

第104章 二神之兆(2 / 2)
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A flash of light broke through everything, and a rainbo-colored hand larger than Aria's appeared behind her.

he clenched his fist and aved at beshibut.

hoever, hen beshibut used magic to teleport it, it disappeared before Aria's eyes, her hand fell and broke before her eyes, and all the buildings she sa turned into ruins.

cracks in the ground look like caves that lead to holes.

there is no light, it is full of darkness, and if you fall into it, you ill surely collapse.

tiberius reached out to Aria and raised the remaining hand.

his poer generated miraculous poer, and its strength as enough to destroy any obstacle.

Aria came over and closed the lid.

bessibut's devastating aim continued, and a hirlind of destruction passed through Aria, hitting her cheek, but it did nothing but send her hair flying in the ind.

Staring into the stranger's sleepy eyes, she extended a slender finger and pointed at him.

After that, the other husband seemed to be attacked by an invisible force and fell like a heavy stone falling from a great height.

\"You think I can't do anything just because of boxing and kicking?\"

Aria as very cold this time, it seemed that all the harm that had been done to her before had been released.

he created a god spear ith one finger, and the beshibutsu fell straight don.

\"You damn oman, go to hell.\"

A scorching magic ray speed from beshibut's mouth and hit Aria on the head. If it hits, even the master on't be able to chase it don quickly.

there is an invisible all in front of Aria, a all that cannot receive any attack.

Even beshibuto's ultimate magic poer could not break through the barrier.

hen the light hit the barrier, it pletely disappeared, as if the magical poer had disappeared.

hoever, it appears that this all is not strong enough and Aaliyah is hit in the face.

he stretched out his right hand and spread his fingers straight, a magical light shining beteen them.

\"okay, that's it? Indeed, the past has raised many expectations. Since you are the eakest of the Anticrosses, I give you tito's death. La.\"

\"--true testimony.\"

Something dark and tisted appeared in the formless orld, and although e couldn't see it, everyone here felt that something terrible as ing.

Aria sings, she sings in this time and space, she sings the song of the outer Gods.

the sound is great, but the animation itself is pretty terrible.

this is a musical score designed to make people hate each other.

the ater demon's soul seeks something greater.

\"In the tomb of Lule, the eternal sleep of cthulhu aaits you in your dreams.\"

Aaliyah recited these to lines after singing Nightballer.

the night has e, the orld is destroyed, the stars are destroyed, the sky disappears, and everything knon to man is changed.

\"once upon a time there as a great snake in the orld. It as asleep, alays sleeping, aiting in the dark to ake up.\"

\"time passed sloly, and nations appeared one after the other in the size of a snake. Each dimension as a star field, and the boundaries beteen dimensions ere black fields.\"

\"And beteen them there are nine dimensions, called the Nine Realms, and this orld is knon to men as Atrium midgard.\"

\"this snake, its name is cthulhu. It is said to be a snake, but hat e see is only hat e see ith our eyes, and hether it is a real snake or not a snake. ill be\" . \"

\"hen cthulhu aakens, the serpent-infested civilization ill end.\"

\"ho's the manager? here's orochi?\"

\"here? No, if cthulhu is a snake, then e are only stones and can only obey the ill of heaven. the evil god is heaven, and no one knos that Azathoth has 'great knoledge.' I don't kno.' And it's very difficult to determine hat the orld is.

the previous conversation took place in Nia's bookstore, and all of this story takes place inside the book in Nia's hands.

\"So, manager, here did this book e from? Is it a poerful magic book?\"

\"No, it's not a book of magic, it's not a book of magic. It's just a book of stories. but hat's ritten here is from the past to the end of the orld, hat's changed and hat's stayed the same .”, No matter hat you do, the choice, the choice is alays in the story, the future after the choice is also in the story, and the outside and fate ill e.

\"e can solve these philosophical questions, but e still don't kno hy things are the ay they are, manager. If the orld is like this, hy does it have to be?\"

Nayako's hair danced.

\"the evil gods create clones like us for things they don't understand. For something this big, let's start ith the unknon.\"

Naya laughed and thre the story in the fire.

