

第22章 星光之路(2 / 2)
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mr. Shangei said ith a smile, ``the god of Anhai is not ell knon in china. It is a local concrete image is of a large fish ith four legs and a human face.''

“ell…I can imagine it quite ell.” Yu Lianyun smiled and asked curiously. “Are there many people ho believe in Ankaijin no?”

\"there aren't many. I haven't seen anyone orshiping this god for a long time in Liuhua port, at least in the past ten years.\" Shan ei thought and shook his head.

As they continued to explore the house, Yu Lianyun asked, \"do you have any stories about An hai Shen?\"

Shan ei froned, seemed to be trying to remember, and said: ``that story as told to me by an elderly man in the village hen I as a child. I don't remember the details clearly, but I remember that the story ent something like this.'' this...\"

once upon a time, there as a huge ater monster that roamed the nearby aters. he as picking on random boats that ere ing and going. during the fishing season, it as sometimes impossible to attack ships. hen their stomach is full, they ill also gro their nails. humans and animals living on earth are quite large. In the past, this caused people living in cities near the sea to be in great fear every day.

Until one day, a meteorite falls from the sky and God's star es to this orld. then, a large fish ith a human face appeared and instantly salloed all the ater monsters and sea monsters that had harmed the people. Since then, there have been no ships in the nearby aters. ater monster and sea monster attack.

Later, some people said that the large fish ith a human face as a messenger sent from heaven to stabilize the sea. therefore, some people built ancestral shrines of human-faced giant fish and began to orship them in earnest.

the strange thing is that after people orship seriously, the cities and villages along the coast have good eather every year, and there is no need to orry about eating, drinking or catching, and treasures ill appear on the coast from time to time. others. pick out.

people thought this as Ankai no Kami's anser to their religious orship and became more fanatical and orshiped Ankai Kami frequently.

``If An hai God is really a magical god, hy did the clan suddenly decline and no no one orships him?'' Yu Lianyun burst out laughing hen he heard this story. this story is similar to most mythological stories. Almost all of them talked about ho the gods had helped humanity in the past hen they encountered natural and man-made disasters, and ho they all helped build temples and ancestral shrines to thank the gods. As a result, everyone believed them and converted to materialism.

to this, Shan ei replied ith a smile: ``No one knos for sure, but I heard from an old man that after a certain period of time, his faith greatly diminished.''

Yu Lianyun nodded and quickly joined the other mysterious detectives searching other houses and alked to the ancestral hall on the island.

hen I arrived at the Ancestral hall, it as really similar to the Ancestral hall and the Inland Sea city temple, and the gods I orshiped ere also similar.

\"huh!?\" but just hen everyone thought they ouldn't find anything, a mysterious detective used a fireood machine behind the ancestral shrine to discover a cavity hidden beneath a pile of fireood. .

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious and they moved the fireood together. during this time, the evil beast hiding in the fireood as like a sentinel guarding a secret passage. As the mysterious detectives clean the fireood, the snakes and insects hidden inside are attacked one after another by rats and ants.

Fortunately, no one as seriously injured as everyone as alert and cautious. hat's more, she as a mysterious detective ho as so afraid of snakes that she shouted \"Enchantress\" and thre herself don. my feet are sollen.

e understand that even \"seasoned\" occult detectives have things to fear.

therefore, xuan secret detectives eijiao, Yu Lianyun, and to other members remain in the forest cabin and atch Shang ei and the other to xuan secret detectives return from their investigation under the secret passage. I aited in front of the entrance.

hen you open the metal door here the fireood is hidden, the passage is not narro, but very ide. there is enough space for 3 or 4 people to sit together.

Shan ei and to top mystical agents prepare their exploration equipment and enter the secret passageay. thanks to the light from the night vision device and flashlight, Shan ei and the three others could easily see the scene belo the secret passage.

Judging by the stone-laden bricks and people ith oil lamps set on the alls, this secret passage is quite old and full of ancient charm.

Shan ei thought for a hile and decided to light an oil lamp on the ay. In some cases, a bright fire source may be a better source of illumination than a flashlight.

