

第16章 堕落的盟友(2 / 2)
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\"okay, I'll leave the investigation to this father and daughter.\" Li Jian'an didn't say much, felt a headache on his forehead, and said, \"the other party ill be asked to investigate by the snake team.\"

Li Zhen and several team members ere reluctant to talk, but eventually asked everything and agreed to he Jia'an's arrangement.

Nominally, all 12 main members of the mysterious group have the same status, but due to tiger's group's higher performance and experience of more normal events at Sora level, the group's current status is higher than tiger's. It is clear that it is above. . Snake group stuff. According to the rules, She Zian must also follo he Jia'an's arrangement.

\"xin Junmao, 23 years old, from cuizhu city...\" Li Jian looked at the young man's photo in the file, flipped through the other party's information, and realized that this person as a pletely normal person. . It's in the past and it's no longer normal. ordinary people can't help but fron.

Judging by his 13 years of industry experience, the more ordinary a person is, the more unnatural the real heart is under the ordinary appearance... And this type of person is often the most embarrassing.

the mysterious detective never interfered ith his ork, and the members of the to groups divided the ork and soon departed.

members of the tiger group drove to kilometers to a hotel called the black Rose. Li Jiahong and her daughter traveled across three cities to visit cuizhu city to listen to the concert. this as, of course, their temporary home.

hen I came to the hotel to contact the office, I learned from the office staff that Li Jiahong and her daughter ere still living in the hotel, and today as not the time to check out.

Luckily, I keep up ith the times.

there, I found the room number and quickly found Li Jiahong and her daughter, ho ere packing their bags at the time.

``ho is his captain?'' hen Li Jiahong opened the door, he sa a bald man standing outside the door. he couldn't help but scream out loud.

\"huh.\" Li Jia'an nodded, laughed, and sighed, \"do you still remember hat I said last time? Nothing good ill happen to you if you meet me again.\" ”

Li Jiahong looked at he Jiaan in surprise, and sa to familiar faces behind he Jiaan and a ne team member, u Gaojun. the shock didn't last long, and he quickly invited everyone into the room ith a calm expression on his face. \"please e in and talk.\"

``hello, uncle, aunt, and sister.'' Li Youning, a girl ho as obediently riting notes ith a hotel pen at her desk, sa someone e in and immediately greeted her in a seet voice. .

hearing the girl's greeting, u Gao and Li Yingqi, ho is under 28 years old, fell silent. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart, and both of us ere secretly saddened.

Li Yingqi’s face became even more bitter, and she ondered if she ould still call her aunt if she ere the girl she as a fe months ago.

others may think that he is depressed because his youth is slipping aay, but in reality, he is orried that his life is slipping aay.

the elders ho met her greeted the sensitive girl ith smiles. then, he Jian directly explained his purpose ithout spending any more ords. “brother Li, I have no intention of spinning circles ith you. I also believe that you are an honest person, something special happened at the concert last night. I hope you ill do so. please tell me the truth. \"

In order to relieve the oppression of questions, Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun came to Li Youning and left the questions to the captain and u Gaojun to play ith the ignorant girl.

Li Jiahong looked at her daughter ho as painting ith Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun. he nodded and said ith a smile, ``Actually, even if the person from the mysterious organization didn't e, I as thinking that the person from the mysterious organization ould also planned to contact the mysterious organization hen I got back. ``I ent to Shinshu, but I didn't expect that a mysterious group ould send you there, and I felt like the orld as really small.''

Li Jiang smiled dryly. \"...I just came here on a mission.\"

Recalling last night, Li Jiahong explained: \"As you all kno, my daughter and I are fans of high morphin. then I happened to get tickets for a ne concert, so I took my daughter here to listen to the concert.\"

In fact, the concerts ere pretty normal at first. the first ne ork by heimofen, ``magic Sound'' at the beginning, as also very impressive. Neither my daughter nor I heard the entire song, but e ere able to hear some of it. the prelude as sung by an indelible voice. ”

``Aren't you done asking yet?'' Li Jia'an grasped important information.

Li Jiahong froned and said seriously: “Yes, the style and melody of the song “magic Sound” is a little “unconventional”, but it is very beautiful. my daughter and I gradually started hearing the sounds of this song. other magic hidden inside.