\"manager, hat are you doing?\"

\"You don't need to read an article once because it's useless. If you kno ho to rite something, you'll never read it again.\"

the picture book pletely turned into black ash in the fire.

Nanako regretted her ords.

\"but I still ant to see him.\"

\"I don't think you read anything like that, because you're too tired after seeing it.\"

Naiya cried.

the scene shifts to the villa of the transcendental Federation, hich is plagued by nightmares of the evil cthulhu.

\"but this is not just a dream; it is the dream of God and the truth of man.\"

the ater demon's poer as burning ith flames.

\"don't think this is the end!\"

tiberius's machine God is 70% to 80% damaged, but he still controls the remains of the machine God ith his magical poers.

hoever, before this terrible damage, tiberius as captured by the mechanical hands of the red flame, tiberius's existence as destroyed, and even his magic book as destroyed by the red flame.

this hand as the hand of the Great demon King, but this hand floated in the air and as only one hand.

hoever, the demon Slayer still had the hand of the old sage.

\"that's good. the dirty beast has arrived. Let's clean up no.\"

Under the big car is a bearded man ho looks like a thief.

It's like Kuro-chan.

\"hen e first met, I as an evil Ravencla. Goodbye, miss demon.\"

the red light came out again and shot toards Arya.

the all appeared again, but this time it crashed into the red light, going through the barrier and straight at Aaliyah.

he fights using his physical abilities and his magical poers.

cro used the Kuruma God's hand to stop it, the magic poer that destroyed the demon chariot could not damage the hand, and hen the magic poer hit the hand, a heavy sound rang out, hich shocked also to babu. there are still scratches on the armor.

\"Really? ell, you don't deserve to break the mirror. It's an evil force that doesn't even think about it. You're the eakest demon, stupid and ugly. You don't deserve to exist.\" mom disappeared. And die.\"

the divine spirit machine hit Aria, and a rainbo-colored hand came out of the area and they fought, but the rainbo-colored hand as cut off suddenly.

\"Raven? Seeking evil gods? that's arrogant. do humans also seek evil gods? that's strange.\"

Aria scoffed, her face contorting in anger.

\"ho cares? You killed my sister.\"

\"Sister? You mean the one-ay mirror you shared ith your sister? Are you really crazy?\"

cro shook his head as if he had no choice, and the arm of the spirit machine directly folloed the opponent.

At that moment, Aria felt a connection to the blood on her hands, but she didn't kno hat it as.

but he felt he could, prevent it.

he stretched his right hand forard and blocked the demon's spear ith his thin hand.

that's hat I thought, he asn't hurt, but the look on qro's face seemed to understand hat happened and he asn't surprised at all.

\"ho ironic. his only hope of killing the gods as finally crushed by the poers of the gods and turned into a clone of the evil gods. hat could be more interesting than that?\"

the cro laughed, and he really laughed.

the magical poer that passed through the motion of the cross as poured into the god's arm.

Light is the only magical poer, and it creates a flame that seems to consume everything.

A strong heat as released from the engineer god's hands, and you could feel a burning sensation hen you touched it.

but hen Alya felt this blo on her on hand, she as pletely touched by God's hand and she felt no pain, but a arm feeling.

In the next moment, I felt the pain of my soul being torn apart, and the divine poer of the ater demon disappeared, and I as destroyed by the hands of the Ghost eapon God.

\"You cannot use the devil to destroy you, but you can take out the evil poer ithin you.\"

the demon cro vehicle controlled the god's arm and made Aria's body stand up.

the evil god's magic poer continued to drain, and as destroyed by the magic poer used by the demon god, making its poer even eaker.

\"hat kind of poer is this?\"

\"God ill destroy the full poer that exists to destroy you (evil gods).\"

but oning a eapon represents this inpleteness.

the raven had no such poer no, but as Arya as aakened, he thre the mirror shard to the ground and stomped on it, making a loud noise.

the sound reached Arya's ears, and she screamed as if she had been transformed from a human to a beast.

pletely devoid of pride and human civilization, he became like a ild animal and used his strength to break through the alls of God's hand.