In this ay, Shan ei and his friends arrived at the end of the tunnel as the light turned on.

this is a dark shrine. Its spatial arrangement is neither square nor circular. Instead, there are very fe rules. but strangely enough, it is filled ith a strange sense of unity.

black pipe holes are clustered throughout the temple, and they surround a stone statue representing a blind vermin that stands in the center of the temple.

Although Shangei had never seen the god of Anhai, he recognized it at first sight. the stone statue of the abominable god in front of him as the so-called god of Ankai, a gigantic fish ith a dull human face and human-like limbs. Kindness

Shan ei decided to quit just by looking at him, and his to teammates felt a little dizzy and broke out in a cold seat.

It seems like my nerves are being more sensitive and I suddenly start hearing sounds that I shouldn't be able to hear. they felt that something unknon as hidden inside those dense black pipes.

Shan ei shook her head and tried to calm her emotions. I could already tell that the oner of this stone statue as not a normal god, but something close to a supernatural god.

In this case, the nature of Ankaishinkai's organization deserves to be reconsidered.

\"Vigo, look over there. Are there stone slabs ith ords carved all over the stone pier belo the statue?\" the mysterious detective tries to calm himself don. he didn't have the courage to look directly at the tall stone statue. , but see the article under the stone statue, doing so had some effect. the mysterious detective felt calm.

Shan ei and another person folloed suit. As expected, it's very calming. then they approached them and sa and read the ords carved on the four sides of the pier under the stone statue.

“Sacrifice your eyes to see the light.”

“I give you Kai hui, your sharp mind.”

“I give you my living heart.”

“I ask for your mercy and forgiveness to reverse the divine punishment that has befallen my village and remove sickness and misery.”

Shan ei and to others interpret the ancient ords left on the stone tablets. ith every ord and every sentence, Shan ei and the others can quickly determine the true nature of the organization of the Ankai God Society, hich must be evil.

“Remove divine punishment, remove sickness and misfortune?” the expressions of Shan ei and the other to mysterious detectives changed. Shangei as shocked and said, \"It seems that God someho spread the cross-infection to Anhai. hy is this?\"


Suddenly, Shan ei and the other to mysterious detectives felt as if they heard some lo and strange roar, and their expressions suddenly became alarmed. they lit lanterns to illuminate the area around the temple and the dark passageays.

Later, Shan ei sa a flash of blue-black rear clas and fish tails, but hen he used a flashlight to illuminate other cave entrances, he found that the \"oners\" of the clas and fish tails said, \"I can't see it yet. \"I understand.

\"Ah!\" the next moment, Shan ei heard the exclamation of detective xuan next to her. his face as covered in blood, his eyes bloodshot, and he screamed, pointing frantically, and the flashlight fell to the ground.

Shan ei looked in the direction of the detective ho as shouting mysteriously. I couldn't immediately shine a flashlight on it, but I could see a pair of gloing eyes hidden in the darkness. they illuminated him like a light bulb. their eyes titched, and hen the light hit them, a pair of \"bulbs\" flashed and disappeared ithout a trace.

\"Let's go!\" Nao ei immediately ordered a retreat ithout hesitation.

the Ninety-Six brothers disappeared (2-in-1)

Shan ei and her to team members run ild to escape from the dark underground temple. Although I couldn't see the blue-black gloing face clearly, I could imagine that it as probably an ugly and disgusting fishman. monster

these monsters chased them all, not quickly, but vigorously, and strangely enough, they folloed the three of them and uttered hispers.

\"...terrible...terrible...terrible! terrible!\" Shan ei heard the monsters roaring loly. he gritted his teeth and turned around, draing his pistol and aiming it at something moving in the darkness behind him. Sollen eyes, continuous shooting.

I could hear the sound of bullets hitting metal and the sound of flesh crunching. he successfully attacked the horde of monsters.

Among the three, only Shoei as able to keep his cool and fight. the other to c-level mystery detectives seemed to have lost their minds and could only run aay blindly out of breath.

I don't kno if it as Shan ei's counterattack that scared those ferocious and ferocious murlocs. they suddenly stopped chasing, stopped at the bottom of the dark ocean here they could not see the flame of the oil lamp, and looked sloly and steadily at Shan. ei's frightening eyes seemed to ant to carve his image into my mind.

break through the tunnel and return to the surface.

