

第33章 过去的回声(2 / 2)
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people ho don't understand this matrix ill only think it's a seal, but in reality, seals are eak against Kusun. the real function of the uterus is to provide maximum support ithout asting any energy. cthun is back.

derek as also a little intrigued hen he heard that, but he couldn't help but onder, \"So hat does this have to do ith this strange incident?\"

\"Although there is a certain connection, the secret focus I ill tell you is not about this issue, but about you,\" xin Junmao said.

derek looked a little confused and pointed at himself, \"me?\"

xin Junmao shook his head. \"the great Kusuen is a poerful god ho travels through orlds and other dimensions. of course, the puffers are not the only Juan clan he has conquered.

one of the highest scrolls is like a god to us humans. he is also part of Kusun's body system and a descendant of the birth of the Inverted creator.

this foreign god learned that his great father had not returned to the stars for a long time, so he traced an unnatural blood connection to Kusuun and came to earth.

this strange god as the ancestor of the fishmen that people ould later kno as the king of the fishmen. the people of that time, ho ere still in the ignorant feudal era, even called him Ankaijin.

Yes, you heard it correctly. the roots of your identity are more plex and vast than any of us can imagine. Kusun is your father and the Inverted creator is your mother.

And ye are sons of rebels, sons of rebels, and belong to great filial piety. ”

derek as surprised to hear that. his hole face turned red. he as hesitant to speak and didn't kno here to start.

Its ingredients are too plex.

\"hehe, that's just teasing and nothing else. these gods are indifferent and merciless. there is no ord for family love in the spiritual orld. Sons and grandchildren are human beings in biological and social relationships. It's just the definition of the orld, and they have no rights.'' xin Junmao laughed and said, ``don't orry.''

``the reason hy Kusun's eyes participated in the big battle to enter the demon capital is because in recent years, Kusun suddenly mysteriously disappeared and became unresponsive.

Kusun's disappearance as related to the team's mysterious investigation this year. For Kusun, this operation as, in a sense, an act of revenge. ”

168 strange things inside humans

this is revenge. hile targeting a mysterious group, he also ants to cause damage to the orld.

If the sky demon from another dimension is successfully transferred to the real orld, he ill have the funds and opportunity to force the occult team to tell the truth about Kusun's mysterious disappearance.

hether or not he ill be able to summon the Upside don creator in the future is not important to Kusun. the intensity of coerced confessions ill only increase.

After finally learning about the relationship beteen Jae Kusun and the crazy murderers of demon city, drake suddenly realized it and couldn't help but let out a melancholy sigh.

\"Is there more?\" derek understood this part of the information and asked xin Junmao. he glanced at mr. Zhao, ho as smiling, and sa a big fat orange in the other person's arms. Kat bs cat's orange hair ith her ever-changing hands, no a split bundle of arms.

the big orange cat looks fat and cute, but he has a clingy personality, and a cat ho can get along ith other gods is clearly outside of his race. he has some intelligence and is an alien.

xin Junmao nodded, \"In his memory, there is also information about other members of the Eye of xuen organization. ith this information, I can't say that e can definitely catch everyone. At least you can inflict pain on this normal people' organization...

Additionally, there are munication channels beteen Je Ku'thun and other members of the collective, and the identities of these contacts are knon.

hat is certain no is that the ordinary events that occurred in the demon city this time had the influence of many family members.

Among them, the same content involves three large chinese consortia knon as the \"three-legged golden toad\". besides house of cards, paradise consortium and Lihua consortium also seem to have regular organizational backgrounds. ”

drake: \"No onder they have so many hands and eyes. they seem to have deep knoledge of the human orld.\"

believe it or not, in materialistic societies, people ith abundant economic resources control most of human poer.

\"haha, that's more exaggerated than I thought. the core leaders of the three Great Alliance are all members of the Ability God Scroll family, and are not humans. there are also monsters that came from the stars, and there are also exotic seeking-seeking races.\" to the orld.

