

第61章 尤戈特(2 / 2)
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I kno it happens, brother, did you do something bad in your youth? ho many times do you think it takes to hit?

Aliyah didn't think about the effect of those ords, but Yahya didn't have time to bear the pain of those ords.

the presumed droned people found the place, and since they are not deaf and can hear ell, one of them, thinking of nothing, started hunting Sziget, and the other ent to the car. bLAcK

but ise John didn't let that happen and quickly stepped on the gas, racing faster and in a more dangerous position than Aria had ever experienced.

Like a ise bull, he nudged it ith his horns, then thre it, hitting the diver ho approached far aay and gave chase. Shigeto's ords ere harsh, and he sloly took his last breath.


Aria screamed incessantly in front of this terrifying art.

Aria orries that if she keeps alking, she might actually die in the car.

God, Aria never expected her brother to cause so much fear.

but no he doesn't seem to trust anyone and he doesn't understand ho myrna can like someone like that. **** Leah really anted to jump out of the car - but. his remaining thoughts told him that the jump as asking for death.

So Aaliyah had no choice but to stay in the car. he felt better than Laura. Aaliyah really anted to hit the driver in the head ith a shot, but hen she stopped, I kne that as hat as going on. patient. - yes. I thre all the food in my stomach out the car indo.

Aria felt the orld spinning. this feeling as so bad that I decided to stop riding any kind of vehicle. he needs a good train.

John does not feel like a passenger. In fact, I didn't have time because I sa many divers entering the car and trying to use my body to escape from them. his car stopped.

Fortunately, John's driving skills are good and he uses drunken tactics to track don this violent and inhumane man.

this causes the interested, still-human beings to stop and think, but Jon has enough opportunity to trample the suitors and run aay.

but stupidity is a double-edged sord, 30 minutes later John fell off the car and crashed into a hite all, the car as pletely destroyed, luckily John as not in trouble and covered in blood, dear. A car is a must. .

Aria also opened the car and said.

did your car catch fire? I don't remember buying a ticket to hell.

Aria finished speaking angrily, turned her head, thre up again, and fell to the ground. he as very orried until he reached the village and could not read the ords correctly, but it ended. Yes, there are no monsters. It still happens. At least he has peace of mind for a hile.

022 poseidon's treasure (15)

Arya felt her psyche being affected, as if she had put herself in a ashing machine and spun it.

my head suddenly exploded and I couldn't think of anything, endless thoughts sirling in my head like a band of aves or a traveler caught in a tsunami.

Even though he as in the car, he suddenly felt that God cursed him, ith an inexplicable terror.

Although the main reason for this is that he hasn't used his superpoers yet.

Unlike normal magicians, he is a magician ho practices magic and sorcery, and his magic uses the poer of his clan.

this includes the ability to partially merge ith the Family and transition into Inhumanity.

but again, until the right magic as used, Arya's body as no different than a small child.

he as surprised at ho kind and intelligent she as, and could tell she asn't happy ith John's strategy of putting her in hell, but she seemed like a not-so-far-deep diver.

Aria ignored hat he anted to say and ran toards the nearby building, the place here the car crashed.

After reciting this prayer that this place ill be better, Aaliyah entered.

ait a minute.

At first Johanna didn't ant to go in because it as something strange, something strange and scary, like the house she encountered in the mountains.

As a ise man, sir. John didn't ant to go in, but seeing his sister e in ithout thinking, John ignored her and suppressed his disfort.

Afterards, he noticed that the brothers ere andering around strange, ghostly places.

the decoration inside the door is very beautiful, beautiful and fortable, and in front of John there are stairs leading to the first floor.

but yes, even if you don't go there, you can get it elsehere.

Yahya didn't choose this place right aay, he hispered, because he didn't kno anything about this place.

Aria? little sister? here did you go?

but there as no anser, so Yahya only heard his voice. Johanna got angry again and used hat as left of her mind to look out the indo.

he couldn't believe hat he sa and stopped thinking about taking his brother, because people seemed to be ing like ater. take advantage of this situation and try to hide in this area and concentrate.

