

第108章 阿尔卡迪亚(1 / 2)
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清晨6时,根据杰克推理布莱克可能行踪,我与史密斯small队前往东南岔道进行追踪工作。 ept this as my last gift. I have never given you a present.\"

Aria suddenly thought that because of God's evil ill, she could see her mind not as an illusion but a vision of the future, and that she could understand the changed future.

hen chi che stretched out his infinite fingers, infinite light came out.

226 Starless Night

the night is dangerous in Su xia's orld. because it is not a peaceful place, the sky and the stars are not the same, and the sun that illuminates the orld is not as beautiful as the poems and stories.

this is the black sun, the god ho created the orld and created Su xia, the \"one truth.\"

hen the darkness of the night es, the creator ill ake up from his deep sleep, and e to feed the stars, and make the hole heaven a table, and he ill sallo up all the stars of the sky, and they eat. one true God, you are united. It's the same thing every day, and for the residents of Suxia, it's a mon sight.

And in this realm of thought, all the people of Susha have a piece of metal ritten in their hearts: \"don't look at the night sky, the sky is crazy, don't look.\" In the black night of the sky, the fool ho lives in the sky is salloed up and bees one of the strange things that roam the earth, only love knos this crazy night from the books, it is not pregnant in the sky . If you look into the darkness of the night ith his eyes and he does something stupid like this, it's not love.

\"ell, isn't that sad? the dark night sky has a special charm that fools even the gods of the dark sky. that's hy the night is dangerous and has hidden 'secrets.' Su xia came from the crazy ill of heaven.\" the person ho spoke naturally as a familiar person to ill. Firelight, it as night.

there ere many more people dressed in black robes, all chanting ords that sounded like mantras.

\"to me, 'God' is scary. I don't ant to kno hat ill happen if I look at it directly.\" Love said, ``Aria, you might only see people like that.''

\"You can't do that, can you? ho put me on earth as a spirit of heavenly ill mixed ith human nature? \"one, you can do it, can't you? I.\" \"three bodies, hose characteristics contain a universal library that has not been created at that time. that's hat you love. Aria stood aay from the rest of the body, sat on the ground, and looked up. , crazy heaven.

In fact, he did not feel the madness of the sky, the darkness of the sun that salloed the stars made him feel like his on.

this strange and uncertain situation sometimes appears in his mind, but if God really created the orld, then everything belongs to God, and this feeling does not seem strange.

Arya looked out into the starless night, took a deep breath, stared at the gate, and atched the gods fly through the gate into the orld. they ere all scared, it as dark and there as no ay out. A god ith such a name challenges even the \"strange forms\" of this orld.

but this orld is very bad, bad but not terrible.

\"So it's impossible to get out of here. the only ay to escape is a place called ouan. So, you see? here es the 'god of the dead', the creator of life. destruction. God is here again.' ' Although it had no magic poer, it as only a manifestation of God's poer. ``but oen prevented outsiders from entering, and he never alloed mystical poers through this door, no, forever .''If God is poerful, then surely it ill be revealed, but it is not enough. people like us can live.\"

\"but first, e need to find the 'key', the driver of the Kanagellion. the Kanagellion can only travel beteen to orlds,\" said Love, \"but that... It can be used artificially. No, even if it succeeds. does calling on God really help?\"

\"I don't kno, I'm not like that.\" Arya picked up the book of magic and took it, returning to her human form after some time. celaino's beautiful Girl as one of the first six books to be banned. ``but that's hat celaino thinks. there is no hope, no matter the phone call or the management. In fact, maybe... the first six times, e called. \"

\"At least this time he has passed the expert.\" So he looked around at the black men around him.

\"besides, they are all members of the Shub-Nicolaus order. No matter ho much priest they are, it is against the rules to borro someone from the church and summon a supernatural deity. If that is the case at this time. If I fail, then...\" \"I have to run for his life.'' Alia said earnestly, ``So, love, it's good that you give me hope. A poerful man in Vanyu, like It's sad. As a priest of Nicholas, And it has the poer of the Six Forbidden books. No.''this is really a problem.

Aria had to have the courage to laugh, but she seemed forced to do so, and it as difficult for her in this other orld. Apparently the ise sky caught me and ill be back soon.

only daian, the great land of the gods, the only pure Land.

At that moment, the starlight pletely disappeared, engulfing the entire orld. Aria looked up at the sky and stood up ith a sigh, \"Alright, everything is time, time. A night ithout stars.\" because e really are. , the the magic of summoning a god begins. \"

people sing together, they also sing aliya songs, and as priests of Shubh Nikolaus, he also balances and balances the magical poers. In a starless night, the magic of the earth and sky is very poerful, but behind that poer there is a foolish purpose, like the ill of a god. A special poer brought about by the sacrifice, floing through the magical poer of the Great Source.

the test of the ill of the soul is strong and severe, if Arya ants to make such a sacrifice, it can only be done three times, three times the godly one ill destroy his ill and destroy him and his soul. be a part of the opposite sky and onderful orld.

\"Kanagellion, Kanagellion\" the people shouted, the poer of the subgroup created through the sacrifice reached its peak, and Aria sang, knoing that the time had e. And he opened the door of all the kingdoms and called them. In fact, Kanagellion as a god ho traveled from place to place, so if he couldn't find the magic to summon the God, there might be bad consequences.

magical poer is changing and it feels like something is happening ith magic, but it is still in the beginning stages and success is not guaranteed.

then there is the door of creation, the door through hich the gods enter this orld. If the gods do not allo entry, the entire offering ill disappear. According to different gods, there are different doors that need to be created. .

Aria is created from the poer of these parts and produces special magical poers. he didn't kno that. hen the elders fully e to the orld, it ill not be easy to leave Su xia. destroy all districts.

In fact, at this time, the universe and the orld are in chaos, and Arya has not yet felt God ithin himself.

his mind seemed to be racing, his fingers ere moving perfectly, his muscles seemed to be contracting, and his skin gre like hot scales. this is a type of pain similar to changes in the body.

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