

第5章 后记3723.01.30(2 / 2)
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or ait outside and see if a level 1 zombie appears and maybe you can activate the mission. \".\"

\"mom, here does the happiness e from?

the platform can be created freely.

Instead, he said to bai Feng: \"master, please sho me your medal.

before virtual reality technology is idely promoted, you can use this time to make some money.

this sixth-grade turtle is the size of a basketball.

because replication and real-time timing are not linked until the system is further upgraded.

At present, except for the eighth-level zombies, there are no other eighth-level zombies on hand.

Yes, someone flipped the bat and proceeded to hit three or five zombies.

At this moment, he and xiaoru ere sitting on a rugged rock, hich as the highest point on the island. hat else could it be!

Jiao Liqian is a dead horse acting as a living doctor, hoping to find a solution. \".\"

As he spoke, tan An covered his body ith his hands and ran quickly to the high ground in the center of the island, here several houses had been built, probably by the guards there. In front of the office! \"the problem raised by ee ee, no matter ho you look at it, it as huo diep that solved it.\"

but hen it es to the stiffness and elasticity of silk threads, black still has a long ay to go.

might as ell be hite!

hat matters most is hether the lie is exposed. Even if e ait another month for \"Alien battlefield\" to be released again, nothing ill change. I read in \"Animal orld\" that piranhas only exist in rivers in South America!

therefore, although Yu chaomu as angry at chong hanyu's abuse, he could never absorb chong hanyu's essence.

Yes, that piece of clear glass is stronger than imagined.

Use Lu bu to continuously create lo-level zombies, and in this ay constantly refresh the mission.

but Liu minyu as also a little strange. hen he first started the mission, he should have been active in the villa by himself. hy didn't he do it later?

After that, henever she got the chance, ponyo ould e and dance ith him, hoping to get some food from her benefactor. All that's left no is to put a seven-layer energy crystal into his body. \".\"

You hit him because he anted to e out, because you thought he anted to e out. \".\"

Song Yan's voice as lo, even releasing all the breath in his body.

If there are changes to the search system in the future, the daily search list ill be updated at 8:00 am on Saturday.

Either ay, unless I say no outright, he'll probably try to ask my permission. So it's unclear hether the mutant fruit can save those overhelmed by the smell because it's so inaccessible. hy don't you ask? my sister is one of the four ar gods in the base.

Zhang hao turned over the license plate ithout hesitation and added five billion in one breath: \"Seventy-five billion.\"

Facing the attacks day and night, I have one less and one more.

\"Yeah, I'm also surprised that they gave up so easily. did e make a mistake?

Li tongfei told the remaining eight people: \"they should also help.\" Remember to attack very hard, using only your hands and feet. \"

\"okay, let's go!

No look at u Shaou, he started to cral into the turtle shell. It as obvious that he had been seducing her for a long time and anted to cral out of the turtle shell.

the reporter saved this photo, in hich the young man's back as torn open in the bloody de, his dress as torn and stained ith blood, exposing the horror of ar.

You kno, Liu mingyu's current strength is considered to be the highest, and he has also specially learned the art of mind control.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen cuts ere made. huo die shoed no mercy. the bright sun, moon and inter moon disappeared from huo's hands into the void, so fast that they could not be seen by the naked eye! \".\"

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \"I ill definitely buy it. brother ma is from Shenzhen. It shos that he attaches great importance to design. Is it really that expensive?\"

\"Even if the fundamentalists themselves say they ill ake up in ten days, you can stay ahead of our camp and hen your friends ake up in ten days, it ill not be too late to do so. Next step. Also hat's the matter? besides, chong hanyu also loves her very much.\"

the to looked at the medical equipment around them, including different types of human tissue vials on the research table, as ell as test vials of different colors. ang Jiale as earing a cold mask, and his cruel eyes made them nervous.


hodip and his party ent don the mountain to follo the soldiers. Seeing that the danger as over, the reporters naturally blocked the outside of the park to see if they could get any hard nes.

mr. Vuong actively took on this task: \"this job ill stay ith me\". our Zhengei group has cooperated ith local aspirational groups to a certain extent in the past, and many experts and teachers also kno about it.

tough toughness and poor defense beyond anyone's imagination.

Images of several large animals are carved under the iron railings surrounding the ironorks.

ei Shuangxiang decided to produce points to support energy filtration technology.

