

第50章 次元之舞(2 / 2)
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A third of xinhua's dictionaries are thick...I onder ho many terrible secrets are hidden in this orld.

Fang mu continued reading and rereading, encountering unusual things one after another.

the Jiao Lian of the East china Sea, the human Rat, the bird bird, the maggot man, the Yello Sand God...

Some of them ere familiar to me, some I had seen somehere, and some I didn't kno, but I realized that these \"things\" appear in human society. I did.

\"Find it!\" Fang mu turned to the book and felt cold all over, exhaling cold air. hen I turned the next page, my eyes finally lit up.

the frog god is the god of eather and abundance. It is orshiped every year to pray for good eather and a good harvest. In fact, he and the Frog God are the same person...

beneath the mountain in the southest, the god of sleep, the god of darkness, the god of ealth, and the god of fertility live in a palace of ater in the abyss, and they coexist ith the frog god.

Fang mu hurriedly absorbed the above knoledge, anting to kno more. It ould be even better if you could find a ay to remove the blessing.

\"those ho receive the blessings of the Frog God must bring their belongings and orship them every day. Frogs from all over the orld lead frog messengers to atch over the blessed one. those ho do not orship on time ill incur the Frog's rath. You ill receive…” “Fan mu read a book silently in his heart.” Suddenly, it felt like another pair of eyes appeared in the garden.

Fang mu took one look and realized that ang Zheng had unknoingly brought his face close to stare at Fang mu.

``an...mr. ang, hat are you looking at?'' Fang mu said ith a laugh and alked aay from the other person.

mr. ang Zheng did not anser his question. he sa Fang mu's strange expression and said, \"Are you looking for something about the frog god?\"

\"...Yes.\" Fang maki didn't deny it.

ang Zheng thought thoughtfully. \"I also kno some things about the Frog God. there are some things that aren't in this book. do you ant to kno?\"

\"please tell me.\" Juan mu nodded.

mr. ang Zheng said, ``According to legend, the body of the frog god es from Zhenxing and is divided into to bodies. I'm alking,\" he said. please raise your voice in your dream the Frog God the Frog God and the Frog God are the same, so praying to the Frog God is actually paying homage to the Frog , the frog god is also orshiped by the frog god. , you are actually praying to the frog god for blessings.

hearing this, Juan mu’s face suddenly stiffened. No onder he as far aay from the frog god in his previous life and far from flood-prone areas. In the end, he still couldn't escape the flood. It turns out that hen he made the frog god angry, he also made the frog god angry. the frog god as angry.

20 years later, the flood that hit Yanping city...as it actually caused by a flood? Fang mu felt heavy in his heart.

\"Almost every time, a 'blesser' appears. this blesser has received the attention of the frog god, so the voice of the blesser is easier to hear and easier to achieve.\" the look in ang Zheng's eyes toards Fang mu as Gradually things started to get a little eird. Fang mu had seen that expression on the old village chief of enyatun in his previous life. Although he respected her, he also had a greedy desire.

ang Zhengxu said, ``that's hy e call the divine angel 'blessed one.'' At our annual orship service, e press the divine angel up to the altar as the master of ceremonies, and he holds the frog as our representative. \"It ill be,\" he said ith his eyes. I prayed. As long as the messenger ishes for it, any ish ill e true, and even strange things like virgin births ill e true. ”

After saying that, ang Zheng suddenly shoed a strange smile and said, \"Fang xian, do you have any reason to be so orried about the Frog God's blessing?\"

hearing hat the other person said, Fang maki also smiled and said, ``I also hope for something good like a ish to e hope e can meet each I onder if you kno ho?\" It's not a frog. ”here is God’s blessing? ”

\"people ho have been blessed by the frog god have one thing in mon: they are easily attracted to animals such as frogs. Frogs often appear in places here frogs often appear,\" ang Zheng said ith a smile.

Fan mu fell silent. No onder, in his previous life, there ere alays more frogs sold in the vegetable markets near all the places he lived. this directly causes the price of frogs in the market to drop again and again. Falling good feelings are also sent from him.


Juan mu’s muscles became stiff. hen I as looking at ang Zheng, I heard a frog croaking. the source of the sound as right behind Fang mu.

