

第7章 沉没城市的中心(2 / 2)
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Vespasian atched this scene ith great joy.

he used an Advanced transfer spell and appeared at the edge of the temple.

Although he as far aay, the magician's vision alloed him to see this terrible evil god.

Even as an advisor to the black Sanctuary, he could not defeat such a monster.

magicians are also poerless before God.

Even if the demon God as activated, the result ould be the same, but Vespasian did not see this as a problem.


Vespasian secretly shook his head hen he sa the current ork of the ancient evil god.

then I sa a small boat heading in the distance.

this plane is very unique and looks like an airplane.

And this is the real truth, because it is a ghost ship.

. Leave it. )

the oman next to Vespasian, a oman named Laurie, appears in the original version of the Grimoire.

the girl's face as expressionless as if she had fallen asleep.

but this slo move seems to be backfiring.

this cannot be done hen a person is in deep sleep.

Vespasian atched all this and at the same time sang songs, stretched out his hands and chanted various spells, closing the place so that no one else could see.

(See later about peace.)

\"here did he e from!\"

Kuro oshiro looked at the situation.

Indeed, this foreign god cannot be disturbed.

his presence is enough to destroy heaven and earth.

the storm created by breathing is like the ind of disaster.

Even though I am riding in the car of God's spirit, I think it is difficult to stay upright in such a strong ind.

hen the family sa the foreign idol, they ere amazed.

It's not a physical shock, it's a mental shock.

At the same time, Kuro met the ``God Empire'', hich he did not ant to face, and decided to escape from the past.

but no it is revealed.

the moment Giulo sa dagon, he kne there as someone else.

the doubt in his mouth is because he does not believe.


old man

Kingdom of God.

this is hat Jiuro thought.

his body collapsed as if an invisible force descended upon him.


Eri then looked at Kuro.

he as so rong.

Such a reaction is more dangerous than magical flight.

\"Alright, Elle, I'm fine, but is this God?\"


Elle confirmed Kuro's idea, but added a ment after thinking about it.

\"but this God is an imperfect God. As a former ruler, his life is uncertain.\"

\"Are you stable?\"

Kuro asked.

the god dagon that appeared before him had a terrible life no matter ho he looked at it.

Is that creation still inplete?

the Nine Gods sa the human form of dagon.

Such creatures must have great mythological poer as ell.

In addition to the real gods of the past, mythical gods are only ideas about natural disasters and events that do not exist.

dagon's current ork is sad and poerful.

Is my enemy such an animal?

Kuro struggled to think.

he alked past the magician he had seen earlier, listening to hat dagon as doing to him.

the feelings that Venus trion, the pinnacle of the black Saint Universe, felt for Juran ere not very strong.

this fear, this fear implanted in his heart, tells Giulo hat strength is and hat it means to lose.

hoever, El said that this is an imperfect god.

they are called adults, but there seems to be something rong ith them.

\"If this evil clone god is the last test, then it's impossible. I don't think such a false god deserves the 'final' that Nyarlatitop has shon.\"

\"there's something I'm missing, something I'm not thinking about.\"

El grumbled as a shado appeared over his olive eyes.

After some time, a disaster happened because of dagon, and Krang's body came out of the boat, but then he fell into the strong ater and entered the state of 50 magic books, temporarily killing Krang . . lying devil

the ing that became the page made an unintelligible sound, and Kuro did not fall into the ater.

You can tell the strength of the ocean by the strength of the current. If you go into the ater at this point and the force of the ocean breaks you, you ill see something like this.

Jiuro took a deep breath, but the situation as dire.

the ghost ship that as once surprised by the Kuro sank, as caught in a storm by the evil god dagon, and returned to most of the sea, here even the ghost ship as no longer visible.

Kuro continued to use his magical poer to fly through the sky ith his summoned ings.

but flying in this disaster-stricken environment is an unparalleled test of Juran's ill, strength, and poer.

Even ith the help of the Immortal Secret Lord, there as a limit to ho much he could do even in one minute.

\"chrollo, stop thinking and hurry.\"

El used magic to sho the ay, and it as the only land.

You can reach at least one minute.

hoever, the risk is not small.

because this is the temple of dagon.

It's never a good idea to go to a place like that hen dagon is trying to destroy it.

I couldn't think of a better option for Giuro, so I had no choice but to go, even though I kne it as a very dangerous place.

Kuro quickly fle to the temple ith flight magic, and finally arrived hen his magic poer as reduced to 20%.

