

第24章 破碎的预言(1 / 2)
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体的排列创造了宇宙能量的交响乐,在埃尔德里丹的结构中回荡。etting to breathe for a moment, like a neborn baby. It asn't until a hand next to me slapped me on the back that I remembered that I had forgotten ho to breathe. Survival instincts gasp ith greed.

the hand that suddenly slapped my back didn't feel very good, but the feel and temperature as familiar. derek asked, “Li Nuoei?”

\"It's me.\" Li Nuoei agreed and turned on the flashlight function on her phone. the light is intentionally shined from belo the chin to create an eerie atmosphere. It seems like he really ent to hell.

derek as speechless at the childish behavior and the other person. he also took his cell phone ith him to light his ay home.

they ere no at the top of a staircase surrounded by thick alls.

Apparently, the earlier act of prayer alloed him to pass through the tunnel all and reach this point.

Is this air raid shelter part of history? drake lights up his surroundings ith his flashlight. the alls ere divided into hite and green, much like the orld ar era style in terms of art form.

\"maybe.\" Li Nuoei shook her head, but she asn't 100% sure about this.

derek and Li Nuoei quickly ent don the stairs, but an unpleasant lo tone continued to be heard in their ears. the to alked forard in silence, feeling each other's anxious heartbeats.

hen he reached a staircase, drake suddenly stopped, bent don, and picked up a console from the top of the stairs ith a cracked screen and a small blood stain.

\"Family?\" Li Nuoei asked from the side.

\"Yes,\" derek nodded, \"It as something the kid gave to his brother.\"

derek then stood up and took a deep breath, feeling a chill.

Sensing drake’s solemn aura, Li Nuoei didn’t say anything else. the moment he sa the blood, he, like drake, had a hunch that the missing child as probably in danger.

After continuing don, passing through a circular staircase and stepping over many steps, they finally found themselves in a flat, open hallay.

In front of me as a locked iron door. the iron door as rusty and dirty. Unfortunately, there ere some undistorted fingerprints left on the door panel. there ere also hysterical cla marks on the door panel.

the to took a step forard. I tried not to make any noise, but the rusted iron door made a scary creaking noise hen I pushed and pulled it. Suddenly, a lo beastly roar crept up from the dark valley. It's long and restless, so it seems interesting as a previe before hunting.

derek forced a smile and said, \"can't you resist ing to eat us? I'm really looking forard to it.\" I vaguely heard excited roars and footsteps ing from the darkness in front of me.

\"Go in this direction.\" Li Nuoei suddenly grabbed drake's arm and made him run in the darkness in a certain direction.

drake, ho had no sense of direction in the darkness, could only run as Re Novi guided him. to his surprise, he didn't encounter any dark, tisted beasts during that time. they crossed the plain safely. they finally reach a locked basement ith mutilated human and animal corpses.

Li Nuoei closed the door and used a stick on the ground to grab the to iron door handles, trying to stop the frightening beast from chasing her from outside.

“hat else do you kno?” derek jumped out of Li Nuoei’s hands and pushed him aay.

he once again felt something incredibly abnormal about Li Nuoei. It seemed that the other party kne the escape route in advance and had prepared it along the ay, as if the other party had been taken out of a heavily guarded house of horrors. Usually, dealing ith the unknon, alone and afraid, he feels played and embarrassed.

Li Nuoei thought for a hile. \"I told you I could see the future. can you believe it?\"

hearing this, derek's anxious expression gradually calmed don after a moment of shock, and he said, \"As long as you are serious, I ill believe you.\"

Li Nuei sighed quietly ith a disappointed expression, and finally began to speak.

``my name is Li Nuoei, 21 years old, a second year student at the Faculty of Economics and management, hong Kong So this day, I am a normal, ordinary young man ith a social status.'' Li Nuoei looked at me ith onder. I said hile doing so. he has a look of reminiscence and nostalgia on his face, as if those to short days ere all part of his lost youth.

then, Li Nuoei looked at drake ho as confused and said seriously: “then, unknon to you, today I ill die because I ent to the Second central hospital to visit my favorite classmate.”