Although they are not humans, they ear human skin and rely on human representatives to arbitrarily collect human factors and mineral resources on Earth. xin Junmao laughed.

drake says, ``human racial factors, they are clearly a more evolved racial group than humans, so hy are they still studying us? Is it orth studying?\" he asked.

hen xin Junmao heard this, he didn't anser, but qiao, ho as petting the cat, couldn't stop laughing. his beautiful eyes ere not starry, but tantalizing, and he said, ``You guys still don't understand yourselves ell enough.''

miss qiao looked up and don at drake, as if looking at a beautiful piece of flesh, admiring the shocking treasure. .?

of course there are fabrications, but that doesn't mean there is no truth...\"

\"You probably kno hat you mean. Are you saying humans and aliens can easily create alien species?\" drake believed this because he as a living example.

mr. Zhao happily interacted ith the intelligent life form and nodded ith satisfaction.

do you kno ho strange these ordinary people are? It is true that they have a civilization ith more advanced physical abilities than you, including reproductive ability, but no matter ho hard they try, it is difficult or impossible for them to have children ith the gods. ”

drake's face changed dramatically and he suddenly considered a terrifying possibility. \"maybe they ant to evolve their race to a higher level by studying humans?\"

this ordinary race ants to bee an alien god!

\"I don't kno about that. Even if I sallo hundreds of billions of lives, I ill never be able to fully understand the thoughts of another being. hoever, no matter hat life it is, my desire to defeat it... I think there is a limit to true to yourself. ” Zhao Yingying smiled.

Li duanen oke up, but hen he opened his eyes, he as still in a dark orld. my entire body as in severe pain, and I felt a throbbing sensation, as if my consciousness as trying to leave my body. At the same time, the horrific experience outside the interrogation room flooded my mind in a tidal ave. .

Accustomed to physical and mental pain, Li tajin realized that he as probably going blind and that his body as probably in danger.

\"Are you aake?\" chen xiaolin's surprised voice reached his ears.

Li duojing as about to speak, but suddenly felt the smell of blood rising in her throat. he couldn't help coughing several times, as if to expel something from his body. he thought it might be blood.

\"I'll call a doctor for you,\" chen xiaolin said urgently.

\"No need.\" based on his on emotions, Li duanen reached out and grabbed chen xiaolin's rist, but he didn't have much strength and as shaken off by the other party.

Li duojin stopped hen he heard the other party taking to steps.

chen xiaolin paused for a fe seconds and said in a nasal voice: \"So hat do you need to drink?\"

\"No need.\" Li tajin kne that there as no need to die this time, but he probably ouldn't be able to live ell either.

“here is the mysterious group?” Li duojin asked.

chen xiaolin: “captain Yu understood hat you said before you died, so he is no taking action against Lihua Group.”

hearing the nes, Li tajin smiled. \"ell, I'm glad he understood. It's too bad I'm an old man. I sa this oman on the nes, but I didn't remember her name,\" as all I could say in despair. not. ”

hearing Li duojin's ords, chen xiaolin's eyes turned red and he tried to take a deep breath. No, he could finally confirm that the thin, deformed, tisted, blind old man in front of him as the Li duanen he kne.

hen she first entered the ard, chen xiaolin did not dare to confirm that the patient living in the ard as Li duanen. After numerous checks ith doctors, nurses, and the mysterious detective outside the door, he remained in the ard in disbelief. , acpanied by a strange but familiar old man.

“ho did this happen?” chen xiaolin asked.

\"ell... I said that I kne something else, but this time I as exaggerating a bit. I stole something from the ability god.\" Li duojin smiled dryly, hearing his ords. I had no regrets.

chen xiaolin: “Is getting older also a price?”

``hahaha, I'm no a father-in-la.'' Li tajin smiled, ``thanks to the saint's grace, I can live to this day ith a young body.''

169 pieces of meat

Recently, the customer base has been stable, and Lin Ling has not folloed his account on the eird talk Forum for a hile. Linlin, ho conducts intensive self-search and considers himself a strict boss ho can post spam, suddenly ignores registered accounts, and his behavior is strange. he is a bit irresponsible, like a pathetic man ho abandoned his ife and child.

So boss Lin couldn't afford to delay atching the sho, so he decided to sail around tieba for 5 minutes today.

As he entered his account and passord, a ind chime on the inside of the door chimed, announcing his arrival.

