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在埃尔德里奇避风港的编年史中,埃尔德里奇避风港编年史的第九章展开,揭示了高潮战斗的后果以及领域内剩余谜团的解开。 ultism, I remend reading the third book in the second ro from the bottom. Near the left side of that ro is a book called 'black travels.'\"

Fang mu as surprised, quickly thanked him, and ran to get the book again.

Fan mu, ho received the \"Night travel memo\", turned over a fe pages and realized that it as not the original, but a translation. the original translator called himself \"Ye Gong\" and as an ancient man from hundreds of years ago.

the original author of \"Night Journey\" is unknon. It is said to have been ritten by a andering taoist based on his on experiences. he mainly collects magical things from all over the orld. Its nature is somehat similar to the \"Shanhaishu\" of the \"hainaijing\", but its content is more deviant and secret.

this book may have some mysterious poer. hen Fang mu touched the book, he felt a tremor in his fingertips that touched the book. All his senses seemed frozen and numb as he immersed himself in the orld. half

Fan mu turned the pages one after another, and the first unusual event mentioned at the beginning scared Fan mu.

Zhao Nu calls herself Zhao, but she does not kno her on name. Its appearance differs from person to person, but it is alays beautiful and attractive. he likes to eat all kinds of things and also likes to eat people. he is not human. In fact, it is a gourmet monster. According to legend, she is the daughter of evolution, mother Earth.

“daughter of Evolution, mother Earth…” Fan mu thought about the “goddess” mentioned by an unknon group a fe days ago. hen he sa a book that described a special symbol - the unusual \"Zhao Girl\", he immediately remembered the strange runes carved on the goat.

he confirmed that this Zhao girl as a \"goddess\".

``this book...is real.'' Fang mu felt his heart pounding. he sa the thickness of the book and suddenly felt very desperate.

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