\"Is it fair? the Allied Forces, European Allied Forces, and Australian Allied Forces have reached a consensus and are currently in contact ith the military council. they hope to establish a human joint mand to integrate and coordinate ith the strength of the human military to conduct effective global campaigns.

hoever, before retreating to the pyramid, Shiro disappeared and his exact location as knon.

Li Zongfei descended from the sky and sloly approached us and Liu mingyu. \".\"

Liu mingyu nodded and replied: \"the seventh-level tuna zombie said that the preparations ere destroyed and the experiment cannot be repaired as soon as possible.\"

“can I live there for the rest of my life?”

metal shards exploded in the sky. \".\"

donnie Yen nodded and looked aay ith a sad expression. \".\"

ang Yongjian as slightly moved and took a closer look: \"the market value of the Yafingal Valley coal mine is approximately 140 billion.

Li tongfei asked: \"ho is the situation over there?\" hen the incident came out, do phhi as not embarrassed at all, but ent straight to the topic.

\"Governor Lai, tell me the truth, is there going to be a civil ar? their faces don't look hungry. on the contrary, they smile and talk and alk aay.\"

hearing Zhang Ru's ords, tan An as very angry and said arrogantly: \"You are not alloed to say any more!\" currently, pregnant omen face the risk of miscarriage and heavy bleeding.

Improving performance revies means improving performance constraints.

If the energy crystal ithin the zombie's body is pletely destroyed, the zombie ill also die. the ind carrying the smell of the sea ble into tongding Island. It as the first time for tan An to see such a fragrant smell of sea ater.

So hat happened?

the population of ater zombies is groing so rapidly that artificial intervention is required. From a distance, tu A may noticed that do Fei as paying close attention to the scene, but Au duong as not. xu Yamei's mind seems to be stronger, but there is a heavy price to pay for xu Yamei's advanced healing.

So Liu mingyu screed up and did it right aay.

No matter hat, be patient. herever you can go

special zombies. “thuong quan u diep responded immediately to hock diep ithout delay.

Indeed, although xiao Liqian kne that this as himsical and that his strategy as indeed himsical, Li Zongfei only summoned Liu mingyu's seven people.

Luu min Ngoc gradually brought related branches up the technology tree.

hodie's vision recovered. he ent to the place here hodie disappeared, but there as no trace.

\"congratulations on pleting the E-level mission: Flying Fish crisis. I gained 50,000 experience points and 20 mission experience points.\"

\"congratulations on obtaining the SS-level meteor skill.

\"It's so easy to fool to people!\" said a beautiful blonde.

Also, he seems to be very good at dealing ith Ngu chao mok. Although it as dark, they ere all alone, ith no one else around and little noise.

Suddenly, thuong quan u diep said to hoc diep: “Stop!

the sand and stones continued to roll, and acpanied by the roar of the Jade Emperor's rain and ind, a huge tornado as formed at the same time. the tornado covered the sky and the sun, and the ind as so strong that the black ind roared and could be seen at a glance. the thick sandstone gives off a cool glo.

Everything in that orld as perfect, nothing as perfect or inplete.

I as in no hurry to get closer to the metal platform, but kept an eye out for anyone familiar.

Especially the people on the chinese rankings think very clearly.

Yes, Lu mingyu shoed off the technical level of energy crystals, including the purification technology of energy crystals.

Governor Li shook his head: “this is not an invisible fire, that’s clear.

hen Lu minyu returned to the villa on Earth, she heard the system prompts in her ears.

In the short term, first-order energy crystals are still the dominant crystals.

this as a great meeting.

the hite light as very dazzling, but Lu minyu and others could still see hat as happening outside.

the mountains in the desert are of course very undulating, and the positions of the remaining seven mountains are constantly changing. then I said a fe ords to the person inside and hung up the phone.

he did something rong and killed the other party.

this mission makes it clear that he ants to save the people of planet ave. \".\"

\"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you e or not.\"

they no lie in the asteland of the afterlife, the only ones ho kno hat their daily lives are like. then there’s travel and lots of things to do. I don’t ant my early journey to happiness to end on my deathbed. You are annoying and late to our schedule!

Your login count ill disappear. the next time you ant to log in, you'll have to ait until next month.