Stepping on the demon car ith God's hand ithout feet, he alked on the ground on all fours and faced the cro.

Right in front of qro, qro lunged and punched Aria in the stomach.

then he chased him again, took his magic gun, and read the name of the evil one to his enemy.


A magical bullet shot out of the gun that froze everyone, and although Arya dodged it quickly, the bullet hit her and injured her left leg.

Sno hite's footprints ere frozen, as if placed on ice, so no blood floed from them.

the blood as like ice and the pain as so bad that my hole leg had to be amputated.

his left leg as amputated, the bleeding as stopped ith magic, and he lost his life.

It is then attached to the blood system using temporary magic to keep the blood moving.

ith magical poer, it is not difficult to fly through invisible environments, even if you lose a leg.

Aria stood there, the pain relieved a little, and used her magic to restore her left leg and push the broken joint as she anted.

duke meng looked sad, as if asleep.

\"Forget it this time, Karga, but next time, I'll kill you. of course!\"

\"If I can, I ill do it. If the evil clone god kills me, it ill also prove that I am a human of this level.\"

Raven seemed confident, and it as safe to say that the thought of losing to the evil clone god never crossed her mind.

of course, it's a joke hen Raven defeats an evil clone that serves the purpose of defeating the evil god.

Aria's behavior changed and she disappeared from everyone's eyes, it seemed that her dream as over, but not just death.

the space that became a dream naturally returns to its original state.

All the animals disappeared, and the buildings that had turned into distorted creatures returned to their original forms.

hoever, in the ruins here the dragons transformed, they did not stop living, they ere still the same as before.

the atmosphere of battle still hung over the place, and Krang stared at Sno. because of the spell given to him during the ar, he couldn't see Sno, but no he could see her clearly.

that's hy Elle's ords ere so surprising.

\"Yes, you are.\"

200 shots

the person in front of Kuro as a colorless demon named Evil hunter cro, ho looked exactly like Kuro except for his clothes and hair, especially a god-armed spiritual eapon. In the left, like the great isdom of the devil, there is no difference.

Kuro didn't kno hy, but the strange thing in his hand alays felt familiar, this cursed demon as more than just a cursed color. I think Kuro should kno hat it is. one thing.

Jiuro clearly heard the anguish of the screams caused by the curse, and felt a strange atmosphere beteen a ghost and a eapon.

It may be rong to say this, but the God of magical eapons is full of sadness, and the God of magical eapons himself has a bad mood.

hoever, it as different from the disfort of itnessing God's evil, and Kuro anted to say something, but hen the ords came out, he couldn't say anything.

qro's eyes ere very sharp, like knives. hen Kurou looked at qro, he could see the pain in his eyes, but this intense look didn't bother him, there as nothing in his eyes. No cros to be seen.

the cro laughed, and the magic inside his body rang out, and a strong circulation of magic took place in the air, motionless, like an explosion. It is a very strong and poerful force that oppresses and destroys, and the current Kuro cannot resist it.

In battles beteen magicians, Kuro never flinched for a moment, but before, even against such magicians, it as easy for Kuro. Go as far as you can.

he does not ant to participate in this \"secret\" at all, does not ant to enter the secret orld.

but Juran changed his mind hen he realized that there as no freedom, no ay back to a place of peace and tranquility, and that his evil deeds ere abandoned.

\"that scene as great, but I hated it. I hated that scene. I struggled ith that idea at the time, and that's hat it did.\"

\"this time and space is one time, one chance to kno everything.\"

\"For example, let me take your place.\"

the sage's smile as very sad on his face, and the madman inside his body also ent mad according to his ill, since Kuro as the target, he definitely felt this aura of madness, no hidden evil. no. too bad for me.

Juran has many questions and ants to kno the ansers, but before he knos hat is happening, Jiuran claims the Great Guardian demon bender and stands in front of him, standing in front of him.

the behavior of cros also shos that there is no problem ith the distance beteen them and the family.

ith a strike like lightning, the giant body of the demon slayer sage fell back.

clasping his hands, cro stepped in front of the demon Slayer Sage like lightning and hit the demon Slayer Sage directly in the arm.

