

第51章 尼克托斯(2 / 2)
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Fang mu looked around. And immediately a feeling of vision came into his mind. he had a feeling that he had been here before, or at least a place similar to it, and this familiar scene as naturally that of the caves of mount Ni.

\"I don't kno here this is, but I've been to a similar place, but it's hundreds of kilometers aay from here. It's the home of the frog god.\" Fan mu looked up at himself and immediately said, \"healed\" the film, pointed to it and said, \"perhaps this really is the abode of the frog god, and this biofilm-like film is a portal through time and space.\"

\"No, I don't think so,\" xia chen said. he removed the fanny pack from around his aist and pulled out hat appeared to be a rotating device that as taking up all the space in the fanny pack. that thing had a screen on it. hen I turned it on, the screen flickered and a radar-like screen appeared. It shos several points of light converging toards a stationary yello dot, and this yello dot should represent xia chen at this moment. ``this is radar.'' After the successful launch of the dongfanghong-1 satellite, the organization's munications and positioning equipment as upgraded. hen e travel through space and are affected by magnetic fields, the localizer should fail. ”

hearing this, homaki as a little lost in thought, probably because he hadn't expected that ``GpS'' at the time ould be so ``hardcore.''

xia chen noticed that Fang mu’s eyes looked vaguely arrogant. he coughed and said calmly: \"So basically e can confirm that e're still underater in this river.\"

Fang mu ignored the idea of this \"adult\" ho as born earlier than her parents and continued to speculate. \"In this case, this is probably another residence of the frog god. be careful, there may be something rong here. Frogs can stand on to legs just like humans, but Some frogs can move very quickly and even bite humans and eat poison.\"

hile saying this, Fang mu loered his ears and heard the sound of a small frog croaking and the sound of footsteps. he pointed in the direction of the eaker sound and said, \"Let's go this ay. I have strong hearing, so there's no sound over there. e should be safe.\"

the to alked together, ith mr. huang mu keeping atch in front and mr. xia chen keeping atch behind.

Sometimes pictures are carved into the tunnel alls. the content depicted is, roughly speaking, a landscape in hich humans coexisted ith other unknon intelligent life forms on the early Earth. the recorded content is sparse and gradually bees orse. .

Judging by hat is recorded in the paintings, it can be seen that people at that time slaughtered animals, mainly pigs, chickens, ducks, cos and sheep. but the scary thing is that even if they sacrificed members of their on tribe, it ould be the same as any other people at the time. Intelligent life on Earth - these upright animals, depicted as lizard-men and snake-men, all participate in the sacrifice and orship of a large bat-like frog, promoting \"prosperity\" and \"harmony.\" I am painting a picture of a peaceful coexistence.

xia chen felt that the situation beteen them had bee even more dangerous, and her heart became cold. Fang mu suddenly said, \"do you kno about the hollo earth theory?\"

\"ell, I've heard it before. they believe that the inside of the earth is hollo. beneath the outside surface that e live in, there is also an inside surface that e can live in. It's more developed than our outside surface. , an advanced civilization exists.'' ...people of the earth. ” Fang muziran heard it. As a novelist, he as filled ith curiosity about all kinds of science fiction, the unusual, the scary, and the strange.

xia chen ould sometimes look at the pictures painted on the stone all and say, ``hen you think about it no, isn't it strange?the same idea can be found everyhere, in ancient times and modern times, at home and abroad.'' there are people ho have it.''

Fan mu didn’t give a clear anser, but he already kne hat xia chen anted to say, and said: , e could be hundreds of kilometers from the Earth's surface. ”

xia chen as silent. he atched as other species sloly appeared in the pictures on the rock all. the giant frog, hich as orshiped and orshiped by people and lizard humans, merged ith the people and created a frog ith a frog face. Frogs, hich are upright monsters on Earth, received a \"blessing\" under the influence of a certain kind of large frog, and became a group of frogs that mutated into monsters.

paintings record scenes of monster frogs and toads eating punished folloers, including humans and lizards.