Shoot at zombies. \".\"

bachfan raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that as uglier than resentment, and said: \"hat's rong ith a person of this caliber?\"

Nhak xa looked up and sa a house next to it, but it as empty and no one as there, so he asked: \"did you just e back?\"

huang Yi looked hopeful. \".\"

despite being fully prepared, ang Yongjian as shocked. In fact, this is a huge project that can burn money, ith investment funds reaching hundreds of billions.

Liu minyu shouted: \"Stop playing, kill me.\"

Although it is difficult for the black mole zombie to understand mengbai, he must plete his first goal.

Later, hen Li Zongfei encountered a tangible chip all, he couldn't help but use the poer of space to break through it.

No the system only asks for this, hich means the query has not been successful yet.

hen duong mach came to school, he sa insects being cooked to feed the hungry. the bad smell as still in duong mach's mind.

my posterior pyramid does not. ho?

miao Jiaei did not acpany Yu Zhe, but as moved by Yu Zhe outside the small house.

Everything seemed so strange.

Among them is tie Yiming, ho has no entered the battlefield. this is also the first time to participate in a battle of this scale.

Liu mingyu nodded and said, \"It's okay. the surgery can be performed safely. Let's arrange it as soon as possible.\"

“the expedition program is divided into to parts: an Asian expedition and a South American expedition.”

\"It's best not to. Some of the targets are female celebrities and the petition is fierce.\"

he quan as stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he cursed: \"damn it, hy is your ife pregnant no? You don't ant her to live?\"

only those ho have independent thoughts, independence, and the courage to live can survive.

hen asked hether the seven-man attack as effective, pang Kongyue as not angry, but sa the general situation of the pyramid.

Since receiving the spiritual skills, he has been studying very hard, but no the spiritual skills have gron very quickly, and they seemed useless at first.

the sudden change before his eyes made he die dizzy. the poer is suppressed in the hand, and the attack seems to be poerless, but there is no one around!

the distance as not three meters, but an insurmountable distance.

ater zombies evolve relatively quickly. \".\"

\"No, it as just an accident...\"

ang Yongjian laughed loudly: \"Sir.\" Zhang, don't orry. You must kno that e at one plastics are engaged in the energy industry and are no strangers to controllable nuclear fusion.

this is the conclusion of most of Liu mingyu’s current ork.

After xiaoru fell into the sea, qin An quickly jumped on the five-meter boat, prepared to fall into the sea, and activated his teleportation ability!

but no, dying in the Revolutionary ar, they had pletely lost their health.

during the pause beteen attacks, Liu mingyu vaguely noticed that the bright light on the inner alls of the pyramid had disappeared.

Faishensch ent back, ever vigilant in a casually protective manner. he kne the poer of the orange archer's rage, hich ould kill anyone if it frightened him. \".\"

hether he can successfully deal ith lo-level zombies is related to improving Liu mingyu's pre-programmed level, and Liu mingyu is very orried about this.

Unique and poerful, after this blo, the Jade Emperor fell from the sky, vomiting blood on his face. the energy of this blo did not disappear and continued to tear at his entire body. After a fe breaths, in the blink of an eye, the Jade Emperor's entire body collapsed, and his limbs ere \"torn apart\" by the poer of his fists.

he screamed, then grabbed a zombie ith one arm, pulled hard, and then his head fell off.

\"ell, I just received a call from ang Yongjian. he asked me to apologize to you on the phone. he made it clear that he did not take any action after seeing us, so...\"

mr. Zheng chuckled and said, \"It's so hypocritical. only a fool ould believe it.\"

“ell, the best option no is to break up, before they are surrounded by everyone.

I'm sure if I'm lucky tomorro I can continue my search.

\"In the medium term: the American coalition, the European coalition and e ill return to the Iranian plateau, and then together e ill enter the Indian subcontinent; the Australian alliance ants to land in Singapore and control the malay peninsula.

this trick is only suitable for thuong quan Vu diep ho likes to hit the ball ith one shot, so thuong quan Vu diep is the first to master this trick. At first he thought he ould use this move in the mid-range game. Inter - colonial Studies, but no you're aesome!

Although the base is said to be lo, the height is actually not very small, about to meters.


mr. ang looked at the sign and said, “chairman Zhang, are you really optimistic about Yafenggu coal mine?

ei Fengzhi admitted that before he had the opportunity to obtain the SSS-level skill card, he had no chance to obtain the corresponding abilities.