Sensing the unnatural expressions on the faces of the three people ho had e out of the tunnel, Yu Lianyun immediately closed the iron door of the tunnel ithout thinking, and then inserted a piece of ood into the door handle to block the iron door.

\"hurry up, there's something don there...\" Shan ei stopped on her knees and gasped. the to senior secret agents ho had jumped out at the same time as him seemed pletely unaare that they had jumped out of the basement and ere temporarily safe. , they overtook their teammates, ran out of the forest, and ran out of the ancestral shrine ithout stopping.

\"hey!\" Yu Lianyun didn't react for a second, stopping the to xuan secret agents ho ere already panicking.

Shan ei gritted his teeth and said, “don’t orry about me, just catch up ith these to idiots first, and I ill follo sloly.”

Yu Lianyun nodded and let one person acpany Shang ei and led the others out the door.

but no one expected hen, hen e caught up ith the to soulless people, they already ran to the edge of the cliff and ithout hesitation jumped onto the cliff, embracing the still roaring and roaring sea. It as. .

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed in shock. they arrived at the place here the to mysterious detectives had flon and looked at the crashing aves, but they could not find any detectives like themselves in the crashing aves. It sinks into the sea, leaving no residue behind.

hen Shan ei arrived late ith the help of a mysterious detective, Yu Lianyun couldn't ait to ask Shan ei about his experience underground.

A black temple full of holes, a gigantic stone statue of a fish ith terrifying ords carved into it, and black and blue fishmen chasing it... it as all so thrilling.

Shan ei’s teeth trembled and she hispered. \"I kno that the to men ho jumped into the ater didn't do it of their on accord. Just like I did, they heard the voice, the loud roar ing from deep inside the pipe.\" the sound of the dark, dark temple, deeper and more intense than a steam lootive accelerating out of control, must have caused them to hallucinate and temporarily not realize that their bodies ere safe from the temple. they ran aay, but their souls ere still destroyed. I'm tracking you. ”

\"e have to go back inland quickly.\" After hearing about Shan ei's experience, Yu Lianyun quickly realized that the crazy fishmen hiding in the darkness ere targeting people ho entered the forbidden area. I noticed that. they absolutely, God must let them go no matter hat, and the best solution is to flee the island as soon as possible.

hoever, Yu Lianyun still felt anxious and anxious.

Immediately his inner disfort became real. the ship they ere on as torn to pieces, and only part of the reckage, covered in cla marks, as left floating in the sea.

“It as these men ho did it, these monsters…” Shan ei said flatly, ith a trace of fear in his eyes and cold seat dripping from his forehead.

Radio aves are also heavily interfered ith. Another mysterious c-class detective said in a dry voice.

Everyone looked ugly. they ere stranded on this isolated island here something very dangerous as hidden.

After listening to Li Nuoei's story about the origin of Jiaoren disease, drake learned that Jiaoren disease came from the curse of the An hai god. people ho are cursed by the god of Ankai gradually transform into the fishmen they sa in their dreams. , bees a hateful monster ith a dull face and strange behavior.

At the same time, drake finally deduces the origin of the other half of his line. At least one of his parents must have believed in Ankai's curse, and they passed the disease curse directly don their lineage.

he has admired the chinese region since he as a child and ants to experience life in the countryside ithout china. It seems that going back to basics is not just an instinct from youth. perhaps a big part of the reason is that the evil that lurks deep in his blood is affecting him. , it may not be a coincidence, including the fact that he as able to grasp the ork of ``mysterious disappearance case at Liuhua port'' at a glance.

this as a fate he could neither avoid nor escape from. drake suddenly realized that he as never free. he as trapped in a cage of fate, and the beings outside the cage sa him as a human being. Look at the monkey in the zoo, it's just like this monkey enjoys the fort in the cage and thinks that all his actions are of his on ill, but he is outside the cage. they don't kno that ``people'' are laughing at them. freedom\".

hoever, drake could not feel any anger toards this, he just felt a great sense of helplessness and helplessness.

derek looked at his unbandaged rist and shakily lifted the gauze. his heart became even heavier as he atched blue-black scabs gro from the ound and spread everyhere.