In addition to strange and cruel sacrifices and punishments, does the frog god enlighten the isdom of his folloers and teach them ho to use magical and scientific knoledge? type of thing.

Although the frog god is a man-eater, he can municate and seems to take the initiative in educating his folloers.

It shos that hat is taught should be authentic and there is no such thing as private property (the usual factor that drives people crazy). behind the painting, more people and lizardmen are shon orshiping the frog god. this probably represents a measure of belief. It gre. It is presumed that if there as no real frog god, this scene ould not have occurred.

Fang mu read similar things in other places, but didn’t pay much attention. I as shocked because it as my first time seeing xia chen, but I as also scared because I had read the \"true story\" before.

the alk lasted about 10 minutes. they didn't alk fast enough to avoid the members of the mysterious group folloing them and leaving traces on the road, but they gradually began to feel distrustful and unfortable.

It as very quiet.

xia chen took out the locator he had brought ith him again. this time, I found that the local radar display disappeared and no matter hat I tried, I could not restart it. After several poer cycles, the entire radar locator became hot and smoking. A fire broke out and xia chen had to discard the equipment.

Fan mu loered his ears, and although he could still hear movements from elsehere, they ere quieter than before, as if they ere doing something else that needed to be quiet. ta. moreover, according to xia chen's speculation, they ere still under the river outside Lingjia Village and sa the signal that other members of the mysterious group ere chasing, so according to xia chen's speculation at the time, he I as also looking for people's voices. , they should also atch the movie and start exploring that path. , but Fang mu didn't hear other people's footsteps.

In other ords, they eren't folloing you at all.

“please prepare for the to of you to trust each other,” huang mu said to xia chen, ho as silent and stunned, pointing out the situation beteen the to at that time.

xia chen nodded and secretly clenched his fist.

the passage ahead as ide and then narroed. It as as if he and xia chen had been traveling on an asphalt road in the suburbs before, but no they ere traveling on an urban road in the city center.

Fan mu and xia chen ere orried that monsters might jump out at any moment from the caves that spread out in all directions, so they acted more tactfully and cautiously.

After a hile, Fang mu heard human hispers ing from deep inside the path, as if a ritual of orship as being performed.

Fan mu’s strange behavior as he stopped and stared caught xia chen’s attention. xia chen couldn’t help asking in a small voice, curious. \"hat did you hear?\"

In the process, xia chen also discovered that Fan mu's sensory abilities exceeded that of an ordinary person. Fang mu could clearly see in dark places that people ith normal vision ithout astigmatism cannot see clearly, and timely reminded him to pay attention to his step. It as truly incredible that e ere able to discover an animal hundreds of meters aay underground. therefore, xia chen can no rely on Fang mu to make some decisions.

“there are people there, they seem to be orshiping something.” Fan mu looked at xia chen and said, “do you see it?”

xia chen nodded, “be careful.”

they alked toards the end of the road, here they heard people hispering. After alking 1,263 steps, they stopped, crouched, and hid behind a bunker, looking up secretly to see a group of people surrounding a dark, uncertain mass. the material life chants a prayer, and the black formless material that receives the prayer continues to transform into a strange, non-living thing. Sometimes he sallos someone and then spits it out again. those ho spit on it ill be covered in blood. terrifying, strangely shining blue eyes...

286 Giant blood and Flesh Frogs

their faces turned pale at the strange sight. I couldn't understand the black amorphous thing. they could not imagine ho this creature appeared. After vomiting, the people ho salloed his vomit ere stunned... his expression became more and more numb and depressed.

It, black and amorphous, hurriedly \"salloed\", slurped it in its mouth, like an old man eating a chicken bone, but in the end it salloed only the human soul, spitting out the rest of the body and adding Looks like it's there. A ne \"substance\" is injected into the body, and that substance fills the bodies of those ho ere exhaled. A strong light emanated from their eye sockets and illuminated the skin of their bodies.

