

第2章 梅布尔·霍金斯号(2 / 2)
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like a this lake fakethis lake is fakehat's going on here? here the hell have e been? \"the cre ere all confused, they didn't kno hy they came to this unfamiliar speedboat came from afar, and the cre on the deck recognized its 's the cre memberthe cre eled cre member looked at the crod and exclaimed excitedly, \"e have succeeded.

this island is really the Nightmarethe Nightmare? hat is it? \"the cre ere Nightmare is our goal, let's set sail for this Nightmare no, \"the cre shouted you explain? hat is Nightmarethe cre stared at this cre member ith anticipation. he salloed and spat,

Say: my name is Roan, and the Nightmare as named after me. this is my mother ship, hich suffered a devastating blo a year ago. my father, mother, and other cre members, including myself, ere all buried in the flames. this happened so suddenly that I as unprepared and disappeared. this bad nes is the end of the orld for me, and I don't kno hat to do, so I had to flee overseas. hoever, I didn't have the courage to venture alone, so I thought of ing by boat Explore here. on the ay here, I sailed and prayed, hoping to see my parents again one day.

I didn't expect to find the Nightmare Speaking of this, his tears floed don and his voice choked heavily. \"I am not a qualified cre member. Not only did I lose the mothership, but I also turned it into a monster's lair, causing even more tragic situations. please believe me, I am definitely a good cre memberthe cre nodded and forted him, \"You don't have to be sad, you've done your bestthank you, thank you for your understanding. I ill continue to ork hard, \"the cre iped their tears and said,\"

I ill repair the Nightmare and restart itUpon hearing this, the cre members smiled on their faces. Although they are not clear about Luo en's specific skills, the Nightmare is definitely not en, first sho us the Nightmare, and then e ill returnokay, please follo mepassing through a dark and cold canyon and a steep and rugged cliff, Luo en led them to a secluded e are. \"

Luo en pointed to the entrance.\" this is the control module of the Nightmare. You can go in and see if you can activate it. \"the cre rushed toards the entrance eagerly, but before entering, they suddenly found Luo en standing next to them and had no intention of folloing in.

they looked at each other and then asked, \"Aren't you going inI am aiting for you here, \"Luo en said ith a smile.\" I believe you can succeed. Good luck to youthe cre looked at him hesitantly for a moment, then sarmed into the cave soon heard the sound of the propeller stirring the this the NightmareIt looks good,

but hy does it have a gloomy feelingI feel a bit itchy in my palmsAs the cre discussed and alked inside, they quickly realized that the cave as relatively narro and could only be used for one car. hoever, the alls of the cave ere clean, ith no traces of spider ebs or moss, and there ere also ancient and plex decorations carved on the alls. the lights in the cave lit up, and they sa that the surrounding alls ere carved ith various types of ood, including floers, birds, insects, fish, and various rare more they looked, the more surprised they became. It as clearly a huge library, ith every inch of soil exuding a strong historical a beautiful library. \"

A female cre member couldn't help but exclaim,\" It's truly the legendary NightmareYes, it's really beautifulI ant to stay here and never leavethese cre members couldn't help but dream of the ant to be a great battleship, \"shouted a cre member, clenching their fists.\" No matter ho difficult this journey may be, I ill transform the Nightmare into the most poerful eaponI ant to modify a super battleship to carry me to conquer the entire universe! \"Roared another cre member.

haha, then e must form a team. e are fello brothers and must ork togetherdon't make any noise! \"the old captain scolded,\" don't forget ho e arethe cre suddenly fell en clapped his hands to calm the noisy 's not suitable for chatting no. Let's get don to business, \"he said.\" You guys rest here first. I'll go find the scientists responsible for designing the Nightmare and ask them to help us improve its mechanical structure and control system. \"After that, he hurriedly ran to the control for me, \"the captain quickly chased after en took the captain to the control room, here there ere to men, three omen, and five people sitting. Four of them ere busy, earing hite hoods that covered their faces and couldn't see clearly; on the far right, sitting at the top of the indo, sat a man ith gray hair, a shaggy beard, and furroed eyebros, seemingly lost in is our technician, Jeff carlos matt, \"Roan introduced.\" dr. matthello, dr. matt. \"

the old captain boed slightly to sloly raised his head, his sharp gaze falling on the old captain. After a moment, he ithdre his gaze and loered his head again, focusing on the control panel in his , dr. matt doesn't seem to be in good shape today. he's been thinking about things, so if you don't mind, you can ait a moment. \"After Roan finished speaking, he turned to matt and said,\" dr. matt, I'll introduce you to some ne cre members ho are the survivors of this missionmatt looked up at Luo en and said calmly, \"hateverthank you, dr. mattLuo en led three cre members and the old captain to a table and said, \"

this is the control console. As I just said, you can input your on code hereLuo en took out a pen and handed it to the cre, \"this pen can record the data you input. After input, it ill prompt you ho to debug, and you can operate according to its promptsA fe people placed their hands on the keyboard according to ! \"Luo en said lightly,\" No, let's play the gameAfter speaking, he pushed the puter on the table toards everyone.

the screen displays a series of you operate it? \"the captain course, I am a puter expert, \"Luo en replied ith a smile, and immediately began operating on the can you operate this puter? \"Luo en's partner asked .. \"Luo en chuckled and said,\" I'm a professional. \"his ords caused everyone's ridicule.