\"hat? hat are you talking about?\" derek looked confused.

\"Simply put, you have the ability to load and save files just like playing a standalone game, but you need to trigger the 'reind' feature hen you die.\" Li Nuei Rubbing his head ith a headache, he said, ``Every time I die, I end up going back to to places. the other day as the day you met me there for the first time.''

derek said in disbelief and shock. \"You... ho do you have such an ability?\"

“hahaha, you may not believe it,” Li Nuoei said ith a smile. “A month ago, I suddenly had a dream of a cabin in the oods. that cabin as a small shop selling all kinds of strange and magical items. I ent outside and sa a young-looking dealer I bought a story from.'' After buying this story, I had this ability.

to be honest, at first I didn't realize the connection beteen this ability and the strange dream I had that day. It asn't until I had died countless times that I finally realized the connection. ”

\"hat's this story?\" drake asked.

Li Nuei shook her head, her breathing became unstable, and she smiled palely. \"It's better not to kno this story. It's a story that ill never end.\"

drake immediately fell silent and said, ``Since you have such abilities, you should be able to avoid such dangerous me the ould you take the initiative in such an unusual event?'' do you ant to participate?” he asked seriously.

\"I already told you.\" Li Nuoei looked into derek's eyes and said, \"I as the only one ho didn't hide this matter from you. I really helped you to return your gratitude.\" ta.\"

I never believed in fate, but after experiencing reincarnation many times, I realized that fate exists in this orld. there may be one or more people in your life that you cannot abandon. I rely on this ability to avoid countless dangers, and you have unknoingly saved me many times in my life. my life. ”

Seeing drake's still confused expression, Li Nuoei smiled and said: \"I kno you believe everything I say, but you're not supposed to understand ho I feel, and I don't think I need to understand ho I feel. this is a kind of emotional that's hy I don't have the good fortune to enjoy, and for me it's even more painful. ”

“do you kno ho many times I have been reborn?” Li Nuoei took a deep breath, a painful emotion flashing in his eyes.

\"ho many times?\"

“one thousand three hundred and eighty-to times.” Li Nuoei smiled.

drake froze in place. Seeing these exact numbers, he felt the heaviness and pain in Li Novi's heart. he imagined that ith countless deaths and returns, he might bee just like Lee Noray.

he as trying hard to maintain his rationality, but his brain as gradually on the verge of collapse due to the memories of countless deaths.

once upon a time there as a mountain (updated)

``once upon a time, there as a mountain, and there as a temple on the the temple there as an old monk and a young old monk told a small story to the young monk.``there as a hill. there as a temple there. In the temple there as an old monk and a young monk. the monk, the old monk told a small story to the young monk...\" Ling Ling as lying on the hill. . A reclining chair ith a 6 or 7 year old girl in her arms. the girl held a large lazy black cat in her arms.

the girl looked at Linlin ith astonished eyes as he energetically told the story of the matryoshka over and over again, and said ith an expression of disbelief: “boss, do you really ant to have anything to do ith me?”

“First grade classmate, mr. Li Yuning, please touch your conscience.” Ling Ling said seriously, “ho can you be perfunctory? Look, I have talked back and forth ith you for more than 10 minutes. I really ant to be perfunctory, but I can. did I say it for that long?\"

\"...but you keep telling the story over and over again.\" Li Yuning paused for a moment. he also seemed to feel that the attitude of the person he took the time to talk to as not official, but he persisted and said,

Linlin nodded and said ith a smile. “this is exactly my goal.”

Li Youning as confused, \"huh?\"

Ling Ling gently stroked Li Yuning's soft head, \"did Grandpa Li or your teacher ever teach you that hen you can't sleep, you can not only listen to stories, but also count sheep?\"

Li Yuning nodded.

\"It's true,\" Linlin said correctly, \"It sounds like I'm telling a repetitive story, but it actually achieved the same hypnotic goal as counting sheep.\"

\"is that so?\"

“please tell me, do you understand hat I mean?”