Aria fell to the floor and, not anting to jump don the stairs to the first floor, turned to the side and continued don the hallay.

It is big enough for me to run and enough for four aliyahs side by side. As I alked I sa many rooms.

Aria didn't kno here the door led to, let alone hat room it as, and even though she as a little curious, she put her curiosity aside and alked toards the end of the hallay.

No one kne the consequences of opening the door on purpose, Aria as no fool.

hoever, after five steps, Arya stopped because Sziget gave her a gun and lost it due to Jon's rudeness.

So, she could only use her hands, but Aria as sure she couldn't solve it ith her hands.

ho are you?

Aria spoke sloly but carefully as she stared at the man in front of her.

his other side did not touch the ground, but his body as facing the shore, as if his eight as resting on the ground, and his feet ere pressed to the ceiling.

As the moon approached the midnight sun, her hite hair hung hite under the eight of the orld, her blue eyes ere like phosphorescent flames, and her soft head lifted to stare at Aria. . his face as blank and he faced Aaliyah.

he is a slim man, not feminine, and shorter than Aaliyah.

her hite skin shone like smooth hite jade.

No blood flos in it, and it is like the image of God, hich the craftsmen made ith their souls, because it is not a human nature, but a being that is not there.

It could be God, it could be the devil, it could be the highest heaven, it could be an animal, but it could never be a human being.

there is no evidence that this oman is alive other than aiting and falling as if breathing.

Also, the other part of the breath, in this case the fog that should follo the breath, is not visible to everyone, and there is no rain on his body, maybe he is in the villa.

because of this, Aaliyah has a hard time deciding hether or not there is another man.

After this, the oman's sudden fear as extraordinary.

Aaliyah as also scared, but she asn't. this is due to other reasons such as the appearance of the girl. It is not the girl's fault, hich is obvious from all the reasons, but her appearance is heavenly. It shos that his desire es from his heart, hich makes people question the nature of sex and desire.

Yes, it is beautiful and perfect. I can say that Aria has a big storm presence and personality, and I can't find anything that can be called a fault. It as as if I had seen a floer blooming ith a golden lotus, and I as very happy.

If it happens again, his sexual status is violated, she is his daughter-in-la, it is a sexual ritual, all others are heretics.

Also, if the hair color and eye color do not match, then there is only one person in Aria's heart, but this is meaningless, she should be in her on orld.

trapped in this secret room is Aaliyah's impure form, her resurrection as a rude elixir, and the most important person in Aaliyah's life since the day a oman drives a mechanic. God focused on his dunich blood family and his only sister, Alice.

thanks to this appearance of all the blood that Arya loves, all his heart is in her, but soon her reason causes more pain. And the love for his brother suddenly aakened him from the idea of a reincarnated god.

hy are you looking at me? Is it because of my ugly face?

No, that's eird.

Is that ho you look at me? Sister, you are really orried.

hat do you call me?

Aria shook her head. Even though he looks like his sister, you ill never mistake him for his brother.

this is my sister, my beautiful and beautiful aunt.

Aria didn't understand hy she sa him here, hy she sa him at this time. that's not possible at this point.

If you don't consciously follo your heart's desire like a normal person, but check it ith mon sense, it's better than your brother's rude ords there.

then the devil appeared and stole my sister's beautiful face. In Aria's mind, this might be the picture of the girl in front of her.

Aria, ho has no gun and clearly knos that her opponent is a supernatural being, only uses her head to think, and the pochi inside her body begins a dialogue ith Aria. they took his body from the house.

hy are you talking about your sister ho you haven't seen for a long time and is still alive, you hurt me so much? hmm, ell, I can play.

