Fang mu ould lose his self-control, but the patients ho disappeared ith Fang mu ere seriously abnormal patients ho had escaped from the security ard for some reason, so Fang mu's body as in danger. I as also concerned about safety.

After a day-long search, the mysterious detectives finally found Fan mu in the corner of the psychiatric hospital's underground ateray. In addition, Fang mu as found to be very healthy and strong, ith pink skin and full of energy, as if he had recovered from a serious illness. average.

but no one as happy. Instead, they all had gloomy expressions on their faces as they folloed the remains of gnaed bones, flesh, and blood along the road to find them.

the bodies of several seriously injured patients ere found near here Fang moku, ho had been healthy, collapsed. their bodies ere arped and tisted, no longer human. they pleted the process of alienation before dying and turning into pletely normal animals.

After this incident, huang mu as imprisoned as a super-severe alienation patient, but the group's upper management mysteriously noticed the situation here.

After a night of intense discussion among officials from xuanmi Group, the manner of mr. Fang mu's death as finally confirmed.

homoku as executed by firing squad, and his body as burned immediately after the execution.

before An Fan and the others could learn ho Fan mu needed resettlement, Fan mu as executed in a determined and bloodless manner by the head of a mysterious group.

Fang mu never expected that he ould die in such a tragic ay. hen he died, he again experienced the special feeling of the soul leaving the body. that's ho he felt deep inside hen he sa his screened body being pushed into the incinerator and burned inside the leader. It's his on bad luck.

hoever, Fan mu, ho is believed to be the embodiment of the soul, did not let his guard don. he remembered the encounter he had to go through before traveling in his previous life. A strange praying mantis ith a scary face ill soon appear and kill him.

Sure enough, hen Fan mu thought of the strange existence of the praying mantis, the other party looked mysterious. hen he raised his hand, a huge knife came don, and Fang mu quickly dodged.

Unfortunately, Fang mu could not move faster than these strange praying mantises and as eventually suffocated by them.


hen Juan mu's eyes became clear again, he realized that he had traveled back in time to the ar era and as rescued by a kind-hearted farmer. As soon as he akes up, he encounters enemy invaders, his village is lost, and his benefactor's family is brutally murdered.

to take revenge on his country and family, Fan mu gave up on the idea of changing his destiny and joined a village team to resist the enemy invaders, killing more than a dozen enemies ho entered the village.

After he time traveled, he didn't understand hy he became so brave and violent. It reminded him of everyone's unanimous assessment of his current life and his history as a \"arrior\" in his previous life.

It as too late to find out hy. At that time, Fang mu, ho only anted to kill all the enemy invaders, as supported and rescued by a group of soldiers from the army. Fan mu and they killed all the enemy invaders. Naturally, he and a fe other surviving villagers joined the revolutionary army camp in china at the time, calling themselves \"Fan peng.\" Since then, he began his career as a soldier in \"Fan pen\".

during his days fighting on the battlefield, Fan mu felt that he could temporarily forget his troubles. It uses its small body to ruthlessly hunt its enemies. It seemed that only in this ay could the haunting fear be removed. Forget about the past. After all, no matter ho terrifying and ferocious the enemies on the battlefield ere, they ere no more strange and terrifying than the ordinary creatures he had experienced.

After the ar, Fang maki quietly left the army. before anyone noticed, he disappeared ithout arning.

Fang mu himself came to a remote mountain and ancient forest isolated from the rest of the orld and picked up the hammer that traveled ith him at that time. I hit the nail so hard ith a hammer that the tip of the nail got stuck in the tip of my nose...

the moment Juan mu opened his nose, he felt that everything had changed. Everything he felt in the orld underent an earth-shaking change. he could no longer see the orld, could no longer hear the familiar sounds around him, could not speak human language, and henever he opened his mouth, he inevitably let out an unusual hisper. the moment he spoke, even the air seemed to condense. he cannot smell the breath of the orld. perfumes and scents passing through the nostrils are not for him. the aroma I smelled as one of unparalleled plexity and plexity that shocked the soul and shook the soul.

