

第22章 星光之路(1 / 2)
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莱雷乌斯,一个曾经杰出的寻求者变成了恶棍,揭开了他的险恶阴谋。 ording to the summary provided by the orld Voting office, this drake has been silent for more than a year since he became a mysterious investigator. I didn't ask any questions.\" of the mission. ”

\"do you ant to accept the mission? Anyay, let's treat you as an ordinary person for no. I on't let you go to the island ith me. I'll give you some of the clues I've gathered and let you stay on the island.\" \"I'll stay on the mainland and be in charge of the investigation. the victims have mon characteristics.'' Yu Lianyun thought for a hile and made a decision.

“Agreed.” Shangei as a little surprised by Yu Lianyun’s decision. because if he had read it, other manders of the main zodiac team ould not be able to share the results he just obtained so easily. he is an unusual dispatcher as he has never met the recipient directly and does not kno their personality.

that afternoon, drake received an email from an occult group. She felt suffocated hen she sa the contents of the email attachment.

\"A disease of people?\" derek's throat as parched, he salloed a gulp of air, and froned, \"Everyone ho tried to go to the sea after being lured by a mysterious voice shoed symptoms of a human disease. …”

derek immediately ran into the bathroom and tried to open his mouth ide in front of the mirror. his teeth anted to dig into the glass so I could clearly see hat as going on inside his mouth.

the early symptoms of this disease ere changes in the oral cavity and vocal cords. he checked his teeth and throat carefully, then backed aay from the mirror in confusion, rubbing his sore cheek and muttering to himself. \"that's strange. If there is no change, has my mutation not started yet?\" or am I not suffering from motion sickness at all? ”

drake hopes this is the last time, but here can you start talking about \"sleepalking at sea\" if you're not sick? as the almost real-looking nightmare he had last night all an illusion?

dreams are never fake, and even if they are illusions, they are never normal. After drake akes up from his dream, the fe scales he takes out of the ound on his rist can't be fake. You must be exposed to unknon and unusual dangers.

\"maybe I should find the mysterious young man ho saved my life,\" drake recalled of the first time he sleepalked. Remembering the young man's mysterious ords, he as able to quickly ake up from the shore.

As for the mysterious young man drake, he hasn't found his place yet, but perhaps he realizes that he should stay near the beach at tenya Kai-kaku. because at the time he as very scantily clad, earing flip-flops and earing clothes he had made himself. . No long distance travel. the seat from trekking is very refreshing.

``that young man seems to kno me,'' drake thought to himself, remembering hat the young man had said at that moment, hich orried him greatly.

my past is your future.

\"hat does this mean?\" derek thought it as a code, but he had no clue. both the other person's ords and myself ere confused by the unfamiliar ords. there as no one related to the young man in his memory.

derek looked at his injured rist, thought for a moment, and thought, ``maybe I'll take a chance and bet he'll e and help me.'' he silently clenched his fists.

that night, as expected, drake again dreamed of an apocalyptic scene. As the giant sea creature became more and more apparent, he as able to see more and more of the dangerous creature in its entirety. All that can be confirmed is the appearance of a group of fishmen. they are ugly, ferocious, and lifeless, even more lifeless than dead rotting fish.

because of his experience in the previous dream, drake didn't hesitate to turn his back and run aay, this time ithout being captured by the fishman again. he made it through this crazy fishman's stronghold unscathed. he ran from the shore and into the endless darkness.

As he ran, the dream settings changed ithout his knoledge. he could only feel the dampness under his feet. he loered his head and sa the rippling black ater still ashing his feet.

but ho could he re-enter the sea since he had clearly fled from the coast?

ithout even thinking about it, the tsunami as already rolling in...

Kujugogami Anumi (to in one)

\"cough, cough, cough!\" derek coughed frantically, clinging to the shore. hen you cough, seaater sprays out of your nostrils and mouth. his eyes heated up ith the excitement of the seaater. he knelt on the beach ashed by the aves, pletely soaking et.

drake looked up at the person ho had just pulled him out of the ater. that is the young man she sa yesterday during the day. So did others. Although his body as covered in seaater, he as able to maintain his standing position.

