

第4章 圣安娜号(2 / 2)
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\"发生了什么事?\" 乔纳森焦急地问道。iven.

After listening to the truth, Ling Ling did not maintain the rational and indifferent attitude of the listener like last time. Rather, ith an expression full of emotion, he heartily sighed, \"hat a good man to sacrifice himself for a oman.\" father. \"

hearing Lingling's ords, Yu Lianyun trembled and looked at Lingling ith an expression of disbelief, \"hat are you talking about? he ants to kill me!\"

``If he really ants to kill you, there are countless ays to do it, but he just chose the sloest one.'' Ling Ling said, ``there are many tools in the autopsy room that can easily kill someone. \"I believe in you. It's impossible for a doctor, especially a forensic scientist, not to be clear about that, right?\" he said ith a smile.

hen Ling Ling's ords oke him up, Yu Lianyun suddenly realized a possibility he had never imagined. In an instant, his soul as struck by lightning, and his heart as pierced by a sharp knife.

\"Your father is a very smart man. In a short period of time, he thought of loopholes for the invasion of alien life and made a decision on his on.\" mr. Lingling praised him, saying, \"he passed a plan to suppress foreign invasion.\" this act of killing you causes the extraterrestrial to change its focus and poses a danger to itself. ”

\"but if he ants to do it, isn't he already successful? but hy... hy as he alays chasing me and threatening to kill me?\" Yu Lianyun’s tone trembled. In fact, he as thinking about it too. the only reason is that I'm hoping someone else ill ake up and not find the anser alone. In this case, his pain may be alleviated, since part of the blame can be placed on the type of people called \"fools\". thing

Linlin also responded to her opponent's intentions. he casually explained hile petting the cat. \"there could be several reasons for this. First, he could not bear the pain of breaking his bones and eating aay at his soul, so he sought peace and sought death. the reason as that he alays believed that his death ould save him. the third reason is that he ants to continue the misunderstanding so that his death on't burden you too much and you ill feel that his death as a ell-deserved death. ”

\"Actually, he succeeded. ell, I'm really sorry. It as clear that the deceased as the most important person and his reasonable ishes should not be violated, but I did not expose him. I did.” there as no regret or emotion on Linlin’s face. Looking at Yu Liangyun, he apologized directly.

Seeing the beautiful oman immersed in an even more depraved spiritual orld, Ling Ling kept her usual smile and stared at her as if she anted to record her expression.

After looking at Yu Lianyun’s expression for a hile, Ling Ling felt bored and said, “the perfect solution you ant is actually available. You can only resist an invasion once. So, no you no longer have to orry about extradimensional beings invading your body again. It is said that if you are bitten by a snake, you ill be afraid of cords for 10 years. this is especially true for the poor men ho thrive in the darkness of another dimension. .

therefore, all you have to do is face the blessings of your body and go to the oman in the video. Sometimes anger doesn't need to be resolved, but it needs to be expressed and channeled...\"

Yu Lianyun didn't kno ho he got back to the hotel after that. he returned to the hotel in a confused state. he did not kno day or night. only after sleeping in a hotel for to days did he gradually learn the true shado of his father's death.

After aking up, Yu Lianyun became calmer and more rational. he couldn't help but feel a different emotion. A clear mind as the most important thing for him no.

to days of sleep means there are less than three days left before the \"seven days of death\" curse occurs.

After getting up and eating his fill, the first thing he did as ask he Jian'an and his secret team for help. \"I need someone to help me find the deceased.\"

\"ho are you looking for?\" Li Jian'an did not immediately refuse, but asked.

Yu Lianyun ansered directly, ``this is the hite oman ho died in the videotape.''

\"hat are you looking for?\" Li Jian'an froned and actively looked for something unusual. this is not something a rational person ould do.

\"I thought of a ay to solve the blessing on my body.\" Yu Lianyun remembered Linlin's last ords that day, and felt a sense of guilt in her heart. \"I can only solve the problem if I find a oman dressed in hite.\"

hearing Yu Lianyun's ords, he Jia'an and Li Yingqi both looked at ei Jiang, ho had the ability to distinguish beteen true ords and false ords. ei Jiang nodded at the to, shoing that Yu Lianyun as not lying.

of course, Yu Lianyun asn't lying, he just had doubts about the truth.

“please let me go alone. I am already prepared hether this journey ill lead me to death or survival.” Yu Lianyun said seriously.

Li Jian'an thought for a moment and replied, \"e can help you, but e can't let you search by yourself.\"

Yu Lianyun as silent for a hile, then finally nodded and said quietly, “thank you.”

Li Jia'an reported Yu Lianyun's need to the xuanmi team. xuanmi's team quickly accepted the problem and released the results this afternoon.

based on the scene recorded on the tape and the architectural style of the house here the oman in hite and her father and son once lived, the mysterious team quickly finds a location in a large organization's database that matches the scene. ell, I see three similarities. , Fortunately, these three places are not far from Itai city.

many people prepared to stay up all night and drive overnight from Itai city to reach the three locations.

the first city they arrived in as Yu Lianyun. After arriving at his destination, he didn't even get out of the car. he just looked at the to bungalos outside the car and quickly shook his head. ``Not here. the trees planted in this city are rong.'' ``Let's go to a place here there are a lot of maple trees.'' ”

Yu Lianyun remembered the nightmare scene he had seen for several days in a ro. the stone ell as supposed to be in a maple forest, but I suddenly remembered that such a feature existed.

hen he Jian heard this, he got into the car and directly passed the first place. he thought for a moment and quickly deleted another location. he tapped the last location, Ne dragon city, ith the tip of his pen and said: \"I as on duty in this city, and I still have an impression of this city. If I remember correctly, the trees in this city are.\" It as a city built inside. ”

