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No problem! what else do you want? \"Nian Kuang agreed on the spot.

the best elite, the best weapons and equipment. \"wang qiang was also polite.

okay, someone! \"Nian Kuang shouted.

An adjutant hurriedly rushed forward and said, \"mander, please give orders

You take wang qiang down to choose weapons and equipment, all battle sequences and other things, and he can use them at will. In addition, gather the elite of the General military Region defense camp, immediately! \"Nian Kuang arranged.

At the same time, he turned to ask wang qiang, \"Is a thousand elite troops enough? these are all level three or above gene warriors, and 70% have special abilities

many of the generals present took a deep breath of air. Nian Shuai was so stubborn that he let a seemingly inexperienced boy lead the defense camp to the front line to fight. Even if he didn't wear such a gold plating, would he still have to live?

however, wang qiang's answer was even more surprising to all the generals!

Upon hearing Nian Kuang's words, wang qiang pondered and replied, \"If it's just dealing with giant zombies, a small team of fifty people would be enough


the atmosphere inside the mand post is extremely eerie.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't react. Refusing the elite defense camp of a thousand people is enough without saying that fifty people are enough?

who does this kid think he is? Are giant zombies clay dolls? can you play with it as you please?

Nonsense, have you ever seen blood in a war, you yellow mouthed child? how do you make the soldiers who died on the front line think? \"A middle-aged colonel with a beard stood in the back of the crowd angrily scolded, pletely disregarding his image.

Nian Kuan's white eyebrows trembled, and Ye bufan immediately shouted, \"Yu Kuan, shut up

Nian Shuai must blame it. the colonel's troops had all died in battle an hour ago, and his own brother was also buried in the grave, so his emotions were not very stable

Nian Kuang didn't speak, because at this moment, the criticism was already in his ears.

the giant zombies attacked the city and occupied the land, causing the Eastern Legion to lose their armor and armor, which was unbearable. It was only through the heavy artillery barrage of the Legion fortress that they killed one giant zombie. wang qiang actually said that killing fifty giant zombies was enough, and most soldiers acted honestly. Isn't wang qiang's statement a blatant violation of the dignity of soldiers?

wang qiang, are you confident in what you say? don't just talk casually. \"Nian Shuai's gaze became serious. Although wang qiang had previously demonstrated a skilled marksmanship and evil spirit, these fifty people's words were too shocking.

wang qiang silently calculated again in his heart and then said, \"old man, I have calculated. If fifty people can't handle it, five thousand people won't be of any use, that's all

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