

第8章 被遗忘的角落(2 / 2)
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Kuro cannot forgive for killing an innocent person.

but can e really describe demons as people?

Are the animals tainted by the magic of an evil god?

It as a demon beast turned izard.

the monster itself is also more human than the demon.

the devil is the puppet of the evil god, the enemy of the evil god, and the spirit of the evil god.

For humans, it is not friendship, only on the human side.

A devil ho changes his mind bees an unforgivable devil.

Even a good God cannot sho mercy.

his current existence is a demon.

It is a great sin that they are in this orld.

From this incarnation, the great Krus Kuro, the evil hunter god Karga, understood this ell.

So, he drove out all the demons, good and bad.

the modern Klan cannot do this because it has not yet understood and experienced the night hen the evil ill of God ill e.

If Kuro really experienced the threat of ``God's ill,'' then he ould understand hy Elle thought that ay.

Kuro didn't even understand hat a demon as.

Since he is an intellectual, existing knoledge cannot help him kno hat he does not already kno.

besides, fighting evil demons is not about knoing.

According to Elli, the fear of the demon has not been resolved.

this as probably because Elle herself had never fought a demon, so she couldn't explain it in detail.

hoever, Elle, ho has the book of raven magic and El Azif's memories, cannot sense the damage the demon is causing.

this is unbearable.

Elle didn't kno hat to say.

It is difficult to translate hat you kno into a language that others can understand.

Such inprehensible and mysterious knoledge is extremely difficult to explain.

\"Aren't you immortal?\"

to Kuro's question, Elle ansered immediately.

\"do you think it's still alive?\"

\"can e say that the moving dead is alive?\"

\"If this man can say that he is alive because of his condition, he probably ants to mit suicide.\"

\"I don't think anyone ants to live like that.\"

\"he accepts that he is alive and exists because he is not human, but a monster.\"

hen your mind and body bee animals you accept your existence as an animal.

otherise, ho can he accept himself as a monster?

Elle could never imagine that there are people in this orld ho ould allo themselves to bee monsters.

It is difficult for able-bodied people to accept disability.

If he accepts it, he accepts it holeheartedly.

Also, if a man admits he is a monster, he is already a monster.

once the soul bees an animal, there is no ay to save it.

because at this time his evil poer entered his soul.

my soul has bee impure.

You cannot escape from the poer of the evil god.

A person ho defiles himself ill never be clean again.

the magical poer of the evil god cannot be stopped by the ill of man.

Elle kne she as a monster.

there is no ay to save him, he is just an animal in human skin.

by living like this, you can only bring peace to others.

Such evil, hich covers all of Innsmouth, this dream represents the groth of others as demons.

As a scheme of human thought, it does not exist.

No, thankfully, this train is not going to Innsmouth.

hoever, the goal of maintaining the immortal dimension should not be less than the destruction caused by this demon.

Either ay, it doesn't give you hope.

but no one can forgive.

dreams here the orld is destroyed and changed not as it used to be.

another orld

A different orld filled ith zombies, a different orld ith different rules.

create a position.

It must be the great devil.

does the magic ork if you don't look at it for a hile?

the size of this demon seems to indicate that there is some kind of darkness.

Elle thought to herself.

\"pared to a life like this, it might be better to directly destroy another person.\"

216 devil

Aaliya runs.

he ran to Innsmouth.

there as no one behind him, but his expression as as if he believed that some kind of animal as folloing him.

he ran toards a place like lightning, and his speed as faster than an ordinary person.

Lightning is used to describe a real-life situation.

this is not an exaggeration.

Any obstacle in front of her can be crushed into dust before Aaliyah's lightning.

because the human body that can move at such a speed should have no handicaps.

If the human body as not as strong as Aria's body, her body ould have been broken at a high speed.

Even a mid-air collision can cause serious damage.

hoever, relying only on migration ill not help.


Arya stopped in her tracks.

Not because I ant to quit, but because there is no other ay forard.

A small hand gripped his body.

his hand as on her shoulder and he pushed Alya ith lightning speed.

In fact, there is only one oute in this situation.

hen he reached the fast moving object, the man's arm as broken.

Aria thought, so she couldn't run aay from him.

hoever, this time the results exceeded his expectations.

thanks to this palm, he did not escape.

A hand as then placed on Aaliyah's chest.

this chest pain feels like a lot of pressure.

ith a sound that sounded like bones breaking, Aria's body fell about five meters to the ground, falling and crushing the ruins before falling to the ground in front of the stone all, looking more like a reptile. than a skeleton.

this orld is not normal.

