

第39章 微妙平衡(2 / 2)
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Li Jian looked at him and said, \"hat do you think you sa? It can't be that bad.\"

hen the clerk heard this, he smiled dryly, aved his hand, and said, \"No, no, I as just thinking ildly.\" then he boed slightly and returned to his ork behind the counter.

Li Jian'an thought for a hile, looked at the three energy bars in his hand, and ent to pay, and asked again hen paying. \"hat do you think these to girls sa?\"

the clerk raised his head and looked at he Jian. ith his sleek bald head and sinister face, he pursed his lips nervously. he as a little afraid that if he didn't tell the truth, the other party ould refuse to pay and maybe even beat him up.

Seeing that there ere fe customers in the store, the clerk stopped looking at huron and said simply, \"Isn't there some kind of urban legend going around lately?\"

\"I'm sorry, but I'm an old man and don't access the Internet much. please explain in detail.\" Li Jian'an blinked, rested half of his body on the counter, and patiently listened to the clerk's explanation.

the clerk tisted his mouth a little and said, ``Aren't video calls popular these days?Recently, some people's cell phones have been receiving video call invitations from strangers ith black avatars and hose names I don't kno. I get this message inexplicably, but this person... is not my friend at all.''

“mobile virus?”

\"A virus? It's scarier than that,\" the clerk said, looking a little excited. he alked over and said suspiciously in he Jia'an's ear: .. In about 7 days no one ill anser the phone! ”

209 diseases

ding dong ding dong——

Li Jiaan came out of the store. he remembered hat the clerk said. It asn't clear hether this urban legend as true or not, but judging from the reactions of the to high school girls earlier, if they eren't movie stars, there might be some unknon risk factor.

this may be the first unusual occurrence that Jian has encountered since arriving on the island, and he Jian ants to investigate it.

Lately, ghost stories have been happening all over Sakurajima. hoever, most of the ghost stories on the internet are fabricated. popular reputation is better than truth. As a result, ghost stories are quietly happening on Sakurajima. phenomena that are difficult to explain are difficult to attract the attention of the general public.

Shi he Jian himself as not an investigator, but instead read nespapers in his free time at a psychiatric clinic. For a hile, the nespapers featured some strange happenings on Sakurajima, but I suspect he as unaare of the existence of this overseas island.

this is the purpose of Kaken's visit to Sakurajima, but that is not the only purpose.

According to orld Investigator daily, Sakurajima is suspected to be infested ith birds. itnesses took photos of the bird after it moved through the air. In addition, some have found signs of \"blessing\" here...various signs. It shos that the normal elements associated ith former teammates managed to e together on such a small island. Li Jian felt it necessary to investigate.

After leaving the convenience store, he Jia'an looked around on the side of the road and noticed that the to high school girls ere nohere to be seen. the sky as getting dark, so he thought that since he couldn't run aay anyay, he had better go and see it tomorro.

he noticed that the school emblem of the to high school girls had \"Kisaragi high School\" ritten on it. In the orst case scenario, people ill not be able to enter through the school gate.

maybe it as cruel to think about something hile alking don the street. he seemed to be thinking of something bad. All pedestrians on the road took a detour, and some secretly planned to call the police. After Li Jian discovered it in time, he immediately fled the scene.

before he kne it, night had fallen, and he Jian, ho as looking for a place to temporarily rest, folloed the city lights and stumbled upon the city's entertainment district. Looking at the debauched scenery of parties, debauchery, and luxury around her, Li Jia'an said that if she had money, if it as enough, she ould definitely join the uncles surrounded by catchy girls.

Unfortunately, he has no money.

It had been a long time since he had been in a place like this. Li Jian's eyes ere inevitably dran to the oriole and Yangyang along the road. he accidentally hit a fat man ho as boing his head and iping his seat. Unexpectedly, Li Jian, a relatively thin man, actually defeated his uncle.

\"No, e haven't been alking long yet...\" the broken old man cursed, the ig on his head crooked. hen I adjusted my ig and lifted my dangling bangs, there as a man ith a cold face and a fearless expression. After the bald man looked don at him, he quickly covered his mouth rudely and looked at the others ith an expression of horror.