At the same time, Juan mu felt that he had disappeared. A landslide of vast and strange knoledge, memories, and insane desires that ere not his on tumbled over him. his consciousness sank into these things ithout any resistance. poer……

At that moment, he thought he ould be better off ithout seeing, hearing, smelling, or tasting... he ould rather die than suffer that much...

diddy diddy——

Juan mu’s heart stopped, and he suddenly sat up. he subconsciously got out of bed and slapped the clock to stop it from ringing. he felt like he had a hangover and that his head as going to split open. there as something strange going on in his body that he couldn't explain. , but they are still strong and launching as a ne day has begun.

285 dreams e true

``mr. Itsuki, e're still in the autograph session,'' a beautiful girl earing the same outfit as the girl next to me said into the ear of the man next to her. he couldn't help but feel a little emotional hen he sa that the other person had been in so much trouble since they first met in the morning. “doesn’t it feel bad?” I orry.

the girl ble a arm breeze into his ears. Juan mu sloly came to his senses, looked at the beautiful orried eyes around him, and turned his eyes a little slo to the hand holding his stomach in front of him. the boy, a fan of his ne job, suppressed his excitement and asked to shake his hand. his eyes ere shining. Fang mu stiffly raised the corner of his mouth and held the other person's hand, \"thank you...thank you for liking my book.\"

\"I love you so much mr. om. the true identity of Lin peng, the main character in your ne ork, undergoes a final reversal at the end. It's really unexpected and makes the tone of the story suddenly more frightening and suffocating. ...” Fan boy he as clearly his faithful reader, and as soon as he picked up the content of the book, he immediately expressed his thoughts, and the admiration in his eyes as hidden.

Fang mu could see that the person in front of him really liked the book he had ritten, but he as a little confused. In fact, he couldn't clearly hear hat the other person as saying behind him. he just blurts out his eyes and pretends to be listening attentively, then says it over and over again. \"thank you,\" I said in a slightly apologetic tone.

\"Ever since I read your book, I don't kno hy I can't sleep. maybe it's because I get too excited. I can dream about big frogs and toads...\" the fan boy innocently shook his head. I scratched it and took it. Signed book. Shu leaves hile saying his last ords.

hearing this, Fang mu trembled for no reason, as if the depths of his soul had been pierced by a silver needle. the cold, tingling sensation that had entered his soul elled up in his mind. A large, curved shado appeared in his mind. he opened his eyes ide and counted. big red eyes stared at him strangely, but in a blink of an eye, everything as gone again.

Rurring… patter…

outside the Longjo central Library, here the main event for the ne ork as held, the rain continued to rain. the thick black clouds ere like dark angry faces, and the thunder as like a roar, giving reproaches and arnings to those ho had lost respect for the original nature. After going to Readers from the book signing event, I returned home ith the autographed book, but I didn't pay attention to the rain or the donpour.

\"hey.\" Fan mu, ho as repeating the sign like a machine, heard this call and sloly raised his head, his eyes lifted and a beautiful smile appeared. he as a young man in his tenties and exuded an indifferent attitude. the scent of incense is eak.

ith your breath, you take in the scent from the cavity, feeling refreshed and refreshed, and your confused brain seems to ake up a lot at once.

\"Um, hello?\" Fang mu looked at the young man in hite clothes in front of him, and someho felt a sense of familiarity, but only he didn't bring a book, so the other party as a friend of the book. I felt that it as not. politely and carefully, Jesus asked the other person, \"Excuse me, ho can I help you?\"

the young man in hite smiled and said he didn't need help, and asked if he needed help instead.

At first, Fang mu anted to say that he didn't need help, but hen he looked up and took a closer look, he realized that the young man ho as smiling in front of him as pletely blind from laughter. . he had half-closed eyes, and under the half-open eyelids as a pair of gentle eyes. It as a pletely different feeling from the gentle smile on the surface.

Juan mu salloed, his heart moved sloly, \"I...I think I had a dream.\"

Looking at the young man, he felt ae and tenderness, and someho anted to tell the stranger in front of him about his thoughts, ``but I remember that I had a dream.'' not.\"

\"oh.\" Linlin's smile idened a little, \"Is it a nightmare or a seet dream?\"

Nightmares, seet dreams...