Is another faction in \"Alien battlegrounds\" really controlling people? \".\"

hearing he quan mention the ord abortion many times, bachfang as a little amused.

then he threatened Shanlan and almost escaped death!

the broken tentacle hit the operating room floor heavily. he as the only person seriously injured in the battle.

tang Nan as a little confused. he didn't kno hat these to people ere doing, but he didn't care. Increase experience value by 100,000 points!

moths from large infected trees fly an average of five thousand feet, so if the aircraft has good climb capabilities it is safe to fly over five thousand feet

the current Emperor of heaven, Zheng Yuhuang, is the strongest person in the heaven. he is deeply entrenched in the royal family, and the underground poer is greater than the poer on the ground. this is hat eiei and the photographer ere thinking at this time, but in the end they also sa the battle in the hoc diep disaster. \".\"

“I’m getting older and I stay up late a lot, so my performance isn’t as good as younger people.

Apart from the lingering love beteen lips and teeth, he had never interacted ith her, never forced her, and had no plans to gro further.

this isn't a question, it's just rubbish. Governor Li smiled reassuringly and said: \"e must trust director Zhang's professional knoledge. I hope he ill not let us don.\"

chen Yingxi turned her head angrily, like a girl, ith an angry look on her face, as if she as about to cry in the next second.

but nothing changes, except the desert continues to turn green.

Search penalty: 50 million points, 500,000 search experience, and an SS-level skill card. \".\"

Next to tiu mack is mr. mack. mr. he, in his thirties, ears glasses and looks kind and smart.

King Godzilla defeated huang Yi in a highly tense situation.

Governor Li suddenly asked curiously: \"hat's the reason?\"

It as a collaboration he had thought of earlier. Even if VR games are released quickly, they take a long time to go online.

“they did it once this spring.

Luu min Ngoc thre the to men to the ground before returning to the steel factory.

\"So our plan remains unchanged. Even if it costs more, e ill defend the coal mines in Ifingal Valley. our bodies have magically increased in size, our strength has been greatly enhanced, and e have infinite poer. our bodies are here.\" \"e are strong and unyielding.\" ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Liu mingyu hesitated for a moment, but after an hour of constant impact, the bodies of Li Zongfei and the others had lost most of their strength.

Everyone is familiar ith the concept of artificial intelligence. once a product is labeled as artificial intelligence and verified, if it is indeed artificial intelligence, the product ill indeed explode.

the project data used for evaluation does not have to be plete data but can be simple data.

Exotic animals are rarely seen in the dialectical Garbage dump, and humans live off their excrement, so the oners here are a bit like an old-fashioned band of beggars.

hoever, the problem is still not solved. they believe that hoc diep's killing as rong, and the real ay to kill as thuong quan Vu dich ho disappeared quietly!

If she is a little eak, Liu minyu doesn't feel that she is insignificant. Zhang hao asked immediately.

to of the gathering places are strong.

You kno, it is said that hen reborn in the abyss, even if the body is purified, hich is the ninth level, it is still invincible.

but Au duong folloed him to a distant road in the villa area. tu A. my suddenly couldn't see him anymore. he looked around in disbelief and alked cautiously along the dark road. my older cousin?

ho is this going?

of course, this could also be done by selling artificial intelligence, but that's clearly someone else's job and not one he readily agreed to authorize to rite this article. In Kyle's battle, once you enter the third stage, you can obtain seven monster orange eapons to fight. \".\"

ang Yongjian said proudly.

Sitting here, looking to the est, you can vaguely see the mainland and the sunset.

of course there are some triggers that I don't kno about.

xiqi reached out to the guards guarding the door of the hospital and asked them to help bai Feng take chu du, Li Fangfang and di Jie to the hospital.

the orst part is that there are quite a lot of zombies in the sea, and you on't aste much time killing the designated zombies.

the fourth-level energy crystal that originally took half a month as pleted in only one day, and the technology of the tenth-level energy crystal has reached .

\"mr. peng, I... I feel like this place is like a foundation. did you... take us to the rong place?\"

Young master u stepped forard and patted mu tantan's head, his long hair spread behind him. In the bright sunlight, his hair as soft, shiny, and slightly red.

but there is nothing around except the stunning pyramids in front of you. \".\"

the atmosphere suddenly became unfortable. In tran Anh tay's arms, tieu thuong closed his big round eyes and turned his head to look into the eyes of the to men. \".\"

qiaolu smiled and said: “Everyone should have a secret!

\"don't regret it. If you successfully acquire the shares, my shares ill only be a fe percent, and my influence ill be very limited.\"

“So you have to agree, right?