It turned out that the majority of the audience present ere unconsciously influenced by the melody and acted strangely, such as dancing enthusiastically or hispering. the spirits seemed to be deeply attracted to the melody of the song, to the point that they could not feel the touch or sound of other people. ”

Regarding this, Li Jiahong said ith a bitter smile, ``After experiencing the blofish incident, I am still a little I noticed such an obviously strange concert scene, I almost didn't hesitate to bring my daughter.'' that's hat I thought before I left.'' I heard that there ould be a live broadcast of the concert, so I turned off the live broadcast softare and ent ith my daughter.

hearing this, he Jia'an took a deep breath, boed heartily to Li Jiahong, and said seriously: It ill be difficult for that to happen this time. \"imagine. \"

“Excuse me, did something happen at the concert after me?” Li Jiahong asked late.

Jiang Li's eyes flashed slightly and said, \"hat I felt then as right. You avoided danger again.\"

sixty dull

considering xin Junmao's family situation, She Zian decided not to send the entire team to visit xin Junmao. there ere five members of the team including him. three people remained in the car, and only one female teammate, qiao Jing, ansered the door.

Zhao Jing is one of only to omen in the group. hoever, her pure and beautiful appearance and good manners are pletely different from her actual shred and cautious personality. he is very deceitful and often acts as the diplomatic soul of the group. this also applies to She Zian. the reason hy I decided to take only him ith me.

Li Jian knocked on xin Junmao’s door. the person ho opened the door as xin Junmao's mother. the oman, ho as over 50 years old, couldn't help but feel suspicious hen she sa that Sha Zhen and Zhao Jing looked like businessmen.

``hello, is this xin Junmao's house?'' Li Jian took the police Id card she had prepared in advance and shoed it to xin's mother.

hen Singh's mother sa la enforcement officers ing to the door, she turned pale and said, \"La enforcement officers, you...you...something is rong. Is that so?”

Seeing xin's mother's reaction, She Zian as disappointed. he looked at Zhao Jing next to him. Zhao Jing immediately understood. he stepped forard and smiled kindly and said, ``Auntie, don't be , e just came to ask xin Junmao some night, there as something from a small shop on Sanhe Street. as stolen. xin Junmao as seen on the surveillance camera. \"he as running at night, so he came to ask if he had seen the thief, and he could clearly see it.

\"Ah... ah... Yes, that's right.\" After hearing this, Shin's mother's shoulders tensed and fell back, and she suddenly sighed and said ith a dry smile: No, I'll prepare some tea for you. ”

“Ah, Auntie, don’t make it so troublesome,” Zhao Jing said ith a gentle smile, “It’s only a matter of time.”

\"Yes, yes, you ho enforce the la must be tired from orking hard every day. do you ant to eat fruit and snacks? If not, you still have to drink tea...\" Shin mothers have the preferences of most omen. ith a peculiar ay of speaking and a arm and eling expression, he led Sha Zhen and Zhao Jing to xin Junmao's secret room as he spoke.

Shin's mother knocked on her son's door. \"maomao, please open the door. there are to rades from the Guard bureau ho ould like to ask you something.\"

there as a moment of silence in the room, and xin's mother turned to xie Zuan and qiao Jing, looking a little confused.

“Is something rong?” Zhao Jing asked curiously.

his mother, Shin, looked disappointed and sighed, saying, ``this is different from the incident here he mitted suicide by jumping off the train tracks on a train platform a fe days , my son as scheduled to have a job intervie today.'' ho kne I'd be meeting this person so early in the morning? Something like this... ell, there's been a lot of ork pressure these days. my children have been studying ell since they ere small. After four years of activities, Shin's mother said, ``Even if you go to undergraduate school or graduate, you still can't get a think this is the orld...'' Shin's mother started rambling again. constant plaints.

Zhao Jing agreed, exchanging glances ith She Zian and smiling at xin's mother.

Li Jian froned. of course, I kne about the suicide incident by jumping off the train tracks. It as the mission of the tiger group to e to Suizhu city. the person ho mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks as said to be a member of a mysterious taboo group. the god numbered in Eucalyptus is number 4, the daughter of Guton.

Each numbered poer god included in the mysterious group's forbidden records is a dangerous poer god that appeared mostly in the chinese region. the higher the number, the greater the danger caused by the God of poer and Life. the taboo file currently contains a total of 108 ability gods, and among the maximum number of 10 ability gods, almost all ability gods have participated in at least 2,000 lives.

therefore, hen Sha Zhen and Zhao Jing heard that xin Junmao as involved in the train jumping suicide incident, they felt bad. could it be that God had something to do ith taste in this hellish concert?

