

第7章 沉没城市的中心(1 / 2)
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R'lyeha是一座优美的城市,位于广阔的太平洋深处。 ept such a pletely meaningless false god.

Although the evil god dagon does not sho his true form, he is poerful enough to control the clones.

If there's a reason, it's because evil gods can interfere in the orld, and they're just clones.

\"Your munication skills are bad!\"

As he screamed, the evil god's magic turned into a terrible storm, folloing his ill.

Like thunder, the magic of the evil god collapsed into a terrible disaster.

many rivers burst their banks and their bodies ere sacrificed.

Everyone there died, and the hand covering the sky opened as if trying to destroy it.

In the human orld, it is called \"heaven,\" but it represents an invincible force, a divine force that moves and dances in the forest.

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