\"Is there a cure for this disease?\" derek asked in a deep voice. he looked at the young man next to him ith a glimmer of hope in his eyes, hoping for a positive response from the young man.

but Li Nuoei shook her head. \"I don't kno, but no matter ho I look at it, the only thing I can do is destroy the source of the curse.\"

derek as surprised to hear that. the young man's ords seemed like something he as born ith.

``Kill Ankai's...god?'' drake salloed his saliva and salloed his reason. “Is that something humans can do?”

the young man shoed a kind of self-confidence and arrogance that drake could not understand. the young man himself did not realize this, but he said ith a smile, ``there is alays a ay. Just try it and you ill see.''

try out? die?

drake couldn't help but ask Li Novi's identity again. \"ho are you?\"

\"me?\" Li Nuoei said ith a smile, \"It's just an ordinary college student's obsession.\"

ordinary college student? drake expressed disbelief.

It as early in the morning, so my clothes ere dry. Li Nuoei as planning to get dressed and leave, but drake as not going to give up chasing him. he still had many questions to ask his opponent.

It seems that Li Nuoei kne that drake ould do this for a long time and did not stop him. he just said: \"I have no intention of running aay. It's no use chasing me. hen the time is right, I'll definitely e to you. So...don't let hat happened last night happen again, I can.\" You save time every time. It does not mean. ”

Seeing Li Nuoei’s serious expression, derek as a little surprised. In fact, he sa a sincere request in the other person's eyes.

derek as silent for a hile, but before he kne it, he nodded.

Although Li Nuei tried to persuade him not to pursue him, drake eventually got the other person's residential address from him, hich as a student apartment near Liuhuagang University.

From this point on, drake couldn't help but believe in Li Nuoei's true identity. he may actually be a university student, but he as definitely not normal.

After the to left the villa, they broke up. derek alked don the same path as yesterday until he reached another deep, dark, narro tunnel.

drake felt the loneliness and cold ing from the tunnel like it as yesterday.

Still, I passed through the tunnel ithout incident, just like yesterday.

As soon as drake exited the tunnel, he sa a la enforcement vehicle parked on the side of the road not far aay. An anxious-looking middle-aged couple holding happy photos of their tins ere orking ith la enforcement officers to stop random passersby. he pointed to a smiling young man on the left side of the photo and asked passersby if they had seen his child.

After seeing the photo from a distance, derek quickly realizes that the people the police are looking for are a middle-aged couple. It as the young man I met yesterday at the entrance to the tunnel, daydreaming about the people behind him passing by. through a somehat mysterious tunnel, he sent something important to his younger brother, ho had already gone to heaven.

Still remembering the innocent look on this young man's face, derek's heart felt a little heavy.

So he took the initiative to approach the couple and the police and frankly said, ``I sa this child yesterday.''

\"Are you sure? here is he?\" the boy's parents excitedly grabbed his arms and hurriedly asked.

the police officers also looked serious. one of the middle-aged police officers said ith a serious expression: \"tell me, here as the last time you sa this child and hat as he doing then?\"

drake told them everything he kne, ``I sa a kid here at the entrance to the tunnel, and he as carrying a box ith beautiful photo magazines, game consoles, movie and tV discs, and other things.'' Everything he had as in the box, and he put it at the entrance to the tunnel, he said he could send it to the dead. ... I didn't even talk to him at the end, I as so hungry that I could do that. Let's go have breakfast right aay. ”

hen the missing boy's parents and la enforcement heard derek's story, la enforcement as shocked and looked into the deep tunnel behind derek. hoever, the parents of the missing boy ere shocked and turned pale. he as shocked, as if he had learned a cruel truth.

police and the boy's father quickly cooperated after the boy's mother noticed that he as about to faint, and derek also noticed strange signs on the couple's faces.

the young father's eyes ere slightly red and he stared into derek's eyes, trying to find any sign of deceit in derek's eyes. he checked over and over again, asking, \"did he take photos of photo magazines or toys? does he like these things? did he tell himself he liked these things?\"

derek nodded and declared, \"that's hat he said.\"

hen the young mother heard this, she burst into tears, and the young father hid his face in frustration.