An incident involving to supernatural gods. one is enough to make your scalp numb. to more? the members of the Snake group are like a storm on the sea, the aves are raging and raging.

captain xie Jian led the Snake team in the sky for 13 years ithout encountering any normal events, but no they finally did and this time they ere able to directly encounter to supernatural gods. masu. Good luck to the Snake team. All the good fortune passed on to the front lines. An'an' 13 years.

After talking for a hile, Shin's mother got a little dissatisfied as there as still no anser at home, so she knocked on the door a fe more times.

Shin's mother as about to get mad hen they all finally heard the door being unlocked.

Shin's mother's eyebros relaxed slightly. he opened the door, sa xin Junmao sitting on the indo sill ith his back to everyone, and said: ``mao mao, please help the to la enforcement rades in their ork. Let's go.''

After saying that, mr. Shin's mother let xie Jian and the others into the room and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, it felt like the hole room ent silent.

because of the orientation of the room, xin Junmao's room seems a little small. hen the door is closed, the air pressure and heat bee more noticeable. Also, the sound insulation in this room seems to be a little too good, and since the room is closed and quiet, such an environment can make people even more calm.

“mr. xin Junmao?” Li Zhen did not move and secretly signaled Zhao Jing to stand behind him near the bedroom door. he tried to call out to the young man from behind, ho as as motionless as a corpse.

xin Junmao looked out the indo expressionlessly, his face blank and indifferent, like a stuck car ith a long delay in feedback. he as silent for a long time, then ansered: \"……hat happened?\"

both She Zian and Zhao Jing sa the other's obviously normal behavior. Li Jian sloly and quietly took a step closer and asked, “did you go to the civic sports center last night?”

\"as I... there?\" xin Junmao seemed to be ondering.

“I sa you on the stadium surveillance footage last night.” Li Jian took another step forard and stood behind xin Junmao, “hat are you doing there?”

\"hat are you doing...\" xin Junmao's brain seemed to be orking very sloly, and he said sloly and hesitantly, \"It seems he ent there...\" .

``did you go to the concert?'' Li Zian looked and sa only a pale face and hagar.

xin Junmao sloly idened his eyes and looked at xie Jian. then his neck tisted stiffly and he opened and closed his mouth haphazardly. \"It seems...that's hat happened.\"

“hat did you hear?” Li Zhen asked.

\"I don't remember.\" xin Junmao titched the corners of his mouth, a strange smile appeared on his tired face, and his eyes ere empty, as if talking about the \"concert\" reminded him of other onderful things. he shone ith a strange expression.

Facing such a broken look, Sha Zi'an felt that the pores all over her body ere itchy.

hen She Zian asked, Zhao Jing also observed xin Junmao's room and suddenly noticed something inconsistent in the room, it as a pin on xin Junmao's desk.

there is only one type of b in the boy's room, hich ould be meaningless if that b is used by a oman, but xin Junmao's room has to of the same type. A b, and the most feminine b, but people can't help but feel strange because under normal circumstances there is no need to use to bs of the same type.

moreover, the material and shape of the b ere so high-quality that it as exquisite. this as not something that ordinary families like xin Junmao had. mr. xin Junmao, ho as still unemployed, as even less likely to purchase such products.

“Is this b yours?” Zhao Jing asked xin Junmao hile picking up the b.

xin Junmao looked back at the b, tilted his head, his face full of confusion, and subconsciously stretched out his hand. \"Looks like...it's mine.\"

61 souls lost

Just as xin Junmao as on the b, xin's mother came into the room ith tea and seets. Zhao Jing subconsciously turned around, but xin Junmao's outstretched hand missed the opportunity.

\"ho are you doing?\" mother Shin asked ith a smile as she placed the tea and seets on the desk.

Zhao Jing smiled and said, \"I still have a question. can I...huh?\"

mother Shin understood and understood, and said ith a dry smile, “okay, okay, then I’ll go out first and I on’t interrupt your conversation.”

After saying this, Shin's mother inked at her lazy son, as if telling him to cooperate. then she smiled and left the room, closing the door. before closing the door, his eyes fell on Zhao Jing’s hand. ipe the b inard.