Fang maki as surprised by the question. hen he oke up from his dream, he didn't kno ho to explain his feelings. After thinking for a long time, he came up ith a not very accurate explanation and replied: \"It's a very real dream.\"

\"ho can you say it's real if you can't remember it clearly?\" Linlin asked ith a smile.

Fang mu couldn’t help scratching his head and ears, and his breathing as a little irregular. \"... I don't remember the feeling, the content, but some emotions still remain.\"

``Everything lies, but the heart does not lie.'' Ling Ling nods slightly and seems quite satisfied ith this anser, hich means something.

Fang u subconsciously touched his heart, and suddenly his breathing began to bee faster. he felt dizzy but didn't ant to pass out. It seemed like he had grasped the key, but the \"key\" as as hard to grasp as a loach. he kept trying to escape from his thoughts.

``Are you really dreaming?'' Ling Ling's smiling eyes looked into Fan mu's confused eyes.

Fang mu felt a tremor in the back of his head. For a moment, I thought I heard a scream of fear. he felt the same ay. Looking at Ling Ling, he felt like he as looking at a terrifying monster, but in his eyes, the appearance remained the same. thousands of emotions can be read from its unchanging appearance, confusing people.

bad! bad! i'm not afraid!

I'm not pea!

not me! ho is that! ?

ho's scary? ?

Fang moku got excited and stood up, but his legs gave out and he collapsed onto the chair.

he fell to the ground, and no one came to his aid, not even his assistant, ho no cared for him so much. No matter ho much he screamed, nothing around him reacted, not even the pouring rain outside. he also stopped crying.

only then did Juan mu notice that his surroundings seemed to be stationary. No one ignored him, but they ere frozen in time and space at this moment, like a 3d photograph.

Juan mu anted to ask Lingling ho he as and hat he had done, but hen he looked back, the man had disappeared. the frozen space-time floed again, and the cold feeling in the back of my head sloly disappeared.

Everyone attending the autograph session as shocked to see Juan mu suddenly fall from his seat. they helped pull Fan mu up from the ground again and expressed their concerns.

due to the recent heavy rain, the autograph session ended quickly. At first I thought it as going to be a severe storm. the eather broadcaster issued a \"red alert\" just an hour ago, but it is embarrassing that the broadcast is no a false alarm. hat follos next? the sun is bright and it's perfect for traveling.

\"mr. u mu, if you feel unfortable, you should have told me in advance. You just scared me to death.\" the assistant helped Fang mu tist the bottle of energy drink. I gave Fang mu some ater.

Fang mulian took a fe sips, smacked his lips, and looked at the energy drink in his vision.

\"hat's rong?\" the assistant looked at Juan mu's confused expression. he gingerly picked up the drink bottle, took a sip to check, took a sip at night, and said, \"It's not expired...\"

“No…I just miss the taste of drinking.” Juan mu said ith a dry smile.

\"oh, it's true. this is an old brand. It as made in my grandfather's time. It as very expensive back then,\" the assistant ansered. he seemed to understand this aspect of the history, but did not discuss the issue. After staying too long, he continued hat he had just said, ``mr. oom, you are still touching your breasts. Are you at peace? oh, if you ere to travel far, If I had knon you ere there, I ould have stopped you.'' that must have been the case. hen I go on a trip, I'm not by my side, and I don't have to orry about myself. ”

After listening to the other party's ords, Fang mu straightened his back, and the feeling of holding the key hit tianling Gai again, pointing to his head and asking: \"did I travel far?\"

296, I'm not me

At this time, Fang moku strongly believed that he had forgotten something. he asked his assistant to investigate hat happened to him hile he as out.

the little assistant is sensitive and obedient. And since it's about a riter and teacher he respects, the little assistant immediately begins investigating.

Feeling sick, Fan mu ent home and searched the house for any useful clues.

thinking about the strange young man dressed in hite ho suddenly appeared and disappeared at a book signing, Juan mu must have been afraid, but there as an inexplicable sense of stability that enveloped his trembling heart, and he my heart sloly became more stable.

I found a notebook ith a cohide cover in the corner of a bookshelf at home, and balanced it on the corner of the bookshelf.

hen I pulled out a notebook ith a torn cover, the bookshelf suddenly collapsed. Fan mu narroly avoided it, but as almost crushed under a heavy bookshelf.

