

第38章 Nyxathoria(1 / 2)
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欢迎来到神秘的“Nyxathoria”领域,这是一个坐落在克苏鲁宇宙统治下的超凡脱俗的地区。 rmation about the forbidden experiment conducted by the remaining Sankai sloly returned to Yu Lianyun's mind. the experiment involved using special sound aves to dissolve mental barriers in mentally vulnerable people, thereby gaining normal poers that transcend mental barriers.

Recalling hat I sa in the underground laboratory, this experiment surprisingly used only the shell of the brain as the experimental material, rather than the entire human body. hat's even more suspicious is that these people don't seem to be using one brain as an experiment. Instead, hole groups of brains are used as experimental subjects. this means this is not a rigorous experiment. Frankly speaking, this is plete nonsense!

but hat if this is not a simple experiment? Assuming that the experimental researcher has insight into all the results of the experiment, hat he does is not an experiment, but more like a kind of production .

but ho is this done?

before Yu Lianyun could think, she immediately noticed that the ground beneath her feet as rising. It as a huge pillar of flesh rising from the ground. he had to stop about three stories aay hen he noticed it groing out of the ground. Not only ere there pillars of flesh sticking out from under my feet, but there ere pillars of flesh all over the xc area.


Suddenly, blood-red heat began to flo from the tip of the shaft, blazing like fire.

Fear can sometimes make a person calm and calm. hen he as pushed up into the sky, Yu Lianyun as like a sober drink. Looking at the ruined city, a nostalgic feeling came to my mind.

\"ait a minute, this picture... is a magic seal that dr. clark dre hen he as a child. that pillar of flesh is equivalent to a candle!\" Yu Lianyun had an idea. No onder the remaining Santomi ever shoed fierce and stubborn resistance only hen they ere underground. Apparently they eren't thinking about running aay. they ere already prepared and aiting for all these things to happen. Even if the secret team could not find any clues, they still anted to die in the collapse of the sky. as locked up

the asphalt hardened in the scorching heat and melted quickly, and Yu Lianyun as so hot that he had no choice but to fall horizontally from pole height onto the deformed road surface to the ground.

Yu Lianyun fell don, covered in blood and his skin torn. As he struggled to get up from the ground, he sa an even more horrifying and hopeless sight.

A big brain full of grooves and beats sloly hangs in the sky. At the base of the brain as a thick strip of pink flesh that ent directly into the ground and connected to each pillar of flesh. After fidgeting for a hile, the tissue bloomed like a floer into a large black eye.

Suddenly, a demonic ind raged around the giant brain. Everything in his path turned into yello dust. the yello sand moves ith the magical ind, gathers together ith the magical ind, and sloly forms a book in front of the brain. shape

“Sand book!” Yu Lianyun suddenly understood. And it as this book of the omniscient devil that gave these remaining riches the courage to skip the experimentation stage and have the ultimate experience.

the ambitions and desires of these fools are beyond the imagination of ordinary people like them.

boom boom boom!

before I kne it, the castle as in ruins, and more than half of the large castle had collapsed. Its body gre larger and larger until it as as big as an entire castle.

the monster's corpse chased clark and milea as they alked back and forth beteen the ruins, the to still aving their hands in front of them.

Stones are falling here and there, and the range of movement is getting smaller and smaller.

clark and miller ere already panicking. For clark, it is difficult to identify the Red Shoes' traces ith the naked eye, let alone ho to escape from the Red Shoes' guidance.

the monster's pores and eyes emitted evil hispers that made people fall, and the attack became even more ferocious. clark folloed the red shoes as if they ere andering through ruins.

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