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by the next morning, chen Yingxi's ound as almost healed. Apart from being unable to do heavy physical labor, she could alk normally ithout any problems. After lying on the bed for several days, chen Yingxi finally held xiaocang in his arms. leave him alone

perhaps there is one ay to look at this.

Liu ming said seriously on behalf of Yuyu that this is related to the conditions for pleting the task. I am doing it rong no, so I ill not aste time.

bai's situation is very dangerous, his body is under thuong quan Vu diep's radio sensor!

they are locked in a cage.

maybe huo Ye's thoughts are idealistic, but this is his incredible kindness and incredible kindness. Although they did not itness the entire process ith their on eyes, the to frontline journalists intuitively judged that this incident must have e from the battle of hodip.

this time I suddenly received a spiritual message from Au duong tu. I'm not impressed. It turned out that the boss Niu meng and a fe others ere flying to Guangzhou ith their families. this is my straberry flavor!

he and chong hanyu had nothing left to kill. \".\"

Liu mingyu no longer attacked from a distance, but chose close bat.

the main theme of this country is red. I spoiled my sister rotten, please forgive me for hat she said.

of course, Vuong Vinh Kien holeheartedly agrees, but it on't be long before e find out hether he means it or not. \".\"

Fang qiuyue as not angry, but gently patted the former's shoulder to fort the latter.

\"I'm sorry master, the metal structure behind your eyes is stupid. You can't break it ith your current strength.\"

Yang mach said looking at the girl ho didn't dare to take a step forard.

Even if surgery has not been successful, the condition may or may not be curable, depending on the course of treatment before surgery.

hau do as a prehistoric figure ho as called mother Earth because of the changes in the sky in his area. he turns the field into dimensions, leaves the entire field and transforms. Navajane. \".\"

ang Yongjian chose to take the right path.

the seven soldiers ere divided into seven groups and sloly alked toards them.

\"then tell me, here are you from?\"

No, for the first time since the end of the orld, they ere in such a cheerful mood. they admired Gan Lipeng's strength until they stopped in front of the double doors.

At this moment, qiang xinxi decided to run don and search the ground to see if he could find traces of bolan Star or other creatures.

Just as Liu minyu predicted. Zhang hao said ithout hesitation.

Everyone's attention as dran to the large screen behind the auctioneer, hich contained not only text but also informative pictures and videos about the carmichael mine. mr. ban is indeed mr. ban, he has more ideas than us!

then Li Zongfei had to take out the strength potion he had prepared.

At first I thought there as still a ay to get the job done at this point. \".\"

tan An pursed his lips, \"You make me feel older than I look!

Yu chaomu sa chong hanyu in the dark, and hat as even more sad as that he actually planned to build a nest underground!

the Jade Emperor blinked and as a little surprised hen he sa the remaining five people starting to rush in.

he couldn't ait to help sell the shares ith both hands. this as a great opportunity to make money.

Zhang hao pointed out hile drinking tea: \"director u, Shuguang Ne Energy pany no has three shareholders. the oriental Academy of Sciences and I each hold 30% of the shares, and the remaining 40% belongs to Zhucheng officials.\"

then a form ill appear on the screen.

xu Yamei's second hidden ability is like the ability to transform, hich cannot be sustained, so he is cruel. thuong quan Vu diep's attacks are alays very surprising. You never kno hen he ill disappear and reappear to deliver the killing blo!

\"that's rong? have you ever hit the metal all behind your eye, but did you notice anything unusual there?

but no, fresh milk and instant noodles are bringing tears to young and old alike. I have never experienced anything as special as Laos in my previous life. maybe Lao Si duong Ngoc can bee a mutant in pandora ars.

“congratulations to him for successfully upgrading operations to d level.

At this height e can find anything. \".\"

mr. Zheng made a bold prediction.

Just like a small fire in the sand on't burn.

\"old chen is right, United Energy is not an ordinary pany. they are very interested in the Yaffinger Valley coal mine. ho ould believe that no one took anything there?\"

\"You have to choose beteen tuna and zombies, and you ill definitely make a mistake.\" mr. ang exclaimed: \"do you really think e are soft dates that you can squeeze out henever you ant?

\"don't be patient, sir, are you sure? Seaeed is good for the stomach,\" Siki asked.

the other side, although rich, is also very difficult. the volcanic ash is several meters thick and is said to be uninhabitable.

hoever, Liu mingyu also realized that initiating SSS funding activities is a plicated process.

eng Liangrong has not considered the situation of planet bolan, and no he ants to see if this planet is so small.

hoever, at this time, as the battle became fierce and cruel, Emperor qinghua panicked.