After realizing the size of the uncle in front of him for a hile, he Jia'an suddenly shoed an ugly smile on his face and said, \"I'm sorry, I hit you.\" he held out his hand to ake her up.

the fat man couldn't hold the other person's hand and got off. ``I haven't been able to do anything. I as alking ithout looking at the road, so I'll go home first,'' she said ith a smile.

hile saying this, the fat man loered his head again and anted to leave quickly.

but hen the fat old man as about to take a fe steps, a large hand as placed on his shoulder. All he could do as turn around mechanically ith a stiff smile...

Eventually, a bald fat man ho as running on the street in the red light district appeared, and a sickly handsome man appeared.

perhaps a bald head has a big impact on a person's appearance. After earing a ig, he Jia'an looks very calm. people's attention toards him shifted from focusing on his bald head to focusing on his facial features. She as physically eakened due to long-term emotional abuse and seemed like a really eak patient.

there are rabbits in the orld ho eat carrots and rabbits ho don't. the image of Li Ka'an at this time is quite consistent ith some people's tastes.

this entertainment district is not only filled ith adult entertainment establishments used by men. of course, there are also coherd stores here omen ant to spend their money. there are a lot of omen here. Some people are tired of coboys ith bad acting skills. the men sa he Jian hanging out in the red light district and thought it as unusual, but suddenly several ealthy omen suddenly alked toards him boldly, shaking their heavy bodies.

\"hey brother, ould you be interested in going out for drinks ith me?\"

\"I'll pay for tonight's meal.\"

\"Are you tired? If you are, your sister ill e here to fort you, okay?\"

“…” Several omen shouted abusive ords in front of he Jia’an. Even he Jia'an had never experienced a battle like this. I had heard for some time that life on Sakurajima as stressful, and that some people shoed their primitive nature at night. I didn't expect her to be this ild, a plete change from her serious ork appearance during the day.

Regarding this, Li Jian immediately calmed don. he is no in abject poverty, but please let him maintain his noble tastes... So he uses the rich oman's money to open a room in a nearby hotel for the night.

of course he did nothing that night. hen he entered the room, someone removed his headband, causing the rich oman to thro a tantrum.

After all, he did not expect that he as really a sick person...

the rich oman as not hungry and had a heart. he paid for the room, talked ith he Jian for a hile, and then found an excuse to leave.

therefore, he Jia'an as lucky to get a free acmodation, ate a free breakfast at the hotel the next day, and left satisfied.

Li Jian'an met someone on the street and asked about the local Kisaragi high School. After several guides, he finally decided on the route.

As he as alking don a narro street in a residential area, he suddenly felt a noise nearby and could vaguely hear the sound of a police car's horn blaring. I couldn't help but be curious, so I folloed the sound and ent to see it.

passing through the alley and onto the main road, he Jian sa the door of a relatively high-class house. A temporary cordon as set up around the area. Someone as standing outside the cordon atching. the screams of men and omen echo from the garden.

Li Jia'an sa the difference in the crod and pushed into the deepest part of the crod. Just then, I sa a corpse rapped in a hite cloth being carried out and placed on a transport plane. there ere to people crying behind the orker carrying the corpse. heartbroken parents.

``beautiful young lady, hat happened here?'' Li Jian'an asked her aunt, ho as talking to someone else.

hearing this \"gentle\" polite question and seeing he Jia'an's beautiful appearance, the aunt suddenly felt a little embarrassed and explained he Jia'an's curiosity as follos: At night, after the hole family as asleep, he quietly mitted suicide in his room...

211 Naomi

``Naomi, it's been quite a hile since school ended, hy haven't you e back?'' After the 1st grade b monitor delivered all the materials the teacher had collected today to the office, she returned to the classroom and looked at her aching arm. I ended my day as a monitor by rubbing it. At ork, he just ants to go home and eat the curry his mother made. hoever, hen I returned to the classroom, I sa my female classmate sitting there ith an ugly expression on her face, staring at the table ithout moving, and I couldn't help but remember. road

``...Ah, it's almost that time. I'm going to go no.'' her female classmate as surprised, then hurriedly regained her senses as if aking up from a nightmare, and suddenly broke into a cold seat. he quickly picked up his school bag from the hook by the table, hesitantly stood up and prepared to leave.

``Naomi, are you sure you're okay?'' Seeing her female classmate, the monitor couldn't help but approach her ith concern.

As a class monitor, she pays close attention to her classmates' daily performance. Naomi misaki as out of state all day today, so she as in a daze.

``It's okay. thank you, Kudo-kun. I'll go home first.'' the other person didn't give him a chance to approach the monitor. She grabbed her bag and left the classroom.

