

第7章 后记2322.21.12(2 / 2)
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No Liu mingyu does not expect a super high pletion rate.

ei pengyi not only summoned Liu mingyu, but also summoned many other ghost beasts. \".\"

hen tan An ignored xiaoru's question and told him she as fine, he as relieved, then stunned, because hen had he started orrying about this girl's safety?

Li Zongfei looked at the hite iron all behind him, ondering hat kind of metal it as made of.

huo die as like a slo-paced boxer, hitting hei's body ith a knife on his back, body, and blade. An energy shock ave floed through hei's body, and hei's body made its on milking sound, ing from all directions. !

hoever, the risk of failure remains.

If Luu minh Ngoc ants to run it from a script, he can also run it directly. \"As he spoke, he stood on tiptoes, rested his head on du Fei's shoulder, and looked at xu Yamei ith sad eyes.

Unfortunately, no matter ho hard I try, ne things never e.

moreover, the gun in his hand belongs to him. Every shot ill cause serious damage to the zombies!

the estern part of the pyramid cannot be explored, but there are three other viepoints.

ho to build level 11 zombies?

Yuzhe upgraded multiple ships, including speedboats and small boats. Each ship is arranged in a different direction. Some are more suitable for extending lifespan, some improve defense capabilities, some increase attack poer, and some increase groth speed.

mr. ang agreed immediately. \".\"

“Not only that, I heard they built a base and a tall castle.

Ignore it and activate the ne task no and it ill be pleted immediately.

he is a little taller than hen he ent to Yu Shaomu. the eather is arm no, and he has not knon the underorld for many years. tan tan is earing a long-sleeved dress, long pants under the skirt, and a knife belt on his leg. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………this is hy hook dared to exchange dipper bach’s life.

“ould I be angrier if I couldn’t fight ith it on?

the first Ne Year after the curse as spent in xiaoyan, but the end had just e, and none of them had a very happy time.

\"they propose large-scale operations against the Asian zombie hordes this inter and next spring, and their plete elimination before the summer.\"

No matter ho he seeks revenge, he must survive first. If he couldn't fill his stomach, if he as hungry, Zhong hanyu ould have starved to death before he could avenge Shen Lan. Li Zongfei's attention as focused on the strange pyramid at his feet.

Liu mingyu's height change is no exception. \".\"

tie Fei as a little afraid of the people on this list at first, but hen he heard that duong mach kne ponyo, he bravely sat next to duong mach.

ei pengji felt that his chances ere too lo.

then the E-level mission is likely to kill level 1 special zombies.

No matter ho bad life is, there is nothing better than this. No matter ho bad life is, can it get any orse?

hoever, I kept thinking that the mission of the request system as to rescue me from the planet tarang.

obviously, xiaoru must have the same divine sord skills as xuantian's on body, and his skill must be stronger than xuantian's true body.

this seems to be a reasonable explanation.

After the to greeted each other politely, they sat don separately.

“they plan to do this in to ays.

In the current situation, e can only consider plete failure. \".\"

he explained: \"Your husband folloed us from xucheng and didn't e back until e reached the first ton. If it ere you, I ould be very suspicious.

hen created in the future, these zombies ill be in a very healthy state.

Zhang hao smiled softly and suggested: \"doctor ang, do you ant to eat seaeed?

I rented three ards on the second floor, here chu du and Lee phuong phuong lived.

thinking of this, tan An suddenly felt cold all over. hen he looked don, he sa the only pair of underear he as earing flying in the air! \".\"


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