

第1章 黎亚历纪(1 / 2)
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自南画廊事件以来,太阳升起又沉落了两次。ue freezer.

he thought it as a nightmare and that hen he oke up everything ould be the same as before.

hoever, hen Yu Lianyun oke up again, she found herself lying in a hospital bed, and soon learned from her grieving mother that her father had slipped in the hallay three days earlier, slipped into a a and died. It as done. he died from skin-to-skin contact ith a oman's corpse in the autopsy room. the scene as still clean and there as no evidence that an autopsy had been performed.

Yu Lianyun as sad, but still retained a trace of reason. the coldness of his body told him that everything that happened in his memory as true. he arned his mother not to approach the body of an unknon oman. , they have to burn the bodies... No, don't go into the building, it's better to burn the entire dissection room!

At this time, Yu Lianyun also felt that he as crazy, but he kne that this as the most rational and insane action.

As soon as the story of the oman's corpse came up, the mother's face became strangely ugly. he hesitated to talk, but in the end I didn't ask him hat happened that day. he tells Yu Lianyun that the oman's body has been transferred and asks her not to orry. he then loered his eyes and said that his father as cremated hile he as in a a and that he intended to be buried ith him hen he as discharged from the hospital.

hen Yu Lianyun heard that the oman's body had been transported and her father's body had been hurriedly cremated, she as not happy at all. Instead, he felt shocked and angry.

ho as it possible to have my father cremated so quickly?

And it should not be sent out, not transferred, but burned!

destroying it is the right choice!

this oman's corpse ill bee humanity's nightmare!

Yu Lianyun's crazy expression at that moment frightened her mother. he left the hospital bed for a hile and did not dare to speak. he could only atch helplessly as doctors and nurses came, pushed him onto a hospital bed, and administered sedatives. I calmed don and fell asleep again...

ten days later, Yu Lianyun as discharged from the hospital, but Yu Lianyun kne that day that she ould not e out of the shados. the black cloud of death still hung over his head, the cold mist still eating at his body and corroding his senses.

In order to survive and for the sake of her father ho tragically passed aay, Yu Lianyun suppressed the fear in her heart after being discharged from the hospital. Even though he kne that the right choice as to give up on fighting this irresistible unknon and enjoy the rest of his short life, he continued his investigation and discovered the body of an unidentified oman.

Unfortunately, there are too fe clues about the unknon oman's body, and the mirror pain she has endured is getting orse by the day. the investigation could hardly have progressed on my on.

the only thing he discovered as that the death characteristics of the unknon female's corpse ere consistent ith a locally lost infernal mating ritual, and that the unknon female's corpse as transported by a mysterious non-la enforcement agency after the accident. that's hat it meant.

Yu Lianyun also relies on his family's limited reputation and track record among la enforcement officers, and reluctantly learns from the mander of the 3rd la enforcement team that the mysterious unit that transported the oman's body is called the \"mystery group.\" I learned that it as something. these cases to deal ith. Apart from the organizational aspects of the incident, the entire old Year city la enforcement department is really passive and unable to reveal anything else.

After that, Yu Lianyun anted to continue searching for the location of the \"mysterious group\", but found that it as like looking for a needle in a haystack, ith no direction at all.

hile continuing to investigate the hereabouts of the \"mysterious group\", Yu Lianyun learned about a strange store in Yonghu ton, Itai city on the Internet. there is a real magical exorcism device here, hich says that he came here ith a glimmer of hope because he as \"very sick\" and his body could not be healed by normal means. Some people said,

After listening to Yu Lianyun speak, Ling Ling silently took a sip. he has no sympathy and doesn't seem to think anything of it. he seemed like a rational listener and just listened to the story from beginning to end. In the end, he never placed himself in any of the characters in the story.

\"boss, can you help me?\" Yu Lianyun said faintly, \"I have no basis, but I feel that I only have three days left to live. I ill soon follo in my father's footsteps.\" I had hope.

Ling Ling thought for a hile ithout nodding or refusing. he got up and alked over to the shelf and took the videotape from the cabinet above it.

Seeing Ling Ling's actions, Yu Lianyun's heart beat faster, and her heart as full of ups and dons. he felt that there as hope in hat as in Linlin's hands.

Ling Ling handed the videotape to Yu Lianyun ith a smile and said, \"please take this home and atch it.\"

“See?” Yu Lianyun as a little confused. he held up the videotape and looked at her. It as pletely black, ith no packaging and no markings or engravings to be seen.

but for some reason, Yu Lianyun felt that there as another thrill hidden in the videotape. hen he picked her up, her arms ere hairy. this slight anomaly made Yu Lianyun believe that there as something strange and mysterious about this videotape. poer resides.

``the lease period is 7 days, so please return it ithin 7 days.'' Linlin said ith a smile, the corners of her mouth curled up and her teeth hite and clean. \"It's okay if you don't give it back. It can prolong your life anyay.\" Arrived. \"

Yu Lianyun froned slightly. \"hat exactly do e have here?\"

\"It can save your life.\" Linlin smiled armly, \"Just take it home and take a look.\"

“can I just rent it?”

\"of course not.\"

“then I’ll buy it for you,” Yu Lianyun said after thinking for a hile. once the coldness in my body subsided, my brain became calm again, and my thoughts became clear, ondering, ``Is this okay?''

\"of course.\" Linlin ansered in the affirmative ithout hesitation.

``the best ay to get rid of difficulties is to face your fears. this is a videotape filled ith blessings.'' Linlin gives a black videotape to a customer in front of her ho is harassed by an extradimensional force every day. he handed it over and said, ``If it as helpful, don't forget to rate it ith five stars.''

the transaction took place on the spot and the goods ere cleared. hen Yu Lianyun left the store, the mahogany door, hich had no self-closing parts, closed by itself.

the oman put on her thick cotton coat again, as if feeling the cold again. I ent ith rims. the to evil ghost faces above the door suddenly gloed a little, and his four eyes blinked and stared at the faces. desolation is back.

``Is he back?'' Ling Ling asked the black cat as she sat in a rocking chair and stroked the fur on the black cat's back. It seemed like he as talking to himself.

the black cat looked up at Linlin and meoed listlessly.

Ling Ling laughed out loud and said, ``Even though he kne exactly hat as on the tape, he still bought it.''

“Actually, you should keep asking,” Ling Ling said ith a smile. \"obviously, it happened hile he as unconscious, but he didn't seem surprised by his father's death.\"

Evil has three qualities

Linlin has to identities. he is currently the oner of this \"magical house\" and his other identity is that of a psychiatric patient on the run.

don't orry, these guys can't catch him.

because the people at the hospital could never have imagined that missing patient number 8 ould escape through time travel.

Linlin, ho lost her memory from an early age and gre up mostly in a hospital, once caused a big problem in the hospital. he frequently engaged in acts such as provoking fello students to self-harm, orsening the condition of patients in various ays, and even tormenting staff. psychological and other behavioral shados. the hospital had no choice but to keep Ling Ling in a room as she as suffering from a lot of suffering and unbearable pain.

In a private room here no one ould tease her, Linlin started thinking about philosophy out of boredom. then one day, he seemed to have an enlightenment and an epiphany. Actually, he remembers a lot from the past. At the same time, I felt like I had formed an indescribable bond ith this hut, hich as originally in another dimension. It's as if this cabin is deeply connected to his psyche, and he realizes that if he relies on this shop, he can be discharged from the mental hospital at any time.

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