\"his condition is not good.\" After xin's mother left, Li Zhen quietly closed the room and said to Zhao Jing, \"this young man has been branded as a gluttonous girl, as is recorded. most of his mind is in a state similar to that of a 'lost soul', thinking in another space similar to a dream, ith minimal thoughts to keep the body moving. Leave only a little bit of instinct behind. ”

\"hat kind of state is this?\" Zhao Jing also heard about the \"soulless\" state for the first time, and couldn't help but be curious.

Li Jian thought for a hile and explained. \"do you kno the phenomenon of a ghost pushing the bed? this situation is the opposite of a ghost pushing the bed. his body is still unconscious, but his consciousness is clear.\" hen you ake up, your soul is gone. Your body akes up, but your consciousness is not fully aake.\"

“ho do you solve this?” Zhao Jing opened his mouth in surprise. this didn't seem like a problem that an average person could solve.

\"I don't kno,\" Li Jian said ith a ry smile, \"From my memory of briefly vieing the data file of the girl I like, I've never seen a case here someone could ake up after being marked by the other girl.\"

“hat ill happen to the marked man in the end?” Zhao Jing looked at xin Junmao, ho had dull eyes, and as a little orried.

Li Zhen shook his head and sighed, \"only those ho are favored by Salopete's daughter ill be marked by the other party. they say they have been favored, but in reality it is the order of the food. Same as daughter A.'' the reason for gluttony is just that there is alays something to eat, and it is digestion and absorption, so he dismisses xin Junmao. ”

“hat a principled person.” Zhao Jing clicked his tongue and secretly gritted his teeth. hen faced ith a situation in hich he as helpless hile others ere in immediate danger, he felt a kind of anger at his on inpetence. Zhao Jing also has his on sense of duty and justice, hich makes me feel painful and sad.

“please ask some more questions. I don’t kno if he can anser right no.” Li Zheng said to Zhao Jing.

Zhao Jing nodded silently, put the pen back on the desk, and asked Sha Zhen about the stunned xin Junmao.

ten minutes later, xie Jian and qiao Jing left the xing family, got into a car, and ent straight to the current location of the tiger Group, here they met up ith he Jian and others.

“captain, hat is the result of your question?” one of She Zian’s team members asked She Zian in the car.

mr. Li Zhen said ith a serious face, ``this is a big hell concert incident may need to be bined ith the murder case and the train jumping to cases are due to the presence of xin Junmao. It's vaguely related,\" he said. then he explained his findings and Zhao Jing's findings to the team members, and gave his on analysis and opinion.

In fact, to supernatural gods ere involved in this strange incident at the same time, and the members felt dizzy.

\"don't panic.\" Li Jian ble his nose and forted his team members, ho suddenly became dull. \"the problem is big. there's no point in panicking...\"

``maomao, hat ere you talking about ith the to policemen earlier?'' xin's mother entered xin Junmao's room ith a spatula in hand. She sa her son sitting quietly ith his back to the indo. , he sighed in his heart, looked at the desk, and noticed the b in Zhao Jing's hand.

Shin's mother picked up the b and looked at it ith interest. he thought it as beautiful. he couldn't help but ask xin Junmao, \"maomao, here did you get this b? It seems quite expensive.\"

xin Junmao said nothing, and xin's mother stopped asking. he looked at the b in his hand, then looked at xin Junmao and thought.

mother Shin put don her b and sloly left the room. Just as xin's mother as about to close the door, she heard xin Junmao suddenly say, \"this is a rental place.\"

Shin's mother as momentarily surprised. xin Junmao's ords ere too short, and xin's mother had never heard of renting a b, so she couldn't understand hat xin Junmao as saying for a hile, and her son said, \"out.\" ” I thought it meant. he left the room a little sloly.

After xin's mother left, xin Junmao sloly turned his head and stared ith dull eyes at the b on the table that many people today picked up and put don, as if driven by the survival of his body. I sloly reached out my hand. he instinctively tried to touch the pin.

the moment xin Junmao held the b in his hand, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. he as suddenly shocked, his eyes ent black, and he pletely fainted on the ground. but even hen he fell to the ground, he did not forget the hand he held. he tied the b tightly together, as if the b ere the rope that had saved his life in order to escape from the abyss.

xin Junmao's face as pale, he as in a a, his eyebros ere rinkled like a retch ho had just escaped from droning, his hole body as et ith cold seat, and the muscles in his limbs ere tense. It asn't until xin Junmao's hand, holding a rosary in his mouth, as gently placed on his hand that xin Junmao's tense body and mind relaxed.

their hands gently caressed xin Junmao's face and hair, hich ere disheveled from sleep. then he took the b from xin Junmao's hand and gently and carefully bed xin Junmao's hair, sloly smoothing out the unevenness...