\"Your secret team has been around for a long time and knos the best. do you kno hat's going on and hat it is?\" Fang mu couldn't help but ask in a lo voice. he focused on using his special eyes to see a black amorphous object. the body of the car as made only of black smoke, and a strange sound resembling a frog could be heard inside.

xia chen looked at the other person helplessly, “then I’m just a human being ho has lived for more than 30 years, right? my energy has a limit, and the amount of knoledge I can read and remember from it also has a limit. there is.\" . life.

I don't kno hat this is, but I think it looks a little like the monsters called ghosts that appear in the books I read.

A type of amorphous animal that primarily lives in dark, damp caves. they are often subordinated to strange gods or poerful ordinary creatures. they love to devour and control the souls and isdom of living things. humans are the most numerous human beings on earth. e humans are the main targets of ghosts and spirits because they are also the most intelligent intelligent creatures. the more \"spiritual intelligence\" they devour, the smarter, more cunning, and more poerful they bee. ”

``It has no fixed shape, sallos the intelligence of living things, and controls it...it's very similar to that.'' huang mu says that the image of an amorphous black object salloing a human is exactly the same as the one depicted in the book. I observed the behavior and asked, “Is there a ay to deal ith them?”

xia chen hispered, \"this beast has no fixed shape, and all physical attacks are ineffective. hoever, it is afraid of strong light and high heat, so fire is sufficient.\"

“You’re right, but do e have a fire?”Fan mu’s eyes fell on xia chen’s body.

\"A small rocket should be just fine, but this big ghost is much bigger than the normal ghosts in books. I'm afraid I on't be able to kill him even ith a fe shots.\" All I can do is chase him aay. . ” chen said as he pulled out a flare from his belt.

hearing this, Fang mu thought for a moment and said, \"It seems that e can't attack ith force, but it seems that e can only use it as a means of self-defense.\"

xia chen also thought so and nodded.

After atching the ghost sallo everyone, the people ho had been chanting prayers for him to turn into a zombie stood there in silence, staring into his blue eyes.

After the ghost let out a strange, high-pitched scream, the people controlling it stood in pairs, facing each other, then indifferently dre daggers from their broad hilts and pointed at each other's outstretched arms. A knife as thrust at her, and in the blink of an eye, blood elled up and spilled onto the ground.

the control subjects did not appear to be in pain, their facial expressions did not change at all, and their bodies did not stop at all. they sat and scribbled their blood-stained hands on the floor.

Fan mu and xia chen ere standing on a high place and happened to see the picture they had dran. It as a picture of a large frog ith a large belly, a furry body, and a bat-like head. It as very strange. It as the frog god that Fan mu kne.

the to felt an eerie feeling just atching the process of draing the picture of the frog god. Fang mu even felt that the floers ere so real that the frog god might really jump out of them.

during the painting process, people lost blood and fell to the ground one after another. In the end, one oman remained silent. After carefully draing the last bulge on the frog god's back, the oman's life ended. .

the ghost seemed very satisfied. he just screamed again, and the people he as supposed to rule ere like the remains of tofu falling from a construction site. their bodies and blood suddenly collapsed. they ere gathered according to the image of the frog god on earth, and their flesh and blood as collected. , half reorganized, the spirit of the ghost rushes into the mass of flesh and blood, and the unstable flesh frog shape formed by the bination of flesh and blood sloly stabilizes, as if the spirit of the ghost It as as if he had given the lump a soul.

“hat the hell…” xia chen as taken aback. he had never heard of such strange evil rituals, nor did he kno that ghosts could control a person's entire body until it automatically disintegrated. Not to mention the level here you can fuse ith ghosts.

the to atched ith bated breath as the giant, living frog sloly took shape. only hen the giant flesh-and-blood frogs screamed strangely and fle aay into the darkest depths did they finally begin to regain their ferocious breathing. After a hile, they bravely came out. cover to hide.