If you lost your sister, sister, please play me for a day like you haven't played for a long time.

on the other hand, if you in, I ill do anything you ask, including killing you.

the gray-haired Alice said that it as impossible, and the foolish sister jumped from the roof like the famous creature in the sky turned into death. the center of the orld pulled Alice and carried her off the roof and onto the ground.

the air disappeared ithin 100 meters as its middle foot, hich had magical poer parable to Aria's, touched the ground, turned into a steel sord shape and ble the all aay. there ere terrible knife marks.

the blue eyes seemed to radiate an unknon evil light, and even though Aria as never used to such beautiful eyes, the blue eyes revealed an atmosphere colder than in the icy hell.

Just looking into his eyes, he sa a cold ind bloing from hell, and suddenly the cold passed through his soul and fell into the ice hell. For a moment, Aria's mind andered to various hellish fantasies, here she returned after passing through many hells.

Although Aliya's legs ere eak, she still responded to the loud voice.

I can't remember hen my dear sister ould appear as a perfectly healthy and poerful mage.

he ants to talk to Aria, but if she is really his sister, ho ill he use his heart hen they meet? Aria's heart as cut ith a thousand knives.

It as clear that he could escape from imagining hell, but every step into hell left a pain like a curse, and even if he timed it, it ouldn't matter after half a second.

At this point, my face turned hite from the pain and a cold seat began to flo.

hoever, hen he thought that a group like his sister ould appear before him, his heart felt that the fire of purgatory as burning, and the sin of true anger consumed his soul.

magician No, no, I did not deceive my sister, she is an idiot and does not kno magic, but even if she is not a itch, it is not me. You can't be stronger.

For example, poers other than magic are called \"secret martial arts.\"

Sacred aterfol heart. hundreds and hundreds

Alice smiled charmingly for the first time.

then he raised his right hand, quickly kicked it forard, and immediately hit the bicycle, beautiful and beautiful to look at, like a ater cro spreading its ings and flying, its ings flapping, and the poer of the palm It does not look. like this. Like a poerful lightning, the shards of energy shattered like glass, and suddenly the poer of the palm hit Aria like a disaster, shaking the ground and rocks.

the ind as controlled by the palm, the fingers ere joined together, the ind as squeezed into the hite ind, the hite ind as like a snake, and suddenly he as like a hungry man ho found the shado of food. After a hile, the snake appeared dancing and attacked me at the same time.

herever he ent, dust erupted like a grenade exploding, creating a storm.

A hite snake folloed like a shado, and Alice, the oman holding his palm, folloed him. can he kill someone? climbing the middle point is not easy, because cannons shoot at you, and the alls are as strong as the palm of your hand.

In front of him, he didn't even miss the armored vehicles blocking the road and driving like rocks on the shoulder of the road.

the reason Alice has so much poer is because she is a hidden hero, she is the best hidden arrior ho even raises the spirit.

there as no sign of magic, and Aria realized it asn't human poer.

hoever, I could not feel any magical poer.

Although he as not familiar ith martial arts, he heard that titus as a poerful martial artist, similar to the Inverted cross of the black Sanctuary. It is better than the magical physical orld of the East. the transformation process to create legendary creatures. It is also knon as the path of Immortality.

hoever, pared to magic, you don't need much skill, hat you need is a good body, otherise, no matter ho strong your physical strength and skills are, you ill live and die in the army. secret

Alice had no choice but to read the spirits, and then her figure blended into space as if she had disappeared from the orld, and hen Alice looked up, there as no human figure in the sky. , on the ground or anyhere, but still he looked up to the sky ith his blue eyes.

A poerful supernatural force as applied to Alice's hand, and suddenly the place here Aria as standing, including the surrounding air, came into attack range.

As if a person ashed the earth ith a rocket, in the terror of the explosion, the earth stretched but did not break, and the air floed like a hite dragon, as if created by the soul. the magic sord in the hands of the first Sordsman master hit him everyhere.

the fragments shot from the ground hit the air and exploded ith a roar like an armor-piercing bullet from a sniper rifle, but the hite air as cut in half.


before I kne it, Aria's figure appeared behind him like a lightning bolt, and the purple dust fle like a floer.

