

第26章 尤哥特(2 / 2)
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drake, ho as gradually transforming into a fishman, had such strength that it as not difficult for his opponent to pry open such a small door.

derek shrugged and lifted her leg to push her up. the mahogany door ith metal quickly broke and tisted.

hen one kick failed, drake stepped back and added another kick, pletely destroying the door.


the arped door fell to the ground.

the noise they made as not too small, but a little too public. hoever, there as no movement in the surrounding buildings. Not a single light is on. In the distance, in a dark alley, several dogs ere silently atching them. there as a strange glint in his eyes, like dull, empty eyes glued to a indo.

Sensing the sight hidden in the darkness, drake and Li Nuoei's heartbeats became faster and they ere a little panicked, as if the culprit had been caught at the scene.

despite the pressure on their eyes, derek and Li Nuoei entered the museum through the damaged door. they used their cellphone flashlights to illuminate the dark hallays and alked to the museum's entrance.

derek felt a little croded, and Li Nuoei's arm occasionally rubbed against his arm. he had a quizzical look on his face, but he could tell that it asn't that the passage as narro, but that Li Nuei seemed nervous about something. It depends on unconsciously avoiding it and seeing hat lives around you.

\"hat are you looking at?\" drake noticed that Li Nuoei's eyes ere passing over the sculptures in the museum.

“Shh.” Li Nuoei made a silent gesture, his eyes full of anxiety and fear.

drake thought that people like Li Nuoei, ho had experienced hundreds of thousands of deaths, ere fearless and had been feared for a long time. hoever, Li Nuoei's current attitude seemed to be saying that the other party as seeing something more terrifying than death. they must be terribly afraid.

\"You're not afraid of these things, are you?\" derek hispered, looking a little strange.

Li Nuoei secretly harbored bitter feelings. of course, in reality he as not afraid of sculpture. hat he as concerned about ere beings ho had ``disguised'' themselves as sculptures from another dimension. these strange things seemed to be able to see through time and space.

they ere still atching the to figures alking through the museum, sloly approaching them and trying to surround them.

Li Nuoei didn't kno hat kind of consequences they ould bring, but it ouldn't be good anyay. he urged drake to go faster.

drake as a little disappointed, but luckily there as nothing orth investigating on the first floor of the museum. hat caught his attention as an old book on the second floor of the museum.

the copy placed in front of the old book display contained only half of the original. his instructor at the time said he couldn't transcribe the second half because it as lost, but drake didn't believe him at all.

copies and old books are restored one by one, and the restoration is done so precisely that even the thickness of the paper is almost the same. the only difference beteen the to is neness and oldness. In this case, the copy book and the used book ill have exactly the same thickness. hy do old books bee originals and copies? the original version is also missing half of the content, and the second half, hich no copy exists, as obviously deliberately hidden by someone interested.

hen he arrived at the old book display shelf, Li Nuei turned around and noticed that the evil carved creatures from the other orld ere standing in front of the entrance to the stairs on the second floor and had stopped moving. I looked at him and derek.

Li Nuoei breathed a sigh of relief and looked at derek’s expression.

he blinked, immediately understanding derek's deeper meaning, and said: \"destroy it if you ant. the orst you can do is get caught or die. As long as you get some really useful information, it doesn't matter ho many times you die. Anyay.\", You can try it again next time. ” No need to go back and read it again, I can tell you directly. ”

derek laughed, \"okay, please.\"

drake said as he raised his fist and slammed it against a sturdy display shelf. the glass in the cabinet suddenly broke, and the scale he as singing fell to pieces. blood floed from the ound here the scales had fallen. .

drake took an old book from the display shelf and immediately turned his eyes relentlessly to the old book and the paper, hich as as fragile as a dead leaf. Some pages fall apart ith just the slightest touch.

Shortly thereafter, derek returns to the last page he vieed in the copybook and finds that the original content is fine, but there is a lot of content behind it that is not in the copybook.

121 historical facts (2 in 1)

Li Nuei also came, and the to of them looked at old books together. In the second half of the story, the reason hy the Ankai Shinkai gradually disappeared over the long history of humankind finally begins to be explained.

hen the Ankai God Society as formed, everyone as shocked to discover that the Ankai God had not pletely repelled the sea monsters. It turns out that in everyone's eyes, the voracious and ferocious sea monster is just part of an unknon existence.

Ankai, ho suddenly became silent and did not respond positively to his disciples, did not fall into a deep sleep after finishing the battle ith the sea monster, but still continued to fight against unknon beings.