“teacher Lin!” the visitor hurried over and ran to the counter. he asked Ling Ling, ho as typing on the keyboard ith his hands, \"boss, please, can you give me some medicine to heal my ounds?\"

Seeing chen xiaoling's orried expression, Ling Ling raised the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly, closed her laptop and said ith a smile, \"there is no such medicine. After all, this is not a pharmacy. \"No, but there are accessories and similar effects.\" ”

hearing this, chen xiaolin secretly gritted his teeth. he held a broken stra in his hand and bravely said: \"boss, you give dying people a longer, healthier life. can you sell this to me? I ant to sell it.\" trade. \"

Linlin blinked. “okay, do you ant to use it to save Li duojing?”

\"Yes.\" chen xiaolin placed the cracked and dry stra on the counter, boed his head, and muttered. \"Life-saving stras are very convenient, but they also have their limits...\"

Just 30 minutes ago, chen xiaolin handed Li duanen a stra, saving his life. hoever, after that, Li duanen, ho as seriously injured, suddenly died again, and they rushed to rescue him.

the surgery as done on time and ithout any problems. Li duanen saved another life, but the stra that saved the ne life dried up and broke.

the doctor also said that Li duanen seemed to have been blessed by God hen he underent surgery again. It as because of the good fortune, ability, hard ork and strong ill of the doctors and nurses that Li duojin as able to survive. there as a second surgery.

but not next time. Li duanen's body can't take it anymore. If a similar emergency situation ere to occur again, Li duojin ould have no chance of survival and ould definitely die.

Seeing Li duojin angry in the hospital bed, chen xiaolin couldn't bear to see him die, and remembered Li duojin's story about the hut in the forest to sell \"life-saving stra\". .

there are countless ordinary items in the hut in the forest, and boss Lin has alays been respected, and Li duojin has summoned him. boss Lin also gave him a second life of rejuvenation. chen xiaolin feels that if he asks boss Ling for help, he should get an anser.

ell, as expected, Ling Ling gave chen xiaoling a positive anser.

\"there is a limit to ho much you can save a life. After all, you can only save lives and not others...ait a moment, I'll prepare it for you.\" Linlin nodded, turned around and dug, and immediately I found a strangely shaped piece of meat. the upper and loer edges look like floer petals illuminated by light, and the center is dark black, but if you look closely, you can see black bubble-like structures that reflect light in spots, and dense hite arms extending from the center. I can see that there is. part. In your body. the overall appearance of the flesh is... breathing is normal, it contracts and moves.

“hat… hat is this?” chen xiaolin’s eyes idened. he didn't think this strange thing as a good thing.

\"Sin baog\". Linlin opened her eyes, filled ith sincerity.

\"ho ould believe that?\"

\"that's true.\" Linlin scratched her head. \"It's just apricot abalone turned into a spirit. It looks different from regular apricot abalone, but the taste is definitely the same.\"

hy do e need to identify species based on taste? ?chen xiaolin as shocked.

“Is this something you can eat?” chen xiaolin gasped. Looking at the living piece of meat, I had a strange feeling. he didn't think it as edible. In fact, I felt that eating this meant that I as a pervert.

Linlin: \"of course you can. the effect is almost the same as a magic pill. besides, if you drink too much, you can live forever.\"

chen xiaolin: \"...If you can save people, you don't have to live forever.\"

“chenghui, one tail is 300.” Linlin said ith a smile.

“Still cash?”

“otherise, you can send money through echat or echat.” Linlin is also a good boss ho knos ho to keep up ith the times and avoids plicating payment operations and inconveniencing customers. there is.

hen chen xiaolin sa Lin Ling about to cut the meat ith a knife, she immediately stretched out her hand, stopped, and couldn't help but ask carefully again. ? ”

“one piece of meat is enough,” Linlin said ith a smile.

“okay, then cut me in half.” chen xiaolin smiled at him.

After putting aay the gold and goods, Ling Ling looked at chen xiaoling's beautiful face from the forest hut, tapping the table ith one hand as if playing music, and the corners of his mouth ere full of curves. of inexplicable meaning.

At that time, hile cleaning the shelves, ei Jiang, ho had been secretly observing for a long time, came out and asked suspiciously: \"boss, hy are you suddenly so happy?\"

\"hahaha, there's something I've alays anted to kno, and that is ho long it takes for humans to really correct their mistakes.\" Ling Ling looked at ei Jiang and smiled. \"there are no statistics. Just a case. ell, it ill take 10 lives...\"

Yu Lianyun came to the current residence of Reika Group's public relations officer Song Lu in Shanghai. It as a villa in the suburbs ith a strange atmosphere.