It's a different orld that differs from the las of the real orld, and is the result of a superhuman level demon corrupting the real orld outside.

bone pain.

Aria as in so much pain that she couldn't scream anymore.

his voice seemed to crack.

Aria did not understand hat happened to her.

In his memory, he had to end the main life of Azathoth's book, and he appeared here.

hat as your intention at that time?

Unfortunately, Aaliyah's memories seem to be thron into thin air.

After a hile he regained consciousness.

Apparently, I just left indmill ton, so hy am I still here?

hat a beautiful place this is!

Aria stared at this strange place.

No matter ho you look at it, the situation is contradictory.

It is similar to the real orld, but there are some differences.

this \"small\" difference is enough to create a situation that is different from the real orld.

Aria has no ay to express herself, this is the real orld.

the pain in my chest told me it asn't a dream.

this is the truth, this is hat happened to me, this is the iron truth.

but my brain can't understand hat happened.

but Aaliyah can accept and think of a solution.

\"don't die here.\"

\"So my ish came true!\"

Aria screamed as if a poerful force had been removed from her body.

hoever, no matter ho strong he as, if he could use this childish body as a box, his limits ere terrifying.

In addition, it is good that it does not burden your body.

the hope for heavenly miracles is just a dream.

Aria could not see this scene in front of Aria, ho as not close to Aiya.

the image is covered ith a shado cloak, and e don't even see any gender characteristics.

All I can say is that the eyes of other people are similar to the eyes of animals.

there is no one, there is a senseless killing intent, and a character ho seems to have e out of a hole.

darkness and chaos are truly evil.

Although invisible to the human eye, Aria is infallible.

\"are you interested?\"

It is a mysterious devil ho seems to be smiling.

\"that is no longer the case.\"

the voice of the devil screaming and playing the metal instrument is really the voice of the devil.

It as not a human voice, but a voice distorted by magic.

\"Your dreams are doomed from the start.\"

the devil spoke again, and this time there as no mockery in his voice.

his voice as full of pity, but that pity did not produce goodill.

No doubt it es from a bad personality.

Aria confirmed, satisfied.

She couldn't explain ho bad her body as, but Aria took care of her body and continued.

the impact is like lightning and the bination is like a storm.

Alya's hands began to tremble, her small hands as if struck by lightning, and then there as a thunder of fire.

the demon form fled, and Aria's hand missed the enemy.

Also, he as very fast, faster than Aria's hands.

At this rate, Arya ouldn't be able to hit her opponent even if she as defeated.

on the other hand, if you stop, you ill be killed by this ranged demon attack.

At this point, Aria pletely forgot that she as an idol and fought ith all her might like an ignorant brute.

Arya finally realizes the mistake and defeats the demon form as quickly as possible.

A light hand struck the demon's body, and a figure hidden in the shados attacked Aria.

Aria thinks that she ill be hurt or defeated by that opponent.

If not, ho can other parties avoid fighting each other?

If not, at least it orks.

otherise, ho can the devil choose to defeat himself?

Aria thought, this is hat happened.

but that's the rong goal.

Arya's hand as defeated.

the demon's body as as thick as stone, and the force of its rejection of Aria as overhelming.

At first, the blo that easily penetrates even metal plates can only injure itself.

bones yelled, and Aria felt the pain of her broken arm.

Aria quickly retreated.


Iblis touched Aliyah's stomach and felt confused, and seemed to pull Aliyah's body.

\"I already hit you, but didn't you?

Stupid and strong defense.

At the very least, it's rong to fight demons ith your bare hands.

Aria noticed this.

I don't kno hat the other person said, but the killing intent as clear.

don't orry about hat he said, if you can't beat him, he on't beat you.

his right arm as paralyzed, as if poisoned, and he couldn't move it again unless he ent to the hospital.

Singing or reading hate speech.

Like lightning, like flying magic.

the demon laughed, obviously mocking his opponent's eakness.

he moved a fe meters aay, aving his right hand.

the lightning and flames summoned by the spell ere interrupted.

Aaliyah's magic is fading fast and hard.

his hand came close and almost hit her face.

Aaliyah bent don, crossed her hand across the space, and took Aaliyah's hand.

\"You can do it no.\"

hen Aria chanted the Spirit of ords, magic continued to fall in the form of lightning.

the lightning continued around Aria.

Even though there is such a thing as lightning, no matter ho you look at it, lightning is called lightning.