In order to pete ith the sea monsters and huan's original sea monster family, the god Anhai began to expand and farm huan's family in his on ay. the treasure he gave to his folloers included numerous \"blessings.\"

the believers obtained ealth from the god Ankai, but because they ere contaminated by the \"blessing\" of the treasure, their perceptions gradually became distorted, and their bodies gradually became loyal folloers of the god Ankai. . In the end, the body's blood ill forever inherit this blessing, hich is the cause of Jiao Lian's illness.

Under the influence of the blessing, the believers pletely transform into fishmen, and ithout hesitation they jump into the deep sea and share eternal life ith the great god Anhai. From then on, they live deep in the ocean, obeying the orders of Ankai and fighting greed. primitive tribes pete for survival resources by eating sea monsters.

As a foreigner, the god of Ankai does not have many believers on earth ho folloed him. Even if they ere, they could not be reused, or those that ere usable ere destroyed in battles ith sea beasts. In order to develop the poerful huan tribe faster, the god of Anhai decided to cultivate domestic believers at this time, and at the same time asked other gods and folloers of the huan tribe for help. Living deep under the sea sun, he spoke his thoughts through dreams. those on earth ho have not yet been converted into folloers of the tribe of Juan.

So the leader of the Ankai Shinkai, hich as its most ardent fan at the time, sent the organization's saints and other believers to the country to find a solution.

this movement caused the gradual decline of the Ankaishin Association. the saint as looking for an opportunity to help the god Anhai defeat the sea monster, hile spreading the gospel on earth.

After a persistent search, they finally discovered huangshari School. this as an unnatural organization that as idespread throughout the mainland but had fe folloers.

this ordinary organization firmly believes that it can see everything in the orld from the sand, predict the future, understand the past, measure yin and yang, change cause and effect... , they believe that the God they believe in is omniscient. And I can't stop it.

Although there are not many students at this school, all of them have extraordinary isdom and are of high standing in the secular orld. they are either ise chancellors at court or ise military advisors behind the general's backs.

the time hen the saint lived as a time of strife against the orld, ith the ar of the three Kingdoms as a backdrop. In the kingdoms of han and Shu, he found great military advisors under this seat of poer.

this military advisor as a fortune teller famous in history books. he as good at fortune-telling sand paintings, and used the strategy of borroing the east ind to defeat the enemy ith a small amount. therefore, the ancients also called him the \"Immortal master\". \"mr. dongfeng.\"

After much struggle, the saint finally met mr. dongfeng and asked him ho to defeat the sea monster.

Seeing that the saint had a sincere and sincere heart, dongfeng sent a large amount of precious gold, silver, and jeelry as tribute to han and Shu, ho ere not ealthy. the king, hom the dongfeng clan served at the time, as also illing to strike a blo against the saint. After hearing this nes, dongfeng finally agreed to cooperate ith the calculations.

hoever, this fortune-telling involved to supernatural gods and as extremely difficult. At first, dongfeng tried fortune-telling on his on, but the results ere not satisfactory. he enlisted the help of close relatives ho farmed independently and put most of his skills into it. tofuo has not yet found a ay to solve it, and as a result, he has aged nearly 10 years.

In the end, mr. dongfeng kept his promise and not only opened the altar and performed the blessing ceremony, but also called on other talented people at huangsha Shinri School to cooperate. there, they finally found the anser to the ``God of Yello Sha'' they believed in, but the anser turned out to be a mysterious book that became hard hen touched and turned to sand hen touched.

hen you open the book, you'll find that it covers everything from astronomy to geography to the fate of nations. You can really understand everything and see time and space.

the huangsha truthers believe that this is a sacred object given to them, the ``God of Yello Sand.'' those ho believe in this school and have a thirst for knoledge should read this sand book ith enthusiasm.

hat is strange and frightening is that many people experience prolapse symptoms hile reading and end up turning to sand and flying aay on the ind.

mr. higashikaze felt the horror of the book of sand. before he could fully fall in love ith hat as ritten in the book, he released the control of the book of sand. At the same time, he tried to close the book of Sand, but the other people present ere also attracted to the book of Sand. hoever, not all students at this school can maintain their rationality hile reading books like mr. dongfeng's.

For some of them, dongfeng's act of closing the book as like having a hand or leg cut off, or destroying a loved one. they ere all crazy, and regardless of their on feelings, they picked up the sharp eapons around them to kill dongfeng-san.

