

第25章 学者的策略(1 / 2)
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有了这些新发现的知识,德拉文和塞拉菲娜开始了危险的探索。ans pierced, and their blood dyed the sea red...

he gritted his teeth and spat blood beteen them.

\"drake! Look ahead!\" derek as andering through his blood-curdling thoughts hen Li Nuoei's voice oke him up and broke into a cold seat. he as angry at his thoughts, but his eyes ere unconscious. he folloed Li Nuoei's instructions and looked.

In the thick fog over the sea, I sa a large black shado hidden behind the hite mist. It looked like a terrifying beast aiting on the sea, but its majestic size made it impossible to hide in the sea. the cover is the part of his body that is exposed to the sea.

drake couldn't help but think about the giant fish-man ho appeared in his nightmares, an alien creature that his fans thought as the \"God of Ankai.\"

he held a fishing gun in his hand and stared straight ahead ith yello eyes, feeling hether the black figure as moving or not.

the speedboat moved forard and the fog cleared. drake breathed a slo sigh of relief as he looked out at the beach. It turns out that the black figure he sa in front of him as an island, and it as the island he and Li Nuoe ere about to land on.

the boat picks up speed and drake and Lee Noay step out of the boat, guns in hand. they stood on the island's dock and looked at the dead island. Anxiety rose and fell in their hearts as if they ere listening to the last 10 seconds of hide-and-seek. countdon, my heart is pounding.

As drake passed over the island, he sa some human footprints and some unknon reptile footprints along the ay. Judging by the footprints left on the shore, it is not difficult to guess that the \"animal\" had a ebbed structure. , that's a group of fishmen.

Li Nuoei and derek looked at each other in silence. they ere already feeling like mystery detectives ho came to the island to investigate dirty feet and dancing on the beach. they definitely have something to do hen faced ith a dense group of alien monsters surrounding and attacking them. Even a seasoned detective ho has experienced major storms ill be distracted by this.

there is another reason hy they don't dare to talk. they are orried that the schools of fish that land on the island ill stay there forever. A group of fishmen ho seem dull and stupid can be very cunning and cunning, alays able to hide in the dark corners of the island. they are looking for alien footprints. If unfortunately discovered, it ill suffer the same fate as the to floating bodies seen at sea.

hoever, after alking around the island for more than 10 minutes, they did not encounter any fishmen, and their nervous minds relaxed.

It seems that the island as struck by an earthquake for no reason. many of the island's buildings have collapsed, broken tiles and bricks are everyhere, and dilapidated alls stand over the ruins like scarecros in the ilderness.

``did there be an earthquake here?'' Li Nuoei picked up a et brick from the all. It as heavy and difficult.

drake had a different opinion, saying: \"It may not have been an earthquake. It looked like something stepped on it.\"

“Step on it?” Li Nuoei scratched his scalp, hich suddenly felt itchy. “Is An hai God aake?”

\"I don't think so,\" drake said ith a heavy expression. \"this is great, but I feel like it's not enough. And I still remember hat the taxi driver said, hat the nursery rhyme said...the stars are back.\" then he ould ake up from his sleep and break the seal, but obviously not this time. ”

hearing this, Li Nuei as silent for a hile and said, \"hat you said makes sense. If everything here is really trampled, then according to my past experience, the fog the shado I sa inside him must really be the greatest, because he is a man ho can stir up seaater and create tsunamis just by moving on the surface of the sea.

It's a huge animal that can destroy a house, but it might pale in parison to this one. ”

derek laughed dryly and said eakly. \"this is a really confusing fact. I remember you saying, 'I ant to kill God.' Is this really something e can handle manually?\"

\"e have to find a ay to try it out.\" Li Nuoei didn't make too much fuss about this. he looked at the other person strangely and said, ``As someone ho has died thousands of times, I have never thought of giving up, but you think I can't do it anymore. Still?'' told.

\"I can't think of a ay,\" derek shook his head.