Luo en looked proud and said, \"don't believe it, I as a hacker hen I as a childSo you ere also a hacker beforeSo hy do you ant to be a sailorLuo en sighed and said, \"because... because my father diedoh - \"Everyone suddenly realized and patted Luo en's shoulder to sho 's okay, there are alays ups and dons in lifethat's right, as long as you're alive, that's enoughEveryone, you forted Luo en one by one.

Luo en scratched his hair in distress and muttered to himself, \"I never told you I'm a hacker, did IIt's okay, you don't need to prove yourself anyayLuo en shook his head helplessly and said, \"You don't understand, I like to sho offho doesn't like to sho offI really like ithoever, I still quite admire you, \"

Luo en looked at Luo en seriously.\" being able to climb out of the darkness and live bravely is truly admirableof course, \"Luo en snorted proudly, then extended his finger and tapped several times on the virtual interface. our goal is very simple, it is to destroy the enemythat's a good ideathat's right, e need revengeLuo en nodded ith satisfaction and said, \"So, everyone needs to unite. You can no transfer your data to the inside of the Nightmare and then follo the program to conduct equipment testingEveryone immediately began to , don't orry, I haven't finished speaking yet. \"

Luo en stopped everyone, Although e already kno the basic frameork of the Nightmare, e are not familiar ith its specific structure. I hope you can carefully observe the ship's hull, sails, turret, and stern sail to conduct a detailed evaluation of the Nightmare, especially in terms of defense and attack capabilities. e need to understand the essential performance of the Nightmarehe continued, \"At the beginning, the pirates ere trying to build a larger aircraft carrier ith the Nightmare, but unfortunately they failed. No they ill definitely find a ay to repair the Nightmare,

but if e cannot understand its performance, it ill be troublesomeLuo en atched everyone's expressions bee serious, and his heart couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. this group of cre members is still calm after all, they should understand the current situation and 's familiarize ourselves ith the Nightmare firstour task is to familiarize ourselves ith the Nightmare ithin a eek, and I ill teach you ho to use its eapon system and eapon maintenance, \"Luo en 's great, e're orried about not having anything to practice, \"said an elderly cre member.\" the operation of this ship is easy to learn. As long as you learn to enter a passord and use your mind, you can start itpassordell,

the arsenal of the Nightmare is locked, and every startup requires a lot of effort. moreover, e can only control the Nightmare through consciousness, and e cannot move it otheriseI have already e up ith a solution to this problem, \"Luo en smiled slightly and handed over the prepared draings.\" You can make a hundred copies of this draing first, e need to use it. Also... have you remembered the models and poers of these eaponsI remember it all! \"the cre replied in good, the value of this blueprint is much higher than the design of the Nightmare, and I think you should be interested. \"Luo en smiled and said,\" I bought this blueprint from a pany called 'Flame'. It is said that this is a very poerful technology pany. I believe the poer of these eapons is definitely impressiveUpon hearing Luo en's ords, the cre shoed an expression of 's go, let's take the draings for testing no, \"Luo en beckoned everyone to leave. they arrived at the cockpit, and Luo en asked the cre to hand over the draings to the captain. then he said, \"You can transfer your data to the Nightmare, but please note that this draing involves a very profound technical contentdon't orryEveryone sat in their respective seats according to the order of the draings, and as they moved, a blue halo lit up around them. these halos gradually turn into to colors, blue and green, and then sloly disappear. Luo en looked at the data around them and nodded silently. he had already memorized each of their , everyone rest no. Let's continue after dinner, \"Luo en said.\" I'll go to the kitchen to find some foodait a minute. \"A cre member stopped Luo en and took out a fe balls from his arms.\" this is a nutrient. drinking this ill make the dinner more deliciousNutrients... \"Luo en glanced at the ball and said,\" I'm not hungry. You can keep it for yourself to drinkAren't you drinkingI had a full dinner and don't ant to eat anymore, \"Luo en aved his hand and alked out of the patrolled along the ay and then returned to the captain's cabin, tapping loudly in front of the long after, he suddenly stopped moving and froned as he stared at the is a huge map hanging on the all on the right side of the puter. the left half of the map is marked ith a red area, here the red area represents danger zones and the blue area represents safety zones. And there is a pyramid shaped mark in the center of the map, hich is a red small island ith the ords \"barcelona, the capital of Alaska\" ritten on en gently groped for this small desert ton, his eyes shining ith strange is one of the busiest cities in Europe. the naval base located on the northern coast of barcelona is located in the suburbs of barcelona, covering nearly 5000 acres (approximately