It fell to the ground in a very bad and dangerous ay, hit an 18 meter high hole in the forest outside the temple, and stopped.

hen he stopped, Kuro's body as covered in ounds.

because it's a fun time to use magic to protect yourself.

Kuro endured the pain and stood on the ground.

\"Elle-san, hat should e do next?\"

\"hat more can I say? I have to stop this man, this evil clone god.\"

El as right, but even if they anted to stop the evil god, they ould still be affected by dagon's plague. elopement

It is better to use other magical poers to fight the evil god than to ait for death in vain.

that might be a good choice.

No matter hat you decide, the oute is likely to be bad.

there is no hope of doing more.

You don't have to stop to be saved.

No matter hat you decide, you ill fear the evil God.

Jiuro gritted his teeth and his body trembled, but he had no time to panic.

Jiuran chanted to the holy Spirit and summoned a ise man to destroy the demons.

An iron giant appeared in the sky, and here as a ghost icon named Great Sage demon Slayer.

Kuro and El got into the divine car.

the ise man ho can defeat the demon attacks the evil god dagon.

the broken magic ater as passed to dagon.

pared to dagon's huge size, the demon Slayer Sage is the size of a child.

the ater hit dagon's scales and sparks fle.

As a result, the sord could not cut even half of the scales.

\"Not enough, not enough, I ant to eat, dagon.\"

\"No, I am not dagon, nor am I an evil god.\"

\"this is the only poer that serves my purpose. I ill not be deceived by dagon's poer.\"

dagon's voice made a terrible sound, like something cutting, but his taunts orked like explosions.


the large field of demon Slayers as abandoned.

dagon's angry hand struck Sage like lightning.

despite slicing through dagon's hand and slicing through his hand, his unparalleled strength as enough to overe any defense.

the great sage ho killed dem as destroyed, the island here the temple as located sank, and the metal giant sank into the sea alive.

\"this poer is the poer of salvation, so I cannot defeat it.\"

dagon's voice as clear, as if driven by a clear purpose.

he is controlled by the poer of John's evil god, and no demonic poer can confuse his mind.

\"Even if it's a demon slayer, the evil hunter is a cro.\"

dagon casually spoke that name, fought, and at the same time ran his huge body like a orld-destroying desert.

ith a star punch, the Great Sage of the demon Slayer corps as able to hold him ith just his body.

this blo crushed half of the demon Slayer Sage's body.

As the controller of God's death machine, El had great influence.

El screamed in unimaginable pain.

hoever, the sage killer's magic circle as about to disappear, so there as nothing he could do.

Yuiran tried to control the God of ar, but the result as still rong.

the demon that killed the Great Sage lost control and as unable to respond to dagon's blos, losing the ability to fight.

219 cthulhu

the evil god is poerful, the evil god is stupid, and the evil god is the most unbearable force in this orld.

there are such fools in the orld, but people are able to fight against the gods, and they also have a poer that is unmatched by the gods.

but this is only the trick of an unorthy person.

the grass seems to have no eternity or isdom except for humans and their efforts.

Similarly, it is impossible for people to gain poer in God's kingdom and bee strong enough to bee God's enemy through human strength and technology alone.

hen Giulo met the ortley family earlier, he as convinced that he could understand the truth of God's kingdom.

Such a dream, a terrible life.

At first, he thought this could change hen he discovered the secret ays of necromancy.

but, in the end, that is impossible, and the existence of the evil god cannot be changed.

Even though he asn't a perfect clone, it as strange to call him a god.

hoever, it is an unstoppable force in the human orld.

dagon roared, the poer of his spell as as disgusting as the smell of rotten earth, his presence as like burning earth, and it as poerful.

the poer of the evil god ill not be accepted by the people.

Even a small poer can alienate people and turn them into demons like evil gods.

Jon's soul entered dagon's body and as tainted by the evil god's magic, but his soul as clear.

his spirit as not lost.

John did not hear any meaning from the evil god of magic poer, but even though the evil god is a cell, it has a ill as big as heaven and earth, including the spirit of man, so it's impossible. other than that. there are no consequences other than being part of the other side.

hoever, as John expected, the poer of the evil god as not as terrible as he expected.

my current condition is a mental illness here I lost my physical body and felt the strong poer of an evil god.

As ell as missing people and corrupt governments, there is no difference beteen them.

John as also surprised at his condition, because he understood that the poer of an evil god as harmless.

this leads John to suspect that an evil god has taken the body. Instead of another poerful animal?

this poer is equal to the poer of God and cannot be faked, and the magical poer of God is false or fake.