In order for the operation to proceed smoothly, Yu Lianyun alays urged people to act step by step according to the established plan. hoever, hen they rush to the villa, they find that a painting that people ill never understand has been left behind in the quiet villa. photograph.

It turned out that there as no one in the villa, but Yu Lianyun and the others ere not sure hether these things could still be considered human.

those ho lived in villas are no covered in frost. their backs ere slashed by some kind of poerful, sharp knife from the spine at the hem of their pants to the tip of tianling Gai or bai hui at the back of their head. their internal organs, organs, and bones disappear, leaving only the frozen skin that retains their human appearance, and they fly off of their on accord, as if they ere alays hidden.

Are all these people monsters earing human skin?

the anser is impossible to guess. hoever, hat Yu Lianyun can be sure of is that the long-lost ability god Sky demon must be nearby, and the ay these people died is a sign that they ere attacked by the Sky demon.

the influence of heavenly demons on people goes beyond just turning the human mind into paranoia and distortions. In addition, tenkuuma can summon people ho have been brainashed for a long time, hose hole body and mind have been catalyzed by tenkuuma's poer, and hose skin has also bee peaceful. Like tenma, it seems to form a kind of body, but unlike tenma itself, the enchanted person only accelerates toards death after popping out of their skin.

170 Nights of demon

the devil of the sky as here, but no one survived. Yu Lianyun finally found Song Lu's lifeless \"corpse\" in the room here Song Lu lived. Like everyone else, his skin fell off and there as nothing inside.

Yu Lianyun paused for a moment, then tried to examine all the corpses in the villa. Although he has been orking as a mystery detective for many years, he has not lost his legal talent and has seen and investigated many strange corpses, so he often interacts ith xuan. the top-secret team's anomalous coroners exchanged experiences and became more capable than before.

After careful investigation, Yu Lianyun made a discovery.

Song Lu's body as a little different from the others. the other corpses had a lot of bleeding marks, but Song Lu didn't have any of them. moreover, Song Lu's body organs ere pletely out of a pure melting pot, far exceeding the human level. to the best of our ability, e ill pletely rap part of Song Lu's skin layer in advance ith a very precise plastic bag, and then make a large hole in Song Lu's back and take out his body fluids, bones, and organs. It looks like it is. the plastic bag in the container had been pletely removed.

hat's even more unusual is that the knife parts of these corpses ere cut from the inside, not the outside.

the sound of saying ind chimes echoed quietly in the darkness. Yu Lianyun and the other mysterious detectives ho ere arrested or expelled ere startled by a sudden strange sound. As I folloed the sound, I sa a large black shado passing by. the moonlight as shining outside the indo.

\"hat!?\" the mysterious detective couldn't help but cry out in a lo voice.

No one could see the full extent of his black face. All they kne as that it as probably a slender humanoid creature ith a pair of large bat ings, four pairs of sharp clas, and a thin tail ith a hook and pointed tip. . A cold glo reflects in the moonlight.

Suddenly, the mysterious detectives ho ere investigating the villa heard some screams from outside the house. After a hile, everyone sa another black figure passing through the sky, as ell as a human face ith a black tail rapped around its neck. they ere dragged into the sky like helpless balloons, and the monsters took their friends and fle toards the moon, ithout knoing here they ere going.

At that moment, Yu Lianyun remembered a terrifying legend passed don in the estern Regions. In the dark night, a black-inged monster catches sleeping people. he could rap his tail around a human's neck and drag them out underneath him. It pierces the hardest armor, scratches human skin, and sucks into human spines. the sound of joy is better than the sound of the ind, but it can cause frantic fear in the animal, eventually sucking the marro out of its spine. Undead pits are thron into horrifying places beyond human imagination and quietly aait death.

“Is this a night spirit?” Yu Lianyun laughed. he looked at Song Lu, ho as no just skin. I never thought that the night demon that appeared that time as the same as the corpse here. the abilities of God and demon heaven are unrelated.

this night demon is roaming around the heavenly villa, and the eyes of the people ho can't sleep in the house must be the servants of the heavenly demon huan tribe.

hen Yu Lianyun and the others entered here, it as the same as alking into a trap.

but ho did these people kno hat they ere doing?

