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the soldier who was robbed of his weapon was speechless and could only take out his short pistol to continue shooting. however, seeing wang qiang's stunning marksmanship and the speed of his shooting, the soldier couldn't help but volunteer as an ammunition filler.

but this is still of no use, the progress of zombie invasion is only slowed down, which cannot hinder the zombie's invasion at all!

Fighting to this point, it's pointless to resist hard here. wang qiang casually threw out a magnetic storm radium and pointed to a nearby building, shouting loudly, \"Everyone, hurry up! hurry up

At this moment, the sound of a rapid fire machine gun came to mind in the air, and the zombie who was sprinting in front was shattered into flesh and blood parts by the fire of the rapid fire machine gun.

the zombie's advance was once again affected by sniper fire from the rapid fire machine gun.

this brief obstruction helped wang qiang's team secure valuable time and everyone climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

Keep moving up, don't stop! \"wang qiang shouted, taking out a pack of high explosives and placing it on the wall of the stairs.

when wang qiang climbed up the fifth floor, a roar came from downstairs, and the building couldn't help but tremble.

wang qianglu looked downstairs and found that the destroyed stairs seemed insufficient to hinder the pursuit of the zombies. therefore, explosive packages were placed on the stairs on the fifth, sixth, seventh, and third floors, and then detonated using a remote control.


with a sound of a mountain collapsing and the ground shattering, the building began to dance pletely. Yu Kuan couldn't help but curse loudly, \"Fool, you will collapse the building if you explode like this. haven't you learned how to explode

wang qiang answered while running, \"I haven't learned it before

A large group of soldiers behind and in front of him cursed in unison, \"Next door to the sleeping trough Nimarle

however, fortunately, there was no danger. Everyone successfully reached the rooftop, ran forward to the edge of the building, and looked downstairs with the help of the street lights that had not yet been extinguished. they saw that the neighborhood was already crowded with zombies. the number of zombies is as numerous as an ox's hair, parable to the grand scene of the imperial capital xidan market before the apocalypse, making people feel a bit creepy.

what should we do now? there's no way out on the rooftop, \"Yu Kuan, shaking his big beard, inquired around and ran back in a fit of rage.

wang qiang pointed to a place in the distance where the black shadow flickered and said, \"do you see it? there's the giant zombie! that's our goal

I know that's the target, but now we're stuck on the rooftop with zombies. how can we get there

many soldiers also gathered around and eagerly asked, \"what should we do? Are we waiting to die

the zombie is digging for obstacles, what should we do? \"the soldier in charge of tracking ran back and asked in horror.

wang qiang looked at the tall building in the distance, then at the street lamp not far away, and gritted his teeth and said, \"I may have a way

what's the solution? \"wang Er Ye looked at wang qiang eagerly.

Lao xiao, give me the rope, \"said wang qiang.

xiao Zhong took out a rope from his backpack and said, \"the building opposite is too far to throw the rope through

wang qiang took out another rope from another soldier's backpack, picked up two ropes and gestured, then said to Kuan, \"You organize people, find a way to buy some more time

Yu Kuan gritted his teeth and said, \"okay, I've put in a lot of effort. I hope you won't let me down

After finishing speaking, Yu Kuan let out a shout and went to bomb the stairs again with a few good hands.

wang qiang tied one end of a rope with a buckle and pointed to a wire pole on the roadside. After two attempts, I finally set the lamp cap of the street lamp tightly.

After trying the tension to confirm that it can withstand the weight of one person, wang qiang took out the second rope, one end fixed on the rooftop and the other end fixed on the waist.

to plete all this, wang qiang pulled the rope that fixed the lamp post. Step back to the edge of the rooftop, then run up and sprint!

with a jump that crossed the limit, wang qiang quickly plummeted away.

Until the rope was pletely stretched out, with the help of the lamppost's traction, wang qiang shook the rope to reduce the force of falling, then swung his waist and abdomen, raised his arms, and the whole person drew a large arc with the rope, then flew towards the building across the street!

the height of the ascent is not enough, it can only reach two-thirds of the height of the building. At the critical moment, wang qiang decisively flew towards the opposite building. As soon as he touched the wall of the building, wang qiang put his hands and feet together and climbed up on the standing wall!

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