Fang mu turned around and as surprised to see a bumpy-covered frog appear in the secret room at some point. the frog's eyes are staring straight at him.

“hahaha…hy is there a frog here?” Fan mu asked ith a smile.

ang Zheng: “I don’t kno either, hahaha.”

Fang mu fell silent, then stood up ith the book ``black travelogue'' and said, ``I ould like to borro this book for a moment.'' he secretly touched her aist and already had her pants locked. , I as already determined to knock people unconscious and tear up their books at any time.

Unless ang Zheng agrees, he ill not hesitate to pick up the key and break it over someone else's head.

\"of course.\" Unexpectedly, ang Zheng immediately agreed, stood up and said, \"the time has e, let's go out.\"

Although Fang mu didn't kno hat ang Zheng as thinking at that time, he still thanked him.

After leaving the secret room and returning to the library of Yanping University, the to left the school ithout any problems under the guidance of ang Zheng.

“mr. Fang xian, here are you staying tonight?” ang Zheng suddenly became eling, not intending to let go of Fang mu immediately after leaving school.

Fang mu as very cautious and lied, \"No, I already have a place to live here.\"

\"Shall I send it to you?\"

``brother, I don't even have a car, ho can you give me a ride?'' Fan mu felt a tremor. maybe professor ang anted to see him alk aay? this is something only lovers in love do.

ang Zheng: \"It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble.\"

``thank you, I'm afraid, I don't need it.'' Fang mu flatly rejected ang Zheng's proposal.

ang Zheng felt a little disappointed, but still anted to do something bad, \"here do you live?\"

of course, it as impossible for Fang mu to tell the other party here he lived. he casually reported the hotel and room number he had seen on his ay to Yeonping University. ang Zheng really seemed to believe in him and said he ould e see him if he had free time. in.

Fang mu eled him armly on the outside, but in his heart he as ondering hether to leave Yanping city directly because it as dark today.

After spending many excuses, Fang mu finally got the chance to take aay ang Zheng's pliment.

perhaps ang Zheng realizes that he is the one ho blessed him, and is convinced of the rumor that ishes e true for those ho bless him, and the other person is trying to take advantage of this and make a certain ish e true. I thought about it. .

Fang mu doesn't think these ishes are free. there is no free lunch in the orld, especially from gods like the toad god.

blessings of the 280 sect chiefs

hen huang mu returned to his hotel room, he sat on the bed and continued reading ``black travelogue.'' ithout ang Zheng's interference, he could read the book more carefully.

Although he had finished reading the part about the frog god, Fang maki couldn't help but ant to read the rest out of curiosity.

the contents of the book cause people to panic. Although this is obviously just a translation, there is still a strange magic in the ords above. those ho read it bee extremely addicted, as if they ere hypnotized and could absorb every ord. It seems to be deeply engraved in the mind and gradually change a person's behavioral patterns.

Juan mu felt his soul sink into the invisible and unknon darkness, and his consciousness fell into a orld full of madness and fear.

the monsters and supernatural gods depicted in this book seemed to appear on the page and stand on the same level as him. As he read, his sanity gradually sank aay, his nerves became more and more tense, and his fear deepened by the minute.

Suddenly and suddenly, the emperors of the South and North Seas, the gods of time and space, accidentally killed the central emperor, hun chaos. once inside, the to bee chaotic and mad, intertined as one, transcending everything, unifying everything, controlling time and space, and being the master of a cult that lives in the ultimate abyss.

the master of the orld, the master of time and space, the one ho integrates everything, transcends everything, and dells in the depths. he left in the infinite universe the key to the ultimate mystery of the universe. those ho are destined to find the key ill be granted the right to enter the abyss and municate ith each other. the suzerain shares the highest divinity and the highest isdom, and bees a transcendental and transcendental being.

\"master... master ho transcends everything...\" Fan mu muttered, and the scenery in front of him changed strangely, the book in his hand sloly decayed, and strange and inexplicable music appeared. It looked like a ave as ing in. his ears.

It as the sound of an unknon instrument. It as music to the ears, but people found it unpleasant. It penetrates deep into the soul, but at the same time it burns the soul. this is not the kind of music that should exist in this orld, but rather the sound that humans are blessed ith.