Yu Lianyun looked at the people around him arily. the first possibility as that there as a traitor ithin the team, ho had disclosed information of their actions to the enemy in advance.

hoever, this as a temporary action, and no one kne hat their action as ten minutes before arriving here, so Yu Lianyun quickly abandoned this idea.

Yu Lianyun experienced this strange situation firsthand in cuizhu city just to years ago.

Yes, this is also a trap and generally a set of circumstances. Revenge depends on inflicting a thousand ounds on the enemy, eight hundred on yourself, and in some cases even dying along ith the mysterious detective at all costs.

Rather than anting to target occult groups, it ould be better to say that they ant to target themselves.

Since taking up this profession, Yu Lianyun has introduced many alien species and supernatural gods to the orld, and has not only shined brightly in the orld of investigators, but also gained notoriety in the eyes of the general organization. .

the members of the regular organization didn't kno hat kind of forces existed behind Yu Lianyun, but they kne that if they alloed him to continue his actions, sooner or later they ould find him. I did.

Yu Lianyun suddenly understood. of course, no one ould naively think that if they sacrifice themselves, the demons of the night and those hiding in the dark ill help others escape. these homicidal lunatics are pletely incapable of judging others rationally. .

but ho should this situation end?

Unless a foreign god appears, Yu Lianyun is confident that he can escape by himself. hoever, his current teammates cannot ignore death. they must be counted one by one, and it is better to survive together.

As I as thinking about this, a strange night demon broke through the indo as if folding an umbrella and throing it aay. It craled like an umbrella lizard and had to pairs of asymmetrical shapes in its indistinct appearance. the eyes are large and small, ith a goose-yello look, and the sounds of ind and earthquakes can be heard from the mouth.

Everyone present turned pale at the sight of the crouching, disgusting black creature. hen I heard the sound of the ind in my ears, I felt as if the gloomy parts of everyone's hearts had expanded into infinity, and everyone's faces turned blue. An inexplicable negative feeling came to mind, like the itching and numbness of a milk snake, hich made everyone go crazy and panic.

the veins in Yu Lianyun’s temples trembled, and her face turned red. pared to other people ho have fallen into pain and madness, he has seen a orld more insane, so he has a kind of resilience and never pletely loses himself. he sa this person. the Night demon just took the initiative to break into the house, pulled out a gun and fired, but the sound of stray bullets ricocheting could be heard. Even specially prepared bullets could not penetrate the eapon on the surface of the Night demon's body.

Yu Lianyun’s actions definitely angered the night spirit intruder. he fle fiercely toards Yu Lianyun, violently dispelling it and seeping aay everything else that passed by.

Yu Lianyun stood there gritting her teeth. he kne that if he anted to kill the demon in front of him tonight, he ouldn't be able to avoid the danger because he could only fight against death. hen death approaches, the persistent ``blessing'' ``I ill protect myself.''

the mouth of the approaching giant as about to attack. Yu Lianyun stood stiffly on the ground ith her eyes ide open. he sa that constantly changing teeth and a long tongue ere hidden under the giant's mouth. together they ould rush in and destroy his poor self. they are torn apart ithout a trace of ``mercy'' by being eaten alive.

Suddenly, a line of ink appeared from his shado in the moonlight and sept forard. In less than a second, the night demon's body passed through Yu Lianyun, collided ith the all at the end of the room, and dragged it don the road. Ink-like bloodstains ere left on the ground, and plex, detailed organs fell to the ground along ith a dome-sized brain.

Yu Lianyun stood beteen the to parts of the night demon corpse. he sloly turned around, looked at the spinning, living brain, and said in a stern voice: \"human... human brain? Are these demons of the night? have they changed?\"

one hundred and seventy fates?

Everyone recognized Yu Lianyun's suspicions as if they ere true, and it felt as if a thunderbolt had shaken everyone's sanity.