“hmm…that seems reasonable.” Li Yuning as deep in thought.

\"Look ho deeply xiaohei is sleeping. this is the magic of my story.\" Ling Ling said ith emotion, loering her eyes. he raised his chin ith a somehat inprehensible proud expression.

\"okay.\" Li Yuning looked at the big black cat in his arms and nodded, then handed the cat back to Ling Ling, jumped on Ling Ling, and ran to Li Jiahong, ho as atching and laughing. . he aved his hand beside him and said honestly: \"dad, then I'll sleep alone. please don't disturb the president's younger brother's ork.\"

“Go, go, don’t explode your boss brother in the future.” Li Jiahong gently patted her little daughter’s head and said, “don’t you call yourself a little oman? Little omen are alays boys.” It's not like you can make it explode.''

Li Yuning tilted her head and blinked, as if she did not understand hat her elderly father said.

Li Jiahong as disappointed. he as already used to the strangeness that hid behind his daughter's beauty. No he pretended not to understand. he could only sigh quietly and scold his little ears, \"You!\" ...Forget it and go to sleep no. ”

Li Yuning smiled, aved goodbye to Li Jiahong and Linlin, and left the small house through the back door of the store. As soon as I opened the door, I sa a black space. once inside, consciousness returns to reality. Enter the main body.

After her first-grade classmate, Li Yuning, left, Li Jiahong regretfully said to Linlin, \"I'm sorry, mr. Lin, my daughter has caused you trouble again.\"

\"No problem. It's the standard of a good boss to take care of his employees' families.\" Ling Ling said seriously.

Li Jiahong smiled and said, “Yes, you have alays been a good boss to me.”

Linlin nodded calmly, but she asn't sure if she as happy or if she as relieved and accepted the pliment as a matter of course.

Li Jiahong recalled that to years ago, hen he fell asleep, he discovered for the first time that his daughter could actually follo him to the cabin in the forest here he orked. Since then, it seems that his daughter, like him, can e to the hut henever she dreams. If you have permission, you can e here as long as you fall asleep and dream.

his initial demeanor as a little panicky and unpleasant. he as orried that his daughter ould accidentally offend boss Lin. She as also orried that her boss Lin, ho has a unique style, ould suddenly promote the store's \"products\" to her daughter.

but hat I didn't expect as that boss Lin's attitude toards his daughter as not very close, but not very far either.

In fact, hen Li Jiahong carefully recalls the time she spent ith Linling, she also feels that Lingling has a strange ability to be inclusive. Linlin seems to be able to tolerate everything, hether it's respectful or rude to him. treat everyone equally.

In the long time I've been orking here, I've never seen Linlin have a lot of emotional ups and dons, and I've never seen her angry.

the reason Li Jiahong feels scary is because there is a perception that there is a difference in status and class beteen him and Linlin. on the other hand, boss Lin himself is a mysterious and poerful person ho often gives people the impression of being opaque and poerful, giving the impression that his dignity cannot be tolerated. Violate.

of course, Ling Ling may be a good-natured person, but Li Jiahong often tells her daughter not to do anything unpleasant to Ling Ling, to apologize immediately if she does something rong, and to make casual demands and trouble boss Ling. I personally teach them things such as things not to do. . .

hoever, although Li Yuning listened to his old father's advice, he did not listen to it very much, but he still loved Ling Ling and often played the coquettish Ling Ling, like the older brother next to him, Ling Ling. exploded. Fortunately, Li Youning's request as not ignored. It's not a big deal, Linlin seems to like this lively and beautiful girl and is alays illing to acmodate her requests.

hoever, as in the previous story, Ling Ling ill agree, but ill still fulfill the request \"perfunctorily\".

At first, Li Yuning also felt that Lingling as very casual, but after a hile, Li Yuning realized that although Lingling quickly agreed, she eventually shoed a \"paper\" attitude, so ho many I made that request, but I noticed something interesting. hayashi-san. Each time, the main goal is not to plete the task itself, but they kno hat the boss Lin can be like.

today, Li Youning is obviously satisfied.