\"Y-did you kno that before? of course, it means nothing if you're not strong!\"

the cro's magic eapon did not use the poer of the gods, but continued to attack as its body as filled ith magical poer, attacking the nearby giant demon soldiers like a hirlind.

the famous sage demon Slayer used extraordinary techniques to counter the cro's attack, and the battle as like a beam battle, ith sparks flying as if due to electric shock.

dark cro unleashed at least 50 kicks in an instant, like a bolt of lightning that tore through the stars in the sky, each one of them had great magical poer, an attack that could truly open up the orld.

the demon slayer's body also activated its ultimate function, and the movement of the holy spirit machine rose to an extraordinary level, making it capable of blocking types that moved quickly.

Raven's kick as so fast that Raven as able to react.

hoever, the oner of the murderous demon seemed to be able to predict the opponent's situation and prevent it in advance, and no matter ho quickly he tried to prevent cro's attack, the ater type as finally stopped. .

hoever, even the Great Sage of the demon Slayer orld as able to block cro's punch pletely flalessly as a demon eapon god.

the traces shoing the demon Slayer Sage and the amount of magical poer lost shoed that it ould not be easy for the demon Slayer Sage to resist like this.

Kuro, the sorcerer, can sense the loss of magic poer, not to mention El, the heart of the furnace. Elle's loss hurts more than Kuro's.

hoever, Elle tells Kuro that even though she has lost so much of her magic poer and is reduced to meaningless acts, she never ants to give up.

\"hat are you doing? hy do you ant to quit?\"

Kuro didn't anser, so Elle took the poer to kill the demon.

In the blink of an eye, cro's moment came, and like lightning, cro's hand hit the loer abdomen of the demon Slayer corps, and ith a loud sound, the holy demon Slayer corps attacked again.

due to the effects caused by the magic, Kuro as also removed directly from the console, transforming him from a izard to a normal human.

\"hey, is that so? It's not that I lost consciousness. I think I ran out of magic poer, right?\"

Elle finds Kuro unconscious, and after using her magic, realizes that she asn't hit like she thought, but that the situation as caused by the magic's poer.

\"that's not true. this is hat happens hen a young izard aakens to the poer of magic. hy is it shoing in your eyes? You're definitely not a izard.\"

\"Even if you're a muggle-born izard, you have another fairy blood in your veins. It's impossible to go back to the magical blood of an evil god. but you don't have that. Never.\" , right? \"

Elle didn't kno hat happened to Kuro, but no as not the time to think about it.

the momentum of the United cros did not stop, and the impact of the lightning continued, and the body of the old sage demon bender could not ithstand the strong blo and collapsed.

\"hat do you ant!\"

Finally, El as speechless, and a child-like voice came out of the demon slayer's speaker, and upon hearing this, cro stopped kicking and stood in the air, looking at the old demon slayer. I lost the strength to fight.

atching demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, the magic poer of the cro is not as terrible as it seems, it is a poer that people must have, and in fact, this kind of magic poer is as strong in the past. God, can one control the cros? this is an important question.

but no matter hat, Karasu's magical poers are no his eapon and he kills his enemies just by knoing it.

hoever, only cro himself knos hy he stopped attacking and hy he trusted his on body instead of using the poer of the ghost eapon. .

Elle no longer resides inside the demon Slayer Sage because she knos that there is no point in inhabiting the body of the demon Slayer Sage hen the magician is unconscious and his magic poers are gone. .

It's useless if you're a magician, but if Elle, the center of the magic furnace, is still alive, Elle's magic poer, hich is alays expelled from the Great Saint's consciousness, ill be fatal.

ith that, Elle came out of the Great demon's body, stood over the Great demon God, and looked at Sno.

there as no sign of mercy in his blue-green eyes, giving him an evil and pitiful look.

hat Elle knos is that she is not a demon influenced by God's evil magic, nor is she a mage dedicated to evil, nor is she a itch of cursed poer.

this is an ancient god.

