

第1章 黎亚历纪(2 / 2)
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In this regard, Ling Ling thought at that moment that this strange hut as just like the copy story of \"harry potter and doraemon\" that Lao angtou told in the next room. he had a golden snitch that could transport people through time and space.

In the end, Linlin, ho still has familial feelings toards the psychiatric hospital, decided to leave a letter to all the staff at the psychiatric hospital before she as discharged. Among them is the former hospital director, ho frequently suffered heart attacks in fits of rage. And up to the third big tree in the garden. Regarding the ``Red Umbrella mushroom,'' he expressed his reluctance to undergo surgery, and by the ay, he left behind a text in hich he also mentioned his memories. And he left the mental hospital satisfied, brought this little house full of strange things to the orld today, and opened a small shop in a strange place.

hat Ling Ling didn't kno, of course, as that she almost died of anger after seeing the contents of the letter left behind by her former dean.

\"dear Grandpa dean, I suddenly remembered my past. It seems that I as once a ealthy king ith a heart for orld peace...\" old dean didn't finish his sentence. I looked at it. hen his eyes darkened, he crumpled up the letter in anger and thre it on the ground.

this is Linlin's fourth autobiography to date, and each one is more outrageous than the last.

No one can trust a mentally ill patient ho has been diagnosed ith severe delusions and certain callous personality disorders...

No Linlin considers herself a mature boss. In just 3 months after ing to this orld, I as able to conclude a total of 3 business negotiations and as a great success!

You see, even the legend of his store began to spread on the Internet.

\"oh, it's afternoon,\" Lingling said as she pulled out a package of spicy strips from the refrigerator, hich as stocked ith fresh produce every day. plaining that the spicy strips ere as tough as beef tendon, he alked toards his office puter and sighed, \"today is another day to improve myself.\"

Ling Ling came to the famous tieva platform to share things related to ghosts and mystery hile cheing spicy food that is difficult to che, looking for the next little hite rabbit like Yu Lian Yun.

Immediately, his eyes ere glued to the improved missing person notification post. he kept typing on his keyboard, \"Sir, have you ever heard of the magical cabin in the oods?\"

After returning to the hotel room, Yu Lianyun immediately paid the additional fee and asked the hotel service staff to look for an old tape projector.

After setting up the equipment, Yu Lianyun rubbed her frostbitten hands and shivered as she applied black tape to the projector.

“I don’t ant to die anymore…” Yu Lianyun muttered. he sincerely hoped that this videotape ould bee a treasure that ould turn his exhausted life around. he as in a real predicament.

the projector made a different sound and the tV started shoing a silent screen.

At the beginning, a 4 second countdon as displayed on the screen. As the countdon progresses, a blink appears on the screen, as if the countdon as reflected in a mysterious eye. Yu Lianyun suddenly felt that the screen as looking at him.

the countdon has ended, and the main event recorded on videotape has officially begun. First, a oman ith messy hair appeared earing a hite gauze skirt. She sat in front of the makeup mirror and bed her long, thick hair. most of his long hair covered his entire face. , hoever, through the action of bing her hair, it is easy to see that this oman has an amazingly beautiful face, revealing a fair face, beautiful cheeks, eyebros, and charming eyes.

Yu Lianyun couldn't help but feel a little emotional hen she sa this amazing scene. he kept looking. the first half of the movie seemed to depict the daily life of this beautiful oman. hat as strange as that even though the other person as clearly the main character behind the camera, the oman never had a positive face except for the image reflected in the makeup mirror, hich as reflected in the movie \"Life the In\". the same goes for the other characters. A oman in hite clothes... the shooting angle of this video is very special, giving people an indescribable sense of voyeurism.

there as a part in the first half of the content that Yu Lianyun paid little attention to. So there as some sort of conflict beteen the oman and her interaction ith one of her neighbors.

henever a oman goes out, to indifferent figures look out from the door of a nearby house. one is an old man and the other a young man, ith similar eyebros and eyes, as if they ere father and son. their faces are still expressionless, but their eyes are filled ith dark desire.

they ere clearly peeping, but hen they felt the oman in hite turn their gaze, father and son did not ithdra their eyes or hide, but continued to stare at her ith the most eager eyes. . he even had a sick smile on his face.