Fang moku suddenly recovered from his engrossed state of reading hen he realized that the ``black travelogue'' in his hand had pletely disappeared. he suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill invade his entire body. It as so stiff that it as difficult to move. Just thinking about it made him ant to stand up and take action, but he kne he just couldn't do it. I lost my balance and fell to the side.

the spot here I fell asn't soft, but it asn't hard either. the visible ground as a path of dazzling hite light.

``So get used to it.'' As Fan mu looked at the familiar yet nostalgic scene in front of him, a forgotten memory sloly appeared in the back of his mind. I finally remembered that he had been here many times, but after I left here, I blocked these memories due to excessive fear.

hen Fan mu heard it, a bone-chilling, soul-eating music could be heard exploding inside that grand door.

``this is the entrance to the ultimate abyss, and beyond that is the gate of the ultimate abyss?'' Fang mu's breathing became heavy, his eyes turned red, and he felt a mixture of fear and excitement. I couldn't distinguish beteen the real emotions inside.

After realizing here he as, Fang mu couldn't help but onder hy he came to this place and ho he as able to e to this place.

he immediately recalled the use of nails and hammers by the Lord of the orlds' predecessors, Sui and hu. he also used nails and hammers to open ears and eyes.

“hat I hear is hat I see...hat I hear no is the circle master's voice, and hat I see is hat the circle master sees. I share my feelings ith him.'' homoku finally understood, and at the same time I as able to connect the contents of the ``ill'' I left him ith the afterlife.

I have multiple blessings. It means that this God of space and time is alays atching over me.

As he as thinking about this, Fang mu felt that the surrounding environment burst a fe cracks out of thin air. these slits gradually depict the shape of the eyes and closed eyelids. her eyes sloly opened and her soft eyes stared at him.

“Sect master” Fan mu’s face turned pale. As I atched the master of time and Space sloly reveal a distorted and deformed face, I felt fear once again overtake my consciousness.

hearing a strange high-frequency pulsating sound from all directions, Fan mu immediately looked around and sa giant praying mantis figures one after another. but hen it reappeared this time, its big papery eyes looked so small. Loyalty

hen Fang u heard a sound from the eye group, the group of praying mantises, hose true form he could not see, jumped out ith confidence, raising their blades all at once and attacking.

Fan mu screamed, closed his eyes, rolled to the right, and felt a great sense of eightlessness. my hole body fell into a deep hole and my heart as stuck in my throat.


hearing the sound of falling, Fang u landed on his back. his balance branch gradually felt gravity and touched the ground. then he sloly regained his posure and opened his eyes again.

the dark void, the future of hite light, the ultimate door, the infinite eyes... everything disappeared. All he sa as a nondescript hotel room and the embarrassing image of himself falling off the bed and seating coldly.

Fan mu took a deep breath, iped a handful of cold seat, and stood up from the ground. hen he got up, the bed seemed to be tight.

the mattress had been cut ith a sharp knife and carved ith strange, mysterious and unknon symbols. Someho, even though he had never seen it before, Fan mu recognized at a glance the meaning of this symbol that fell ith the mad King of time and Space.

``did I do that?'' Juan mu couldn't believe it. he shook his head violently, anting to deny it. his reason immediately orked. It couldn't be her...because it as impossible to do it properly and easily. carving such a large symbol on a to-meter bed ould require a eapon longer than an arm, but he doesn't carry such a knife.

Juan mu hugged himself trembling and thought about the praying mantis attacking him...

this praying mantis ill definitely do it!

Fang mu didn't have the courage to think deeply. he ran into the bathroom and turned on the shoer. ithout taking off my clothes, I stood under the spray and pelting ater of the shoer, imagining myself to be a illless eed.

As I felt the temperature of the ater change from cold to hot, my uncontrollable emotions and confused sensations gradually regained their balance.

``doorkeeper must have something to do ith time travel and the time cycle that happened to me.'' Fang mu took off his soaking et clothes and thre them outside the bathroom. he calmly thought, ``the praying mantis that appeared at the end of my life and killed me ith a knife must be a member of the suzerain's family or a servant, and attacking me must be on the suzerain's orders.''