square meters) and is the headquarters of the European Navy stationed in barcelona. this address as proposed by Roan to the military advisor, as in Europe, the military has unique insights and experience in naval arfare. moreover, naval manders in the military often hold certain ranks, and these officers or naval soldiers often develop strong resistance toards Roan, the nely appointed captain. In order to avoid this situation from happening, Luo en felt that the military entrusted this heavy burden to him, hich can be said to be more than one , the location of this small ton is very important. If the navy unfortunately dies, at least a trace of blood can be Luo en returned to the dock, it as almost dark. he looked at the distant night sky, ith a faint curve dran at the corner of his mouth: \"Everything is developing in a beautiful direction.\" he murmured, then raised his right arm and pointed his index finger toards the distant deep blue light shot out, soaring into the clouds, instantly breaking through the pitch black sky, like a pen tip falling on sno-hite rice after, brilliant blue lights fle in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, the entire sky as radar detected a group of seagulls circling nearby, \"reported the cre responsible for monitoring the sea's en looked at the sea outside the indo and said, \"It's seagulls. At this time, there are about thirtyhat thirty? I have only found one hundred and ninety-eight, \"said the nearby cre in .. you didn't pay attention to hat I said, did youhat? \"the cre hesitated for a moment and then reacted,\" You mean 198 seagulls, I understandthat's right, 198 seagulls, they're looking for a habitatthe cre suddenly realized and praised Luo en's intelligence and is a rare opportunity, e must not aste it. e should seize this opportunitythat's right! that's right! e must seize the opportunity! \"the cre rubbed their hands and ere eager to en smiled and took back hat he had just said because he also felt it as not easy to seize this ill preside over this test. hich of you ould like to cooperate ith methe cre looked at each other, and then someone raised their hand and said, 'I do!'Alright, you e ith me, \"Luo en stood up and led the cre out of the en led several cre members through a dark passage to the edge of the ship's side, hen he sa a magnificent sight. on the distant sea, the lights ere dim and the aves ere rough. A bright full moon hangs high in the sky, scattering silver hite moonlight. Under the dim moonlight, the sea appeared particularly peaceful and peaceful, ith aves crashing against the shore and splashing endless mist; occasionally, a group of seabirds fle by, bringing clusters of colorful orld is really beautiful, \"the cre said in 's really beautiful. but I kno you're not really immersed in this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. \"Luo en turned his head to look at them and said,\" do you feel lonely? Lonely? Yes, I'm the only one here to acpany you. So e need to do one thing, and that's to help the orld recover its vitality and glorye ill definitely do it! \"the cre shouted in good, you all have a bit of resilience. that's enough, \"Luo en cre cheered and cheered, their faces filled ith joy, as if seeing the dan of hope, one by one ith high is the destination, \"Luo en pointed to the small ton on the beach.\" e need to build this placeLuo en pointed to the small red brick building in the distance and said, \"this is my orkplaceork location? \"A cre member asked in 's right. I'm a scholar. I ant to use my professional knoledge to improve the living habits of the residents here, and also teach them naval arfare skillsAre you saying that all the residents of this small ton kno about naval arfareell, that's right, \"Luo en said.\" during my graduate studies, many people in our country passed the navy academy, although many of them retired. hoever, some residents of this small ton still choose to join the military. the residents of this small ton are excellent navies ith rich experience in naval arfareSo it's like this, \"the cre suddenly can start orking no. First, clean the deck, and then you need to build temporary dormitories. Additionally, you need to build a submarine and three destroyersYes, sirLuo en turned his head and looked at the sea. At this moment, a large cloud as floating in the sky, blocking the bright moonlight. the shados in the sky became increasingly thick, causing the sea to sink into en's gaze pierced through the dark clouds and looked into the distant ocean. his pupils ere filled ith cold stars, like to cold gemstones. his lips lifted lightly and he recited a spell. In an instant, a fierce ind and rain descended from nohere, and large drops of rain fell on him, stirring up a mist throughout the storm is ing soon, \"he said, turning back to the storm is ing soone must ele this sudden stormprepare eapons and ammunition, be prepared, \"Luo en instructed hile inspecting the is a sailor, but he never forgets his job as a bat took a deep breath to calm himself don, then picked up his alkie talkie and said to the cre inside the bridge, \"manders at all levels are folloing orders. e are about to be attacked by pirate ships, and the number of enemies exceeds our imagination. I ill open fire in a minute and request instructionsA series of disorderly footsteps echoed from ithin the bridge, folloed by the voice of a captain: \"captain, I believe e must return immediately. e cannot approach each other hastily. I kno your thoughts, and you are eager to make achievements at seaI kno, but e have plenty of time. e can ait until the other party's ship enters range before launching an attack, hich is more secure than running aaybutLuo en sternly reprimanded, \"Execute the mand and do as I sayYes, Your Excellency captainthe bridge quieted don, and Roan continued, \"our transport ship has been destroyed, so e can only use torpedoes to attack enemy ships. hoever, e cannot attack hastily, because if e fail, it means e ill be buried in this vast sea. So I have decided to have our cre land on the other side's fishing boat and leave on their haling boat. Are you all readyReady, \"the cre replied in unison, each ith a lively and excited good, then let's log in nothe speed of the fishing boat as not slo, and under the leadership of Luo en, tenty cre members jumped into the the hearts of these young people, perhaps they ill never experience the joy and excitement of adventure on this vast sea. In their eyes, they ere standing on a flat beach, surrounded by nothing but the azure sea and the distant continent. And they ill bee the only itnesses here tonight, and ill itness ith their on eyes, leaving a rich and colorful mark on their , hat are you doing? \"At this moment, a young and slightly angry boy's voice suddenly came from is a child of six or seven years old, ith dark skin, regular facial features, thin figure, but very full of cre folloed the sound and found a group of children gathering next to a sand pile more than ten meters aay, staring at them ith big eyes, ary and ere all dressed in uniform, ith red navy badges printed on the back and a short sord hanging from their soldierscan't they be our patriotshat should I do? I'm a bit nervous, I feel like I'm about to pee in my pantsdon't panic, they are friendly troops. Let's go over and say hello to themthe cre alked over. At that moment, a burly captain earing a steel helmet alked out. he performed standard naval etiquette toards the sailors and loudly asked, \"I am the captain of this patrol ship. my name is brand hemingay. may I kno hich unit you belong toA naval soldier replied, \"e e from the Eastern Imperial Navy Special Forcesoh? \"the captain paused for a moment,\" Isn't that the same system as estern navies? do you kno the location of the naval headquartersUh... \"the naval soldier smiled ryly, shook his head, and said,\" Sorry, e haven't figured out the specific situation yet, so e dare not speak casuallyLuo en raised his eyebros and alked over, saluted the other party and asked ith a smile, \"You must have just arrived in the aters near belga Island. I onder if you could take us to the Naval headquarters basethe navy soldier hesitated for a fe seconds before finally shaking his head and saying, \"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid this on't ork. e can't freely disclose military informationI assure you, there is absolutely no harm, \"Roan solemnly raised his right arm.\"