the oman boed her head and turned to leave, but at that moment, the landlady of the neighboring house came back from the road at the right moment and gave the oman in a hite coat a grim look as she boed her head and said nothing. , and call the greedy one. Unfortunately, this as a silent video and Yu Lianyun did not kno hat the people in the video ere saying. he could only make a rough guess, but it asn't pretty anyay.

periodically lost in daily life, this record came and ent a total of four times, each time slightly different. the oman in hite, ho often dressed in front of the mirror, became more and more inpetent and orse, and her silky hair became even more disheveled. the attitude of the hostess next door toards the oman also orsened. From the first oath to physical violence, he pulled out large amounts of omen's hair, leaving them ith large bald patches.

the content in the second half is seamlessly connected. the oman in hite as abused by the mistress of the neighbor's house, and her condition as so bad that she could no longer be called beautiful, but the parents and children next door didn't even look at her. Stop

It's another ne day. the oman in hite bos her head as usual and starts alking, but stops miday. the next scene is static for 10 seconds. hoever, if you look closely, you ill find that there are actually subtle changes in the environment. change is not static, but the people in the photo do not move.

the oman as standing on the road near the front door of her house, as if aiting, but her neighbor and her son, ho ere nearby, folloed her, still dressed in hite, as if they ere aiting for something. I as staring.

As Yu Lianyun as ondering hat happened, he suddenly noticed a trail of blood ing from the corner of the t-junction.

Shortly after the scene changes, a oman dressed in hite arrives at a corner and discovers the deformed body of her neighbor's hostess trapped under the heel of a truck. A shining silver knife rolled don from the body.

this seems to be a foreshadoing that the hostess next door as planning to stab the oman in hite today, so she crouched don and aited in a corner here the oman in hite ould pass every day. hoever, I didn't expect to be accidentally run over by a speeding car today. I as hit by a truck.

the death of a neighbor's mistress as so rare and tragic that Yu Lianyun felt chilled to the core.

this feeling of fear es from the malevolence of human nature. the source is knon but difficult to estimate.

Yu Lianyun shivered, but then realized that the body heat she had lost as being restored, and she felt it spread around her. the shaking earlier as a bit of a shock, but I also felt brightness and armth.

\"this videotape is... useful!\" Yu Lianyun felt both excited and frightened. I atched the video content to the end ith conflicting emotions.

then the scene changed, and Yu Lianyun sa a oman dressed in hite sitting by the ell crying sadly, her delicate body trembling, making people pity her.

Yu Lianyun guessed that the oman in hite as mourning the death of her neighbor's mistress. Although he could not stand the domineering spirit of the Virgin, he could not deny the gentleness of the oman in hite.

hoever, in the subsequent scene, Yu Lianyun once again itnessed the malevolence of human nature.

Suddenly, I sa to men, an old man and a young man, jump out of the screen and run up to a oman dressed in hite. take a close look at their crazy and ferocious faces. they ere a father and son ho lived in the neighborhood and alays sa a oman dressed in hite. they join forces to kill the oman in hite. In a panic, a oman dressed in hite rushed into a ell, and the neighbor's son found a large stone next to the ell and thre it into the ell.

Even after doing this, the crazy father and son did not stop their perverted acts. Eventually, some stone slabs ere found and cement as used to pletely close the ell.

hen Yu Lianyun sa this, she couldn't help clenching her fists, her breathing started to bee faster, and she felt incredible. he could not understand hy father and son had killed the oman in hite so brutally. as it revenge for the dead neighbor's mistress?

Immediately after that, the tV screen flashed strangely, and Yu Lianyun vaguely sa to neighbors ho had died tragically in the house, a parent and child, and a oman ith a tisted torso standing in the middle of the to corpses. sa.

the oman had a deformed face, decorated clothes, and a deformed face, but her eyes, hich shoed malice toards the orld in her hair, still made Yu Lianyun recognize the person in front of her at first glance. I as alloed to. this person killed this person by unknon means. the person facing the father and son as a oman in hite ho had been tricked by the father and son into falling into the ell.

In fact, he returned ith hatred and anger.