Fang mu clung to the all, looked don at the sirling ater, and said in his heart: \"this is my master's blessing to me.\"

281 people are angry

After solving the puzzle, Fang mu felt no joy, only orry and fear.

there are alays differences among people, such as differences in ability level and hierarchy. It should be the same beteen foreign gods and foreign gods.

the existence of the Frog God, the Frog God, or even the daughter ho has never met the end of evolution is infinitesimal pared to the Lord ho transcends everything and lives in the abyss. the difference beteen the Frog God and the Supreme Lord is like the difference beteen Fan mu and the Frog God. maybe the difference is bigger than he imagined.

Although he is currently basking in the sun, the image of the Lord, ho transcends everything, is revived in Fan mu's heart. he may even feel a little connection beteen himself and the other person. beings ho cannot see themselves in their entirety are probably paying attention to themselves from a corner of space and time at this very moment. he is like a little man under a paintbrush, letting the Lord paint himself above all.

Luo Luo Luo…guaguagua…

After turning off the ater and taking a hot bath, Fang mu dried her hair ith a toel. before I could ipe half of my hair, I suddenly heard a strange sound ing from the drain. ithout listening closely, he immediately recognized it as a frog's voice.

these frogs are craling under drain pipes, probably right near the drain opening.

Juan mu stiffened a little and turned around, loering his eyebros and staring. he sa several large eyes in the et, black drainage holes in the floor. the oners of the naked eye made strange noises and continued to cover their heads. there is a metallic sound ing from the drain plug groove.

“ho on earth can you chase me?” Juan mu’s face darkened. Ever since he read ``black travelogue,'' he no clearly felt that the connection beteen the underorld and everyday life had bee stronger. , thereby forcibly increasing the \"blessing\" on him, and the blessing of the frog god affected him even more.

At first, they observed themselves from afar, placing only vague and strange signs around them. No they almost ant to go head-to-head. these frogs, like soldiers ordered by a general, launched a frontal attack.

\"damn!\" Seeing this scene, Fang mu felt scared and angry. he ent into the shoer, removed the shoer head, deliberately adjusted the temperature of the ater heater to its highest temperature, picked up the shoer nozzle, pointed it at it, and violently attacked the drain. \"the clay man is also very angry. Even though the Frog God and the Frog God are bullying me, a bunch of stinky frogs dare to jump in your face. See if I don't burn you all to death.\" Let's!\"

this fact proved that the frogs and toads that ere collecting in the drain of the hotel room at that time ere normal animals, far from the mutated frogs seen on mt. Nun. Under the fiery boiling ater, they could not resist and let out explosive screams. , after a hile it burned and selled. Some of them did not die and still stared at him ith distorted eyes, but their charred and sollen bodies blocked the drains, and the frogs and toads belo could no longer get to him. push it directly into the drain.

After pleting this, Fang u iped the cold seat from his forehead. No matter ho heroic and poerful he as no, he as actually afraid of further angering the frog god by doing so. then, ith God's blessing, the frog became stronger and more and more strange phenomena appeared around him.

In order to avoid a long night ith lots of dreams, Fang mu changed his clothes, ent to the hotel counter to check out, and took a \"black travel notebook\" ith him hen he left.

perhaps he didn't ant others to see his anxious and fearful expression, so he deliberately turned to a less croded street and alked quickly.

Fang mu felt like something as folloing him. he didn't kno if it as a human or a frog disguised as a human, but it as all malicious toards him.


Fang mu entered a dark alley and as alking don the road hen he suddenly sa a pair of flat canvas shoes appear. the voice I heard in front of me as very familiar.

Juan mu sloly raised his head, and his eyes gradually focused on this gentle and elegant face. he smiled reluctantly and said, \"hey, isn't that professor ang Zheng? hat a coincidence that e can meet here.\"

\"Yes, hat a coincidence.\" ang Zheng smiled.