Inparable heat, armth and purity, like the sun.

but his progress as like lightning.

the strangeness seemed to be on fire.

the lightning summoned magic did no harm to Aria.

And everything ithin range ill be struck by lightning.

At that moment, lightning struck the demon's body, and the cloth covering him exploded, revealing his hidden face.

this man is inseparable from Aaliyah.

Surprisingly, even after being struck by lightning, his body as unharmed.

It is not immunity, because he has a unique immune system inside his body.

high quality.

Even magic full of destructive poer cannot harm the enemy.

the smell as a mixture of corpses, blood, and garbage.

It as the smell of pain, the smell of terrible spirits.

Aria looked at the man in front of her. he looks the same, but it's clearly not him.

because I like someone else...

It seems like thousands of people live in the girl's cage.

creatures that eat and forgive humans end up ruling over humans.


my arm as crushed by the demon's strange poer, and I felt like I as going to be crushed.

Aria as stopped and yelled at her in anger.

\"monster? No, I'm you.\"

Aaron said this before kicking Arya.

the body of the young man fell to the ground.

\"You still don't understand? Are there any memories left? or is it because you don't ant to remember?\"

\"Very sad and bad.\"

As if reading goodbye, Satan came to Aliyah.

hoever, Aria uses her magic to fight him.

the demon aved his hand, his palm quickly recognizing Aria's magic.

\"then hy don't you sleep and give your hole body to me?\"

\"It's not a good idea to bine to minds to control the body.\"

\"Going to the 'creative' level under these circumstances is a very good ay to stand out in such a corrupt orld.\"

the devil laughed, laughed loudly.

\"If not, ho can I remove this defect hidden in my body?\"

Shaidan alked up to Aaliyah, took her right hand, and held her head in his fingers.

he doesn't seem to care.

hoever, thinking of yourself as a person is a short time for a person.

therefore, the monster cannot be defeated.

the god named cthun bines the concepts of cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth.

hoever, her true personality is no different from an evil god like Noyako.

In addition, since there is no perfect evil god, their poer is loer than normal evil gods.

Stronger than humans.

civilized evil god clones of humans at least m.

of course, Aria's ill cannot defeat her opponent.

but this as the first time I oke up.

this is due to a relationship ith the outside orld that is different from the las of the real orld.

otherise, the devil has half the votes.

but this ill not happen, because the devil is trying to be the devil.

there is no human condition or evil holy Spirit.

hat if the oman's soul disappears before the demons in the human orld?

Everything is progressing.

Everything ent according to plan.

the demon let out a horrible laugh, and the terrifying spell turned into physical pressure.

Suddenly, a branch pierced the demon's slender neck.

It starts to break off the tip of the branch, and of course it doesn't stick to the branch at all.

ho can something that cannot be pierced by a stone be able to pierce an evil idol of God?

\"Is this the last time?\"

then, there as a sound like an egg shell breaking, and a crack appeared in another orld.

Aaliyah's eyes idened.

\"hat's up?\"

the demon asked as if he didn't understand hat as happening.

hen the evil god descends, the spiritual poer of the ater demons ill flo from the outside orld.

At that time, an evil god appeared in the temple.

there is something that has e into the orld from the darkness, the abyss, its darkness, its despair, its eternity.

dagon as summoned from the glorious temple of his deep ancestor, Lyria.

Something dark seeped from the pages of the book.

the soul of the ater demon is captured and there is a dark ing.

At this time, the demon orld as destroyed.

because of the evil god's magic and the evil god's destructive poer, the demon orld has bee corrupt.

217 the day Satan leaves

this is Innsmouth Abbey.

Although this is indeed the temple here the people of Innsmouth pray, this temple as not built in Innsmouth.

the temple is no located on a small island about 300 nautical miles east of Innsmouth.

hoever, this short distance poses no particular obstacle for local deep-sea divers visiting Innsmouth.

therefore, the people ho visit this temple are usually animals ho have aakened ith strange visions.

the deep are descendants of dagon, the evil god of the sea.

aves of air came out of the temple of taste, as if a group of gods ere dancing.

It is not air mixed ith dirty air like sea air.

It smells of the dead.

A scream as heard in the temple.

there seemed to be a strong ind bloing and a dark atmosphere.

this violence and the smell of dead bodies is disgusting.

but for those in the temple, this is not a concern.

because they create these dreams.