Yu Lianyun felt her chest tighten, as if an invisible hand as holding her tightly, but the pain in her heart disappeared. he held his chest and insisted e atch the last part of the video. only bai Yi can see it. the oman's eyes became ider and ider, and the traditional chinese numbers in other people's eyes became more and more clear.

there is a clear number ritten on it, 7!

Four treatments treat symptoms but not the root cause

hen Yu Lianyun as ondering about the number \"qi\", his mobile phone suddenly rang, and his heart trembled again. he turned around and sa his cell phone ringing on the bed.

Yu Lianyun took a deep breath and picked up the phone. the screen ill display 4 \"unknon calls\" in a ro. this unpleasant number seemed to be calling from hell.

After ansering the phone, Yu Lianyun hesitated and said, \"hello?\"

there as silence for a hile, and Yu Lianyun felt unfortable. Although the cold that attacked his body has temporarily subsided, he seems to have ne orries.

hat exactly is on this tape? this must not be the blessing that the boss said!

After about 10 seconds, a voice finally came through the phone, and it sounded familiar to him. the voice on the other end of the phone scared him so much that he almost lost his mind.

\"No! No! don't e!!\"

the oman's screams ere desperate and tragic, erupting into dry coughs and strangled sobs before the sound died don pletely.

Everything is everything...

hen the phone hung up, all the regular sounds became restless in Yu Lianyun's ears, as dirty and confused as his heart.

It's his voice!

the voice on the phone no is his!

hen Yu Lianyun experienced death, it seemed as if he heard his on scream in another time and space. he could not only empathize ith her, but also imagine his on tragic death.

they must be the same pervert father and son ho died in tragic circumstances in the video! And the person ho killed him must be the oman in hite ho as recorded on the videotape.

As a result, Yu Lianyun suddenly understood and finally understood the meaning behind the shopkeeper's strange ords.

\"the lease period is 7 days, so please return it ithin 7 days.\"

\"You don't have to give it back. Either ay, the purpose of prolonging life ill be achieved.\"

\"the best ay to overe difficulties is to face your fears. this is a video full of blessings.\"


So, does the number \"qi\" in the hites of a oman's eyes represent a countdon to her lifespan?

So hat is recorded on this videotape is not a blessing, but a curse.

Is the solution to fighting fire ith fire and using evil curses to fight extradimensional invasions?

Is extending his lifespan from less than 3 days to 7 days the ay to save a dying life?

ho crazy is the store oner? ?

Yu Lianyun anted to scream out loud for a hile, but soon accepted the fact of addiction. In fact, if you think about it for 3 to 7 days, you may not have to endure the pain of cold food during this period, hich is already a rare blessing. After all, he as faced ith poers from another dimension, realms beyond human reach, and problems he could not solve.

If dying at the young age of 29 is his inevitable fate, he should at least be alloed to choose a painless death.

\"ait!\" Yu Lianyun took a deep breath. he suddenly sa a glimmer of hope in her despair and noticed that a bright light as shining in her beautiful eyes. \"If my boss is telling me to return the videotape ithin 7 days, does that mean he knos ho to fix videotape problems? Yes, this is in his store. maybe the boss himself is a poerful exorcist or a demon hunter, and hat is on this videotape is inside him. of course you can overe it.”

thinking of this, Yu Lianyun couldn't help but regret and anted to give himself a big blo. hy did he have to be smart in the first place? he should not insist on buying videotapes.

Remembering Ling Ling's strange smile, Yu Lianyun noticed the playfulness in the other's smile. hat kind of evil and evil person as this boss, ould he still recycle this videotape?

Yu Lianyun took off her clothes. After my body temperature returned to normal, I felt the summer heat and the coldness of the human heart again. he iped his forehead and removed the tape from the projector, but the moment he picked it up, it stopped moving.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun thought of a ne question.

the \"blessing\" on the videotape can resist the extradimensional forces behind the strange oman's body, so she returns the videotape to her current boss and at the same time removes the \"blessing\" on her body. If you are defeated, is your purpose to return the poer of another dimension? ill it make a eback?


Yu Lianyun’s vision became dark. he seemed to have fallen into a fossil from hich he could no longer climb out. the only life-saving rope had been loered to the bottom, so they could only breathe outside of Rin for a hile, lest they suffocate.