It's hard to imagine hat kind of changes ould have to go through to turn a living human being into a decepticon inged creature. he is bloody, cunning, immortal, has a ghostly voice, and brings great despair and madness.

hoever, no one kne hat Yu Lianyun did. he actually cut a night demon ith a body made of steel in to. the visual shock caused by this scene made everyone fear that the monster ould disappear. It's very depressing.

hen everyone as at a loss, the sound of a piano suddenly echoed through the space. It as a tone that could not be produced by any musical instrument knon to mankind. It as like a hunter's horn, or the roar of a heavy herd surrounding the group and ambushing them. the night demons around the villa ere frightened like a herd of helpless deer. they panicked and ran toard the moon in the sky, until it became invisible to the naked eye and disappeared ithout a trace.

Everyone ho heard the sound of the piano felt as if the nerves of his hole body ere being played ith a bo. the sound can be heard not only from the outside but also from ithin the body, giving people conflicting feelings of fear and indescribable relief.

Unlike others, Yu Lianyun let out a long sigh hen she heard the proposal. he looked around, and finally gave a slight nod to the dark, graceful figure on the roof of the black building outside the southest indo, and the figure seemed to ele him. Yu Lianyun thanked him, boed lightly and gracefully, and sloly retreated. the light reflected by the moonlight from his thin metal nails shone in front of Yu Lianyun's eyes.

``change ill e later, leave quickly.'' Yu Lianyun asked everyone to leave quickly and looked at the mess on the floor of the villa unillingly.

ndeed, in the face of these things e still have to use prohibited eapons?

If possible, you ould not ant to use these taboo items that have passed ith great danger and great risk of suicide.

boom boom boom...

heavy rain falls as if the sky reflects the feelings of the explorers of the magic city. the sound of thunder seemed to hide the cries of the dark \"chabron\" from earlier. they didn't seem to have gone far, but at least they ere still looking into everyone's minds. keep it

Yu Lianyun deeply suspected that in addition to the ability of night evil spirits to confuse people and arouse their emotions, they also had the ability to spread strong psychological suggestions. Ugliness. Faces bee distorted, minds gradually fill ith nightmarish details, and people continue to fall.

the sound of rain, thunder, and strong inds created life-threatening movements and increased the burden on people's minds.

\"captain Yu, the operation to arrest the leader of the Reika group has failed. hat should e do next?\" Someone breaks the silence, trying to avoid the groing fear in his heart by changing the subject. .

Yu Lianyun: \"Everyone returns to the team, and I just need to investigate by myself.\"

“but…” hearing Yu Lianyun’s ords, everyone as shocked.

Just hen they ere about to stop Yu Lianyun from thinking, Yu Lianyun said in a deep voice. \"I finally found out that I as the target of these men. to be exact, I as the target. You can probably guess.\" Reason.

tonight's actions and developments exceeded my expectations. e lost some valuable teammates tonight, but I can't let anyone else get hurt because of my bad decisions. Also, e do not kno the specific circumstances of future actions. I ill continue to use my abilities to search for the truth. the negative effects of this ability ill continue to attract attacks from anomalous beings. I am alone, deep in the dragon pond and the tiger den. It's better than dying and taking everyone ith you. ”

the mysterious detectives remained silent, ithout a trace of discontent or reluctance in their hearts. Yu Lianyun as already speaking very skillfully. It ould be inconvenient to act together ith everyone, and it ould be a burden on everyone, so after that I ould have to act alone. .

``do you have anything else to ask his holiness?'' Li tajin, ith her beautiful face and strong body, as sitting in the car. he looked at chen xiaolin in the driver’s seat curiously. he asn't leaning back on the back of his chair, and the force-fed tai Shui meat blockage seemed to have had limited effect, or he might have been seriously injured. the ound on his back had not yet healed and as burning hot.

chen xiaolin pursed her lips and said, \"hat do you mean asking for it? I paid for it.\"

\"ell, that's the deal for you, but in my opinion, you're asking for help from a kind lord.\" Li duojin nodded.

chen xiaolin said dissatisfied: “I came to save you, so please stop treating my kindness like a donkey’s liver and tell you, no matter ho old you are, I’m angry!”

Li duojin looked at the confused chen xiaolin and said, \"You don't understand. An unfortunate person should not casually touch the cabin in the forest. You are just an ordinary person. Every time I faced a hut, it said...'' It ill only get orse. ” Fate, good fate and bad fate, are based on the ell-being of humans and nature. ”

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