Fang mu looked at xia chen and asked xia chen hat to do next ith silent eyes.

xia chensheng took a gulp of air and said to Fang mu, \"don't you ant to get that hammer? Get it first.\"

Fang mu sighed. \"Unfortunately, I don't kno here the hammer is, but it's probably next to the Frog God.\"

the frog god held and used a mace in his previous life, so he ill likely do the same thing this time as ell.

the Frog God is able to realize that he is no in a cage of time and space created by the Lord above all, and so he is unable to protect Fan mu until he finds a ay to lift or break the curse. Repeat the curse. If mu pletes the ritual of opening the seven holes, he ill be freed from the curse, so he spares no effort to open the seven holes for himself.

hoever, Juan mu had read the \"black travelogue\" and kne that the end result if opened ith a hammer as death. the legendary central emperor hung chao died because of its opening. ho could he, an ordinary man, endure seven holes? ith the poer brought to him by God, it has bee difficult for him to even control the pressure points in his eyes and ears, so ho can he open the other pressure points? he ill die, he ill die miserably.

hearing Fan mu’s ords, xia chen’s heart trembled. Fang mu's ords meant that they should chase the living giant frog that had just left because they could find the real frog god.

ith no other choice, xia chen and Fang mu could only bite the bullet and go deeper.

passing by the place here the gigantic flesh-and-blood frog as born, the portrait of the frog god painted ith human blood still blooms brightly, spreading the rich smell of blood all around, making people dizzy. I let it happen.

xia chen and Fang mu picked up the lighting equipment left at the scene. they kept their candles lit and alked through the valley in darkness. they alked sloly forard, folloing the footprints of a giant toad left on the ground. Inside the deep, empty tunnel, I could occasionally hear frogs croaking and the numbing sounds of bones crunching and being cheed.

It seems that he ate the flesh of giants and the blood of frogs.

287, no excuses

the road ahead is getting darker and darker, and the candlelight only covers a fe more steps. the darkness ahead is like a heavy but movable all. You never kno hen the alls ill stop and push you aay. his head as bruised and bleeding.

A relaxed heartbeat is like music playing in plug-in headphones, vibrating fast rhythms and making your brain vibrate along ith it.

xia chen is like this. pared to Juan mu's superhuman hearing and vision, his senses are not enhanced, so everything around him is unknon and full of death traps. he fears this, even if he doesn't feel any improvement. he as alays consoling himself so that he ouldn't lose to Fan mu.

hoever, hen he thought about Fang maki's ords that the road ahead might lead to the abode of a foreign god rather than the abode of a foreign god, the nely born giant frog people ere enough to frighten him. as.

Fang mu alays paid attention to his surroundings. he could not hear the cries of these strange frogs, nor the terrible footsteps of the frogmen as they moved about. there shouldn't be any normal creatures lurking nearby, just a living frog that seems to be eating. the sound it makes, and the \"food\" filled ith hard bones.

Suddenly, Fan mu stopped moving forard. xia chen, ho had unconsciously started alking ith him to follo him, also stopped in a hurry. he looked at Fang mu in confusion and as about to speak, but then he sa Fang mu open his eyes. he made a silent gesture ith his eyes ide open, and the candlelight illuminated his sickly face, hich frightened him even more.

xia chen’s nostrils dilated, and he subconsciously folloed Fan mu and held his breath. Folloing the direction of Fang mu's gaze, he stared at the cardboard box on his finger, and as he stared, he sa some outlines moving in the darkness ahead.

It tisted large and strangely, to red lights sayed in the darkness, and a dark and strange lo scream rang out from ahead.

pen pen pen pen...

the heartbeat is like a marble falling under gravity, bouncing madly on the ground, accelerating in frequency, but sloly returning to dead silence.

the next moment, xia chen felt that his rist as being chased, and he couldn't help but chase after Fan mu. his hole body as pulled by Fanmu, and he turned and charged forard.

I don't kno if they really came straight back. hen xia chen arrived, she couldn't see the light at the door, and her eyes ere pletely dark. It as as if he and Fang mu couldn't escape to the right place. only the loud sound of hitting from behind made him feel like I as out of danger.

but soon after, xia chen felt pain in her rist again, and her body titched again. Fang mu suddenly turned at a right angle and ran toards another unknon direction.

xia chen only thought that Fan mu as crazy. hy the sudden change in direction? did he ant to take him to death?

but soon, xia chen heard a sudden explosion and a flash of light. the sounds of jumping ere scattered and came and ent in a chaotic manner. beneath flickering candles, distorted humanoid figures held the heads of frogs and toads ith expressionless faces. the frog's eyes looking at them ere filled ith absolute cruelty and emptiness. they seemed to have no emotions, just acting on instinct.