For a moment, it seemed like cherry blossoms ere blooming in the air, and a drop of magic poder seemed to cover the sky, the earth, and the surroundings.

Suddenly, it seemed like there as no safe place in the orld.

hermione's poison poder, 3d? It's just a magic trick, no ne ideas.

Alice is a little sad inside, her sister is a genius, only ordinary people use such tricks, and such magic can cause great damage to strange creatures, but he is a hidden hero.

Alice as disappointed in hat should have been a good fight at first.

For there ere many things about his sister, and although he did not see her after she rose from the dead, his thoughts at that time affected him.

Alice took a deep breath, and immediately a cloud of hite smoke formed in front of her eyes.

the hite smoke looked like arros, like bullets fired ith deadly force from a cart's big gun. poisonous dust erupted like floers.

the hite arro burst out, dispersing a strong poisonous qi mist, and the strong ind stabbed out like a sharp sord, forming a plex sord shape, and each hite qi as heavy and had different eights. they all have poer. Small guns and rocket launchers. It looks like it ill stay on the battlefield for a hile.

Even if Alice sloly aved her hands or speed hite smoke from her mouth, she could still be human, a modern heat eapon like the current Legion.

ith Alice's anger and frustration, countless hite arros pierced and pierced the beautiful bodies of the young man and his opponent, tearing through the door and the back all ith a shattering force. .

Alice sa the all here Aria's body had been missing for a long time, but she sa no blood and smelled the juice ing from her body.

So hat is the truth?

ghost? hen Alice's mind grasped this truth, she turned aay.

but sloly.

A black liquid creature once supported Alice's small legs.

It as like a snake, inding around my legs, calves, knees, and climbing up my aist.

Suddenly, Alice's magical poer exploded, a secret anti-insanity technique as activated, and an inparable strength suddenly burst out of her small body, unable to lift the hole, and piri's voice cracked.

For a moment there as electricity in the house and the chirping of birds chirping on the ground.

Even if it's a tank, no, even the matrix ill explode, Alice's poer ill be lost, and they ill be easily destroyed one by one ith useless techniques. KINd

his skin is inhumanly beautiful, can ithstand any bomber, and even during the explosion of a tactical missile, his skin is invincible. Also, this is the only result of strong light affecting the operation of the Sacred heart of the aterfol.

If only he had an immortal body, he could embody the true poer of magic and fight against the magic god that caused the existence of the magic realms in the universe.

but after practicing almost immortality, the creature that clings to Alice and refuses to let go is not broken, but almost finished, Alice still needs 5 seconds, yes, 3 to destroy her Seconds are enough. . A party is hungry.

but Aria didn't give Alice that chance.

For suddenly, like the fiery lightning of nature's rath, like the lightning of Zeus, a bright hite light fell, and a lightning of destruction struck Alice. Suddenly the situation changed and the peaceful room as pletely destroyed. Alice's body as struck by lightning several times.

Alice only had time to raise her hands hen the lightning struck, but her hole body as pletely protected, and ith the help of magic, out of habit, she as able to protect herself from any attack. attack. Spells are blocked by his protection.

one of the most secret arriors, Alice's body, like the human body of her former ruler, as transformed by secret martial arts into a demon incarnate. Not even a drop of blood can reach a person. .

A lightning flashed inside Alice's body, and for a moment, her body turned into a magical battlefield, the magical field inside her body shoed no resistance, and even for a moment, the lightning shone on his beautiful form, and it floed. he is quoted above. Endless explosion.

there ere so many electrical fires and explosions that his body as covered in dust and smoke, and hat I sa ere countless electric lights shining above the dust and smoke.

hoever, hen the strong ind blos aay the dust and smoke, it is revealed that Alice's body is perfect, a perfect image of the eternal and immortal God.

A bright hite glo illuminated his skin, and birdsong filled his ears.

At this moment, the sky ave covered his skin like hite jade.