Li Jia'an and the other members of the tiger Group said their goodbyes at the hotel entrance as they atched Li Jiahong and her daughter board the bus and leave. they then receive nes that the Snake Group has an important intelligence report that needs to be discussed.

So the to groups met at the entrance of the black Rose hotel and nine people gathered in the truck.

``hat, is the Jigoku Rakukai actually related to Gutong's daughter?'' hen the four members of the tiger group heard the nes, they screamed as if the sky as falling.

hen Fo Gao heard this, he bit his nails anxiously and said, ``If that gluttonous girl also existed, here ould she be by no?''

\"If it as normal for xin Junmao to sneak into the civic sports center last night, then hen xin Junmao sneaked into the civic sports center, a girl ho ate a lot appeared and she as marked by xin Junmao. It as only for a moment.\" Li Yingqi looked at her, suppressed his inner disfort, kept calm, and said, \"In other ords, at this time, the place here xin Junmao as hiding as here the daughter of Gluttony as there. that's it,\" he analyzed.

ould you like to go back to the concert venue and check again? to of the snake group members felt headaches and slapped their foreheads. this as no easy task.

hen everyone froned, they briefly raised their hands, and everyone subconsciously turned their gaze, but Yu Lianyun reluctantly smiled and said, \"I think you kno here they hid last night. I sa him anser.

At 62 years old, I kno for sure that I can't do anything.

A mysterious group of detectives gathers in front of a space ith a strange expression. Although this space as long and narro, it entered the gymnasium and connected the concert venue ith the temporarily closed second floor outside the gymnasium.

\"hat do you think? can you hear me?\" bu Gaojun's voice came from the other side of the concert venue.

\"Yes, it's very clear.\" Li Jian ansered, then turned and nodded to everyone, \"this kid is also talented. hen others broke through the all and stole the light, he listened. \"I tilted it,\" he said ith emotion.

\"No e can confirm that xin Junmao as hiding here for the concert that day.\" Li Jian turned on a purple flashlight and ith the help of special light, the scene mr. Ying, hose size 43 shoes began to alk as an unknon substance left behind as dragged in, said, ``e ere also able to confirm that xin Junmao as Gen.'' Induced by contact ith normal animals. ”

After that, everyone folloed he Jia'an, guided by an unknon substance illuminated by flashlights, and finally stopped in front of a manhole cover about 50 meters from the back door of the gymnasium.

“Are you there?” Li Yingchi blinked, raised her gray hair, and asked, “Subay and subay, are these to related?”

Initially, secret passages hidden in the underground tunnels of the subay ere also discovered. but secret passageays hide unknon dangers, so since the last ave of underorld, secret detective xuan acts as meatloaf and tests the results ithout returning. the detectives didn't have the courage to send someone to investigate secret passageays that eren't easily accessible. they sent people to guard the area and ere just aiting for an opportunity.

Although it is impossible to confirm the contents of the secret underground passage, there is no doubt that the secret underground passage leads to an unknon area, and it is possible that the fan is a fan of the girl he likes just like the female assassin. It's not hard to guess something. the culprit ho brutally murdered the passengers on the last train, the driver ho as in charge of the train at the time, is the bandit's hangout, and may also be the hideout here Gluttony Girl currently lives.

thinking of this, She Zian had an idea and asked, “Is the closest train from here Line 3, here the usual incident happened?”

mr. taketaka as very active. before she opened her mouth, she had already started searching for the railay map of Suizhu city on her tablet. he immediately noticed his discovery and excitedly said: “this location is very close to Route 3 and very close to Route 14, hich is under construction.”

Everyone gathered around Futaka and looked at the electronic card in his hand. Yu Lianyun looked at the map and asked, “here is the approximate location of the hidden passage on the map?”

\"here.\" Li Yingqi raised her finger and used the electronic pen tool on her tablet to dra a dot on the map.