If I lie, I am illing to face military punishment. e have been ordered to investigate the disappearance of the Spanish royal family, and e must find the remains of the Spanish royal family as soon as possible. that's hy e took the liberty of visiting your armythe naval soldier furroed his bros, obviously interested in hat Roan had mentioned: \"Are you really here to investigate the disappearance of the Spanish royal family? hat is your missionLooking for the Spanish prince. e are here to find their hereabouts and help search and rescue the remains of the Spanish royal familyI see, no onder I look a bit familiar to you. \"

the naval soldier suddenly realized, and his face became serious.\" I don't kno here you got the nes, but e are indeed on a secret mission and ill never leak any information. please go back, so as not to cause misunderstandingsbut -

\"Luo en said urgently,\" e really need helpNo matter hat reason you have, e cannot take you anyhere, it violates our disciplinee really on't be delayed for too long. e don't even have time to go to Royal port of Spain. I kno you have an important task, but this is not the time for you to hesitate. please trust our sinceritythe navy soldier remained silent, looking a bit grabbed the naval soldier's arm and anxiously advised, \"dude,

you are a smart person ho should kno that this is the best opportunity. the ealth, poer, and beauty of the Spanish royal family are priceless. If you can obtain them, it ill be enough for you to eat

and drink for a lifetime, and you can even marry and have children. You need to consider carefully, this is a rare opportunity. e are all for your goodI'm not for moneydon't be silly, you're not just for money, you're for dignity! For honor! For money and beauty! You don't lack all of these, and these are the most precious. \"Luo en continued: Your leader has died, and this is the task he entrusted to me before his death. he said that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, e must give it a try. e are all heroes, and our responsibility is to defend the interests of our country and the interests of our nationI understand. Are you asking me to let you report the si

tuation to the Naval mandthat's right, as you said, this is the best opportunitybut if my mission fails, I ill be shotNo, e ill protect you! \"Luo en patted his chest, Say: Although your mission cannot be leaked, I ill try my best to seize the opportunity for you. In addition, e ill protect your life and property. If there is an accident, e ill send you to the colony in the East to avoid disaster.

You don't have to orry, here you can enjoy all the benefits, including your children, friends, and family, ho ill enjoy the highest level of treatment in the orld, and there is a ell paid job aiting for you, so that your the family lifted themselves out of poverty and lived a fortable and fortable life. If I'm right, your ife should be pregnant.