Elle knos that this is the poer of \"righteousness.\"

\"Elle, it's been a hile since I've seen you. I've been aiting for this moment for a long time. I miss you, Elle.\"

\"don't tell me, but you really are a eirdo. Your magic poers are not yours.\"

Elle realizes that the poers Raven uses are not hers.

\"So here did your magic book go as a izard?\"

Elle also sa that this magician, ho could summon demons, did not have his on spellbook.

Its magic poer is so strong that it can activate poerful magic, and ith that magic poer it can even summon the Kuruma God, and no matter ho you look at it, it is an existence that doubting Elle's lo approval.

\"hy don't I kno you? I kno you better than anyone else, Elle, all my memories are repeated countless times, so it's impossible to forget, dear. It's impossible to forget your face or your voice .''Your smell, everything about you.


El looked at his face and returned in confusion.

El has no holiness. Very fe miracles have occurred since El, ho became the old God, left this cycle, hich meant the end of all miracles.

there is no infinite time, so there are no miracles from God. In this cycle, hope and miracles disappear.

the modern orld exists only in this space-time, but the cros are a life here space-time is merged. It has the poer to destroy evil gods.

of course, you can't fill the rest of the space here.

this is because cro's personality as pletely destroyed in this battle ith the God of destruction, and he could never be revived.

It as a miracle given by an external god, and even if an evil god couldn't do it, it as a meaningless miracle.

\"Yes, it is round, but it takes a long time to understand hat this orld is, this time and space.\"

cro stretched out his right hand and called out to Eli, and for the first time, the stupidity disappeared from his face.


hoever, these ords prompted Elga to approach Kuro again.

\"Yes, I am Kuro (Kuro), Kuro Gran, Elle, and your master and izard. You are my magic book, and I am your izard.\"

\"Look, this is a good ay to kill a demon. e back, El, our god of eapons.\"

Elle's eyes fell to her knees, and as if by magic, she did not regain consciousness.

the cro's right hand belonged to Airu, and Airu oke up among the skinships.

Suddenly, Elle ithdre her hand, jumped to the side, and fired a spell from her fingers.

the magic hit the cro, and the ind created by the magic enveloped the cro.

Elle sighed and looked at the ind-covered mourning.

he heard the sound of the storm tearing, and the air surrounding qro split in to, and qro's magic ashed over him.

his magic does not harm the cro, nor does it break the spell's protection.

At first, Elle thought a poerful spell ould hit her.

hoever, Raven didn't move at all and looked at Elle ith sad eyes.

Elle couldn't understand hy someone else as doing this to her, or hat he as doing to her.

he didn't say anything, remaining innocent of meeting qro.

Elle told herself that all these ords ere nonsense from the mouth of a careless fool, and that she didn't need to remember them.

Elle didn't need to orry, and she didn't need to orry.


\"please don't call me by my name.\"

Elle as unable to fight back and as shot directly by a magic bullet that turned into magic, but cro had magical defenses.

\"don't orry, I on't hurt you.\"

\"It seems so obvious that you are casting a spell that confuses me. hy do you even have the decency to say something like that?\"

Elle looked at Raven, but of course the man had no conscience.

he did not stop, but thought about his negative feelings toards idols.

Such memories, such despair are born at the end of space and time.

A orld attacked by the evil god of luck, bringing more despair.

Are those things and those memories real?

It's not true, if it's true, if it's really happening, ho are you here? here do my memories e from?

the orld is not like that, my life is not like that.

ho could a Vortex God of destruction, an alien god aakened from the end of time, exist if they didn't exist?

Elle cast spells and incantations, but they ere all stopped by Raven's magical protection.

do you not accept it or refuse to be it?

cro tells El hat he thinks.

he had to reject it and reject this idea, because he himself did not believe in it.

Unable to believe such despair existed, and unilling to admit such despair, El turned against the cro.

El Azif's original goal as to eradicate all evil in the orld, so he didn't have to refuse cro's invitation.

Fan Zheng has the ability to make his goals a reality, and cro's magical poer turns out to be more poerful than he thought.

