

第3章 黎明时分(1 / 2)
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在沉重的空和更加混浊的水域中,任务的命运似乎陷入了最危急的境地,每都面临新的困境。et the bloodlust-filled, insane look on his face. No, heimorphen has bee more normal due to his desire for revenge.

It is better to block than to open.

Ling Ling, a mental patient, feels that he is a doctor ith excellent medical skills and excellent skills. he really understands the needs of fools. Look at the effects of his current treatment, ho onderful!

Knock knock knock!

At that moment, there as a loud knock on the door and the sound of a cat meoing ing from the chapel. Ling Ling's face suddenly brightened and she said, \"the economy is good today. I didn't expect ne customers to e so enthusiastically.\"

\"then I'll take my leave first. this is the rent I paid. I don't kno ho long the lease ill be?\" heimorphen changed his blood-stained red gloves and took the dome. he ore a shaped hat. , it's ready.

he is not yet ready for direct contact ith other people. If he ere to meet his fans no and sho his true self, his image might be ruined.

heimorphen, ho has lost the ability to play the piano, is just a human ithout the ability to connect chickens.

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