If you can e back alive, your ife ill be able to give birth to the crystallization of love, and she ill be the happiest oman in the orld

the navy soldier's gaze softened as he sloly exhaled and said, \"You're right. I must do this. I can't disappoint my ife and unborn child. You're right, I should try to survive. my child also needs a father, and I can't abandon himhave you made up your mindthe navy soldier nodded and turned to face the Seagull, loudly saying, \"Return immediately to the Navy headquarters basethe Seagull sloly took off and sailed into the soldiers stood on the deck, atching the Seagull fly further and further. It asn't until the Seagull disappeared into the sky that he ithdre his gaze and turned to the to major manders next to him, saying, \"Report the situation to headquarters immediately and send more personnel to belliance Island. e need stronger artilleryto major manders ere ordered to leave, hile Roan and his navy soldiers boarded a sailboat and headed to the location of the Spanish the guidance of the navy, the sailboat circled the coastline and sped south, quickly entering the tropical soldiers seem to have bee accustomed to the scenery along the ay and are not amazed by the lush trees. It as the passengers in the cabin ho ere quite excited, especially the cre. Along the ay, they talked about the unique scenery here, talked about various strange plants, beasts, and animals, and talked about them ith great you ever heard of the Agranian Forestdo you mean the forest that as once called the 'demon Forest'that's it. I've visited it before, and the scenery there is even more beautiful than hereLuoen smiled and said, \"the place e're going to is called Agrania Forest. the environment there is indeed very beautiful, and there is also very advanced medical technology. of course, if you feel like you have a terminal illness, e can give up pletely and change our goals immediatelyho could it be? my illness has already been curedSince that's the case, hy not stayI just ant to see more beautiful sceneryokay, hatever you ant. \"Luo en shrugged his shoulders and said,\" e have entered the depths of the tropical jungle, here there are many poisonous insects and beasts. You must be carefulI on't bother you ith this small matterLuo en curled his lips and turned his head to give a fe mands to the adjutant next to him. he then picked up the radio and dialed the marine corps' munication channel to call the call as quickly connected, and the mander of the bridge told him that the fleet had sailed into the tropical rainforest and as heading to the Spanish palace according to the scheduled plan. he as asked to e and meet the fleet as soon as hanging up the phone, Luo en said to the indo, \"prepare to loer the sail speedYes, sir. \"the cre opened the canvas door and saluted Luo en, leaving the deck and running to the control room to assist in operating the long after, the sailboat sloed don navy soldier sat at the table, quietly contemplating. Suddenly, his gaze stopped on the canvas curtain behind Roan, and through the gap, he could vaguely see the food piled soldier alked over and pulled open the curtain, only to see to huge ooden boxes soldier froned and asked, \"hat is that forRoan as stunned for a moment and quickly explained: \"this is a gift e are going to give to the Spanish royal family and the Royal highness princess. e bought a lot of fresh fruit and sausage bacon in the nearby ton, hich can provide nutrition and satisfy hunger.\"Your gifts are quite pletethe soldier stopped speaking and closed the curtains. he alked to the canvas door and shouted to the sailor at the stern, \"ho many times have I said to loer the height of the mast so as not to affect the cargo ships behind? hy don't you rememberSir, it's none of our business. e're adjusting our angle and e almost ran into them just nodo you still have reason? quickly adjust the anglebut the angle is too lo for them to fit in, and e dare not rashly loer the height of the mastFools, they are pirates. can't they still rob merchant shipsthe soldier cursed, reached out and lifted the curtain, jumping onto the deck to check the situation. he noticed that to merchant ships had turned their bos and approached them. From the hull and masts of the merchant ship, it can be seen that the to ships eigh at least four to five tons and have blue paint painted on their pirates on the ship discovered the navy soldiers and raised their eapons one after 't move, otherise e'll fire. \"the navy soldier roared and raised his middle finger toards the merchant merchant ship immediately stopped moving and raised the side of the sides stared at each other at a distance of several hundred meters, and no one dared to open fire it, it's actually a navy and earing camouflage clothes. hat a bad luck! \"curses came from the merchant 't speak recklessly, be careful not to cause troublehat are you afraid of? they can't hit us, even if they do, it doesn't matter. Anyay, e're not afraid of deathYou understand shit, they're the navy. If e fight, e'll definitely sufferSo hat should e do? e can't just let it go, they've all bullied usShut up, kid. I still need to think of a ay to stop ithat should e do then? hy don't e runNonsense, stay here and get beaten if you don't runbut ho can e run? Such a big ship, ho can e run\"You are so stupid, climb up ith a rope ladder.