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Nian Kuang looked at Sun Zaichen and couldn't help but say, \"old Sun, this sentence seems a bit familiar. do you remember where you heard it

how could I possibly forget this sentence? \"Sun Zaichen said with tears in his eyes,\" twenty two years ago, the Kyoto military Region ordered us to break through the encirclement and head south. when we planned to divide our troops, we talked about the overall situation of the world. this was our shared dream in the past

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye for 22 years, the world is still chaotic, and the disasters of the end ages are being more and more severe. You and I are also getting old unconsciously, without realizing our lofty aspirations. we are already old, already old! \"Nian Kuai's expression darkened.

day after day, the heavy snow remained unchanged, and the night was endless and pitch black.

As Nian Kuang Sun sighed and sighed in the dust, the tragic cry not far away disrupted the occasional calm in the night sky.

Robert, you need to cheer up, nothing will happen, nothing will happen! \"the boxer hugged the swordsman and cried bitterly.

mario, I can't do it anymore. Kill me before I'm dead! \"Robert, a foreign school official, whispered in a difficult voice.

At this moment, the soldiers with guns gathered around and turned their guns to aim at the injured Robert.

mario bared his eyes and roared wildly, \"You bastards, what are you doing? Get out of here, he's my teammate. whoever dares to move, I'll kill him

the soldiers were intimidated by mario's ferocity and couldn't help but take three steps back, but instinctively gathered around them again.

mario, Robert is severely injured and will soon turn into a corpse. You need to calm down and please remain calm. Even if you help Robert, it's better to end his pain quickly. \"Li Junhao, who was holding a frowning stick, approached mario and looked at Robert with a dark face, saying in deep pain.

mario sobbed and let out a tortured voice, \"Impossible, Robert will never die. Robert, I'll use that thing with you. there's no time left, let's gamble once

Robert, who had already been infected by the x virus, vomited a mouthful of black blood and nodded with difficulty to show his agreement.

Under the puzzled gaze of the crowd, mario untied his military uniform and took out a tube of injection from his close fitting bat uniform and held it in his hand. mario then silently prayed, as if making a huge decision, and injected the injection into Robert's neck.

wang qiang saw the unique injection tube, which caused a huge wave in his heart.

what did you inject him with? \"wang qiang couldn't help but blurt out.

mario turned his head with a ferocious expression and stared at wang qiang, who had saved his life. he then relaxed his gaze and whispered, \"this is a healing potion specifically designed for zombie viruses within our organization. Unfortunately, it is only an experimental potion, and the success rate only exists in theory

wang qiang's ears were stunned, and his mood was unable to calm the tidal waves. his mind turned white and he felt a bit dizzy.

that autumn, the young man who was limping and running for his life, the hot blooded soldier carrying a mission, could only live one of them... an injection... insulator type III.

Insulators! Are you members of the world Salvation organization? \"wang qiang asked reluctantly.

mario had already injected Robert, and upon hearing what wang qiang was saying, his body immediately shook.

mario looked at wang qiang and asked with a puzzled expression, \"how do you know the name of our organization? who are you

wang qiang was thinking about how to answer mario's question when suddenly, Li Junhao, who had been guarding beside him, roared crazily, \"what! the cure for the x virus? Since you have this kind of thing, why don't you hand it over? this is something that people around the world dream of longing for! do you know how many people will avoid death if there is a cure for the x virus

mario smiled bitterly and said, \"we are all in the research stage of this kind of thing ourselves and have not made progress for a long time

during his speech, Robert, who had just been injected with the medication, trembled violently. the strong Robert's entire body showed a strange expansion, like a giant watching a floating corpse soaked in water.

No! Robert... \"mario hissed and cracked his lungs.

Unfortunately, Robert was no longer able to respond, and with his seven orifices bleeding, he had already lost his vitality.


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