Seeing this, drake and the police could only calm the couple's emotions. After the couple calmed don, I realized that the anser had leaked out of their mouths.

\"I have tin sons. the older brother's name is Yan Zuo. he likes reading books and is kind and quiet. the younger brother's name is Yan Yu. he likes atching movies and playing games. I like to do things and I'm a happy personality.'' the couple cried, but hen they said that, drake and la enforcement had already guessed the reason for the couple's real breakup.

It appears that the couple mistakenly identified their child as having died in a traffic accident. the child ho died in the traffic accident as thought to be the younger brother, but the child ho is no missing is the older brother. In fact, it turned out to be quite the opposite.

It as actually his older brother ho died in a traffic accident, and the missing person ho is still alive as actually his younger brother.

the reason for the identity change is still unknon. perhaps the child did not ant to make the couple sad, so he came up ith a plan to pretend to be his dead brother.

the truth is cruel, but there are things more urgent than the cruel truth. hile one la enforcement officer calmed the couple, another escorted drake to the tunnel entrance and pointed to an open space at the entrance. the box as empty and I asked, \"as the box there then? here is the box? here did the things go?\"

derek shook his head. \"I don't kno either. I heard him say hy I put these things here, and then I left.\"

``could you please e ith me to the Executor Security office?'' said the Executor. there as no room for me to refuse even if I as asked to do so.

derek sa the look in his partner's eyes. As an acplished detective ho frequently deals ith la enforcement agencies, he as very accustomed to this appearance. the suspect's expression looked like this.

drake as a little stunned, but he kne, according to the empirical process, that he as indeed suspected of mitting a crime, and understood that he had been identified as a suspect.

derek laughed and cradled the mysterious F-class agent's certificate in his arms. this certificate immediately confused la enforcement officials, ho had alays doubted the identity of his killer.

“Are you a mystery investigator?” Force sallo the la. his tone as like atching an insignificant orker ho as dusting on a construction site suddenly transform into a superstar ho has experienced life.

\"In black and hite, it's me,\" derek smiled, then turned toards the tunnel.

secret ninety-seven tunnels

Even after the misunderstanding as resolved, drake didn't leave right aay. Instead, he noticed something strange in the clues described by la enforcement.

there are no surveillance cameras installed near the tunnel, but that doesn't mean they don't ant to install them. the reason for this is that henever there is a surveillance camera pointed at a tunnel, it alays malfunctions and gets damaged in a short period of time for mysterious reasons. .

At first everyone thought it as a malicious fool ho did it on purpose, so they sent people to protect him. but strangely, even though people had been atching all day, no one had seen anyone break the clock. Surveillance remained puzzling. this is broken.

over time, the losses became too great, so they simply stopped installing surveillance equipment near the tunnels and increased patrols on the roads.

\"have you ever looked into the specific reasons hy the tunnel cannot be used?\" drake asks curiously of the to police officers in charge of the missing teenager.

the middle-aged police officer shook his head, \"there's no definitive anser.\"

the young policeman eakly raised his hand and said, ``but there are several theories about this tunnel.''

\"hat is that?\" derek asked curiously.

the middle-aged laman froned and glanced at the younger laman. he seemed a little miffed by the inaccurate statement the young la enforcement officer as about to make. but seeing that drake seemed interested in this didn't stop him.

A young police officer said, ``this field as an air raid shelter, and there as a branch road running then the orld became peaceful, and the original air raid shelter as no longer needed, so e filled it in and rebuilt it.'' It's a tunnel today. ”

\"I've heard of that before,\" derek still remembered the boy's rough remarks about it yesterday.

the young laman suddenly looked solemn and mysterious and hispered: \"but there's something you don't kno. before this bomb shelter as built, this place as actually a mass grave.\"

derek froned and motioned for the young laman to continue.

\"A long time ago, a very serious epidemic occurred near here, and many people died. At that time, there as no ay to treat the epidemic. the dead bodies, the infected, the government, and the uninfected people. e had to deal ith it.'' the infected ere buried in mass graves along ith their corpses.

hile this approach has certainly effectively suppressed infections, it is not a plete relief.