\"ho heavy is that rope ladderhatever, give it a try and e'll talkA rope ladder protruded from the bo of the merchant ship, and the navy soldiers quickly grasped the rope 't e over, or I'll jump offIn the cabin of the merchant ship, several young people picked up firearms and aimed at the rope arn you not to e over. If I die on your ship, you ill never be able to clear the suspicion for a lifetimethe navy soldier turned pale ith fear, but remained 're not bad people, hat are you orried aboutI kno you're not bad people, but... aren't you a navyI am the navy, as you can see, I am the captainAre you really the captainthat's right, e belong to the flagship of the Navy - the North Sea, and I am Rear Admiral Frank ilsonYou're lying to ghosts, ho could a naval lieutenant be like youhehe, although I'm not a good person, I'm not a bad person either. I'm not a captain, just an ordinary naval officeroh, I forgot. You're a retired soldier, but you're also someoneI don't have the qualifications to pare ith youStop talking nonsense, ho are you and hy are you herethe naval soldier remained silent for a moment, shook his head, and said, \"Sorry, I can't tell youAlright, let's go. hoever, you better let me find you. I need a detailed report. If you refuse, you may not be able to escape after I board the ship. I kno the navy has many secret forces, but e have enough artillery shells on board. If I tell the navy about this, hat do you think they ill dothe navy soldier gritted his teeth and pondered for a long time before sloly saying, \"okay, I can give you a letter, but I must ensure my safetyI sear to the godsthe naval soldier released his fist, took out the letter paper, rote a neatly ritten Japanese paragraph, and handed it to the can go no. If you have the opportunity, I hope to meet and have a cup of coffeethank you. \"the pirate put aay the Japanese letterhead and instructed the cre to close the canvas the canvas fell pletely, the navy soldier finally breathed a sigh of relief, iped the cold seat from his forehead, and muttered, \"damn it, fortunately it's a pirate. If e encounter a navy patrol boat, e'll be in trouble todayRogers stood up straight, moved his sore neck for a moment, and sa that the naval lieutenant as checking the sail line. he alked over to him and inquired about the specific briefly introduced the naval forces on the ship and said, \"It seems that e are trapped on this small islanddo you have any good suggestionsFirst find a ship, then find out the location of this island, and then contact the naval ships stationed nearbythe naval lieutenant shook his head and said, \"It's useless. the nearby fishing boats are being atched by pirates unless destroyers are sent overe can dispatch submarinesUpon hearing this, the naval lieutenant laughed and said, \"this is even more unreliable. do you think the navy ill send submarines to rescue usI think the navy ill definitely send submarines to help usdon't even think about such things. None of us can stop a torpedo togetherRogers froned slightly and said, \"this is not going to ork. I must find a ay to get out of hereour transport ship has already leftof course I kno, otherise I ouldn't have risked breaking into the cabin and chatting ith you for a hilehave you e up ith a solution? \"the naval lieutenant asked yet, but I ant to give it a trythe lieutenant hesitated for a moment and asked, \"hat do you plan to dodo you have any good idease don't understand hat you said at all, e only kno that your ideas are too dangerousI kno, e must get out of here, \"Rogers sighed and continued,\" Look, the ships around us have sailed aay, and e are no a lone ship. If e continue like this, something ill happen sooner or later, so I have decidedI understand your idea. You ant to use naval arfare to force pirates to give up attacking shipsYesbut the sea is too stormy, even if you succeed, it ill be difficult for us to escape. Additionally, pirates on't change their minds just because you are a heroof course I have considered this, so I have decided to use explosives at seathe lieutenant as stunned for a moment and suddenly burst out laughing, \"You're just too smartdon't laugh, do you also agree ith my viepointof course I agree. You're a crazy guyStop talking nonsense, quickly organize the cre and act according to the planI'll do it right aayAlso... remember to minimize casualties as much as possiblehmm? hat do you meanYou don't ant to fight pirates like crazy, do you? \"Rogers explained ith a ry smile.