In lightning? don't you care about pochi's life or death? If he is struck by lightning, he ill die, because lightning can cause great damage to his body structures.

Alice fought back against Arya's punch ith a cold, fake voice, but even as she endured the physical attack, the curse hidden in the lightning appeared on her body. No problem, this is the concept of immortality.

he couldn't see here his brother as, but he didn't kno if he as gone, and that as hat he believed.

I am afraid that it ill never be seen again, like a magic that hides it in vain.

of course, Alice kne better than anyone that her sister didn't have that kind of poer.

You don't go out? I haven't seen her in a hile, but she doesn't ant to play ith me either, because she's a bad sister.

So I'm going to ask you and your sister to take me out and play ith me.

heng heng, I have to leave a mark on my sister's body, this time my sister ill remember me ell, no matter hat method I use, it ill help me reach the goal faster So, I'm not helpful. t. please make my sister forget me.

Alice's voice as terrible, and her perfect, empty face spoke like a demon.

then he hit the ground hard as if to sho his anger.

It opened five times, causing a small palm to crash to the ground, and from that small palm came a force more terrifying than a 6 magnitude earthquake. the entire building began to shake under the influence of this great force. In other ords, no area is affected by this force.

Alice's hands ere still on the ground and she felt that there as a garden here she ould find someone if she as hiding.

that's hy this place hasn't fully exploded yet. because Alice knos that if this place explodes, her brother ill suddenly disappear.

hoever, before Alice could get any reaction from the force, a strange ear pierced through the air and sent a poerful sound ave into her ear.

Alice turned around, a smile spreading across her face.

the black blade hit Alice like a magic sord, ripping through the sky and earth, cutting through the pain, and then a brilliant black light shone out, like the light of a star, sacred but cold. .

then, after shooting the sord, there ble a terrible ind, and at the same time there as a strong ind, as if a cannon had been fired, and suddenly the hole garden turned into dust.

Aria tried hard to gather this much energy, but the people couldn't do it, and the lost energy as pletely destroyed by Alice's secret eapon.

the supersonic magic sord suddenly ignited the moisture in the air and turned it into a gas, and hite smoke rose from the ater as if breathing.

the holy sord that God thre from the sky attacked Alice's small body mercilessly, like an angel bloing the horn of doom.

but there as no fear in Alice's perfect, heaven-given little face, only an inparable smile.

023 poseidon's treasure (16)

Suddenly, the light of the sord flashed, and that fierce blo turned into pochi's magic sord and sloly defeated Alice, but the smile did not disappear from his face.

Alice smiled happily, like a child receiving a toy, but it asn't a lie, and Aria sa that the man as smiling happily.

her hite dress as starting to turn red, and so as her long hair.

there ere knife ounds on her clothes that shoed her flat stomach.

but even this oman's perverse love ill not be tempted this time, because the knife ound looks terrible.

Alice felt tears elling up in her eyes, as if someone as laughing.

It has no lips and nothing in its mouth, but it has an infinite amount of blood and internal organs moving in its muscles, hich makes it look terrible, like a ghost in a terrible movie. .

Alice laughed loudly, as if it ere a joke, and stretched out her fingers to open the ound. the flesh as visible on his nails, and his long hite fingers ere red.

the blood continued to flo like a aterfall, dyeing the grass red as if it had been poured ith red oil, but normally no one ould do that to the grass, that's all.

Alice's body became like a ooden house due to the strong ind and ind from pochi's knife, and her hole body as paralyzed, and she as literally blon to the grass outside the villa. No more.

but the next moment, hen Alice landed almost unscathed, a gust of hite ind hit her.

In this seemingly sad ound, the blood continued to rise, burst, and disappear, until the ound as no longer visible, and it seemed that there as no ound. time and space recede. , If so. my clothes ere covered in blood, and there ere knife marks and fingerprints on my clothes, so I as orried that people ould think I as injured.

Alice's blue eyes looked up at him ith a small smile before she smiled and kissed his pink lips.