``hat is an exorcism that only treats the symptoms but not the root cause?'' Yu Lianyun couldn't help but plain, ``A ruthless force from another dimension still haunts me even after atching the video tape.'' ho am I to keep staring at you and trying to take your life? From no on, I have to go into debt.'' Go back. do you have surgery ith your boss every seven days?”

At that moment, Yu Lianyun's distress as pletely obvious. he decides to go back to look for Ling Ling again and ask her outright.

After changing clothes, Yu Lianyun put don the yello bag containing the black video tape and got ready to go out. but the tip of my shoe as still three steps aay from the bedroom door hen I heard a knock on the door.

Yu Lianyun stopped, subconsciously grabbed the shoulder strap of the bag, and asked, “ho?”

he taped up the small hole on the inside of the door so he didn't have to orry about outsiders seeing hat as going on inside the room.

Someone outside the room said, \"hello, this is room service. e're here to add more shoer gel and shampoo to your bathroom.\"

hearing this, Yu Lianyun looked at the bathroom in the room and realized that the shoer gel and shampoo in the bathroom ere indeed empty and needed to be added. he let his guard don a bit and opened the door to the room, saying, \"okay.\" .

At first, they just opened the crack, but did not remove the door chain that as attached to the door lock. he looked out the door and sa only a smiling aitress standing there ith shoer gel and shampoo in hand. there is nothing else inside the bottle.

Yu Lianyun felt relieved. he smiled dryly and nodded to the man outside the door. he closed the door, took off the door chain, and opened the door again.

but hat Yu Lianyun didn't expect as hen this cool and sophisticated man came into the room and plained, hat kind of hotel could train such an elegant man? heard a man's voice from behind him. At the same time, I felt dizzy. In the blink of an eye, to men earing special black uniforms appeared behind the man.

\"hello, mr. Yu Lianyun. e are china's special emergency incident investigation, analysis, and rescue support organization. Regarding the ordinary incidents e are investigating, e ould appreciate your cooperation in our investigation.\" behind the man. Someone similar to him came out. the tall, pale man said to Yu Lianyun ith a smile.

on the edge of the cliff, Yu Lianyun clenched his fists nervously, just like his dangerous-haired opponent.

It's no onder you've heard of this organization. this is because this organization is called an abbreviation for an organization among people, a mysterious group, a special organization that specializes in dealing ith unusual people and incidents beteen people.

5 truths

\"I'm sorry for deceiving you, mr. Yu Lianyun.\" As if no one as looking, the aitress unbuttoned her coat and took off her shirt, revealing that she as still earing a tight black leather jacket underneath. ta. \"because you avoided us on purpose, so it's impossible.\" make this plan. ”

Yu Lianyun’s expression as unstable. After a hile, he sighed and said: “hat do you need my help ith?”

``Regarding the autopsy you and your father performed half a month ago, the body of an unidentified oman as exhumed near old Year city.'' the pale man ith dangerous hair ansered simply. I got to the core of this. he took a photo of the body of an unknon oman. the dead oman's corpse as as beautiful as ever, and her red edding dress shone like blood. \"You should alays have the impression of the corpse in this photo.\"

the pale man suddenly seemed to remember something and smiled apologetically. \"by the ay, I forgot to introduce myself. my name is he Jian, and I'm their leader.\"

In the end, the man seemed to emphasize the point, repeating tice, \"I'm 32 this year. I'm still 32.\"

\"I see.\" Yu Lianyun smiled dryly and couldn't help but glance at the boy's head, then looked at the oman pretending to be a man and the tall, square-faced man standing next to her. ta.

\"I'm Inchi.\" the oman smiled slightly.

\"eijian,\" the tall man greeted ith a nod.

Yu Lianyun nodded, thought for a hile, and said, “Since you came to find this corpse, you should also kno ho strange this corpse is.”

Although he Jia'an's hair is not healthy, she has a friendly and benevolent expression, and her face can be said to be beautiful. In a calm tone, he said, ``I ould like you to tell me about the autopsy process and hat happened recently.''