“protect your head!” Seeing those eyes, xia chen lost his ability to think. he did not heed Fang mu's urgings. he seemed disoriented until he rolled don a high hill for to eeks. , he akes up in pain and, hile rolling at high speed, is shocked to realize that he is alking toard death. he quickly defended himself and rolled helplessly through the darkness.


It asn't until his back hit the stone all and he heard the sound of bones cracking that he bucked up in pain and let out a pitiful scream.

\"It's okay.\" the candle I as trying to light fell don a high slope. In the darkness, xia chen could only hear Fang mu next to her, anxiously checking her injuries and trying to help.

\"my back... my back...\" xia chen couldn't express the pain in her back in ords, and kept talking about her back.

As Fang mu's hand sloly passed over his back, Fang mu took a breath of cold air and said quietly: \"hold on for a hile and don't move.\"

xia chen as speechless, but he had already grabbed one of Fan mu's ankles, and his teeth ere already digging into his clothes.

the pain of my torn skin as like nails piercing my soul. xia chen rolled his eyes and felt his consciousness gradually disappearing.

Juan mu tore his skin. to be more precise, I pulled out something strange that as stuck to the skin on my back. Something like a leech as craling over his skin, unaffected by anesthesia. the only ay to separate it is to remove the skin and meat together.


the skin and tendons on his back suddenly tore, and the unidentified object attached to his back as also thron to the ground. the unknon object, hich had lost all the nutrients it had absorbed, screamed like an angry rabbit.

After xia chen fainted from pain and dealt ith the foreign object on his body, Fang mu did not dare to stop. he put the person on his back and immediately started running again. his ary eyes stared at the blisters clinging to the all.

tadpoles vary in size, ith some as large as a Yugaball and others as small as a inter jujube. Inside is a tadpole ith large round eyes. It is an egg that has been eliminated by a strange frog and laid out on the ground. around corners and alls.

humans cannot easily touch these eggs, not even the Frog man or the strange frog himself. these eggs have very strong adhesive properties and the ability to eat and digest them.

It as both a tragedy and a blessing that xia chen couldn't see these things. because he couldn't see them, he couldn't protect himself and give himself over to clinging to these horrible things, hich made him so ashamed and hurt. but I as also lucky that I didn't see anything in this passage. It's a tragic sight. Animals that ere unlucky enough to e into contact ith the eggs ere devoured by the eggs, leaving lakes of flesh and blood everyhere.

As Fan mu ran, he felt the arm blood floing from the ound on xia chen's back running don the back of his hand, and heard the sound of it falling to the ground.

xia chen, ho as lying on her back, occasionally convulsed, her breathing became irregular, sometimes eak and sometimes strong, and her body temperature gradually decreased.

“You are going to die,” huang mu said to xia chen, ho as lying on his back.

I just muttered to myself, not caring if the person behind me oke up at that moment.

You ill die here, and your teammates, those ho are related to me and deeply involved in my affairs, ill also die soon.

I on't apologize because it's not my fault. I just hope he doesn't die too tragically. ”

Fan mu said softly, feeling that the cloth on his shoulders as too tight. \"before you die, I'll carry you. hen you die, I'll put you on the ground. the necklace around your neck is so important, I'll keep it forever.\" You, and If I could still see my teammates, I ould give it to you. ”

“thank you…” Juan mu felt his tight clothes loosen.

288 transactions

As Fang mu alked alone don the dark hallay, things around him became more and more strange and unusual, but full of indescribable beauty.

In order to avoid getting carried aay by these horrifyingly strange beauties, Fang mu decided to ignore them as much as possible.