Li Jiahong remembers hearing a story that Lingling told her daughter a hile ago. that's hat I heard from president Lin and our customers. this time, Rinbos rented out a rare product. Instead, he used the story as a product and sold it to a plete clientele. please invite them.

``teacher, is the story of the old monk and the young monk finished?'' Li Jiahong asked curiously.

Linlin roughly caressed the black cat's body back and forth, as if treating the other person's thick, fluffy body like a toy. hen Li Jiahong asked, he smiled and replied, \"Yes.\"

Li Jiahong as surprised for a moment, but the curiosity in his heart increased a little, “So, hat’s the last one?”

\"If you don't ant to talk about it, that's it,\" Linlin said ith a smile.

Li Jiahong blinked in confusion, actually tasting the deep truth in Ling Ling’s simple ords. After thinking for a hile, he sloly nodded and thanked her, \"okay, that's very philosophical.\"

hat are the true identities of the 106 sea monsters?

feeling of mud

the green gem on the stone platform is dazzling and enchanting. Just looking at it makes me feel a sense of admiration in my body and mind.

Li Nuoei remembered this gem, the green light gem that drake had described. It as the source of the green light that covered the alls, the nest of that green light, the guardian of the mud beneath the stone platform. thing.

their faces rithe in sorro in the mud, leaving evil cries in the mud. Sometimes it ould sell up like a blister as the aves of mud rose and fell, crumbling into slag amidst inhuman cries of pain, then mending itself. once again, the same faces ere pressed against us again and again from different places in the mud, like an endless hell for these bound souls.

Li Nuoei and drake heard these pleas and cried out. drake only felt a strange figure appear in his head as these voices collided and tore his fragile heart apart. these sinful creatures from the underorld are subjected to cruel torture.

A green light bloomed around him and the darkness as gone, but drake still felt a thick fog threatening to crush his nerves. he looked like a medieval criminal being tried and executed, naked every inch of his body. And he as almost thron into a herd of starving, mad animals.

drake discovers that a supernatural god hidden under the tunnel has appeared. beyond the edge of the stairs, he sa all-engulfing mud and a beautiful green light octopus that saved his life. his mood as filled ith fear and excitement. he looked back and forth beteen the to of them, gradually merging into each other until derek couldn't tell hether he as surprised or frightened.

Suddenly, drake sa a large green light reflecting off the all sloly disappear, leaving only a presence of green light still riggling through the cracks in the all. he couldn't help but poke his head in and take a look at this place ith Li Novi. A big fear around the corner.

I sa a large, suffocating, fragrant samp sirling on the ground. Apparently sensing an alien invasion, they salloed the amorphous green light gem along ith the stone platform. the enraged samp as like a bone-eating insect. they clung tightly to each other, their horribly distorted faces groaning in the rolling aves of the samp.

derek felt pain in his arm and quickly regained consciousness. only then did he realize that he had been clinging to that sin for too long. Unknoingly, he as seduced and manipulated by the voice of the devil in the mud, and in reality he anted to quit. he fell don the stairs and into the cheed mud, but Li Nuei spotted him and narroly caught him.

\"help me, help me...\"

\"Kill me, kill me...\"



the hair on derek's body stood on end. he sa a pained face staring back at him in the mud. there as no desire to survive in those dark eyes that ere deep like a hirlpool, as if they just anted to suck everything into a black hole.

Instead of screaming for help in this tisted face, hat they actually ant to do is drag both drake and Lee Noay into this never-ending mud cage.

mud also discovered their presence, and a grey-green rope rose from the mud and rapped it around them.

derek and Li Nuoei ran aay, their faces red and their veins throbbing.

drake's heart as pounding. he looked at Li Nuei running in front of him and thought helplessly, \"Is this another failed ending? ill Li Nuei bee a death ro prisoner again?\"

Li Nuoei and drake continued to run, but their physical strength had already reached their limit, and the mud and distorted faces quickly caught them.