Seeing this scene, the class monitor stood ith his arms crossed and a depressed look on his face. then he looked at the table to Naomi misaki's left and muttered, ``maybe Kurosaa isn't ing to school today, so he's feeling restless?'' you? Indeed, the relationship beteen the to of us is very good and e ill alays be inseparable...\"

Naomi mitsuzaki ran don the stairs and ran about 100 meters outside the school gate, here she as almost hit by a speeding truck. It stopped like that. the tension in his brain and body gradually disappeared due to the strong feeling that death as approaching. due to the loss of sensation caused by running too much, and the severe pain in his heart and lungs, he as finally forced to reveal his true feelings, his rationality collapsed, and he crouched don on the spot crying loudly.

``It as very dangerous no, young lady.'' Li Ka'an arrived on time and picked up Naomi misaki, ho as about to be hit by a car. At that time, I sa a high school student crying in front of me, and I felt a little embarrassed and confused. he as about to say harsh ords, but they suddenly disappeared.

misaki Naomi continued to cry for a long time, and he Jian stood aside for a long time in embarrassment. Fortunately, there ere no pedestrians nearby, so police did not make any arrests.

\"thank you.\" misaki Naomi raised her red and sollen eyes and thanked he Jian. my face and arms ere et ith tears.

Li Jian’an as silent for a moment, silently put his hand in his pocket, took out a tissue from the hotel, and handed it to the other party. \"please ipe it.\"

Naomi miizaki thanked him again and iped her face clean, but realized that she didn't have enough paper, and silently stared at he Jian.

Li Jian'an understood hat the other person anted to say, narroed his eyes and said seriously: \"Sorry, but this is it.\"

Naomi mitsuzaki as speechless. She took a handkerchief from her skirt pocket and iped her face.

perhaps finally letting out her emotions, Naomi misaki gradually regained her ability to think. he looked at he Jia'an's clothes and felt that they looked familiar. then he stared at he Jia'an's face for a long time, and finally sa some clues and pointed at he Jia'an's face. Surprised: \"Is that the old man ho as at the store yesterday!? hy does he have long hair?\"

\"...ig...and please don't call me uncle if you can help it.\"

“then hat should e call it?”

“please call me he Jian.”

\"Uncle, are you from china?\" misaki Naomi heard the pronunciation of this name and immediately guessed he Jian's hometon.

Li Jia'an nodded and lied, \"I came on a trip.\"

``Shall I call you mr. Lee then?'' Naomi mitsuki thought for a hile and then asked hesitantly.

Li Jia'an nodded in agreement and said again ith a serious expression: \"I as really excited right no. ho are you feeling no? Are you fortable somehere else?\"

\"I'm fine.\" Naomi misaki as relieved and forced a smile, \"thank you. I'm Naomi misaki. please call me Naomi.\"

\"hy didn't you meet the classmate girl you ere ith yesterday?\" hen Li Jian'an asked deliberately, the evil uncle stabbed him in the heart.

As expected, misaki Naomi suddenly pursed her lips, looking like she as about to burst into tears. he suppressed his sadness, loered his head and tried to speak, but the first sound he made made him lose his defenses ith tears and his hole throat hurt. , a fever that felt like sadness as ing out.

Li Jia'an felt that enough as enough and simply said: ``I'm sorry, actually...hen I as alking this morning, I heard the nes that a 9th grade female student at Zuigaku high School mitted ent there out of curiosity.''hen I looked, I found that he had passed aay yesterday. You can see that. Your friend as also ith this person. ”

Naomi misaki fell again and sat on the floor in fear. She covered her face and jumped up crying as she told him the truth. \"Everything... mimiko's phone... Everything is mimiko... Kana.\" he just died! ”

“mimeiko?” Li Jiaan blinked and silently registered the name. could that urban legend be true?

So, ho is this strange oman named mimiko ho appears in this urban legend?

Li Jiang sa the sky being dark again and said to a crying Naomi misaki: \"Naomi, the sun is about to set. Let me take you home. It's dangerous to stay here all the time.\" After all, this is still a road, so try to stay as late as possible.

Unexpectedly, Naomi misaki shook her head and refused, panicking and saying: \"I don't ant to go home...I'll be alone hen I get home, and I'm scared.\"

Are high school students today really that defenseless? Li Jia'an as speechless hen he heard the other person freely and directly talk about his situation to an unknon uncle.

of course, he Jia'an also kne that this shy girl as probably really scared and anted to \"rush to the doctor\" as if someone around her could ask for help. .