\" our mission is to search for Native Americans in South America, and there's no need to fight pirates. our only goal is to find them, persuade them to surrender, or simply kill them allthis is a good idea, but are you really sure that the pirates ill surrenderRogers nodded and said, \"e are here for peace talks this time, not for ar. the pirates should cooperate. If they are not illing to surrender, e ill take them don, ithout any mercy on omenthe lieutenant took a deep breath and nodded, \"I ill give ordersplease, brotherdon't orry, I ill do my best. \"the lieutenant patted Rogers on the shoulder and turned the pirates left, Rogers immediately summoned the cre and assigned the cabin, to little girls sat in a corner, looking timidly at the unfamiliar uncle in front of name is Rogers mason, hat do you to call meone of the girls said, \"my name is Natasha adman, and her name is Joey maria FitzAnother girl also spoke up and said, \"my name is caitlin bellavitch, you can call me cathyJoey, cathy, that's a really nice name, \"Rogers loered his head, arms around his chest, and looked kno, you just sa it, \"Rogers paused and continued.\" No, please lead the ay to your arehouse here you store your goodshide goodsthat's right, that batch of gemstones e're planning to use for food, eapons, and ammunition, as ell as to buy some supplies and food. Are you interested in participating in this matterthis... this... \"Joey hesitated for a fe seconds and said,\" I can go to the arehouse ith you, but my sister is too young to go to sea yetRogers nodded slightly and looked at the other quickly aved her hand and said, \"I on't go either. that place is too darkRogers smiled and said, \"Forget it, I can only keep you toAfter Rogers finished speaking, he took out to pistols from his aist and handed them to to looked at the pistol in their hands in amazement, and then looked at Rogers in said, \"my pistol is easy to load. You can hold it and at least defend yourself in case of any situationho did you evade enemy attacksour training includes an item called a diving suit, \"Rogers joked casually.\" this diving suit is our specialized diving suit, and after earing it, it looks like a simming ring. It not only allos you to breathe freely, but also resists the pressure and impact of the ocean bottom. In addition, e can also stay underater for a long timethat's really great. I like diving suits, and I'm going too! \"Joey enthusiastically raised his pistol in his , e only need to menbut... \"Joey became anxious and grabbed Rogers' arm,\" Uncle, please take us ith you. e'll be obedientRogers remained silent for a moment and thre the to guns in his hand to the ground. \"okay, but I arn you not to cause trouble. If anyone causes trouble, you'd better notify me in advance, otherise I on't care about your life or deaththank you, Uncle. thank you, \"the to of them quickly 's go then, \"Rogers aved his hand and alked toards the little girls folloed behind and ran to the sea breeze ble, and the air as cold and looked at the pitch black sea and turned to look at the little girl next to , your name is Joey adman, isn't itJoey nodded and said, \"Uncle, ho do you kno mehat are your surnames, as your brother saidRoger einsteinhat about your parentsthey all died in the battle, and e only have my sister and me leftRogers sighed ith emotion and said, \"Your experience has been quite tragic, but since you choose to bee pirates, you should be prepared to sacrificeJoey clenched his lips and nodded looked at cathy and asked ith a smile, \"hat about youcathy hesitated for a moment and hispered, \"my name is Katie easley, and my parents... died in the arRogers shook his head and patted Katie? easley's 's okay, e're still young. e'll take revenge hen you gro upRogers didn't ask much because Joey's emotions seemed very .. \"Joey squatted on the ground and cried, tears streaming don.\" I hate the navy, I hate them, I hate themRogers crouched don and gently stroked Joey's soft hair. \"don't cry, e ill definitely get through this difficult timebutdon't orry, believe me, I have a ay to help youJoey iped his eyes and sobbed, \"Reallydo you think this ship is very old and the surface of the hull has been damagedthe to little girls is normal. this kind of old-fashioned sailboat has this problem, especially during navigation, and e ill encounter various troubles. e are currently sailing to the caribbean Sea, here the aters are not very calm, and there ill be small-scale pirate robbery incidents every fe monthsSo edon't be afraid, this is in the caribbean Sea, a restricted area for pirates. pirates are very timid and only dare to bully ordinary fishermen