Zhao Jing seemed to understand something. his finger also marked a red dot at the current location, connecting the red dot dran by Li Yingqi ith the red dot dran by himself. he also dre a circle ith a red line, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he pointed to the area marked in red and said, ``that is, the residence of the daughter of Salopeth and her activities are likely. \"hidden inside\" circle area, area. ”

\"Get ready. e ill leave in to hours. the troops ill be divided into to groups.\" Li Jian'an took a deep breath and made a decision ithout hesitation. then he looked at xie Zuan, raised his chin, and said, \"hich ay do you ant to go?\"

Facing he Jia'an's question, he Jia'an thought quietly for a hile, clenched his fist ith seaty palms, pointed to the manhole cover here, his breath as clear, and said:

\"Are you serious?\"

\"okay, everyone okay?\" Li Jian nodded, looked at his teammates, and asked hat his teammates meant. Zhao Jing and other members of the Snake team also eled the captain, saying, ``Just e this ay.'' .

Li Jiang nodded lightly and said, \"think about it. the Gluttonous Girl has appeared on this road before, so there is a higher possibility that she ill appear again. Face this ability, God. ...Forget it, I didn't.'' t. I don't ant you to actually see this strange god. ”

So far, there is no record of the mysterious detective surviving the clutches of the Goddess of Gluttony.

\"Your side is not better than ours. No one took the initiative to go into the hidden tunnel and never came out again. the fact that the aves of people disappeared tice is because this road this indicates that there must be unknon dangerous elements in the road. please stay aay. this road is almost 100% problematic.\" Li Zhen solemnly said, \"In short, e should all encourage each other.\" told.

All the mysterious detectives looked at each other and congratulated each other silently.

\"hmm, my head is heavy.\" xin Junmao got up from the ground, feeling as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. my hole body hurt and my head felt dizzy. he climbed into bed ith difficulty and lay don on the bed, staring at the ceiling. memories gradually e back, and fear creates confusion.

he recalled hat he had seen on the night of the concert, and also recalled the scene here he \"fired\" ith an eyeless oman in a chinese dress and they fell into darkness together.

“hat have I done?” xin Junmao sat up in bed shivering and felt a chill cover his body.

he looked at the soap b in his hand, felt the softness of the cold material, and murmured, \"did you save my life?\"

xin Junmao licked his lips, salloed his saliva, and smiled bitterly. \"can I change my ish no? Instead of getting the job I ant, I ould like to save my life no...\"

hoever, hen he remembered the arnings and instructions given by the clerk at this small store, he felt a little hopeless. hen he made his first ish, he did not have the courage to act ithout delay until the ish came true. because the clerk said that if your ish didn't e true, you ould be responsible for the consequences if you made another ish first.

``maomako, it's time to eat!'' Shin's mother's voice came into the house from outside the room. Shin's mother stood outside the door and knocked.

xin Junmao rubbed his heated eyes and ansered hoarsely. \"okay, I'll go out later.\"

he sat on his bed and looked at his face in the mirror. xin Junmao breathed heavily for a hile and gritted his teeth. She alays picked up a b and bed her hair. he hispered, \"please protect my entire family from harm.\" It's dangerous. \"

As soon as he finished speaking, xin Junmao suddenly felt his heart pounding, squinted his eyes, opened them, and stared straight into the mirror.

A pair of cold, ithered hands appeared in the mirror that reflected his face. one hand held a rosary, and the other as a bony hand ith sharp finger bones. hands sloly reached out from behind my head. Like a giant craling spider, he sloly craled over his eyes until all he could see as pitch black and a gaping light.



! “Amidst the tearing screams, the sound of flesh rolling from the ground level could be heard, and even Shin's mother, ho as outside the door, as shaking.

63 Legends (2-in-1)

curiosity is one of the driving forces of human progress, but it is also a major cause of death.

``xiao xiao, are you going to have dinner at noon?'' Zhang xiaoxiao as flipping through a book ith interest hile replying to a V-mail voicemail sent by a friend.

After hearing this, he quickly typed a reply: \"No, I haven't finished some things yet, so go ahead.\"

After Zhang xiaoxiao ansered, he thre his cell phone on a table stacked ith books that as half the size of a person, and immersed himself in reading the occult books collected in the xiangsu University Library.

Zhang xiaoxiao flipped through the book and secretly cursed himself for being crazy.

the story of a murderer mitting suicide by jumping onto the railroad tracks as a far-fetched story for him, but for some reason he couldn't sleep all night. hen he closed his eyes, his mind as filled ith images of the last train that night, imagining ho cruel and vicious the oman's murderer ould be. the ay to do it is to kill everyone.

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