“then go here!” Yu Lianyun said. At this point, there are only to days left. If e continue the investigation as originally planned, it might be too late, so e might as ell take a gamble. , directly recognized xinlong city as the final destination.

the era of omen in hite should be the 1960s and 1970s of the last century. A fe decades from no, especially china's rapid development, could change a lot. Every city is changing every day. Ne dragon city as once the center of orld government. As one of the developed cities, e have to change drastically. You may not even find the forest or stone ell here the oman in hite died right aay.

that's exactly right. half a day later, Yu Lianyun and the others arrived in xinlong city, and ere shocked to pare the residence of the oman earing hite, copied from the videotape, ith the skyscraper in front of them. Yu Lianyun Everyone can't help but be amazed at the speed of time's development.

the next step as to find a place for Ishii. Li Ka'an used his connections in the secret organization to search the maple forest here Ishii as. Finally, their eyes ere fixed on an abandoned amusement park.

this amusement park has only recently been established and has only been around for over 10 years. hoever, its lifespan is unfortunately short - only to years.

there are various opinions as to hy the amusement park as closed. Some blamed it on the amusement park oners not operating it properly. Some say it as because the oner of the amusement park as deeply in debt. An even more unusual theory is that after the amusement park as built, strange things continued to occur and people died. Unable to bear this strange reality, the amusement park as closed.

the recreational playground as abandoned here because many feng shui masters said that the feng shui here is not good, and the location of the playground is also not very good, and the investment cost is too high, so no one anted to buy this playground.

Yu Lianyun only felt that he could reach the right place. the moment he entered the abandoned amusement park, he felt a nostalgic feeling, as if his soul as guiding him. having a brief memory resonance ith the oman in hite, he returns through a merry-go-round, rapids, and a roller coaster, finally arriving at the house of horrors ith a faded painting.

there is a clon head in the house of horrors and it has to go into the clon's mouth. From the outside, the clon's scary and strange expression made everyone feel a little cold and unfortable.

“I think he should stay inside,” Yu Lianyun said to everyone. outside the house of horrors, he found an introduction pamphlet about the house of horrors that the guide had given him. he specifically stated that several attractions in horror house caught his attention, such as the altar and the upside-don cross. he pointed to the altar and said, \"okay, I'm sure. It looks like this. the stone ell I remember looks like this under the altar.\" this must be the place here the bones of the oman in hite ere soaked.

14 killed in tugboat ar

the inn is located deep ithin the house of horrors, separated from the general public by a chain-link fence, and in a place here close contact is not possible.

hen Yu Lianyun and his friends discovered the altar, they found that the upside-don cross that stood on the altar had rusted due to eathering over time. A mottled rust color as spread all over the body of the inverted cross. there ere eeds groing in the hole in the altar. ith the help of the bright sun and moon, it shines through the hole in the ceiling of the horror house and sloly gros.

\"that's it.\" Yu Lianyun's heartbeat quickened, and an unknon fear filled her body. this as exactly the feeling that had e to him during the nightmares that had occurred over the past fe days, and he kne it ell.

Immediately, Yu Lianyun, ith the help of he Jian and others, orked hard to dig the altar ith the shovels and shovels he had brought ith him on his trip.

the cement and altar stone are very hard and the interior is humid. Every time they dig a hole, a thick, foul-smelling liquid flos out of the space.

At times, Yu Lianyun and others even feel that hat they are digging is not stone or cement, but a piece of flesh, albeit a very durable one.

I don't kno if it as a psychological effect or not, but as the excavation ork progressed, everyone felt that the surrounding area gradually became colder and etter.


Suddenly, a rhythmic digging sound rang out. Li Jian first dug a cavity ith a shovel. he as surprised and said, \"Is there really a ell?\"

before he could say anything, an eerie stream of ind and moisture erupted from the excavated black hole. Everyone present clearly felt that the temperature of the environment suddenly dropped several degrees. they couldn't help but fold their arms and rub their skin.

``Something doesn't feel right.'' In this quiet space, Li Yinchi could hear her on breathing and heartbeat. After feeling his breath tremble, he quickly stated his opinion. he looked at Yu Lianyun and asked, \"hat do you ant to do if you find the body of a oman dressed in hite?\"

\"I ant to give him a proper burial,\" Yu Lianyun explained.

\"hy are you doing this?\" Li Yingqi asked, \"do you really believe in the unscientific legend that people die ith great grudges, causing all kinds of strange phenomena in the future?\" expressed confusion.

Yu Lianyun as silent for a hile, “I have to believe it because I experienced it.”

After saying this, Yu Lianyun said: \"hether it orks or not, you have to try. this is the only thing I can do right no. calculated from the time I received the call. tomorro afternoon, situation 3: 32nd is the 7th day , it's also the anniversary of my death.\"

\"You may not believe it, but these are all things I ant to do no. You chose to help me, so please respect my decision.\" Yurenyun's eyes ere plicated. hoever, his tone as very firm: ``If you have any concerns and don't ant to touch this muddy ater, it's not too late to leave no. You can leave everything to me.'' ”

Li Jiaan and the others looked at each other, said nothing, and continued to help Yu Lianyun dig the altar.

After about an hour and a half, the four of them finally dug a hole in the altar. As they tried to thro the stone into the hole, everyone heard the echoing sound of the stone falling into the ater.

therefore, e can confirm that this place as indeed a stone ell.

hat you do next is extremely dangerous. Yu Lianyun has no intention of continuing to pursue he Jiaan and the others.

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