Seeing the other party's non-mittal attitude, Yu Lianyun imagined that the mysterious group of people must have caused a huge loss because of the unknon oman's corpse, otherise at this point I ouldn't have been able to discover it.

of course, in the beginning, e ere able to contact each other easily, and he took the initiative to approach us. the mysterious group had many opportunities to contact him, but they never contacted him and didn't seem to care.

thinking of this, Yu Lianyun laughed in his heart, but pretended to remember on his face, and told the three people in the mysterious group in front of him the same story he had told Ling Ling.

After speaking, Yu Lianyun secretly observed the expressions of the three people in front of him.

Li Jian looked thoughtful, and Li Yingqi briefly made eye contact ith ei Jiang beside him. their reaction made Yu Lianyun's heart tremble several times, and her mood became unstable.

A moment later, Yu Lianyun’s eyes titched at he Jia’an’s ords.

``can I tell you the real situation, mr. Yu Liangyun?'' Li Jian'an said helplessly, ``If you don't ant to cooperate, e'll do hat you don't like.''

hile speaking, ei Jiang, a square-faced man, consoled her seriously, ``don't orry, mr. Yu, e are experts in dealing ith ordinary problems. hat did you do in this extraordinary incident?''No matter hat happens, e ill not pass any judgment on this matter. ”

Li Yingqi also said this in a calm tone. \"ell, in most cases, it's the same as killing your biological father...\"

Yu Lianyun felt the hairs all over her body stand on end. he suddenly stood up from his chair and found himself trapped in a room several feet aay ith no escape. he said ith a dry throat. “You, you…”

Seeing this, he Jia'an sighed and began to tell the information he had gathered: \"Actually, long after the accident happened to you and your father, our people have already discovered the cause of this strange incident at the scene. on the surface, it seems that ay.''You might think it's a ghost incident, but the spirits of dead bodies are causing trouble, but in reality, that's not the case. there are no mysterious poers or gods; there are only paranormal phenomena that cannot be explained by existing phenomena. Science.

In the scene here the oman's body as discovered, an extraterrestrial meteorite ith a similar appearance and texture to jadeite as actually discovered. hoever, for some reason, the radiation that as present in large quantities in the meteorite disappeared long ago. It as later discovered that it had been transferred to a oman's body. Inside, e then discovered that the so-called \"yin matching ritual\" that as idespread in the ancient mountain village of Sennen city is actually very similar to a certain matrix of super ancient civilizations that channeled special radiant energy. I discovered.

In the past several hundred years, the yin matching ritual has only been successful once. It is speculated that this is likely due to the uniqueness and rarity of the meteorite.

If the ritual is successful, the object bees a medium that connects different dimensions due to the matrix that guides the meteorite's energy. therefore, the corpse of a oman ith the energy of a meteorite opens a to-dimensional indo. All the people ho have been in contact ith the remains of an unidentified oman for a long time are discovered and targeted by creatures from another dimension.

this is the first time I have e into contact ith this type of extra-dimensional animal, but judging from the sensations I felt upon contact, there is a high possibility that it is an evil and aggressive being toards the human orld. they create hallucinations in those ho e into direct contact ith the corpse, trapping humans in a certain space, and in the process sloly injecting poer into the hallucinated bodies. , sloly transforms the human body into a structure suitable for survival, and eventually transfers consciousness into the human body.

Some members of our secret team ere not used to such opponents and suffered heavy losses. No they are deeply trapped in their hallucinations and are in danger. ”

Speaking of this, he Jia'an held a cigarette ith a kind expression on his face. he smoked a cigarette ithout lighting it. \"Yu-san, is that you? You are the only one ho had the most extraordinary experience in this ordinary event. Everyone ho came into contact ith this corpse is no in trouble. Even if they are found in time and the corpse these people still couldn't find him, even after aking up from the hallucination, he still fell into endless madness and couldn't get out of himself. did.

only you, mr. Yu, your body is forced to ithstand the erosion of the extradimensional creature's poer, but your consciousness is still aake.