Fortunately, the others present ere able to stop the madness in time, and dongfeng as able to escape from the crisis.

After the moment of life and death, mr. dongfeng's attitude toard the book of Sand changed, filling him ith unconcealable fear and paranoid love.

the saint itnessed hat happened at that moment and as still orried, but still calmed don and asked mr. dongfeng again about the \"ay of the god of ar and the sea monster.\"

After regaining his senses, dongfeng gradually regained his previous attitude toard others and relayed the information he had read in the book to them.

the saint learned special sealing techniques from dongfeng Sensei and as taught by dongfeng Sensei's ords and actions.

mr. dongfeng told the saint that as long as he could cooperate ith the god of Ankai, he ould have a chance of sealing aay the sea monster.

Finally finding a solution, the saint lived up to his expectations and returned to his city ith the faithful ho had acpanied him on the journey. he spoke freely to Shinki Ankai about hat he had seen on the road and hat he had learned about seal rings. summit

the leader of the Ankaijin Association as so excited hen he heard the nes that he contacted Ankaijin in a dream that night.

Soon, that night, the Ankai Association's leaders disappeared. he received the call of the Ankai god in advance, transformed into a high-ranking member of the huan clan, and headed to the Ankai god. the saint naturally assumed the position of leadership.

the saint, ho became the leader of the organization, gathered folloers and folloed the family of Juan God Anhai. they invaded Juan's original sea monster family in a poerful ay and started a desperate battle.

Although the ar did not last long, its impact as large enough to directly cause the largest tsunami in history, inundating most of the coastal countries.

both sides suffered heavy casualties, but the strength of the sea monster as even more devastating. the original sea beast race as directly defeated and fled in all directions. After the ar, they are almost gone, and the sea monsters are also fighting An hai. In the midst of a fierce battle beteen the gods, the huan family and the folloers of the god Ankai happened to seize the opportunity to seal him aay, and sealed him underground in the ancient port of Liuhua. this seal is later handed over to the families of the subordinates of the Anhai god huan, and the Yu tribe is responsible for guarding it.

the army of the gods of Ankai finally defeated the sea monster, but the oute of the battle as not perfect for the gods' abilities.

the sea monster isn't actually dead, it's just sealed aay. one day, the seal ill either lose its suppressive effect or be broken by the original Kaijumaki family and their folloers. they gained only a temporary victory.

Around the same time, Ankaijin as also seriously injured in a battle ith a sea beast and fell into a long sleep. he had to ait for the day hen the star ould return and send a signal to the starry sky through a special ritual. during this ceremony, the god Ankai rises into the starry sky. hen the tribe of Juan es, they ill bring a poerful gospel of healing. only then can the god Anhai aaken from his long slumber and lead the huan people and their folloers to rule the orld once again.

After the ar, the Ankaishinkai suffered many casualties. Additionally, the gods they orshiped fell into a deep sleep, temporarily unable to anser their prayers. Ankai Shinkai no longer has the meaning of faith. After a hile, Ankai Shenhui naturally refused.

At the same time, Ankaishinkai's talent is aning, but at least its legacy still remains. In order to avoid being targeted or anted by other factions of the regular organization, members of the organization have voluntarily chosen to live in seclusion and hide inside. they aited quietly for the stars. the day I got on the right track.

Li Nuoei and drake quickly vieed the hidden contents of the second half of the old book, and felt that the three vies had been distorted and reformed again.

this is the real story hen history adds unimaginable magic and no one is immune to it.

hen he reaches the end, drake suddenly notices a faded photo on the last page of an old book rapped in unfamiliar leather. hen he pulled out the photo, it as a group photo of several people.

the photo shos seven people, all young men, standing on the beach. behind it is the flag of the Ankaijinkai. Each one has a bright and happy smile.

\"Is this tianya haijiao beach?\" Li Nuoei recognized the background of the photo at a glance. he kne very ell and as sure of it.

derek nodded. he recognized her too. hen he turned the photo over, he found the date November 17, 1989 ritten in black marker on the back. he brought it back to the front again and looked carefully at everyone in the picture. And only then can you see the specific era in hich the protagonists of the picture live.

Suddenly, drake's eyes ere fixed on the beautiful oman standing in the middle of the group photo. he felt familiar, like he had seen something before.

he thought for a moment, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pendant. the personality of the mother in the mother and child photo embedded in the pendant as exactly the same as the beautiful oman in this group photo. Judging from the material and color of the to photographs, they must be from the same era, and there is a high possibility that they are the same person.