Is he a level four zombie?

but it still can't be like this every day.

maybe it's because china is not a small eastern country. Are you an outdoor retirement enthusiast?

Looking toards Li Zongfei, he happened to see the pyramid at his feet. \".\"

At first, the level eight sea zombies ere relatively leisurely. Relying on a series of vehicles outside and planting explosives inside, 30,000 to 50,000 zombies can be eliminated. \"mr. ang as suddenly startled.

donnie Yen stood in the room and looked at the missing traces of mud on the statue in confusion, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, ho are these people? \".\"

manbach as dressed in hite and alked sloly ith a rare smile on his face.

It really does the job. \".\"

he looked at Zai xia, and a dense ring appeared in his field of vision, dense like a huge net.

but either ay, you need to give it a try.

Shanlan came to Z Red olf Valley on the outskirts , encountered disasters one after another, and as trapped in thirty-six locks!

Unfortunately, Liu mingyu failed to plete his mission. \".\"

\"Right or rong?

No matter hat kind of zombie it is, it can be the same.

A fe days later, Luu min Ngoc checked his copying system. \".\"

\"brother, is there any case for this? humanity's technology is no relatively mature and can simulate pandora's signal [baidu]. the stupidity of insects is to use signals to allo them to rise and fall safely.\"

Luk thuy ha quickly looked around. \".\"

\"No, they don't dare insult us, this place is named after them. the first target as metal, not coal.

before entering the \"Alien battlefield\", Liu mingyu rechecked his various attributes and skills, as ell as the prepared equipment.

but hile I'm looking for zombies, another mission begins. \".\"

ho can you not love duong mach? he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. \".\"

Vuong shakes hands ith Vinh Kien. but the telve natural disasters are different. the telve natural disasters are disasters in hich elected officials act as disaster manders and can control life and death and local las. , the door can be opened at ill. According to records, a long time ago, more than a dozen natural disasters occurred in many cities, and the era suddenly and quietly declared \"freedom\".

If he leaves the capital, takui ill die on the spot.

It as the emperor ho as beheaded. \".\"

“hat is the expected oute?

Although people are not accustomed to smoking this tobacco, smokers ill rarely find a cigarette that already contains Jd. of course, he didn't care about quality or taste.

this time, duong mach really hopes that the people here are as brutal as the rumors and bring him trouble so that he can progress.

boss Niu dong reached out to duo Fei: \"Lao San's vampire bride is so smart, Lao San screams like crazy every night.\"

hoever, Li tongfei felt very embarrassed at the time because he as still in a hallucination. \".\"

tan An laughed: “before the end of the orld, I alays anted to open a restaurant!

but there is one difference, that is Luu minh Ngoc can control all the clones here. If the other party does something rong like reverse translation, the AI here can destroy it on its on. the other party's artificial intelligence is in my home in Zaoshi.

please go to the designated area as soon as possible. mr. ma xiao paused and asked: \"mr. Liu, ho much does your pany's artificial intelligence license cost?\"

ill he really return to the edge of chaos like Zheng hanyu? hat if he doesn't e back?

\"this is rare, this is rare. Young people noadays have both hard and soft personalities. For example, my brother spends a lot of money, and his food expenses are tens of thousands of yuan.

No one ants more money, right?

hodip still had no vision and could only hear the sound of bullets hitting metal, and the explosion didn't look that scary!

people upstairs screamed in fear, making louder and more dangerous noises.

As the mall system changed, Seng eed found it difficult to buy hat he needed.

the steel platform in the middle is not protected by an energy shield like the inner steel all.

\"e over.

before acquiring the tenth-level energy crystal technique, he seemed to kno the art of refining stones.

the higher the mission level, the more mission reards you get.

Linus is getting smaller and smaller.

he as in so much pain that he hadn't been able to sallo the rat gasoline for a long time, and no he as so hungry that he couldn't even sallo the gasoline. \".\"

before Lu minyu could speak, Lai Longmin shouted to the to brothers next to him: \"brother Lai Longmin, if I don't do a good job of guarding the gate, ho can he be my brother? I on't e here. Another group of brothers in the evening ill arrive.\"

“hat should I do if I almost fail?”

the Jade Emperor and others belo looked at the sky at the same time, and looked shocked hen they sa the golden blood all over chen mark's body selling. You're a doctor and you don't kno ho to test.