\"I can't believe it. You're folloing me, aren't you?\" Fang mu took a deep breath and decided to confront his opponent.

hearing this, ang Zheng stopped pretending, loered his eyelids slightly and said, \"that's right...after thinking all night, I have no finally made up my mind.\"

``hat do you ant to do, kill me?'' Fan mu looked at the other person arily.

ang Zheng didn't admit or deny, but stepped closer and said, \"No...that's too asteful. I on't do it. Actually, I have a better idea. I ant you to help me.\"

``I ant you to help me pray to the frog god and the toad god, right?'' Fang mu immediately said to ang Zheng's heart, ``It seems that hat you said yesterday is frog god ill bless you.'' do you ant to find someone?\" Everyone, please make a ish and ask for help in making your ish e true. ”

ang Zheng’s face as excited. he spread out his hands as if he anted to embrace Fan mu, and as if he as preparing to strike don Fan mu. the movement of his teeth and clas made him look more strange and poerful. truly, all things are possible! ”

Fang mu's retreat as not as sift as ang Zheng's advance. Not only as he unable to quickly distance himself from his opponent, but he as also approached quickly and sometimes grabbed his shoulder.

Fan mu still refused. \"I don't believe in picture-perfect things like this. You alays have to pay a price for your ishes to e true.\"

\"You are right.\" ang Zheng smiled, a smile appearing on his elegant and gentle face. Under the dim light and shado, his smile became strange and fierce, ``So, you should sacrifice yourself ell and serve everyone. It ould be onderful if your ish came true.'' is.\"

As soon as he finished speaking, ang Zheng's seemingly slender body suddenly fle out ith a poerful force, almost instantly pushing Fang mu against the all. the smile on his face gre crooked. ``therefore, please help me achieve my ish.'' Let me go right aay. ”

\"Impossible!\" Fang mu anted to resist and struggle until he died, but he felt that ang Zheng, ho had grabbed his arm, suddenly stiffened and as lifted into the air. \"hy do you have to sit in this thing? don't be too nervous.\" You're so brave, bitch!

Fang mu could only kick and punch ang Zheng in the stomach. “please let me go!”

this kick as very heavy and aimed at a deadly spot. Fang mu thought that ang Zheng as some kind of terminator or enhancer, but this kick caused ang Zheng to quickly lose the strength to stand up.


If the timing asn't right, the sounds of dancing frogs and toads could be heard everyhere. Fang mu looked around and immediately broke into a cold seat. he discovered that in these dark, unexpected corners, one, to, or even hundreds of frogs appeared. , they stared at Fang mu and pletely surrounded him.

``Look, a messenger from the frog god is asking you to plete a ritual.'' mr. ang Zheng said in pain, protecting his broken back, ``offerings and prayers are essential!'' shouted.

\"I'll go alone!\" Fang mu kicked ang Zheng aay and used ang Zheng to open a path of blood. then he stepped on ang Zheng, jumped out of the ring surrounded by frogs, and ran aay.

but before ang Zheng could say anything, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his body. hen he looked at the spot here he had been stung, he sa a group of frogs ing toards him and biting him.

ang Zheng as still trying to stand back up, but as soon as the folds on his legs ere removed, he could no longer bear it and his hole body collapsed.

And these frogs, affected by the usual factors, are clearly no longer ordinary animals, but have a more terrifying and unknon toxicity.

the frog's poison quickly affected ang Zheng's body. ang Zheng felt that his body as cold and painful. I felt pain all over my body and insects ere moving inside my body.

She took off her clothes, revealing large buttons that looked like frog skin.

282 people are aake

Fan mu cursed in his heart. I never expected that a man like ang Zheng, ho on the surface as gentle and kind, had such a crazy side inside.

thinking of this, Fang mu remembered the ``black travelogue'' he had in his pocket, and his heart pounded.

Yes, this book as collected by ang Zheng himself. he must read the above. Not everyone can resist this kind of normal knoledge as it is.

It is also possible that ang Zheng himself has lived under the influence of foreign divine culture since childhood, and his resistance to abnormalities in that realm may naturally be lo. It's a potential lunatic, but he didn't have a chance to confirm it until he sa it yesterday. A normal phenomenon that occurs naturally.

hen he as finally able to strongly believe that supernatural forces existed in the real orld, ang Zheng's spiritual resistance to \"contamination\" as greatly reduced, and his defenses ere directly broken.

“Ah… quack…” Fan mu heard ang Zheng crying from behind. the sounds ere strange and chilling, varying beteen a human scream and a sharp frog cry.

he didn't have the courage to look back, but he could guess that ang Zheng might be dead.

In the end, the later ouma also said that his father omasa died young and fulfilled his divine destiny. Fan mu thought.

he doesn't kno ho far he ran, but Juan mu couldn't hear the frogs around him and realized that he had fled the city and returned to a quiet alley.