\"haha.\" Li Nuoei also visually pared the to photos and exclaimed in surprise. Shocked, his eyes dart back and forth beteen the to photos ith drake, and he says, \"the shape of the eyes and the shape of the face are really similar.\"

Seeing Li Nuoei pointing at his face ith his eyes, derek as a little surprised, and suddenly a possibility came to his mind.

``that can't be a coincidence, can it?'' derek looked at the picture of mother and child on the pendant. the smile of the mother holding her child naturally gre armer as she looked at her child, and she had mixed feelings in her heart.

that possibility cannot be denied, and it is very possible. Li Nuoei pointed to the child in the photo and said, ``Look, this child also looks mixed guess this photo as first taken around 1990. Since you ere born, it matches your age.”

derek fell silent. Li Nuoei could guess it and guess it naturally. he never expected his life experiences to be so suddenly in front of him.

hen he as a child, he imagined hat his parents looked like. the image of his mother in his imagination gradually overlaps ith the mother in the photograph. Looking at the oman in the photo, it as like going back to my childhood and sharing tender love ith my mother across a long period of time and space. they look eye to eye and enjoy their mother's soft, arm embrace.

So...hat happened next? hy did her mother abandon herself to the Ne York area? hat as the reason?

ho is his father? Are his parents still alive?

hat is the story behind this old group photo?

drake's mind as full of doubts. Even after revealing the mystery of Ankai Shenhui, he could not pletely dispel his thoughts. he still couldn't ait to discover the truth.

he anted to believe that there as a reason hy he gave up. At least judging from the photo, the mother loved her child and had no intention of abandoning him unnecessarily.

hile derek as thinking, Li Nuoei suddenly felt a strange sight. he suddenly turned around, only to see a couple of pairs of evil eyes exposed in the candles, and said, \"Shit!\"

hearing Li Nuoei scream involuntarily, derek turned and looked. he immediately trembled, horrified by the sight before him.

\"boy, I kne you'd be back,\" a hoarse voice said from the darkness, acpanied by the smell of pungent chemicals and burning. A hooded man ith no exposed eyes, holding a candlelight, alked out of the crod into the darkness and sloly alked in front of drake and Li Nuoei.

Under the startled gaze of drake and Re-Novi, the hooded man removes the hood that hid most of his face, revealing a sollen and tisted head covered in fresh burns and a horribly deformed skull. Appeared.

the man's head as so badly damaged that it as thought to be unrecognizable, but the pair still found familiar marks on his face.

that person as the taxi driver ho called mahon during the day. he did not die in a car accident, but survived in some unknon ay.

142 children of God (Updated)

122 Sons of God (Updated)

ma hong's burnt and deformed face looked like boiling ater, ith bubbles still popping on the surface. ith exaggerated facial expressions and movements, the bubbles burst and the fishy smell dripped out. It smells pure.

\"You really ant to kno about your life experiences. that's right, kid. the oman in the picture is your mother, xue Yuluo.\" mr. mahon said, taking about five steps aay from them. he stood there, his eyes unable to hide his excitement. the emotion in his eyes, the candlelight seemed to reflect his inner fan, and he said, ``he is the saint of our generation's Ankai God Association, and at this time \"one of the most important people in society, and the entire history of humanity, produces the most important thing: you.\" ”

\"hat do you mean?\" derek asked in a deep voice.

his immediate anser as his face, hich as ildly contorted ith excitement. Each face sloly began to smile a little, revealing the true nature hidden beneath the human skin. ma hong laughed quietly. \"hey, you don't understand that you are, in the ords of our organization, a 'son of God.'\"

``Son of God... am I a child of God?'' drake had a bad feeling hen he heard those ords.

If his mother as a saint, ho could give birth to a divine child like her?

“damn, your father is a fish.” Li Nuei said as if he as shocked, but his tone as not surprised at all, but rather a little distressed.

\"Shut up! heretic! You insult my God!\" cried ma hong angrily. his face as so angry that the skin kept tearing and blood exploding.

derek as silent for a moment. At that moment, nothing shocked him more than learning that his biological father as not human.

Yes, my father is a fish, a big fish ith long legs.