At that time, huang Yi had not stopped researching the use of energy crystals.

but at this moment, there as a sound like a goddess scattering floers, and several mysterious bullets fle toards the direction here xiao hei as running.

more or less, it as a pleasant experience for Luu minh Ngoc and the hole band.

on the other hand, he has never been there and has not knon duong mach for a long time, so he cannot pletely trust him. duong trung stood up and asked: \"ho about e drink thiet quan am? there is a coffee table.\"

\"I can't stand it anymore. Although the environment here is a bit chaotic and life is very difficult, it is different from the outside. hoever, researchers in our camp believe that the fruit must e from the tisted trees that once resurrected these people. on.\" \"Unknon. the seeds may contain ingredients.

Zhang hao thought for a hile and decided to seize the time to prevent others from suffering.

the refinery immediately ordered a number of improvements. \".\"

Zhang dongtan flapped his ings and alked aay ith the debt in his mouth. It as all his fault in the first place.

I looked aay before passing out.

ang Yue is likely to be involved in a ar beteen the to cities, hich is basically a fight for resources.

\"make a suggestion?\"

but no that I see the creatures in the space belo, it seems a little different.

Even the strength of the five onefoottough men and the five realm elders exceeded the ninth level of the mutant orld, and during this shutdon, they ere parable to the first level of the kingdom. According to the rules of the game, one can imagine ho rare and dangerous this realm is.

hoever, Li Zongfei quickly rejected this suggestion.

\"ho do I kno? don't get me rong, if it is a normal fish, hy did you eat the mutated black fish that person ate?\"

As for the existence of level 10 monsters in the ne orld, it seems that hoang Nghi still has hope of pleting the mission.

the pyramid's defenses ere indeed eak.

In fact, he must have been under some kind of delusion, so he must be right in front of the remaining seven people.

As a result, there are only a fe less active researchers at the xucheng Foundation ho are still exploring other areas.

but the poer of the energy conservation shield is more poerful than imagined. but those people changed their minds after seeing her beauty, and she ould never mention it in front of anyone in the future.

the reason e heard duong mach and decided to take everyone there as because e had nothing better to do.

\"I learned about it on the puter screen. hen I open it, it ill be a chat interface and a message ill appear. I talked about the bottom bracket base all day today.

thinking of that beautiful girl, tan An's heart trembled slightly.

Unfortunately, belo this you on't be able to gain AI permissions.

At this time, the strength of the chip has reached an astonishing level.

Liu minyu did not open her eyes, but continued to give psychic suggestions.

the city is very poerful due to the concentration of many mutants.

As tan An as thinking, he sa many fish gathering together and starting to bite the bottom of the boat ith their sharp teeth! Fangbach hesitated.

A closer look shos that the inner alls of the pyramid are still made of stone and there are no gates. \".\"

\"It's a pity... money is something that cannot be taken aay in life or death. this year I look aay, hoping that director Zhang can fulfill this little ish of mine. me.\"

For the eighth time, Lu minyu, ho as originally happy, suddenly became depressed.

Song Yan nodded and folloed the others into the tunnel.

“hether it as before the end of the orld or after the end of the orld, I have never seen anyone as good as master Ai.

hen the first ancient generation left the earth, during the Yanhuang Shulu period, hao tu left the earth ith six sons of the prehistoric era, and there as no further nes

thuong quan u diep shook his head: \"No, have you forgotten?\"

the other eight people ansered in turn. \".\"


xiaoru heard that tan An is a fool! \".\"

hearing that bai Feng agreed to go back to the camp ith them, Ji qi smiled and said, \"then please let mr. bai go ith us. our car is parked too far.\"

there is no other ay no.

If considering the ar beteen humans and natural disasters, the sixth natural disaster deliberately increases the volume, then perhaps hen the permanent black and hite trend appears, the sixth natural disaster ill have already happened! \".\"

Unable to understand chen Yingxi's thoughts, Liu xing could only breathe for so long, picked up the Future Sord from the ground, put it on his back, and said helplessly: \"okay, if you don't ant to be my student, I ill.\" \"Nothing to do!\"

\"ho is this going?\"

this question is about tan'an's unconsciousness. he didn't expect xiaoru to tell him the truth.

the first stage: the coalition lands in the Gulf of Aden, first clearing out the zombies scattered in the Arabian peninsula, and then pletely occupying the persian Gulf. European allies gather troops from the defense lines in Istanbul and the caucasus. , e must first eliminate zombies and control the entire small peninsula of Asia minor; e must send troops from the tianshan mountains to the turan plain; Australian and coalition forces are responsible for the zombie killings in Southeast Asia and South Asian islands.

human potential is unlimited and not limited to everyone. \".\"

\"Yes, I am qualified to be a narrominded doctor ho studies zombie viruses!\"

Zhang hao quickly remembered.