John felt the poer of his body and did not hesitate.

he has decided to use this poer to save people and do hat he could not do in the midst of eternal disaster.

changing the past and creating the future should be possible hen you are here no.

John didn't think he could do it.

but it doesn't hurt to try it.

If it fails, just change the mode of operation in the next incarnation.

Ambitious, determined and courageous, John never gave up.

this is done step by step repeatedly, eliminating the possibility of repetition.

\"but there is frustration and despair.\"

the girl's voice as loud and Yahya looked at the source of the voice.

he looks very young and cannot be pared to girls.

pared to his angelic appearance, the aura that covered his hole body as even heavier.

It is as bright as a flashlight indoors during a poer outage, and as beautiful as morning light in the dark.

John looked at the stranger ithout saying a ord.

Aria looked at Yahya, ho had bee evil to God, and continued to speak.

\"hat's rong? hy are you looking at me like that? hey? You forgot about me? don't you have a heart?\"

Aria smiled, but it asn't true, she had a strange, angry, and rude look on her face.

\"Not you, not him.\"

As John spoke, the spell turned into a eapon attack.

Aria didn't move a bit, and all of Yahya's magic as blocked.

the blessing spread everyhere, as if God's anger as aroused, but it had no effect on the to ho spoke.

one action can cause disaster, one ord can shape the las of the orld.

this is an evil god, a poer that should be a god.

A clone of the evil god that bees Johanna's arm and knocks her don.

Aria also activated her magic to fight him.

A battle ensued beteen the to sides, and the forbidden magic continued to spread, firing indiscriminately.

the sea split, the rocks fell, and the islands ere undoubtedly destroyed.

the sea seems angry and makes violent aves, as if trying to thro the hole orld into the sea.

but to people traveling around the orld do not kno all this, and the flo has no ay to bypass the other.

because in fact the transition beteen the to ars is poerful, and even the tragedy is eak and eak.

their fight ill not stop, not to mention hurting both of them.

hen Aria casts a spell, the magic that people use against the evil gods may not ork.

hoever, Aaliyah's magic angers the evil god.

Jon's body screamed in pain, his strong, indestructible body cracking.

Aaliyah's magic hit Yahya's body, and the evil god's body began to collapse.

Aria as in bad shape, her left arm as broken in a strange ay as if it had hit the all of an artery.

hoever, hen the human body breaks don, the unhealthy body changes.

It is an unimaginable life and an incredibly exciting experience.

\"don't you alays ant to kno? hy can't the evil of God live in your body?\"

Arya launches a magical attack, and Jon's suspicions bee clear.

hen John countered a spell attack, he attacked again, attacked again, and attacked again.

It as as strange as the ing of an angry sun and enough to cause chaos among the stars, but it as a futile battle beteen the to.

\"then hy? No, it doesn't matter. It's better than anything. Even God can't stop me. hat's better?\"

the star-like figure made a loud noise, like a star exploding.

Is it like this?

hen Aria turned around, the black color of her body disappeared and she as still human, but only 30% to 40% as left.

As a demon that disappeared began to appear.

hoever, Aria didn't feel anything and smiled happily, there as nothing rong ith a child's smile.

At that moment, his expression as strange, like a demon.

\"but I'll let you in on a secret.\"

Aria as surprised as if it as a joke.


John asked in a strange ay, but for some reason a bad idea appeared in his mind - a plete nightmare.

\"ell, the reason dagon in the flesh does not have the ill of an evil god is because he is not an evil god.\"

my orst predictions have e true.

\"Actually, the so-called 'dagon' originally meant a giant of the deep sea. I don't kno hen it became famous as an evil god.\"

``the deep sea itself believes in the existence of ``Father God dagon.''


Aaliyah's voice is strange and sad as she tells scary stories.

\"they ere replaced by another god. It is impossible to make a god according to one's faith, hether human or animal.\"

\"So the question is, brother, here did the evil god's current body e from?\"

Even in the same situation, Aria's expression changed.

At the same time, darkness began to fall.

Finally, John's orst thoughts came true.

A mocking expression appeared on Aria's face.

the sense of alienation soon arose, and the human part pletely disappeared, being a demon.

this is an evil god named \"cthulhu\".

\"King of the gods?\"

hen Johanna held dagon's body, she made a strange noise.

his body did not tremble due to fear or other emotional reasons.

that is because the poer of the evil god ithin him is calling.

the caller as Aria in front of me.

but he looks like a plete monster.

the poer of the evil god named \"cthulhu\" is the opposite of that of dagon.

both poers e from the same source, only one is controlled and the other is not.

dagon is controlled like other evil god poers and reveals his true form before the evil hearted god.