A disaster occurred in the temple, and the omen trapped in the ater shelter ere forced tothendure the abuse of the people.

the screams that folloed ere their cause.

the deep ones shoed no mercy and tortured them mercilessly.

but at least they are alive.

If you can't see the person's body or figure, the result may be good.

deep divers are not cannibals and do not kill people for pleasure.

they are here to make \"great sacrifices.\"

A sacrifice as made to dagon, the god of the sea.

one ay to do this is to sacrifice your life.

It is also easy prey.

the priests of the deep people asked the venerable elders to stand in the great square of the temple.

She is ell dressed and invisible.

Unlike Shen Lun's panions, ho ere surrounded by blood and teeth, there as no smell of killing on the old half-fish's body.

of course, that doesn't mean he didn't kill anyone.

In fact, it probably killed more people than all the divers out there, at least a fe times.

but it didn't smell like a murderer, it smelled like corpses, blood, and pollution.

In fact, he as satisfied ith the sacred atmosphere that the high priest should have.

As the priest of dagon, he is even more mysterious than the priest of the old gods.

hoever, this is not the cause of these behaviors.

If so, priests ho believe in evil gods ould not be called heretics.

their bad behavior and perverted thinking are rejected by the society.

this is unreasonable and unacceptable.

\"don't you have enough time?\"

the old half-fish said in a strange voice.

A strange voice that could be mistaken for a person.

Vespasian smiled a little.

\"It's almost time, please be patient.\"

As one of the counselors of the black Sanctuary, Vespasian patiently explained to the half-morlock elder.

. that. )

Although there as no foolish expression on his face, Vespasian considered this foolishness in his heart.

In fact, magicians or itches do not understand the mon sense that ordinary people should have.

I also believe that even a saint cannot sho kindness hen faced ith such a situation.

Vespasian had no psychological problem ith using deep humans in his experiments.

\"Really? So hat's your plan?\"

the half-merman old man seemed to be asking interesting questions, but it seemed that the aura that resided in his body, the aura that became physical pressure, brought bad results.

It's not just curiosity.

Keene's eyes turned to Vespasian.

\"he's been here a long time. You ant to see him? You can.\"

Vespasian expressed it stereotypically.

A dark evil sloly emerged and a terrible cold appeared.

\"If that's the case, director Lurich please step out.\"

hen Vespasian spoke to her by a strange name, a strange oman appeared from ithin her.

the naked oman floated slightly, her long dark green hair aving in the ind, and she stared at everyone ith mysterious eyes.

there is no good, no shade, and no evil.

the look of the master seems to sho respect for the girl.

the old half-fish trembled sloly ithout closing his eyes.

\"Is this a magic book?\"

the merman spoke strangely about the old oman's true identity.

As someone ho knos a lot about magic, he can definitely tell that this is the other side of a magic book.

And anyone ho can take human form must be a magical book belonging to the original canon.

A career hero ho is his image and creator.

of course, this does not mean that magic like \"transformation\" cannot be used.

but it seemed impossible, so it as impossible for the old half-merman to notice.

Elder half-Fish, an expert in the magical orld, definitely had such a vision.

Since he as the high priest and high priest of a mythical creature like the profan, there as no ay he as more than a failed animal.

\"Yes, this magical book is connected to the original text, the Rellek text.\"

Vespasian stretched out his hand and stretched out his chin,

“the original spellbook as a spellbook that had the poer to summon 'gods'.

Indeed, this is an honesty that no one can deny.

the original magic book didn't even have a black Sanctuary advisor.

creating a book of this level of magic ith such dedication represents the essence of darkness.

the older half of the fish oners have no reason to be suspicious of their rivals.

this is ho it should be.

hoever, the older half of the fish oners believe that the other half is not safe.

It es from the \"aareness\" that es from returning to eternal sorro.

because of this knoledge, the old half-fish still cannot trust another person.

hoever, disagreeing and not taking advantage of each other are to different concepts.

the old half-fish has a plan to exploit the entire budget of his opponent.

Regardless of the opinion of the faction, if the faction decided to call the evil god, as long as the steps ere the same in the same plan, the old half-fish ould definitely achieve the final victory. It should be his.

he still has that confidence.

of course, Vespasian as confident.

Vespasian as a very experienced master of this magic.

Since this is a sacrifice to an evil god, there is no need to be careful.

because it is impossible for a dead man to fight alone.

there is no ay that an animal salloed by an evil god is an evil spirit.

Ashes and smoke, scattered souls? You can use these terms.

Vespasian as ready, but he didn't think he could escape from the evil god.

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