Fang mu didn't kno here this passage ould lead, but it must be the abyss of despair.

ithout xia chen by his side, Fang mu only felt the silence as frightening. hen people feel fear, they start thinking about unknon faces ith a ridiculously limited field of vision, and they start thinking of everything from perspective to conspiracy theories to explain aay their misfortune. e are involved together.

the monsters that had been chasing them, a frog man, a strange frog, and a giant living frog, disappeared as if they had appeared before. they clearly sa him and xia chen rolling don the slope, but they pletely turned a blind eye and didn't care. taking advantage of the opportunity to catch and eat them alive, it as more like a carefully set trap than just a hunt.

they forced the poor and humble he and xia chen into a trap and put to headless turtles into this bottomless \"stone pot\".

Fan mu didn't kno hy he had formed an evil bond ith these dirty, tisted, dark and depraved ordinary animals, so he couldn't guess hat the purpose of this as. I could not do it. Since then, his good, ordinary and fortable life has disappeared. e back.

And if this is true, they ill have succeeded at least half of the time, since he ill eventually take over after xia chen dies.

he placed xia chen’s body in a random corner. hen he died, he looked peaceful, but his face as purple. It is unclear hether the frog died from blood loss or because the vampire frog's eggs contained an unknon toxin. or maybe a parasite killed him?

Fan mu took off the necklace from xia chen’s neck as promised. It as a polished gray-hite stone. It asn't a mon format. It is as if one as selected from nature and polished based on its original appearance. in the seetness

maybe the stone in the necklace has some meaning, but I don't kno. All e kno is that he is very important to xia chen and should die in peace, but after hearing Fan mu's promise, he anted to die in peace. .

A strange, heavy grol echoed quietly, getting louder and louder as he advanced.

Fang mu recognized this voice and as relieved that he as approaching the frog god again.

the sound seemed to urge him to act faster, ele his arrival, and arn him about his life.

``I hope I can die ith dignity this time.'' Fang mu thought to himself that his death in his previous life as tragic and painful. my body and soul have bee separated. the body sa its on head blon off, and the soul as also killed by the giant praying mantis. I just hope that I can make a clean break and change for the better in this life before I die.

the frogs' cries are getting closer and closer. the screams heard in the distance sloly turned into a loud roar, like the dull beating of a thunder drum, and it looked like the death knell of a fallen city in tilight. the source of the sound is buried 100 feet aay. In the stone room,

ithout alloing Fang mu to react, a long black flexible object ith fish slime appeared, leaping over 100 steps at a time and binding Fang mu's arms and aist like a coboy's yard. In the next moment, Fang u felt that his aist as about to break, and his hole body left the ground and fle uncontrollably into the stone chamber.

Juan mu shoed no resistance and hung up the phone loudly. he looked at the face of the big frog in front of him. his body as shaking and he as seating uncontrollably, but his eyes ere calm and clear. his body instinctively gave in to fear, but his mind seemed clouded. light

It as as if his body and soul consciousness had been separated again, and Fan mu had no idea hen his transformation began.

perhaps it as because he heard that the Lin family's village as destroyed and there as no one left alive in the village. or maybe even earlier, he figured out hy the toad god as so crazy and \"attached\" to him.

Fan mu ill still fear the poer and appearance of the frog god, but Fan mu no longer fears death.

hether the other party could understand it or not, huang mu said this to the black frog's face as it sloly opened its crimson eyes. And e can collaborate. ”

Fang mu also felt that he as really crazy and actually tried to municate and make a deal ith the foreign god.

\"You ant me to open the seven holes so that I can share my essence and municate ith the Lord ho is beyond all, right?\" I noticed that I as staring at. her gaze as like a cold spear, alays piercing through his body. Although he as not injured, he appeared to be in considerable pain. through his disfort, he continued, \"I can help you, but in return I have to help you too. It's me.\"

Juan mu smiled stiffly, and said ith a confident smile that as made of plaster, “otherise, every time I travel and am reborn, I ill immediately choose suicide. If you don't have a chance to find me, I'll go back.'' the end of the universe, living in the past ithout a future just like me.

If you ant to control me and kill me, I can fight in my on ay. Frog God, are you angry? ”

After the ords fell, Juan mu felt that something long and black rapped around his aist sloly loosened its grip and sloly let him sit on the ground. the black figure of the frog croaked loly, as if to anser Fan mu. .