At first, e suspected that your body as being invaded by an extradimensional creature, so e didn't have the courage to approach you right aay. I apologize for not being arrogant or mean. this is a necessary precaution.

hoever, after observing you for a period of time, I found that your body as indeed not invaded by extradimensional creatures. therefore, e have just officially decided to be in close contact ith you today, and e ould like to kno from you ho you are escaping the grip of illusions at this time. ”

After listening to the details of he Jia'an's explanation, Yu Lianyun's inner fear sloly subsided, and her expression changed from shock to reality, and then to a mix of present and thought, as if a year had passed. .

Seeing Yu Lianyun's reply delayed, he Jia'an sighed and said to Li Yingqi: “xiao Li, please prepare and begin the hypnosis.”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun trembled, immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, and hurriedly said: \"ait a minute, it's not that I don't ant to say it, I just don't ant to say it.\" do that. I kno ho to speak. I just finished ordering. ”

Li Jia'an laughed hen he heard this. he smiled like a living buddha, but those involved felt he deserved the beating. he laughed and said, \"that's it. It's okay. Just think before you speak. there's no need to think about lying.\" , our friend xiaoei has the ability to sense radio aves and can tell hether you are lying... You should think tice before speaking, you only have one chance. ”

Yu Lianyun looked at ei Jiang, and he gritted his teeth helplessly ith a straight face.

Yu Lianyun thought for a hile and then sighed. \"captain Lee, you actually said something rong just no. there are still strange and chaotic forces in this orld that cannot be explained by science.\"

Li Jian'an froned and asked curiously: \"oh? ho about asking for advice?\"

\"Actually, I'm not the real Yu Lianyun.\" Yu Lianyun froned and said sadly, \"It's true that I am the oner of this corpse. my real name is Jinshu.\" .

the three mysterious team members froned in unison. Li Jian and Li Yingqi looked at the square-faced man, and ei Jiang ansered solemnly, \"I'm not lying.\"

6 or more

the situation develops beyond expectations, and the three members of the mysterious group fall into shock and silence.

Yu Lianyun’s eyes ere plicated, and she smiled bitterly. \"I kno it's unbelievable, but it's true... to be honest, I don't really kno ho I am right no. I'm Yu Lian, the one ho found maid Jinxiu's memories.\" Yun, or Jinxiu ith Yu Lianyun's memories embedded, I myself can't find a reasonable anser.

\"No,\" Li Ka'an said. he looked into Yu Lianyun's eyes and said seriously, \"In fact, a situation like yours has not appeared in the historical records of mysterious groups, and it is not pletely impossible to use science to explain. please, and I can make the decision, you ill have to do it.'' Indeed, it must be Yu Lianyun himself.

biomagnetic fields have memory. According to our research, mr. Yu, you are a great natural inspiration. due to the influence of the meteorite's poer, the magnetic field of the oman's corpse as amplified. Your talent makes you better than others. It bees easier to see the memories of the deceased oman hile she as alive, and it bees easier to feel the memories of the deceased oman before she as alive. this situation is similar to the setting of soul invasion or soul fusion in fantasy novels.

Fortunately, your spiritual ill is high enough that you ill not be pletely affected by the magnetic field of the female corpse. If not, your memories may be pletely replaced by the memories and personality of the female corpse. I have to say that after experiencing something like that, your self-aareness as a little confused, just merging ith the memory of the oman's corpse. this is already quite remarkable. ”

“So, am I still Yu Lianyun?” Yu Lianyun as a little confused, but also a little happy.

“to be precise, you are the ne mr. Yu,” Li Jian’an laughed, “this is both a blessing and a curse. Fortunately, after the female corpse’s personality memories are integrated ith yours, the talents and knoledge of the female corpse ill sloly sync ith you, but unfortunately, you ill gain something greater.''the ability of inspiration means that the extraordinary things that exist in every corner of this orld ill bee more mon to ordinary people. It bees easier to see. ”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun’s heart trembled. he subconsciously looked at the bag and thought to himself. I onder if that's hy he immediately sensed that something as rong ith the cabin in the forest, and also noticed something as rong ith the videotape.

the sudden change in Yu Lianyun's eyes naturally attracted Li Yingqi's attention. Li Yingqi looked at the other person's eyes and subconsciously looked at her on body bag. he remembered that hen he entered the room just no, Yu Lianyun also had a very obvious hidden bag. action

All of this shos that Yu Lianyun is also hiding other secrets.

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