\"then... let's go eat. I'm hungry too,\" Li Jian'an suggested after thinking for a hile. he rubbed his empty stomach and suddenly thought of something and added, \"No that I think about it, you treated me as repayment for saving my life earlier.\"

the female student gasped and looked at he Jia'an in shock, but hen she sa he Jia'an, ho as hiding her face behind an iron all, gradually lose her expression, she couldn't help but laugh. the other person's red ears.

“Agreed.” Li Jian’an scratched his face.

``I agree.'' Naomi misaki agreed immediately, and she took her handsome old man, ho has been traveling for four years, to a nearby station, Km, for a meal of hamburgers and fried chicken.

Li Jian'an as so excited about the food that he ate it a little ildly, like a starving ghost reincarnated, and ate a hamburger that as half the size of his face in three bites.

Li Jiang let go of his hand and started eating. because hile misaki Naomi as making the payment, she noticed that the other party siped her card and paid directly. It seemed to be her on card. A fe seconds after sliding, he received an SmS notification about the reduction, shoing that the balance amounted to five digits of orld currency.

Seeing he Jian'an eating happily, misaki Naomi couldn't help but feel good. the corner of his mouth involuntarily turned up and he asked, \"hat do you think? Are you satisfied ith this meal?\"

\"It's a onderful choice. If you treat me to estern food, I don't think I ill be fully satisfied.\" Li Jian'an praised, \"thank you for your hospitality.\"

\"Not enough.\" misaki Naomi relaxed a little and began to look at he Jia'an from top to bottom. I realized that the other person's clothes actually didn't suit me. From head to toe, he didn't really look like a tourist, but more like one. …

misaki Naomi ate a hamburger gracefully and silently, and he Jianhu ate a sea star.

misaki Naomi suddenly said to he Jian, ``Uncle has no place to live, so ould you like to stay at my house?''

\"Angle?\" Li Jian'an almost spit out the cola he drank don his throat.

211 mimiko

Li Jian'an iped her lips and did not accept the invitation for the time being. Instead, he asked, \"can you tell me? there's something about mimiko.\" here

hen mimiko said that, Naomi misaki's face immediately became orried. he seemed to have lost his appetite, so he put don the half-eaten chicken roll.

Li Jian aited patiently for the other person to speak ithout rushing.

After putting something together in her head, Naomi misaki began to speak sloly. \"mimiko is the 'main character' of the last strange video call of this city's legend. that's hat everyone calls her.\"

\"Guys?\" Li Jian'an as a little confused. the convenience store clerk yesterday didn't seem to kno the name of the strange oman ho appears in this ton's legend.

``ell, most of my classmates at school must kno about her.'' Naomi miizaki said, ``I really hope the legend of mimiko spreads to Kisaragi high School as soon as are rumors that it's someone from our school. I’m a first-year senior,” he said ith a nod.

the prototype of the urban legend monster may be a character that exists in reality, but that character as a student at Kisaragi high School.

\"So, do you kno about mimiko's background?\" Li Ka'an asked curiously, suppressing his inner speculation for the time being. here

Naomi misaki took a sip of her iced cola and felt her body and mind cool don. he shook his head and rolled his eyes. ``mimiko is rumored to be beautiful, and everyone is excited by her beauty...hoever, one day, perhaps due to an accident or because of people's persecution, the experimental equipment suddenly explodes.'' mimiko's chemistry In the experimental class, chemical gases and chemicals destroyed its appearance.

Since then, Kisaragi high School has lost oyama hana and an ugly devil-like presence. Everyone around her, including her teachers, classmates, friends, and boyfriend, avoided her, and some even made fun of and ridiculed her in all kinds of ays.

mimiko lost her dignity and felt abandoned by the orld. Finally, one day he made a decision. during class, he said in front of everyone, ``I ant to mit suicide tonight at 9 o'clock.'' bell'.

Everyone as surprised, but they couldn't tell if they ere guilty or indifferent. No one responded to the other's ords. Even his class teacher criticized his \"bossy attitude\" in a private message after class.

that night, after returning home, mimiko locked herself in her room ith a knife in one hand and a cell phone in the other. he invited all his old friends in his address book for a video call, but no one ansered. his phone.

mimiko's body as discovered after her parents returned home after orking overtime. his death as very tragic, his ugly face as cut ith a knife and he died from blood loss in the end.