Fang mu felt that he understood hat the other person anted to say. At that moment, I heard the sound of metal objects falling and rolling in front of me. he loered his head and sa that it as a hammer.

Fang mu picked them up, pointed to his nose under the gaze of the \"red full moon\" and murmured: \"After losing normal sight and hearing, hat e have no lost is the normal sense of perfume... can you smell the supernatural breath of God?\"


outside the indo, a traveling salesman could be heard shouting and banging on a triangle, and the hot sun reflected on Fan mu's pale, zombie-like face. Fang mu stared at the three dishes and one soup in front of him ith no appetite.

``Eat as much as you can, but don't starve too much.'' A beautiful person entered his parish.

Juan mu did not move, and his expression did not change. he moved his eyes like a grass carp aiting to be killed in the bathroom. he looked at the stone necklace around An Fan's neck and then returned his gaze to the three people in front of him. As he drank his soup, he said quietly: \"okay, but I don't have much of an appetite today.\"

After that, he hesitated, took a spoon from the trembling plate of food, took a spoonful of seaeed soup ith egg drops, and held his breath as if taking a bitter medicine, taking it into his mouth.

It as as if my entire body as resisting and rejecting these foods from entering my body. After salloing, Juan mu’s eyes became red and sullen.

“Glucose, saline… these nutrients alone on’t keep you going for long.” An Fang sighed and sat don next to the square ooden bed.

At the same time, Fang mu seemed to see his ife An qin, ho as not yet married hen he as hospitalized, look at him ith orried eyes and say the same thing. \"hat happened?\"

289: paris and God

Juan mu sloly nodded and said, \"God's la code has been resolved. You don't have to orry about him actively attacking people anymore.\"

Knoing that Fan mu still didn't ant to talk about the details of his experience in the cave, An Fan sighed a little regretfully, and his voice became cold. our director.”

mr. Fang maki didn't say anything, shook his head slightly, hurriedly ate a fe mouthfuls of food, finally drank a glass of ater, put the food into his stomach, and lay don on the hospital bed ith Yasukata on his back. .

ho can stop time? Juan mu thought quietly in his heart and closed his eyes. he sat on the bed again, leaning against the cold all and looking toards the indo, until he heard the door close as An Fan left the hospital room. perhaps you are looking at yourself reflected in the indo glass in the landscape.

``the only thing e can change is ourselves.'' Fang moku repeated the ords he had left behind in his mind.

Every time he tries to change the course of history, such as anting to break off his relationship ith An qin in his previous life or preventing a flood from evil people, the Lord ho transcends everything alays appears. time. to prevent him from changing the course of history. that's correct.

If a transcendent master is afraid of changing history, he can erase his special existence and create an obedient \"square tree.\" he believes such a being ould have such abilities, but he did not. Instead, he alloed himself to be special.

At that moment, he remembered the ords he had left for himself.

this sentence means that throughout his history, he could only make changes to himself, but could not directly change the destinies of other people throughout history. Is not it?

to test the authenticity of this point, Fang mu made a bold bet that day hen he sa the frog god under the cave.

the frog god is also cursed by the Lord, ho, like him, transcends all things. he is also a god hose poer is knoledge, ealth, and sleep. God's isdom cannot be pared to the all-poerful, all-knoing Lord, but God must kno more than humans like himself.

he threatened the frog god that he ould continue his suicidal journey in order to escape from his pursuers, but even if this threat did not ork, he ould not let him go and make him agree to the deal.

As if that asn't enough, Juan mu decided to conduct an experiment on himself after getting the hammer back!

In the next life, he bees a arrior \"Fan peng\" ho is physically strong and has experienced many battles. If the Lord ho transcends everything really only allos us to change ourselves, then hy not give it a try and transform yourself into a strong arrior?

So hen he as about to open his nostrils, he momentarily changed his mind and opened his mouth.

As expected, as soon as the opening opened, Juan mu's senses became confused again, and his normal sensory abilities ere once again uncontrollable.

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