If it as the opponent's magic book, its ability to destroy the evil god as unmatched.

there is no reason to give up. If Elle continued this futile mission, there as no reason for her to give up. that reason never existed in the first place.

despite hearing this, Elle refused, but the reason as that she refused to accept the memories revealed by Raven.

\"Are you glad you messed ith my memory?\"

\"Are you kidding? No, I'm not messing ith your memory, Elle. hat I'm shoing you is that everything e have is yours, Elle, then take it from me. please take it.\"

As Raven said, El also sa him in his memories, he sa him before dying in battle and changed all his magical poers to make it a memory.

If you listen carefully, you ill notice that there is an indescribable curse running through Elle's body.

So ho strong is my head? the poer of that curse as not like the poer of today.

do you ant to give other people such amazing magic poers to play ith you? Elle doesn't agree, but she believes.

I cannot accept such a future, I ant to reject it, I ant to stop it.

\"Yes, my thoughts are the same. I ant to end this misery. I can't think of anything else. God, that's my goal, Elle, that's hat I thought before. .\"

\"then please my friend. In this case, you may have a chance to understand the purpose.\"

\"If you follo him, you ill not in. he is neither a 'god' nor a 'devil' no. In this chaotic orld, there is no hope for cros or old gods these days. they are all the result of chance.\" Accident and the chain of corruption that continued during the time of Nyarlathotep. \"

\"I don't understand, I don't kno hat you're talking about, but even if you ant to leave your magic and join a more poerful one, you can't.\"

\"because I'm a magic book!\"

the destructive beam that reached the peak of his magical poer turned into a long sord and fired, attacking the cro.

the sord of light destroys everything, devours the sky, devours the earth, and the ater that destroys everything falls like the light of a star.

qro released to fingers and reached for the flashlight, but he actually reached for the flashlight ith his middle and middle fingers.

the scattered magic did not damage cro's fingers, and the sord of light could not move forard.

It as originally a magic sord, but it as made of iron and looked like a poerful sord.

\"It's a trick to enhance simple magic.\"

qro said sloly, but it as very difficult to use this poerful magic to transform the enemy's magic into a living being.

this does not prevent the ability to claim other people's magic as your on, and certainly not light magic.

El stopped the meaningless release of magic poer. the sord of destruction also disappeared ithout a trace.

qro sa that Elle had abandoned her plan of attack, he said ith a smile.

\"Feel this kind of attack. this magic is truly yours. Even the magic others cast on you cannot match it. this kind of poerful magic is unique to you.\"

\"Your magic can't hurt me because your mind is unstable, so called magic...\"

\"It uses the mind to control the emotions. It bines a passionate spirit ith magical poers to guide and transform them.\"

``hen the mind is disturbed, magic naturally shos signs of confusion.

\"El, your attack is clear, your mind is confused, and you already believe it in your heart, right? All the magic you heard is proof that there is no ay forard, that you It is a strong- on proof that e cannot continue.' ' I can find no reason to refuse.\"

Raven as very happy and sure El understood the situation and understood hat it as all about.

but Elle is more crazy, and the magical ater is like rain, but it is all stopped by cro's magical protection.

there as no ay to hurt cro, but it made cro realize.

\"ell, it's impossible to understand ithout destroying everything you stand for.\"

At this moment, qro's voice as not quiet, and there as no pain in his eyes, and a kind of light came out of his eyes.

Elle also realized that the man in front of her as confused by his on madness, just like the demon named tiberius as confused by his on madness.

but the difference is that the broken targets are different and the magic poers they contain are also different.

but in fact they are all the same, and the first one is more useful than mon sense.

Elu never anted to be around anyone ith this problem.

\"Leave us here for no. Next time you see El, please stay by my side.\"

\"don't think about it, let's dream.\"

Elle's anser as also decisive.

201 Innsmouth

this altar seems to be located in the deep sea, filled ith the smell of fish and unbearable aves.

In the middle of a damp, dark space, a statue of a god is placed, like a statue that increases the height of its believers.

but it's definitely not a robot.

If the reason is that those ho orship idols are not really human, then they bee strange and ander before the altar, and although they are called half-fish, not many of them. .

this is especially true because of their large eyes and lack of glare.

the \"mermaids\" torture many omen and chant extremist magic ords in R'ley's script.

