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A faint light came from the location of the explosion, and the foul air in the tunnel also stirred up.

Ah, it's the way out, that's great. \"the crowd cheered.

wang qiang got up from the ground and came to the blasting hole, using tools to open up an exit. Fresh air gradually entered the tunnel, relieving the current situation of hypoxia. Everyone waited quietly for the final smoothness of the passage, and each face was filled with a look of happiness, which was an expression that could only be obtained by climbing back from the death line.

the tunnel was quickly cleared, and two soldiers and wang qiang jumped out of the cave first. they began searching and checking, and after confirming that everything was normal, everyone gradually walked out of the tunnel.

this is a cave that curves upwards, with signs of collapse everywhere. perhaps it was because this cave had existed for too long that geological changes occurred, or perhaps for other reasons, the falling boulder happened to block the exit of the tunnel, almost causing everyone to die here.

when everyone came out of the tunnel and gathered together, wang qiang counted the number of people. Except for nineteen soldiers from the city defense team, the remaining twenty or so were nobles from the lower city and guardians of Lin he, most of whom were related to Lin he, and some were family members of the soldiers. Adding in wang qiang and his team, the number is less than fifty, which is the sum of the remaining lives of the downfall disaster.

Now it's time to discuss what to do in the future, \"suggested wang qiang.

the lower city has been destroyed by the zombie wave, and everyone is like birds losing their nest, unable to find a safe haven.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but there was no suitable solution. In the end, everyone's attention fell on Lin he.

Lin he looked at everyone with a sarcastic expression, but he had not yet awakened from the shock of being taken over by wang qiang.

tell me about your early plans, mayor Lin. Escaping for life is not a temporary initiative, you are always prepared, right? \"wang qiang walked all the way to the dark, offending people to the death.

Lin he remained silent for a while, sighed, as if giving in, and slowly said, \"outside the cave, near the river, walk up a bit along the river. the sand boat is there, and we will follow the river down to the south

what is there in the south? \"xu Fei couldn't help but ask, because in his memory, this region of the south has been mentioned more than once.

Now that the city is gone, I'm not afraid to tell you. the city has always had radio equipment and satellite munication equipment. In recent years, we have received more than one message about the south. In the south, about 600 kilometers away, humans have recaptured a city! \"Lin he said.

what, the city built by humans? why didn't you say it earlier? \"many people were excited, which was nothing but shocking news.

You should know that in the past decade or so, humans have only dared to linger under the noses of zombies and live stealthily. once any movement is detected, a wave of zombies will roll over and e. countless people have proven through blood lessons that it is impossible to live openly in front of zombies.

but it's just an impossible thing, but being told today that it exists is not a bolt from the blue.

No wonder Luming is going to the south. So, has humanity made a breakthrough in the war against zombies in the south? wang qiang pondered.

A soldier suddenly grabbed at Lin he and roared excitedly, \"You bastard, why didn't you tell us such important news? It's not far from 600 kilometers, why didn't you go and join them? Are you only selfish? You should know that my wife and children have all died in xiacheng these years, you vampire, villain, bastard!\" the soldier was almost out of control, punching and kicking Lin he, pletely disregarding the former leader of the lower city.

xu Fei picked up the soldier behind himself and dragged him away from Lin he, attempting to subdue him.

hurry up and help me tie him up, \"xu Fei ordered the soldiers beside him.

but no one moved, and the dozen or so soldiers looked at them with a blank expression, without any intention of helping. And next to the warrior, there is also a person tied up, who is the warrior in the lower city storage room who wants to open the door for the living.

xu Fei shouted a few people's names, but no one moved. wang qiang knew that the beliefs of these dozen soldiers about leaders had collapsed.

A city defense team member pointed to the soldier who was tied up and asked, \"Fei, do you mean to be like him? who will be tied up next after tying up xiao Lu

Fei Ge, let go. If xiao Lu wants to fight, let him do it. Lin he, this bastard, doesn't treat us like humans at all. If he doesn't say such an important thing, it's just to consolidate his rule. we're just cheap and willing to work hard for him, \"said an older city defense soldier.

Upon hearing this, xu Fei trembled in his heart and couldn't help but let go of his hand. the soldier he was carrying fell on Lin he again, punching and kicking him.

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