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At this point, there were not many young people left in the temporary camp, and most of them were elderly children with little bat effectiveness. the remaining people consciously gathered together to discuss the topic of \"who is wang qiang\".

who is this wang qiang? he was asked by the military to search for him. It seems that he is mostly a second-generation official who has been summoned by his father again

You're such a fool, didn't you hear me? the people need you, right? I'm not talking about you, the people need wang qiang. If wang qiang is the second generation official, do you think the people need the second generation official? In my opinion, wang qiang should be a hidden expert, regarded by the military as a super expert of hope

there seems to be some truth in your analysis, but a master at the age of twenty is still a master in seclusion. may I ask when he started seclusion

You guys are so funny

the pajama fugitive, who was bragging and farting to others on the side, finished his biscuits and ran over to wang qiang and said to the three of them, \"based on my analysis, the military is looking for wang qiang, who is only around 20 years old and has a haircut like you, my little brother. he is either an excellent fighter or has some special skills

the three of them stared at the pajama man again and again, all thumbing up and praising, \"brother, it's easy to analyze.

wang Er Ye turned to wang qiang and said, \"qiang wazi, what's going on now? I'm thinking that my immature nephew will definitely not be able to resist loneliness. If he wants to participate in this conscription, I'll have to go and catch him back, otherwise my wang family won't have a future

wang qiang looked at xiao Zhong and asked, \"what do you think

what are you looking at? I'm not Yuanfang. old xiao, I'm a lonely family and you've met a confidant even when you meet wang qiang. It's not easy to live alone in a chaotic world. old xiao has bound you, so I'll go wherever you go. \"xiao Zhong flicked his four magazine clips onto his belt and raised his AK rifle, saying.

Let's go on a trip, I have to find where maomao is, \"said wang qiang.

the three of them made a decision, so they got up and walked towards the central gate of the legion fortress, leaving a man in pajamas with a dementia on his face alone in a daze.

hey, wait for me! \"the pajama man chased after him and shouted.

what are you doing? \"wang qiang turned around and asked.

Are you wang qiang? \"Asked the pajama man.

If there were no other wang qiang, it would be me

that's it, I think it's better to go with you, \"said the pajama man.

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