Li Nuoei ignored ma hong. this abominable man killed him in many reincarnation lines. he killed his opponents many times in his subsequent reincarnations. he had long ago given up on this man ho as neither human nor ghost. the man took it seriously, carefully remembering and thinking about ho drake, as a \"son of God\", differs from other fishmen.

drake is too cheap just for the name.

but Re-Novi didn't think of it right aay, especially since in most reincarnation lines, drake died directly before fully transforming. drake had no special abilities as a ``son of God.'' ell presented.

ma hong as very angry at Li Nuoei's rude attitude. Not only as he dissatisfied ith the other person's calling ``Ankai no Kami'' a ``fish,'' but the other person's attitude toards the great and precious ``son of God'' as extremely disrespectful. Frustrated.

\"Great Son of God, e ith us. As for this man, e ill kill him here,\" ma hong said to drake, as he ore the sleeve of his old black coat. burst open to reveal a bird full of scales and sharp teeth. the cla arm approached Li Nuoei step by step.

As soon as ma hong finished speaking, the people behind him ith large candlesticks and shrunken faces also took the stance of attacking the fishmen and alked toards Li Nuoei ith brutal expressions. .

drake retreated to protect Li Nuoei, but Li Nuoei as ary of the fishmen ho ere approaching ith malicious intent. At the same time, they notice that strange creatures from another orld are also moving, and the to follo. they advanced and tried to overhelm them.

Li Nuoei onders hy the strange beasts in the other orld are also moving, and notices an old book in drake's hand, and realizes that the old book has a mysterious poer that affects the strange beasts in the other orld. I did. Some series bee inaccessible.

If the old book has the mysterious poer of the god Ankai, hich has a certain suppressive effect on the other orld, and the body of the sea beast is also from another orld, then this old book should also be able to contain the sea beast. . .

\"then hy don't you take this old book from the air raid shelter? then you can also take the green light gem that your opponent has been guarding so carefully from the soul-eating samp. Sloly, the fishman... the condition can be removed. If drake doesn't ant to bee a fishman, this stone should be able to remove the curse.'' Li Nuei thought so, and finally found a ay to conquer the ``Air Raid dungeon''.

At that moment, Li Nuoei seemed to gradually understand hy the oner of the forest, Linlin, had said that the to candies ould help. Eating candy allos you to see the orld from a different perspective, alloing you to see it better from an absolute bird's eye vie. Look at the overall situation and observe details that you, the party involved, may not immediately discover.

\"don't e here!\" derek shouted, calling on the speeding \"traffic patients\" to stop their aggressive behavior.

hoever, the murlocs did not seem to understand drake's voice and continued running ithout stopping. Several murlocs jumped out, opened their mouths full of shark teeth, and bit Li Nuoei.

Li Nuoei stood behind drake and quickly dodged him. these fishmen made no attempt to approach the drake, not even daring to cross half a meter. Needless to say, Li Nuoei as almost pletely stuck behind drake. , the fishman as also a little disappointed in Li Nuei for a hile, and could only secretly hate him in his heart.

drake also discovered this. he took the chance to pick up the model on the display cabinet, pushed aside the surrounding objects, grabbed Li Novi's arm, and hurried aay from the scene.

Li Nuoei closely folloed drake, looking at the surrounding fishmen and otherorldly monsters that only he could see. atching the to of them run as if they ere being invaded by a all of air, I felt an indescribable pride in my heart, knoing that I had no choice but to push forard from both sides.

the to quickly left the museum, ent back the ay they came, found a car parked nearby, and hurried home.

Seeing this, ma hong got angry and called many members of the An hai Shinkai organization to his side and folloed Li Guoei and others to catch up.

It as like a car chase. ma hong and other Ankai disciples drove three or four cars in hot pursuit. they no decided to turn Li Nuei into an obedient tool. they eren't orried. they don't care at all ho much blessing Ankai God ill besto upon them.

drake continued to press the gas pedal to increase his speed. hoever, the shared car he as driving as not going fast at all. In a desperate situation, he had to pete ith his carpooling skills and rely on the small size of his carpool to overtake one large car after another that as out of his reach. e alked don the aisle, took one last lap, and finally cleared out those ho ere out of the country for the time being.