Yan qing IV!

he as already excited before he heard hat Li Zongfei said. \".\"

pushing Liu xing out of the room, chen Yingxi closed the door and shouted: \"take your hamster in!

And the impact is small.

perhaps the conditions that triggered Zeng eide's activities have not yet been met.

mission requirements: Kill to hundred large flying fish. ill you see fire clouds at sunset this inter?

but hen Luu min Ngoc Ne orld camp arrived, I suddenly remembered the instant sound of the system in my ears.

there are thousands of raths in the mortal realm, vast bloodline poer in the transformed realm, flesh and blood regeneration in the ancestral realm, immortal bodies in the ancestral realm, and demons in the realm.

Shen Yanjing looked at to skill cards and to auxiliary cards.

For example, Li Zongfei and others.

to blades are quickly cut to form a indproof blade netork.

but apparently I've tried it underground, and there's a ay to explore closer to the eighth floor. \"Lu bu finished seing the first blanket and said to Zi Guixiao beside him.

Given hat e're going to see no, that's at least seven other energy drinks per person.

Space energy? regret!

Although the size of a planet is much smaller than that of Earth, it could alays be much smaller, right?

So Liu minyu couldn't hesitate. \".\"

the loer the altitude, the less you can see.

but no the orld has changed, and they have no ay to adapt to another orld. they are still trapped in this orld, thinking about eternal death every day.

he struck hard, but as stopped. \".\"

the strength of the seventh-level tuna zombie is not eak, but the effect of the first-level energy crystal is still relatively lo. In a orst-case scenario, grade eight tuna could be chosen as a test subject. After struggling for more than an hour, e finally sa it. the hole park. No let us see here our brave arriors are. No you only need to cross a tenty-kilometer ateray to enter the sea and enter phuoc hai province. It shouldn’t be too far from an Guoqing, right?

“many international organizations quickly dried up or disappeared, such as the orld bank, orld trade organization, United Nations, olympic mittee, International police organization, International court of Justice, etc. Some international organizations, such as the International Environmental protection organization, still exist. Violence also includes Some active organizations, such as the orld health organization, Red cross, crescent and other Red Societies, international organizations such as UNESco, as ell as the centers for disease control and prevention, extremist religious forces, sects, mercenaries, international organizations, the orld Food organization and agriculture and other organizations

huo die froned. he as not in a good mood no. he anted to say: \"hat am I doing? Are you okay?\"

the third child couldn't change the topic, so he said to du Fei: \"take good care of your daughter. there are no rules. Not all omen are useful.\"

[nail! \".\"

my body has been strong for so long, and no I must be going crazy ith hunger . , .

dufei measured the time after the change. the total time of the change as 4 minutes and 16 seconds, hich as much longer than the standard 3 minutes. It can be seen that the actual impact of blood relationship on everyone's skills is different.

ith his back to qiu Suran, Liu xing as speechless. he didn't kno hether he had lost his memory or as influenced by the young Liu xing. henever night falls, he is alays orried that qiu Suran ill be scared. then he couldn't control his heart and ent upstairs to sleep ith Ku Suran.

If it’s too little, you’ll be the only one ho suffers, and you’ll have no funds.

A girl of unknon age, about thirty years old, ho looks very young. \".\"

Although the zombies on the earth are still not contained, a small number of zombies have been dealt ith.

the pressure to activate high-level tasks is relatively high. hat time is it? Saving the country and trying to survive is no the top priority. Everything else should serve this purpose. No one or anything is an excuse. Let's go back and find a good investigation team to investigate further. I believe the truth ill e out soon.

before Liu mingyu could confirm xiong xian's needs, he directly asked huang Yi to destroy huang Yi's tuna surgery zombies. Zombies are afraid of ater because they are surrounded by ater on three sides, so there is no need to build alls. As long as the est all is built facing the direction of huc thanh, it ill save time and make it easier and safer.

today, may you all clear aay the chaos of the previous day because it’s the Ne Year!

Liu mingyu and his team dug day and night, but still could not enter the interior of the pyramid. “then he left ith a mischievous smile.

After shaving tan An's hair, the to ent to find a branch and some grass nearby. After ing back, he immediately put the food on the table, and then tan An ent back to the house to find something else. Finally received it after using it. A bottle of ine and some fuel.

\"ho far behind e are pared to you!

Instantly young!

but the idea is just an idea.

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