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the Legion Fortress only has two exits, north and south. the middle gate originally had a gate, which was transformed into a square for easy defense. At this time, it happened to serve as a workplace for the bat service department.

the military is very meticulous in warfare, and temporary recruitment also needs to be divided into three, six, nine levels.

Soldiers with the highest level of ability receive the highest treatment, and upon being called up, they immediately receive treatment of equal strength. If you have fought for several years and are an experienced hand, you can immediately obtain mand at the battalion and pany level upon enlistment, and the troops will also be assigned names and have the right to participate in meetings.

If only ordinary level soldiers have some bat experience, they can also receive better treatment when called up. the military's weapons distribution is never stingy, after all, zombies kill one less, but such soldiers require obedience to orders and arrangements.

the worst of all are some people who make up the numbers, mostly with an attitude of making a living. Encountering this type of person, the military naturally will not dislike it. Newers roll around the battlefield and see blood, but before they die, they immediately bee veterans, and the same goes for social scum. Returning to the furnace and recasting is sparkling gold in the blink of an eye.

wang qiang arrived at the bat service department and saw a sea of people everywhere, with service offices responsible for testing and registration.

Almost every service office has a long queue, with no end in sight.

the visibility at night is not good, and due to the influence of artillery fire, the work of the bat service department is proceeding in difficulty.

At this moment, there was a roar of propellers in the sky. wang qiang looked up and saw a helicopter flying over his head towards the army fortress.

the emergence of helicopters caused a sensation, and it must have been some remarkable figure who dared to fly helicopters at night.

but the interlude was only a short while, and the personnel in the bat service department were still busy with the identification and allocation of conscripts.

what should we do with so many people? \"xiao Zhong asked.

why not queue up? \"wang qiang thought and said.

wang Erye deeply agrees.

Li bai, a pajama man, shook his head heavily.

based on my analysis, since the military is looking for you, there must be a special reception. may I ask? \"Li bai said.

It's easy to analyze, why didn't I expect it? \"wang qiang patted his forehead.

So he walked up to a soldier on duty and said, \"I am wang qiang. Are you looking for me

the soldier on duty stared at wang qiang with a silly expression and said, \"Get out of here, don't interfere with official duties here. If you accept the call, go queue up. If you want to cause trouble, I'll shoot you with one shot

Sure enough, there was a sound of gunfire not far away. wang qiang quickly looked around, but saw a mutilated man executed in the queue.

the poor guy himself was bitten and came to participate in the conscription, I don't know what this person thinks, \"sighed Li bai.

perhaps there's no way left, \"said wang qiang.

At this moment, a surprised voice came from behind: \"wang qiang! You're actually here

wang qiang turned his head and saw the female officer qiu Yuanyuan in the detention center, who was staring at him, standing not far away, looking at him.

qiu Yuanyuan also had this large group of generals and officers by her side, seemingly rushing towards the army fortress.

dad, this is what I call a master! he saved me several times on the way here, \"qiu Yuanyuan said to a middle-aged general.

wang qiang saw two Venus on the shoulder of this general, clearly a general.

within the alliance, senior officials at the rank of Lieutenant General are all military level leaders, holding high positions and wielding power.

when wang qiang looked over, the middle-aged general scanned wang qiang, his eyes facing each other. the sharp and sharp eyes of the general's flying eagle blades did not make wang qiang feel unfortable, but rather the resilient expression of wang qiang's rock made him praised in his heart.

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