``Are you looking for me?'' the young man's breathing gradually became calmer. he asked quietly, looking at drake.

drake had no idea ho the young man had deduced his purpose. he nodded, moved a little, sat on the beach, ashed himself ith cold sea ater at night, and said: \"I didn't have time to ask you some questions yesterday. problem...\"

before the young man finished speaking, he seemed to already kno hat he anted to ask, and immediately ansered ith a smile: \"there's no reason to save you, just to return the favor.\"

\"Repaying the favor? I remember your name as Li Nuei, right?\" derek ondered, \"have e met before?\"

Li Nuoei smiled, stretched out his hand to help drake get up from the ground, pointed to a villa near the beach, and said, \"Let's go there and talk.\"

derek paused for a moment, shook his head, and folloed to the young man's left side.

As they alked, Li Nuoei just ansered drake's question, \"You may not remember me, but I ill alays remember your kindness. I ill do my best to keep you alive.\" I ill do my best.”

\"Am I in great danger?\" drake asked.

\"Isn't it dangerous enough as it is?\" Li Nuei asked jokingly, \"of course e ill encounter more danger than this.\"

hen derek heard this, he remembered the Jiaoren disease incident and immediately asked. \"do you kno anything else? hat trouble did I get into? hy did I suddenly fall into this hole?\"

Li Nuoei did not anser the other party immediately. he finds a spare key and something familiar hidden in the summerhouse door frame, opens the summerhouse door, turns on the lamp and stove in the house, and then undresses and gets et ith derek. clothes are placed next to the stove for cooking.

hile aiting for his clothes to dry, Li Nuoei drank ater from the room shirtless. he said quietly, \"Falling into the hole is your blood destiny. It has nothing to do ith hether you accept this research mission or not.\" , As for the problems you encountered, you have already I think you should kno, otherise you ouldn't have thought to e to me. ”

derek froned. Since the other party knos about the \"investigative mission,\" he should also kno the identity of the mysterious investigator, but he still asks for final confirmation, \"tell me, hat's bothering me no?\" I had to.

As if sensing drake's mood, Li Nuoei laughed and said meaningfully: \"For example, if someone is sick or something...\"

hearing this, derek secretly clenched his fists. only then does he almost pletely believe that the other person really understands his situation.

\"hat exactly is Ginlen's disease?\" derek asked seriously. Just by reading the information sent by the occult team, I kne that Jinglen's disease as not as simple and strange as people could understand. .

Li Nuoei folded her arms, stared at the stove fire, and said quietly...

Yu Lianyun, Shang ei, and five top executive-level secret agents of the branch climbed to the island mentioned in the information about Jiaorenbi. the island's footprint is small and could probably acmodate a fully equipped university. Land area.

Although no one currently lives on the island, there are still several houses and ancestral shrines on the island, shoing signs of life and use. It is said that hen fishermen from nearby aters passed through this island, they rented a house here and started a fire. during the Ne Year festival, fishermen use the ancestral shrine here to orship, burn incense, and perform Ne Year rituals of offering sacrifices to the heavens.

because of the experience of ordinary people going to the island and returning safely, Yu Lianyun and his colleagues assumed that the island ould be safe if they just carried out a little bit of daily life on the island.

Exploring the island's secrets may trigger hidden taboos and put you in danger, but as long as you are careful, the danger is not too great.

Almost all the houses on the island ere demolished, leaving only six houses still usable. After Yu Lianyun assigned personnel, they divided into groups and surveyed each household.

Soon, Yu Lianyun and others discovered a special symbol in the room. Some ere made of brass and placed on top of old chests of draers, others ere made of knots and hung by the bed, and some ere placed directly on the bed. Special symbols are engraved directly on tables and alls.

Although Yu Lianyun, ho is not a local, did not understand this symbol, it made a clear impression on Shang ei, ho gre up in the port city. to Yu Lianyun's confusion, he explained, ``this is the symbol of the Ankai God Liuhua port and the surrounding coastal cities, there are still people ho believe in a god called ``Ankai God.''

``hat kind of god is the God of Anhai?'' Yu Lianyun as a little curious. to facilitate his research in the Shenzhou region, he recited most of the gods and demons of the mythological system idely circulated in Shenzhou country. In fact, he kne most of the gods and demons in the Shenzhou area. people living by the seaside tend to believe in gods such as ``Sea mother'' and ``dragon King,'' but ``Ankaijin'' is not a popular deity, but is more like a local deity.

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