the to little girls , e are safe, \"Rogers stood up straight and put his hand around the necks of the to little girlsthe to little girls looked at each other and nodded touched the heads of the to little girls and said, \"I'm going to the kitchen to cook some noodles first. You guys need to rest firstJoey and cathy agreed and ran into the turned and alked toards the restaurant, pondering ho to use the ingredients on board to make eapons and ammunition, as ell as ho to teach Joey and cathy ho to use is not good at guiding children, after all, he is not a full-time navy. but he is familiar ith various types of artillery and also masters some simple shell learning and shooting techniques. Although he cannot control and manipulate artillery like a professional officer, he can design shells and artillery sights based on actual course, he can also use other methods to improve or adjust these to ' major course is navigation, folloed by bat skills, and his major courses are not advanced and belong to the theoretical course once visited the artillery testing ground on Venetian arships, sa some simple artillery equipment, and even personally salvaged to inplete ancient artillery , Rogers learned some basic skills and improved artillery skills through his skilled skills and rich practical Rogers' vie, these basic techniques are all practical enough for Joey and cathy to use. As for improving artillery, more experience accumulation is needed and to children have to explore it themselves.

hoever, he also has some unique sea, any fresh thing that is illing to spend money can alays get some rare Rogers arrived on the deck ith hot noodle soup, the three children had already eaten the also sat at the table, took a fe sips of noodle soup, and said, \"this soup has a good taste, much orse than the bread crumbs in your hometonthat's because e're too close, \"Joey choked as he iped the tears from the corners of his eyes.\" Since last night, e've been lost, drifting on this vast sea for five dayse have been drifting for five days? \"Rogers asked in .. \"Joey nodded.\" e ere drifting near an island, but the island had already sunk. e couldn't find any liferafts, supplies, or boats, and Kerry and I ere extremely scared. e persisted until this evening, but... my panionI guess you didn't make it until dinner time, \"Rogers said, looking at the sunset in the sky.\" I estimate e're already very close to the coastline, and e'll soon enter a calm zoneReally? \"carey idened her eyes in surprise, thinking they ere going to float on the sea forever until she starved to can look at the sky, \"Rogers pointed to the distant sea surface.\" there are thick black clouds there, and there are signs of lightning and thundercathy looked up at the distant that... a stormell, it's a stormA stormthis is a very dangerous natural disaster, even the largest storm can hardly destroy a small island. You don't have to orry about droning, unless e encounter special ocean currents or hurricanes, e ill definitely not have any orries about our livesAfter listening to Rogers' ords, the to little girls finally breathed a sigh of night, the three of them slept in the ooden box at the stern of the ship, lying side by and cathy squeezed into Rogers' arms, hile Rogers hugged them in his lap and placed them on his arms to prevent the to little girls from getting to little girls slept soundly. Rogers closed his eyes and fell into a orld has a magical poer that can pull human souls into another Rogers traveled, he as an excellent is an old criminal police officer named John Smith brandon in the place here he orks. he is an excellent veteran ho has been orking diligently for tenty years and has never made any mistakes, even ith very little time for injuries. hoever, just six months ago, John Smith suddenly contracted severe pneumonia and as diagnosed ith advanced lung cancer in the hospital. he remended immediate removal of the pancreas and chemotherapy in order to gain hope of John Smith refused treatment and strongly demanded that he continue to fulfill his the end, John Smith died at his died, but his duty as not daughter catherine Smith took over her father's job and became the ne police is a beautiful and intelligent girl, but she is too busy to pay attention to her father. It asn't until six months ago that she occasionally mentioned the nes of her father's death that she learned about his condition from her as extremely sad and drank heavily all day long. Eventually, she developed depression and jumped off a building to mit sighed and opened his eyes to look is a strange environment, a sailboat stranded on the seabed. the masts have already rusted, the railings on the ship's side have also rotted severely, the rudder has been smashed by something, and several pieces of propeller bearings have been interior of the sailboat is even more dilapidated, except for a slightly cleaner deck, here all other cabins are piled up ith debris, emitting a nauseating stench and musty is this?Rogers froned and tried to think about the to his memory, hen he first crossed, he as still in the Viking Strait and in the pirate ravaged Virgin could he turn into a cargo ship in the blink of an eye, ith only him and to children, as ell as a bed and to girls on board?!Not only that, he also carried a gun on his back, to pistols hanging from his aist, and four rubber carefully examined his body and confirmed that he as a male.

hat's going on here?!Rogers' heart as filled ith doubts, and he remembered that this as the orld of 'pirate King', here he as playing the role of 's appearance disrupted the plot of the orld, so he became a cre he has crossed the orld of 'pirate King', Rogers has to find a ay to orld is made up of pirates, and he must find their speculated that he might have crossed a vast calm zone before returning to the bay area and encountering a gust of strong ind before landing on this cargo for ho bought this ship, Rogers couldn't recall it for the time being. hoever, this does not hinder him from doing his on thing first step is to find the searched several times in the captain's cabin and did not find any cre came to the arehouse again and sa hundreds of ooden barrels placed in label is inserted on the ooden barrel, indicating that it contains food. Rogers opened the lid of the ooden bucket, hich contained fruits such as meat, fish, and picked up an apple and cheed it, realizing that it as very crispy and astringent. he couldn't help but shake his head and thre the apple into the this moment, a strong man entered the captain's turned his head and sa a strong man ith a beard and a fierce expression on his are you? \"Rogers strong man snorted coldly, ignoring Rogers, and instead turned around and long after, to more strong men broke into the captain's is this? \"Asked a strong man in stood up and extended his right hand to the strong man in black, saying, \"hello, buddy, my name is Alan carlos belmont, and youhello, \"the strong man in black grabbed Rogers' right hand. he as about the same height as Rogers and had a strong physique, earing a black tight fitting suit and should also be a cre member. e are currently fleeing together. I think here your cre member is, e should cooperate ith each otherYou are not a cre memberAh?! \"Rogers as stunned for a moment, thinking that the other party as just like him as a name is Adrian, from Northern Europe, and I am currently orking in the pirates of the caribbean, \"Adrian said ith a smile.\" this is my brother Alexstasa, he is mute and doesn't like to talkhello, hello. \"Rogers nodded politely and then loered his head to continue studying the condition of the 't you think it's strange? hy are e on the ship? \"Adrian asked, sitting on a stool next to also feel very strange, I don't kno hat happened, \"Rogers scratched his head in distress.\" e are no at seaAdrian pondered for a moment and then said, \"perhaps e are at a certain port, this route I used to be familiar ith because this is our hometon

Li Yingchi’s intelligent eyes scanned the entire room, then immediately focused on the old-fashioned projector in front of the television. this as something a regular hotel could not offer. he and his to teammates spoke ith hotel staff before entering Yu Lianyun's room. After contacting them and talking ith them, it as naturally discovered that this old-fashioned projector as purchased by mr. Yu Lianyun hen he came back from the day and asked the hotel for help.

then the anser is ready. Although it is an expensive and beautiful bag, it is not something that needs to be hidden, so the contents of the bag are truly ``important things''. Judging from the size of the bag, there is a possibility that it is an old movie projector, and if it fits in a bag of this size, it is most likely an old video cassette.

Li Jia'an sa Yu Lianyun's orry and said ith a smile: \"Yu-san, there's actually no need to be afraid. there are to sides to everything. people like you ho experience ordinary events and have special talents are basically us. the mysterious group of talents is It is idely accepted, and if you can pass the subsequent evaluation and join the mysterious group, e ill also provide you ith greater support, such as teaching you ho to control your talents.”

“can you also control inspiration?” Yu Lianyun as curious.

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