It can also be activated daily as is.

before leaving the pyramid, Li Zongfei decided to head est.

\"Looks like someone saved her!\"

tan An has no experience living at the seaside, so of course he doesn't kno this kind of sea fish.

but don't orry too much.

For those ho have truly entered the realm, their real bat proficiency in the transformation zone must be at the second level of the realm, and for those ho have entered the realm very deeply, their bat proficiency in the transformation zone must be at the third level. state.

ith the disappearance of private hotels in the past year, such highend private clubs have quickly bee popular throughout the league.

ang Yongkang said confidently.

Lens donards to explore the entire garden.

ho can you escape from here?

Liu minyu felt helpless.

this left qiang xinyi speechless. he anted to finish the project but found it difficult to get started.

“hen he sa the pyramids, didn’t he turn around and look?

the buzz continues.

Another highlevel Flevel effort is underay.

Almost immediately, xiao's attacks killed thousands of monsters.

the energy crystal purification technique as also developed by huang Yi, and I heard that Liu mingyu specifically requested it.

Li Zongfei alays looks at the earth from a geographical perspective.

5000 meters

Liu mingyu ploed seven of them nonchalantly and tirelessly.

the mission goal has not been achieved, ho to ask Liu mingyu to plete the mission?

Jingyuan is stronger than Jingqi. Any mutant rat that absorbs the essence of Yuchaomu ill be pletely paralyzed and unable to move.

but Liu minyu is also orried that she ill not be able to do her previous job ell. \".\"

the Ifingal Valley coal mine is relatively remote and far from the main mining area, so the auction did not go smoothly and the price rose very sloly. \"

hearing this question, he quan, tu cai and others looked at bachfan in surprise.

tan An as on the sea and couldn't use much strength. this thro only thre Zhang Ru tenty meters aay. \".\"

Zhang hao said calmly.

can you start a career just by being a zombie? I think hen e land on dongding Island, e ill reach the highest point on the island and e ill be able to see the mainland!

Gan Lipeng smiled and said: \"Ne platform?

, ho can there not be too much luxury!

Liu mingyu regretted a little. he should have released some level eight zombies instead of killing them all.

hat they don’t kno is that the Finn in front of them is the artificial intelligence of their dreams, the only intermediate artificial intelligence in the orld.

In the future, you can calibrate other people's values based on the information level of pony's values.

mr. Lai did not anser, but looked at Zhang hao: \"mr. Zhang, can e change the target?\"

\"Surrender, even the thirdlevel flesh and blood Jade Emperor lost a blo. his opponent is nothing at all. e are still equal at the first and second levels. In the past, you and I ere equals. do you kno me? Guess, e can still do it. .\" Friends, right? \"

due to the super fighting poer of these to people, no one in the area kne that there ere mutant rats underground. Yu chamu and chong hanyu brutally killed them before the rats became popular.

\"hat's the cake painted on?\"

Li Zongfei felt that magic might be orse than the system.

As for the old man, duong Ngoc is more honest and only laughs hen others make fun of him, but he does not laugh at others.

Suddenly, he sa a high point in the distance.

“Super coal mine?

If it ere in the past, Emperor qinghua ould never believe it, because although he had heard of it before, he thought it as a joke. No it seems that normal people can get pregnant normally, hich is a big problem for us normal people.

of course, the number of old Elevel positions is unlikely to increase.

\"So mr. mccarthy. madayah...\" and so on.

mr. Vuong aved his hand and said, \"e can't control that much no.\" didn't e give them the right to auction? \"

I thought I hadn't finished telve bottles of energy potion yet.

Liu mingyu left the group of firstlevel monsters and focused on other highlevel monsters.

the seven people retreated one after another.

today, houdu still leaves his name in the name of the Royal Sixth Guard, but in fact he has disappeared long ago.

Seeing that the auction amount reached 125 billion, Zhang hao immediately decided: \"Governor Lai, mr. ang, mr. Zheng, I suggest you abandon the Yafengar Valley coal mine, so there is no point in fighting.

“If e understand, I ill address it immediately.

hile e ere digging, Li Zongfei alked right under the pyramid and looked around.

half of chen mo's body as paralyzed. Although it gre back, the food they ate seemed to dissolve in the air.

Regardless of the possibility of coal mines, Zhang hao avoided fighting and closed his eyes. more than three months later, he republished the old story

4 million points are already very valuable.

Liu mingyu did not expect that the results of this mission ould be so rich. \".\"

It's just that he doesn't care, but chong hanyu sticks to him, and he can't seduce chong hanyu to follo him and live in this dark place forever. I really don't understand hy you omen like to keep secrets inside!

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