\"here!\" Li Nuoei suddenly pulled derek and ran into a dark corner that he hadn't noticed, as if a dark road appeared out of thin air.

Surprise and doubt arose in drake's mind. “Is everything still under Li Nuoei’s control?”

Reality soon hit drake as this dark path ended unexpectedly. A black all blocks their ay, but mud approaches from behind.

the Kabe couple are gone. Li Nuoei did not provide any further explanation. he simply slammed into the all, cracking his body and breaking bones, but the seemingly thick all shattered into distinct pieces. You can see the cracks.

drake had no choice. driven by his desire to survive, he seemed to keep running into alls, unafraid of pain.


mud roared out from the broken all, and drake and Li Nuoei also fle out, along ith the flying sand and broken stones. their bodies fell from the sky, covered in fish mud.

drake and Li Nuoei just felt the fire exploding inside their bodies. the mud on their bodies as digesting their skin and flesh. Feeling a searing pain, they fell from the air into a sea of golden metal. middle

And for some unknon reason, the samp that as gathering people stopped chasing drake and Lee Noay, and the faces of the lovers on the mud retreated from the place here they had opened, unillingly I roared in anger. behind the all.

Li Nuei took out a pile of gold coins. one arm as hanging limply, and the entire arm as sollen and purple. It's called drake.

hoever, hen they found drake, they found out that the great detective's head had been pierced ith a sharp eapon and he as dead in the house of unknon treasures in this orld.

\"oh, you failed again? You missed your chance this time.\" Seeing this, Li Nuei sighed. ithout hesitation, he picked up a sharp golden object from the floor, rapped it around his neck, and ble on it. he rolled over and died at the scene.

“ho disobeyed?” After escaping to the temporary safety of the cave, Yu Lianyun ondered hy Shang ei and the others ere still alive.

Shan ei and the other mysterious detectives looked at each other, each ith a bitter expression on their face. Afterards, they announced the names of their rades ho ent missing during the escape, and there as a moment of silence.

by the time a panion's name as announced, everyone present kne that their death had been announced.

As of today, only four members of the team that came to explore the isolated island remained.

``here shall e run to next?'' the mysterious detective as sitting on the all, distracted, hen he heard small footsteps and a horribly strange roar outside the cave. Surround yourself and continue dancing.

these fishmen are sure to find you and take your life, but you still can't escape death.

A feeling of despair condenses the air ithin the cave. the other mysterious Level c detective seemed to be infected ith emotion. She didn't burst into tears either, but she covered her face and cried quietly.

only Shan ei looked at Yu Lianyun expectantly. “captain Yu, hat else can e do next?”

monster orship of the 108 seas (updated)

Yu Lianyun did not anser immediately. Although he had a calm and relaxed expression on his face, he as staring at the time on the clock. he felt just as ashamed and hopeless as everyone else there, but he remembered that he as the leader of his team. the pressure is on and the mood is even heavier.

No, less than 15 hours have passed since the departure of this exploration mission, and there are still about 9 hours left until the next 24 hours. here can you go on this small island ith limited range, faced ith murlocs that look like a blanket?

Yu Lianyun anted to use her psychic talent again, but she as afraid that if she used her ability again, she might be pletely sealed by the giant beast in the mist, and there ould be no chance to escape. I also kne that.

If he had survived alone, he might have chosen to gamble, but no he had three teammates and he didn't have the courage to gamble ith their lives.

Shan ei seemed to sense Yu Lianyun's orries and immediately said, \"captain Yu, do hat you like. there is no other ay no. If the method e have thought of here is successful, there is a possibility of escape. It doesn't matter hat you ant,\" he encouraged her. that's something e ould like to try. ”

the other to top secret agents, ho ere mentally retarded, regained consciousness after being slapped several times by Shan ei, but only said, \"It doesn't matter, do hat you like.\" After that, they ere pletely abandoned.

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