Evil God cthulhu cthulhu is the only evil god.

In front of Father God dagon, false and true poer like a bridge, the poer of this evil thing ill disappear like a bridge.

\"If you seek the poer of the evil god and ant to receive the poer of the evil god, your soul is not yours.\"

\"before, I as looking for the poer of an evil god, but no, no, there must have been an evil god since before.\"

Aria took a deep breath, but her appearance today had nothing to do ith being ``pretty.''

the breath of the monster does not attract anyone's attention, and others do not understand the goodness of the devil.

Juan struggled, but his soul as controlled by the poer of an evil god, and there as no ay to escape.

the heart is in dagon's poer, and Jon already calls him dagon in a sense.

therefore, it is impossible to free the people of dagon.

dagon's poer overflos, and Arya taps into it.

the poer of the evil god cthulhu has aakened.

Aria sings:

\"In the tomb of Lule, the eternal sleep of cthulhu aaits you in your dreams.\"

Arya's body is constantly reincarnated, so her human side never returns to normal, and cthulhu's body expands, changing immediately from the size of a maiden to the size of a deep animal and became a giant. It quickly became larger than the island.

Elle came out of the sea again, Kuro sa her and Elle at the same time.

\"Is it too much? Evil god, evil god? hy did dagon suddenly bee cthulhu?\"

Elle screamed. the ork is so hard that I can't even think about it.

this dark and nameless demon occupied the sky.

Relying on the information ritten in the secret path of the dead, Elle did not realize her mistake, but that day, \"God\" appeared. this is an evil god named \"cthulhu\".

As if the orld could no longer bear it, it began to fall apart.

the stars change and change the shape of the stars in the universe.

the orld fell into chaos, and the magic that lived on earth as moving fast, caused by the poer of the evil god cthulhu, became fiercely fierce, and then disappeared.

the nature of the orld is also changing and aging.

Soon the hole orld ill leave the human environment and return to the paradise of the ancient kings.

cthulhu did nothing. Its mere presence is enough to cause this reaction.

but this is different than before.

because cthulhu doesn't seem to be a player this time.

the image that is alays reincarnated is an eternal kingdom, the true kingdom of God, an evil god running through the orld, a life after different las, and a god ho changed the las to a paradise.

the real evil god and the evil god I once met are to different concepts.

At that moment, the sky exploded and a giant red-gold hand appeared and stabbed him.

Screams of joy and voices of emotion rang out.

\"Finally, finally, there is hope.\"

out of the red hand as a golden alien, the black Saint high heaven, Lord tryon.

In the endless cycle of disaster and destruction, Lord trion thought this over and over in despair, and smiled idely.

magical poer roared, and a poerful beast-like poer emanated from its human form.

No need to hide, Lord tryon did not hide his poer.

Enough to shake the orld.

the poer to destroy, the poer to conquer all, the poer to bee stronger.

the beast of revelation that brings us closer to God.

220 God lives

this thing of madness and chaos floating in the sky is an evil beast called the Evil God.

his existence is infinite, unknoable, unimaginable, and indescribable.

the sleeping god cthulhu oke up from his sleep, crossed the estern shore of the pacific ocean, changed the universe step by step, released another orld inside \"cthulhu\" in the real orld, and restored the hole universe. the young ruler of paradise.

\"A god? Strong, very strong,\" Lord trion looked at the evil god's treacherous form, and said ith a hearty smile, \"It seems he can move ith all his strength this time. Yuzhen looked- ell ahead.\" Long time no see. \"

\"this is different from the last reincarnation. this time the gods ill e as opponents to destroy the eternal disaster. I hope so.\" \"of course, I did not make a mistake in folloing this plan. the plan is to destroy those bad god. this is c.\" -Relieve Nyarlathotep's eternal torment. It could be for a truly evil god. \"

\"hat do you think? Etheldratha,\" Lord tryon looked at the grimoire elf, Etheldratha. often there is no sign of humanity. In his eyes, there as a beast-like figure from the age of the gods. first time. he pointed out.

- Yes teacher. Etheldratha ansered the Lord's ords as before. there seemed to be no emotion in his voice, but there as hope and fog on his cold cheeks.

his expectations ere not the same as those of Lord tryon.

In fact, Etheldratha did not ait for the destruction of the eternal plague, nor as she angry ith the gods ho created the eternal plague. moreover, he had no objection to Nyarlathotep. Unlike Lord tryon, I'm not like that. there is no limit to no end.

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