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Jiang Yun was embraced by the same unfamiliar man for the second time within a day, which was a strange feeling. there is an inexplicable sweetness in my heart, like the seeds sprouting from spring rain, which nourishes the expression of closeness.

there was no time to lament how much profound meaning this almost rude embrace carried, and Jiang Yun's thoughts were startled by his younger brother's cry.

I saw Jiang Yuan suspended in mid air by a pitch black broken net, and Jiang Yuan's little children's shoes were holding their big pears and looking down in fear.

wang qiang saw that this was an artificial trap, which was usually set up for large and medium-sized wild animals. he didn't want Jiang Yuan to step on it with just one step.

wang qiang sincerely sighed, why is this onion so unlucky, why is it so unlucky? Just as he was about to turn around and rescue the unlucky guy who had fallen into the trap, suddenly a strange sound of breaking through the air came from wang qiang's ear.

wang qiang is no more familiar with this sound than the sound of blowing arrows. once upon a time, wang qiang used this type of blow arrow to protect himself in the jungle before he was eligible to obtain a gun exclusive to himself in the exploration team.

Sure enough, holding Jiang Yun in his arms, he slightly dodged and a slender wooden needle rubbed through wang qiang's body, nailing him to death on a large tree trunk behind him.

Looking at the small wooden needle left outside the tree trunk, the dark green dots caused wang qiang's fear.

be careful of these blow arrows, they are poisonous, \"wang qiang said softly.

Jiang Yun's eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and it seemed that poisonous arrows could scare girls.

with his ghostly movement, wang qiang easily avoided several blow arrows fired at him.

Seeing that ordinary means were powerless, the attacker finally lost patience. A sound of pulling the bolt of the gun rang out, and then a shuttle of bullets hit wang qiang not far in front of him.

A big man holding a machine gun emerged from the bushes.

boy, try hiding again and see if I don't blow your head off. \"the big man waved his machine gun with a hint of showing off.

You have a high level of evasion. You stand there, right, that's it. I'll shoot a few more bullets, and you dodged. I'll treat you to roast wild boar tonight, \"said the big man with a serious expression, aiming non-stop in his hand.

wang qiang felt a headache at the moment. he held Jiang Yun in his arms and was concerned about Jiang Yuan hanging in the air, while his weapons and toolbox were carried behind him. he was a human shaped container and pletely lost his bat ability.

this situation of being pletely beaten gave wang qiang a sense of a hero's end. wang qiang looked at the dark muzzle of the gun and then at the hanging oil bottle in his arms, struggling inwardly.

however, soon wang qiang stopped struggling, as several unfamiliar armed personnel with mechanical weapons continued to emerge nearby.

ten or so people pointed their jets at themselves, and everyone's eyes were filled with cannibalistic glances.

wang qiang secretly plained, with such close range and powerful firepower, even if he was an immortal, he could be directly defeated and soar, let alone a mortal body.

At this moment, the hanging oil bottle in wang qiang's arms let out a light cough and said, \"then, wang qiang, let me down. I know all these people

the lecherous wolf quickly put down Jiang Yun in his arms and touched his little buttocks with one hand, which seemed extremely nervous.

Jiang Yun's face was as red as a small apple, and she ran towards the big man holding a machine gun like a deer.

Uncle Niu, it's me, \"Jiang Yun shouted.

Jiang Yuan, who was suspended in mid air, also spoke loudly, \"Niu, you big bastard, quickly put me down

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