Juan mu just felt that the thread that kept him sane in his heart suddenly began to tighten, as if it as about to snap.

“memo…diary, yes, there should be elements of my lost memory notebook.” mo hu's memory appeared in Fang mu's mind. he calmly opened his notebook to the first page.

but hen Fang mu opened the first page, he as surprised. the contents of the notebook ere abstract and familiar because the notebook contained paintings, perhaps paintings ith special meaning.

that's hen he realized he as holding the notebook upside don. only the last page of the notebook as open, so I flipped it over and reopened it from the first page. this time I finally sa the oner's name, \"Lin Sen.\"

“Lin Sen…” Juan mu as a little confused, hy did this name sound strange and familiar at the same time?

At that moment, Fang mu's cell phone rang and he as crushed under a fallen bookshelf. he quickly pushed open the bookshelf, thre aay the photo books and ic books that had fallen off the shelf, and hung up before the caller did.

\"hello.\" Juan mu leaned against the all tiredly. Just read the ining call notifications that appear on your screen. It as a call from my assistant, \"did you find anything?\"

\"Yes, dr. oom, I kno here you ent and hat you did on your trip a fe days ago!\" the attendant's cheerful voice as soothing to my ears.

hearing the little assistant's voice, mr. Fang mu imagined the girl's proud expression, calmed don, and said, \"Let's talk about it.\"

he adjusted his position against the all, trying to be as fortable as possible. At the same time, I looked at the books on the bookshelf and couldn't help but mutter, ``I onder hy there are so many pictures and ics.''

Assistant: \"You ent to the Aztec region, you ent on a trip and you stayed in a ton called tenoch in the Aztec region. In addition to the night you arrived in this ton, you ent out to visit the local market. For some Next thing you kno.'' that day, you're sitting in your hotel room painting, and suddenly you're booking a flight back to china. ”

``ho do you kno for sure?'' hearing this, Fang mu as a little confused. he seemed to have some sort of impression, but not much.

``You dre it all.'' hen the assistant said okay, huang mu heard the sound of paper being turned over on the phone.

paint? hy is it depicted?

“teacher, mr. Linsen, it is not good to remain like this. Fortunately, the hotel contacted the tour guide. Your tour guide happened to kno that your true identity is a chinese cartoon. So, they put us in the hotel right aay. Everyone.'' the assistant clicked her tongue. After a bit of motion, he said he regretted it.

Fang mu as surprised, and his heart suddenly became cold.

“hat did you call me just no?” Fan mu asked tremblingly.

\"professor Lin Sen, oh, I forgot you don't like your real name. I should call you professor om.\"

\"hat did I...do?\"

\"oh my god, sensei, your memory loss is too severe. You must not have forgotten that you are a manga artist... First, please rest and ait for me at home. I, I ill be there right aay!\" Assistant As soon as he heard hafang maki's ords, he panicked and screamed. occasionally, Juan mu's cell phone ould fall to the ground and he ould hear a knock from the other end. \"ait, I'm here! e no!\"

Everything is everything...

Fan mu stood up and sloly alked to the bathroom. he sa a familiar face in the mirror, held his breath and stared... Suddenly, the picture in his vision flashed and the face in the mirror became brighter than the others' faces. ta. he immediately became scared. he jumped in surprise.

At the same time, a huge amount of memories flooded into his crazy mind. he quickly took off his shirt and touched the scary scar from the heart surgery on his chest like a centipede in the mirror, but in the mirror his hand as in the rong place. hen he caressed her, she could not feel any bubbles.

\"No, no, no...\" Fang mengmeng tapped the sink and called out to the person in the mirror, ho had sloly turned into a different person. “You are not me, you are not me! my name is not Lin Sen! my name is Fan mu! my name is Fan mu! Fan mu!

As he screamed loudly, his entire face turned red, the veins in his neck selled and throbbed, and the people in the mirror ere also screaming and jumping along ith him.

he fell backards, hitting the all and the back of his head, until he became dizzy from lack of oxygen. he felt real pain and believed this as all real.

he is Fangu, but this body is not Fangu. It belongs to a man named Lin Sen.

Actually, he is a novelist, not a manga artist.

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