Since then, students on campus have occasionally received phone calls from mimiko. he sa her before she died and said she ould be found ithin seven days. those ho anser the phone ill receive a call back ithin seven days. the moment the phone connected, mimiko as taken to hell...

Naomi mitsusaki took a deep breath and tried to calm her heartbeat. “perhaps this is the story.”

After hearing Naomi misaki's breathing, Kaken as silent for a long time before menting, ``It's a very mon story.''

``but he's afraid to say it!'' Naomi misaki looked at he Jian's suppressed smile ith great dissatisfaction, ``obviously that's hat you ant to hear, and hy are you saying this? \"do you really ant to kno about seeds, uncle? this kind of thing... everyone is actually afraid to avoid.\" that. \"

\"to be honest, even if I'm on vacation, I'm still an investigator.\" Li Jian'an said seriously, half truth, half lie.

Naomi misaki looked up and don in surprise. \"Uncle, are you really that strong?\"

\"okay,\" Li Jiang said ith a smile. \"If you are having difficulties in this area, I ill do my best to help you.\"

``So you have agreed to live in my house?'' Naomi miizaki said in surprise. here

Li Jian as surprised to feel the shocking eyes of those around him focused on him, and hispered helplessly. \"...You said you ere a girl, but are you really that reserved?\"

\"because I'm scared...\" She said sloly, looking at Naomi Saki, ho had kept her mouth shut.

Li Jiaan narroed his eyes. didn't you think that this high school student's true nature as a little devil?

``Are you sure you're okay?'' Li Jian'an as still a little hesitant. I as prepared to face him, but to be honest, living openly in a high school student's house felt like a pretty deep trample. , I really ant to quit smoking.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t do anything strange.” Seeing Naomi Sakin’s smile, she generously opened the door, turned on the light in the entrance hall, and invited he Jian.

Li Jian took a deep breath. I thought that if I didn't hesitate to shout out loud in front of a high school girl's house, the neighbors here ould probably see me, and then they ould be very interested in other things. the effect on girls is even more severe. here

\"Excuse me.\" Li Jian alked into Naomi misaki's house ith heavy steps.

Naomi misaki brought slippers to he Jiaan. Li Jian'an ore slippers hile looking at Naomi misaki's house from the front door. \"Are you the only one home today?\"

\"I'll be alone not just today, but until the end of the month,\" Naomi misaki ansered. he took he Jia'an to the living room and told her to sit on the sofa in front of the tV. he ent to the refrigerator in the kitchen and asked, \"Uncle, hat do you ant to drink? Is juice okay?\"

``ell, thank you for the juice.'' Li Jian'an as sitting on the sofa and looking around hen she suddenly noticed the portrait of a deceased person in the shrine in the corner and alked over.

the portrait is of a beautiful oman hose eyebros and eyes somehat overlap ith Naomi misaki's, but their facial shape and temperament are very different.

\"this is a portrait of my grandmother. She didn't like the ay she looked hen she as older, so after her death she specifically asked that I use her best photo from hen she as younger to honor her.\" Naomi miyazaki's voice as heard from behind hen the nes came out, Naomi miyazaki took glasses of juice in both hands and handed one of them to he Jian'an.

Li Jian'an expressed her gratitude and accepted the juice, saying, \"Grandma, I have something in mind.\" here

\"I think so too.\" Naomi misaki understood he Jia'an's meaning and said, \"After I die, I ant my descendants to have the most satisfying photo of my youth as a memento. '' he said ith a smile.

Li Jian'an looked don and sa that the high school girl as still nervous and as rubbing her toes on the floor. he took a step aay from her and said, ``I'm going to sleep in the living room tonight, so please excuse me.''

\"okay, I'll prepare it for you.\" Naomi miizaki nodded, placed the glass of ater on the coffee table, and hurried aay.

Looking at misaki Naomi's face as she left, he Jia'an's expression gradually became serious. I thought I could see a pale hand groing from the back of my head ith thick black hair.

212 are all 7

As soon as misaki Naomi turned toards the stairs, she suddenly turned around and gave an ugly smile. please stay ith me tonight. \"Room\" Run\"

Li Jiang as a little speechless, but still nodded.

Arriving at Naomi misaki's room, hae Ja-an looked around Naomi misaki's private room, and then looked at Naomi misaki's back as she as making the bed. Remembering the ghostly hand he had just seen, he couldn't help but onder, \"did you and Kurosaa anser the phone together in that video?\"

Naomi suddenly froze, so she sloly turned around, looked at he Jian, loered her head, and said, “do you understand?”

