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After Robert's body swelled to its limit, his skin could no longer support the changes in flesh and blood, and instead burst open.

mario, holding Robert's body in his arms, was sprayed with flesh and blood, looking like a ghost in hell.

how could this happen? didn't you say a healing potion? how could this happen? \"Li Junhao was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

Nian Kuang and Sun Zaichen both rushed over and saw such a tragic scene.

After understanding the situation, the two old coaches expressed their condolences to mario for Robert, but they were also able to accept the result in their hearts.

perhaps this is the oute that everyone takes for granted in their hearts. After all, the outbreak of the x virus is almost twenty-third year old, and if there had been a cure, they wouldn't have hidden it until now.

the adjutant, who had been waiting by the helicopter, ran up to Nian Kuang and said, \"boss, the troops have already arrived on the battlefield in cuixi district. mr. qiu and mr. Yun are waiting for you

Upon hearing this, Nian Kuang said to Sun Zaichen on the side, \"old Sun, the aftermath work here has been entrusted to you. my troops have arrived at the front line, and I need to coordinate

No problem, as the mander-in-chief of the legion, you can arrange everything. my legitimate troops have been almost disabled in this battle, and the battle on the front line can only be entrusted to you. \"Sun Zaichan nodded and replied.

Nian Kuang walked over and greeted, \"wang qiang, e with me quickly. the front line needs you

wang qiang has no time to say anything more to mario. the war is urgent, and the biggest mission is to resist the invasion of the zombie frenzy in order to protect the pure Land. Everything else can only be discussed later.

Following Nian Kuang, he boarded the helicopter and as soon as he stabilized, it started. Under the observation of the mander of the thirteenth Army headquarters, he sailed towards the front line of defense.

In the sky, wang qiang gazed around, only to see the entire city of watergate, with most of the blocks in a world of no light, and only a few blocks with lights.

In the bright neighborhood, there are dense zombie figures, looking like a vast ant colony marching in the steel forest, making people shudder.

Fortunately, the helicopter quickly crossed the sky, found the defense line of the Eastern Legion in the pitch black night sky, and landed.

As an important part of the defense system of Shuimen city, many places in cuixi district have preset defense fortifications, including rapid fire machine gun turrets and heavy firepower gun turrets. therefore, as soon as the army enters, it immediately forms a strong bat effectiveness.

the defense line in cuixi district is built on a cluster of sturdy and huge skyscrapers, divided into three defensive fortifications.

when wang qiang acpanied Nian Kuang to the battlefield, the first defense line had already been breached by the zombie tide, and now the largest point of fire between humans and corpses is concentrated on the second defense line.

there are many buildings on the second defense line, including hospitals, carrefour, department stores and other large buildings.

when the battle is raging now, a large number of soldiers have gathered inside all the buildings. Every skyscraper, every floor, and every room has bee a sniper position, and every window bursts with the brilliance of gunfire.

At night, gunfire had already illuminated the streets and alleys of cuixi district.

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