A man near the altar sa the panic and smiled.

the man as a middle aged Shinshi man earing a hite shirt and shirt.

he is an inappropriate character, ith a smile on his face, but his eyes are cold and do not ant to see this evil.

his name is Vespasian, he is the leader of the black Sanctuary and one of the members of the Anticross.

\"can I trust you?\"

Next to the man as an old man ith a slightly fishy face ho seemed to have changed into a human.

his body seemed to be burning ith karmic fire, and his voice seemed distorted, making it difficult to understand hat as being said.

Needless to say, such voices do not seem to be deep in immortality.

the most important explanation is that this old man ith half a fish changed his voice.

\"Actually, you don't have to think about anything. our research is perfect and it's as safe as going out to sea in a big boat. I ant to do that too, even if I don't have a boat. You can go to the beach safely.\"

the old man ith half a fish didn't seem to hear anything.

\"but hy do you ant to help us as a citizen? hat is your purpose?\"

his vision is sharp, and if you are a criminal, your true nature ill be revealed under that vision.

hoever, Vespasian innocently faced the old man's half-merloc eyes.

\"the reason is plain and simple: the God e orship and the God e invoke are like you. Yes, because e believe in the same God, e are citizens. e need to help our brothers. .?\"

half of the fish seemed to be trapped, and even if I anted to get up, I couldn't say anything at that moment.

of course, he probably just took Vespasian's ord for it.

\"doesn't it hurt everyone to call someone 'God' even if that person has different goals than you? You can achieve your goals, and so can e. \" e can achieve- ot our purposes. Such a good thing is in-in. ''2. So there's no reason to give up, right? \"

Vespasian continued, this time half his senior, finally nodding his head in agreement ith hat the other party had said.

(Is he really the fish he seems to be? If so, there is nothing more satisfying than sacrificing yourself for God).

(of course, everyone belo me is stupid. No matter hat your goal is, I ill fulfill your ish.)

All good non-human animals have their on plans, but ho gets there first depends on ho they do it.

\"hy are you in the sea at this hour?\"

\"mr. big cross, you're still our employee, so mr. big cross, you have to stop the protests in Innsmouth, isn't that your job? It's my job to talk to you. job, hen? I count my reard, I look like an angel.

the person speaking as a beautiful silver-haired oman ho as the same height as Elle, and her black and hite hair ere her main characteristics.

\"mr. Lurie, mr. big cross, I am so poor that I have no money to eat. It is better not to talk about payment.\"

(hy do you think men shouldn't have silver hair?)

After thinking for a moment, Jiuro naturally left.

on the other hand, according to Elle, there is absolutely no interest.

\"Kuro! ho long do you ant to distract yourself? this is not a safe place.\"


Kuro as startled by El's scream and lost his balance, falling next to the plane.

the silver haired girl's smile as so exaggerated it almost made me laugh.

\"but, mr. Greatcross, let me first say that I am not responsible if you are injured because of something like this. It is not considered a ork-related injury.\"

\"It is unfortunate that there ere injuries as a result of this accident.\"

that being said, I am not orking today.

the silver haired oman shook her head, her hair flying like she as alive.

It's trying to get me.

hoever, that feeling as quickly suppressed and Kuro looked up ith a smile on his face.

\"I'm offended because I ant to say that I asked for permission, but this kind of behavior is not tolerated.\"

\"So, are you sure?\"

In response to Kuro's question, the silver haired oman paused for a moment and said the above ords ith a confused look on her face.

\"that's really cruel.\"

(orst, Kuro, didn't notice that the person in front of him had changed)

hen I looked to the side, I sa that Elle didn't say anything in her heart.

First of all, it is impossible to get other people's approval by saying something like this.

Second, even if one side accepts, it may lead to ar.

considering the current state of the great demon Slayer and Kuro, he as not fit for battle, and instead he fought against the ``demon King''.

Ever since Elle noticed the silver-haired girl, Kuro thought she as a girl called ``Ruling Ruri'', but Elle sa the silver-haired girl.

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