\"probably.\" Li Jian'an didn't have the courage to say that he had seen someone else's vision. otherise, the girl ould have to follo in the footsteps of a classmate named Kurosaa and mit suicide before the so-called \"mimiko A's curse\" occurs. truth. life

Naomi misaki then said, ``Yesterday at a convenience store, Kana's phone received an invitation for a video call from the legendary horror legend has been especially popular lately, so I as scared for a thre my phone.'' I began to honestly explain the situation. After that, the old man carefully picked up my phone and handed it to Kana, ho ran out of the store ith me.

After that, as if it ere just an illusion, the ining calls stopped, and the missed call history also disappeared, giving us a momentary sense of relief. hoever, hat happens next is beyond our understanding. After that, another video call invitation arrived on Kana's cell phone. e ere all surprised, but relieved to see that the caller as Kana's mother, so e loered our guard and ansered the phone.

but the moment they ansered the phone, the ining call notification turned into a series of hellish numbers that shouldn't exist. the legend of mimiko appears, her disfigured and disfigured face appearing in a lake of flesh and blood. ill appear on your phone screen. e ere both scared. I anted to hang up, but I had no other choice. All e could do as look at him and hear the ords \"I'll be there in 7 days\" before e hung up. the call has been disconnected. here

At that moment, mimiko's number became a friend in the address book that could not be deleted, and the call history as also displayed and could not be deleted. No e all kno that you really bee the hero of an urban legend and after 7 days you ill be taken to hell by mimiko. And Kana ran aay like a madman, and I spent days and nights alone in fear...\"

After carefully listening to Naomi miizaki's experience, he Jian'an thought for a hile and said to the girl in a gentle tone: \"Let's not talk too much right no, let's take a nice bath first.\"

\"Yes.\" Naomi miizaki gave a small nod.

After that, no cliche toilet horror plots appeared. Naomi miizaki happily took a bath, but hen he Jia'an as to take a bath, the girl insisted on going ith him. he said he as afraid of being alone in the hallay. he declared, turning aay and not looking.

In public, he Jia'an may ant to sho his face, but in this close scene, and hen it's just him and her, he doesn't have much moral integrity. Even if a young oman makes such a bold request, he on't refuse. , And by not looking, you really don't care hether the other person ill keep their promise or not.

hae Jaan, ho as finally able to get into bed and sleep, lay don on the prepared floor, and Naomi misaki also slept on the bed.

\"Good night.\" Li Jian sa the light in the room and stood up to turn it off. here

\"ait!\" Seeing this, Naomi miizaki immediately got up from the bed to stop the other person's actions, and said ith a glare, \"At least leave a light on.\"

“Agreed.” Li Jiang didn’t care, left a small lamp for Naomi misaki, and lay don on the bed.

After that, troublemaker Saki Naomi couldn't sleep and told he Jia'an about her past.

most of the time, Naomi miyazaki as speaking and he Jian as listening. Afterards, Naomi misaki probably realized that she as talking too much and as afraid of seeming a nuisance to he Ji-an, so she gave he Ji-an the \"mic\" and asked he Ji-an to talk about your past. I guess it as.

of course, he Jian could not say it, nor did he dare to say it. As it turns out, his experience as a mystery detective as much scarier than hat Naomi misaki is currently experiencing. he told different scary stories throughout the day to scare the girls. therefore, Li Jian can only talk about some interesting things in the past that are not related to his career.

In this ay, the to of them lost track of time and exchanged ords. misaki Naomi's physiological instinct to sleep overcame her fear and she fell asleep.

Li Jiang finally felt relieved. then he sat don and looked at the sleeping Naomi miizaki. he hesitated for a moment, reached into his pocket, took out a red Ne Year's gift bag, took a deep breath, and put it don. on the tatami outside. here

the moment his hand left the red envelope, he Jia'an felt a chill run through his eyes and into his brain. In the blink of an eye, the orld's color changed, turning into the dark color I'd been used to seeing for the past fe years, black as if all life force had been drained aay.

the gaze that had bothered me at the mental sanatorium disappeared ithout a trace, but I felt that a poer from a dimension that as not supposed to exist as invading the orld, and I could see distortions. Vines of rotting plants are encroaching on the houses, a gray mist covers the city, and gray chachins are still sloly falling from the depths of the unknon fog.

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