Fang mu folloed his feelings and alked don a quiet alley, turned don a path and came to a quiet park.

he finally exhaled and sat don under a banyan tree and rested against the tree. the arm sunlight shining through the leaves of the trees illuminates him, and only his slo breathing can be heard here.

Juan mu closed his eyes. Ever since he oke up this morning, his heart as tense due to the strange things that ere happening one after another. this causes inconsistency in thinking and causes it to not last long. but such escapes are not long-term solutions.

“Fan mu, Juan mu, think about the suicide note you left for yourself. there should be a clue.” Juan mu stroked his eyebros and calmed himself. he as used to forcing himself to calm don in this ay, so he hit the mokugyo and the high priest. , spinning rosary beads or chanting sutras can temporarily disconnect your mind from orldly interference, empty your brain, and allo you to think more purely.

there is more than one blessing for us... the Frog God and the Frog God are one and the same. the fact that the frog god can bless him means that the frog god has already added a \"blessing\" to him. At the same time, since the Lord, ho transcends everything, uses his on \"things\" and \"consideration\" for himself, it may not be impossible for him to also be considerate of other gods. yeah. It's a big problem and a hard mess to repair.

\"the only thing e can change is ourselves...e're in a hopeless m?bius strip, and e haven't found a ay out yet.\"Fan mu's brain continues to try to cope ith the current domination. I muttered. other clues continue to lead.

m?bius strip...time travel...ill you e back at the end of your journey? If everything that happens to me bees an eternal repetition, then time is a chain and a cage. my situation can certainly be described as \"difficult to escape.\"

bad! I also missed it a bit.

\"e are...'us'!\" Fang mu suddenly stood up, opened his eyes, and looked at the bright sky of the disappearing city. there ere dark clouds and fog, but his heart suddenly became brighter.

If the blessings of the Almighty eventually trap me, then my trap ill also trap everything else I encounter.

the people of enya village in the previous dynasty, the Anqin clan, the monarchy... and the frog god!

\"At the beginning of the first and second lives, the Frog God as clearly afraid of the hammer, but hen he met the Frog God again in the last life, the Frog God suddenly took the initiative to pick up the hammer. , I fought ith all my might. the strength to ithstand the erosion of the hammer must aaken ithin me.'' Fang mu felt that his thoughts ere like a roller coaster, and after reaching the top, it began to accelerate. I did. to make it in time.

but hy do you ant me to understand?

hat is the reason

because...the Frog God thought that if he used the hammer of the Lord of the orlds to enlighten me, he ould be given a chance to untie the Lord of the orld's chains from me! ”

Fang mu felt that he had found the anser and as very excited. Seeing the discolored sky, the lightning, and the thunder, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

“hammer…here is there a hammer in my life?” Juan mu thought for a moment, then clapped his hands. At the same time, the village of Lin Fengtian, or more precisely the river outside the village, appeared in his mind.

hen I just traveled back in time to the 1990s in my previous life, hammer traveled ith me and as close to me. Unfortunately, I took the picture before I oke up.

Similarly, if a hammer follos me every time I cross, my hammer should also sink beneath the surface of the small river I just crossed in this life.

\"I ant to go back! I ant to go back!\" Fang mu had a direction in his heart. he turned and ran forard, out of the ind and rain. the fierce ind and rain rushed behind him, as if he ere peting ith the normal eather.


hoever, Fang mu's boundless ildness did not last long. he sharpened his senses and concentrated on thinking for long periods of time. he seemed excited at that moment, but in reality the hole person as just a hollo glass. his superhuman hearing and normal vision ere not used. It as a sap that sung don from the darkness and hit Fang u directly on the head.

Fang mu's vision ent dark on the spot, and he could barely feel the pain. his head just ent numb, his body as eak, and he couldn't do anything and passed out.

please shout!

Juan mu rose to the surface like a droned man. my breathing soon became clearer, and I quickly regained consciousness. hen he removed the hood from his head, his eyesight as restored. there as fear in his eyes and a blank look on his face. A familiar 10 square meter room ith green and hite alls and a single bright light source in front. It as like an interrogation room.

perhaps the light travels too straight and there are too fe reflective objects in the room, so it

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