\"Let's go to the air raid shelter, let's go to the air raid shelter.\" In the car, Li Nuoei said to drake, \"take this ancient book ith you. It has plete information. It should be enough to conquer the soul-eating mush.\"

123 meetings (2 meetings)

It as raining heavily, so drake started using the ipers. he glanced in the rearvie mirror and sighed as he realized he could no longer see those ferocious, insane monsters.

he just heard Li Nuoei's suggestion and said, \"has this experience been a breakthrough for you?\"

Li Nuei nodded, \"this is a path e have never taken before. Up until no, e have chosen either to go deep into the air raid shelter or to land on the island, but e are not sure hich ay to go. hoever, these to paths are almost dead.'' Finished. I didn't think there as anything more here. ” and other discoveries. Also, e no kno that the man named mahon is not dead. Looks like I'll have to do something more desperate to kill this guy. ”

derek tapped himself ith his fingertips and said, \"I'm glad e on something. Some mysteries that have been bothering me for a long time are finally solved. the full story of the mysterious disappearance is finally relatively clear. It has bee plete,” he said.

In the early days of humanity, before the god Anhai appeared, the people of the coast ere dominated and dominated by sea monsters. In order to better survive, people have chosen to \"sign\" contracts ith sea monsters and exchange peace ith them through regular sacrifices. A unique culture of faith as formed.

hoever, the sea monster's appetite gros larger and larger, and the initial amount of sacrifices cannot satisfy it. humanity is suffering from the poer of the sea monster Lisbon, unable to find a solution and is depressed.

here there is suffering, there ill also be pestilence.

Finally, on the day hen the god Ankai descended, the living conditions of the sea monsters ere greatly affected.

As an extraterrestrial visitor, the god Anhai must invade the sea monster's habitat if he ants to survive and expand his poer on this planet. therefore, the god Anhai and the sea monster fight openly and secretly. In the battle beteen the to armies of the sea beasts, Kannakai, ho is acting behind the scenes, is busy trying to annex the believers of the sea beasts.

A human disease that caused mysterious disappearances also occurred during this time. At first, the god Ankai injected the \"gospel\" into \"gifts\" of treasure and fish to believers, and gradually introduced the same \"curse\" by bringing in personal items. \"things are scattered. this curse can turn people into the clan of Eljuan, the god of the Ankai. A classic example is being a fishman.\"

the humans ho received these \"gifts\" from Ankaijin also had a \"curse\" planted in their blood. they can produce ne fishmen from generation to generation through reproduction, but be aare that this kind of cursed transformation es ith risks and not everyone can be 100% successful. If the fish-man's underater breathing apparatus could not evolve, the fish-man ould not be able to breathe underater during the transformation process and ould dron directly, but the transformation ould be successful. people go to the bottom of the ocean and never e back. Since then, they have given up their human identity and bee members of God's Ankai.

Later, in a battle ith the Shen'an Sea and sea monsters, both sides suffered losses. the sea monster as sealed aay, and Ankaijin fell into a deep sleep.

Since the god of Ankai fell into a deep sleep, no one can see and benefit from the \"miracle\" of their faith, and people do not believe in the god of Ankai. the God of Ankai gradually declines, ith only a group of loyal believers continuing to exist in secret to this day.

Ankaijin's sleep may also cause a recurrence of Jinren's disease. these cursed lineages ere unable to transform into fishmen like their ancestors. therefore, no similar records have been found at Liuhua port, and it is difficult to investigate the reason.

hoever, the Ankaijin Association predicted that the day hen Ankaijin ould aaken ould be near. Ankai no Kami, ho had been dormant for a long time, finally shoed signs of aakening and subjugated the people ho lived near the place here Ankai no kami as buried and had cursed their on lineage. their souls resonated ith each other, and in their dreams they related to the god of Ankai and the god of the Juan clan. due to the activation of the curse, their bodies began to change into fishmen due to the influence of the lie disease.

those ho ere successfully infected immediately ent into the sea, and those ho ere unsuccessful died suddenly. A large number of unexplained disappearances and deaths occurred in a short period of time, hich naturally attracted the attention of occult teams.

he, drake, as an important part of this prophecy. the Son of God mentioned in the prophecy as an important link in the resurrection of the god Anhai. Either due to an unknon influence or the call of fate, he returned to his hometon.

his mother had to send him from an area of china to an area of Ne York across the ocean, keeping his humanity intact. he disappeared leaving behind a nursery rhyme that amounted to a \"arning.\" perhaps he as lured aay. Firepoer.

drake speculated that it as because his mother anted him to distance himself from good and evil and escape his fate.

Unfortunately, drake can alays e back.

these days, mysterious disappearances are no longer a simple problem. In other ords, preventing human extinction is no longer the most important thing. the most urgent thing at this point is to prevent the resurrection of Ankai no Kami.

If e can prevent him from reviving, e can solve other problems.

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