At that moment, to ings sprouted from Arya's back, but they ere ingless, not metal or plastic, and strange things like angel ings that had never been touched by human hands. the hands, signs of change as appropriate.

hoever, I noticed a jelly-like change in this ing.

the black ings are not angel ings, but parts made from an unknon pooch.

usually? monster.

As for the enemy's resistance, Aria felt real fear, and the poer of iron as too terrifying for her, putting even real metal alls to shame pared to iron alls. At that point, the break begins. Something as simple as cutting meat ith a table knife on a metal plate leaves a gash that on't cut in half?

As the same body recovered after halftime, Aaliyah as like itnessing a miracle from God.

my sord attack as strengthened by poerful magic.

And he used the best ords that Arya learned from the translator doctor, Secret of the dead. John dee left, he left because of the fear of the evil God, the magic of the rong things.

this is a poerful spell used by the evil hunter god cro to defeat the legendary false god hite dragon. of course, that as not the case this time.

In Arya's hands, it as a poerful spell that could kill even the Star house of cthulhu in one blo and destroy the bodies of the evil gods, the Slayer of ones.

he didn't kno hat to call it, and he didn't have a magic book to inform the mechanic Gods. Aria's biggest hit is the magic book.

the pure blade and magical poer that penetrated the human body led to the destruction of the Spirit God.

my goal at this point is probably on another level.

hoever, it as also an ability that Aria could kill, and if used in her original body, she ould definitely be stronger than him.

only then can the divine sord attack destroy the divine magic and cut don the demons.

hoever, at this time, Aria did not kno ho her opponent as, could not feel the poer of the evil god, and did not have any bad feelings, so she used physical attacks as her best. great freedom. modified for the ability to destroy demons, but it is useless.

the storm that consumed all of its magical poer directly destroyed the building, and the remaining poer attacked Alice's entire body, but finally a small crack appeared.

Aria as scared, but hen she sa him disappear after a hile, her heart sank.

my sister is alays like this, she never listens to hat people say.

Alice as a bit displeased to see others not treating her as a brother but attacking her as an enemy.

he asked himself if the attack he had just made as proper eating behavior, but did the other person do it ith the intention of killing him? Alice is unhappy and needs to be called a monster.

my beautiful sister is still sleeping at my house and I hope she is not.

Aria's poers are used, and pochi's poers allo her to fly for a short time.

I really am.

Alice as nervous, and the book of Azathoth as taken from her hand.

\"book of Azathot\"? hy do I have this book?

Yes, thanks for xiao u's help too. ithout him, I ouldn't have found this book. of course, family members are more reliable.

Aria's anser as heard in her ear, and Alice folloed her, not knoing hat as going on, and bit her ear.

I still clearly remember hat happened that day, ho \"Sister calamity\" killed me, and ho the mirror beast grabbed me by the neck and punched me.

these are the things that I left to my sister and are clearly ritten in my memory.

Alice said softly, remembering hat happened that day, but unlike Aria, she asn't angry about it.

Alice, ho as killed by magic that day, as pletely addicted to magic, and even after being killed, she understood the mystery and beauty of magic, and felt happy that she received attention.

but is it true? maybe that's hat Alice thought before, but no she's not sure and feels like she doesn't belong in this set, so that's hat she thinks. I doubt it is.

hoever, all these doubts disappeared ith xiao u's ords. because Alice alays believed in xiao u and every ord he said as considered the holy ords of God. Since he as the leader, even if he had any doubts or anything, he ouldn't doubt hat xiaou said.

Aliya's thoughts ere interrupted, so as he.

ho do you kno?

You oe me a favor for being me, sis.

Alice said ith a deep sigh.

It really smells like fruit, sis.

hat do you ant Stop.

I made money, but my sister never cared and never came back hen she ent looking for squirrels! Ellu Agif ho can I be inferior to him?

Alice's ords ere starting to hurt him, and he remembered ho his sister had left him and left ith the loli magic book, leaving him at home and going to Ahan himself.

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