After the mass grave as buried, for some reason, people passing by the mass grave could hear harroing cries, like ghosts crying. It as very strange. Some later sa the dead in mass graves. Fantasy of underground evil spirits.

this continued for a day, then suddenly disappeared. \"Young la enforcement officers tell stories of ups and dons, but it's a far cry from the serious impression their profession gives people. they're better suited as storytellers.

derek sighed, \"e're not done yet, are e?\"

the young la enforcement officer sa traces of impatience in drake and noticed that his habit of talking too much had returned. he smiled akardly and said, \"that's right. In modern times, many countries have gron and heroes have stood together. during the orld ars, this mass grave, hich had been peaceful for hundreds of years, as dug up again. because... It as built so that people could escape from ar.

but no one knos if their actions ill break some kind of seal or anger the gentle dead souls again. the situation that folloed orsened and recurred, resulting in serious fatalities.

orkers ho dug up tens of thousands of bodies from mass graves ere horrified to the point of losing their minds hen they sa the death-like skeletons. Some ere so shy that they accidentally fell into the holes they had dug. Inside, the body tisted into one of the sharp bones. Some died on the spot, hile others died later from unexplained and difficult-to-treat ound infections. All died ithout exception.

hoever, even though several orkers died, the government as unable to plete the construction at the time. they insisted on digging air raid shelters, taking all the bodies one by one to a mass grave and throing them into the sea, hoping that fear and novelty ould float ith the tide and remain silent at sea. ork continues at sea.

After many tists and turns, the air raid shelter as constructed, but hen it as actually put into use, the mysterious poer that remained in it remained.

hen ar broke out and the enemy attacked the city, everyone hiding in this shelter as either driven mad or killed by the mysterious poer of the plane shelter. Ever since people at the time learned of this terrible rumor, no one came don from the air raid shelter.

And just like in the old days, from one day on, the air raid shelters stopped acting like monsters, and people took the opportunity to block them off and turn them into today's tunnels, hich are used as public roads. ”

After hearing the young la enforcement officer's strange story, drake doesn't immediately criticize or deny the story's veracity, saying, ``So, have you ever thought about sealing off the attack shelter pletely?'' Is that so?” he asked.

hy are the tunnels still there?

the young police officer held out his hand and said, ``I don't understand that as you shouldn't cross someone's path, you should also leave a line at ork.''Some experts advise him. , so please leave a line for the \"good brothers\" in the basement too. ” that tone opens up such a tunnel. ”

drake fell silent. he didn't believe in the theory of Feng Shui exploration, but hat the young la enforcement officer said sounded so metaphysical that it as difficult for him to believe it.

``okay, don't fool mr. drake,'' said the middle-aged policeman, unable to bear to hear any more. he couldn't help but pat the young laman on the back and looked at derek a little apologetically. grams.

hen derek heard that, he smiled and said, \"No, don't say that. Actually, it helped expand my thinking.\"

this statement is not incorrect. the rare story told by a young police officer may contain many distortions during the dissemination process, but that doesn't mean it's meaningless.

Something important may be true. the story, at least, mentions a terrible local epidemic, and he is immediately reminded of the illness he suffered during his travels.

If this as a hand disease, people at the time ould have been really disappointed. After all, this as a \"disease\" that modern technology and medicine could neither detect nor treat.

drake also does not kno hether sexually transmitted diseases are ``diseases'', special ``evolution'' of humans, or ``degeneration'' in another generation.

but in the end, Jinren's disease takes him out of the category of ordinary people, and he doesn't ant to bee this kind of monster ho has lost his humanity and reason.

drake as pelled to reexamine the tunnels in part because he thought the mass graves might be related to transverse migration disease.

there may be secrets of fishmen and big fish under this tunnel.

98 Ruka 12 ton (2-in-1)

drake really anted to dig into the tunnel alls and see the secrets hidden in the tunnels. hoever, even if you are not an A-class supernatural investigator, it is not something that an F-class supernatural investigator can decide on his on, and in the case of a true emergency, he does not have the authority to take the initiative and act later. .

After all, this tunnel can be called a cultural heritage of the city.

despite this, drake has no intention of giving up on the search for the missing boy.

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