Li Nuoei smiled and said, \"I'll think of a ay. please continue to live ith hope.\"

drake felt an inexplicable sense of understanding and relief hen he sa Li Nuoei, ho alays had a naturally confident expression on his face, but he didn't say anything and just continued alking through the ruins ith Li Nuoei. I did.

Shortly thereafter, Li Nuoei and drake discovered a ruined ancestral shrine.

the dragon king statue that as enshrined in the ancestral shrine fell due to an accident. hoever, strangely, the broken statue as not empty, but contained another bronze statue of a fish. In form, he resembles the god Anhai in drake's memory.

If it ere just a statue of Ankai, neither drake nor Li Nuoe ould be too surprised. but hat makes your pores tremble is that the statue seems to be alive, ith various things craling on its body. tightly packed black eggs stared at them like crab eyes.

part of the fleshy egg ruptured, and an unknon soft-bodied flesh orm emerged from the thick slurry floing from the inside and pupated on the outside.

\"I don't like that,\" derek said, his entire face rinkled in disgust, his hole body feeling unfortable.

Li Nuei as also disgusted, but instead she gave an expression of calm observation and said, ``these things are probably crab leeches, parasites that live on fish, crabs, and other marine creatures.''

``e kno it's a parasite, but hy is it infesting a bronze statue? parasites infect dead things, and they don't infect people themselves, but if they're still alive and hatching.'' ” drake as intrigued. listen

Li Nuei: \"I don't kno, but maybe this statue has some special poer.\"

``could the statue be alive?'' drake surmised that he had encountered so many strange occurrences that he as illing to put aside his three natural opinions in order to think and reason. .

Li Nuei: \"that's possible. do you ant to burn it?\"

derek rolled his eyes and agreed, \"ell, give it a try.\"

Immediately after that, the to found a dry cloth in another part of the ancestral shrine, and found oil lamps, matches, and candles under the altar. It as used to make simple torches. drake pours kerosene on the statue. he then made a bundle of dry ood around the statue and set it on fire.


Fire soon engulfed the statue, engulfing it in flames. the crabs and leeches that covered his body silently shrunk and curled up in the fire, until they turned into coal.

the strong smell of kerosene smoke entered Li Nuoei and drake's noses. Suddenly, a strong ind ble from the est. the surrounding trees sayed in the ind, the leaves rustled, and the cracks in the ruins made noise. the strange sound sounded like the cry of an animal that had died a tragic death, and the flames on the statue ere quickly extinguished by the ind.

the ind spread and the fire spread, but Li Nuoei and drake sa a tingling sight on their scalps.

At that moment, I sa that the statue of the fishman, hich I had alays felt disgusted ith, took on a pletely different attitude. Its face and fangs ere ferocious, its body as burnt black, and its posture as strangely bent. he pulled it out of the dragon King statue. half body.

Although they sa the fish-man statue burnt don in the fire, they have never seen it move, and are sure that their memories are correct. the bronze fish-man statue is true. there are various changes after being burned in a fire, hich proves the fact that the \"bronze statue\" is alive, because if it is a real bronze statue, then its because something like that is impossible. the flames burned the statue, disfiguring it.

based on his instinctive reaction to scary things, to see if the animal he pretended to be a statue as really dead, drake picked up a piece of brick and hit the statue ith great precision.

A \"click\" sound as heard and the statue shattered into pieces. Every part smells of burnt colloid and toxic plastic.

they both covered their mouths and noses due to the unpleasant smell. they looked at the internal structure of the statue and finally confirmed that it as a living thing.

they couldn't help but feel lucky. perhaps the statues had been asleep for a long time, so they didn't notice that they had damaged them, so even if they set each other on fire, no harm as done.

\"that's very strange and dangerous,\" derek iped the cold seat from his forehead.

Afterards, the to carefully investigated the ancestral shrine and discovered the entrance to the tunnel in the forest behind the ancestral shrine. hoever, hen they opened the entrance, they found that the tunnel as blocked by falling rocks. they quickly assumed that someone had detonated it on purpose. the tunnel as destroyed, probably by mysterious detectives ho landed on the island.

the houses here are clearly being investigated by a mysterious detective, and there is little value in continuing the investigation.

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