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Lao Sun, I didn't expect you to set the mand center on the rooftop. It's really surprising, \"Nian Kuang said with a smile as he looked at the city map on the tactical mand table.

Sun Zaichen also smiled, but he did indeed smile bitterly.

I regret moving the headquarters to the rooftop after a lifetime of fighting in my old age, \"Sun Zaichen said bitterly.

why? Seeing from a high perspective here can lead the overall situation, while avoiding the front of the zombie wave, it can be said that there are many moves in one go. how can one regret it? \"Nian Kuang was stunned upon hearing this.

before Sun Zaichen could answer, suddenly there was a fierce exchange of gunfire outside the camp, mixed with the unique roar of zombies and the screams of soldiers.

A major officer shouted outside the camp tent, \"Zombies are ing! Everyone on guard

Nian Kuang heard the sound and exclaimed, \"this is a rooftop over 130 meters high. how did the zombies e up? Isn't it

Nian Kuang lifted the curtain and arrived on the rooftop. Not far away, he saw a few strange zombies landing on all fours rampaging in the battle formation posed of soldiers. the limbs of the zombie are sharp as knives, and when cut horizontally and vertically, there are soldiers with strange bodies.

on the large elliptical heads of these zombies, there grows a narrow face, with canine teeth extending out of the face, in the form of saber toothed tigers and leopards. the dense teeth are intertwined, and a bite on the soldier's body will inevitably tear off a huge piece of flesh.

however, the soldiers' gunfire was difficult to capture the trajectory of the zombie's movement, and the damage caused by intensive shooting could not achieve a fatal effect. half a pany of soldiers besieged three such zombies, but they had already sacrificed seven or eight lives and could not succeed.

Sun Zaichen walked out of the camp and came to Nian Kuang, saying, \"during tonight's battle, this new type of mutated zombie suddenly appeared on the battlefield, extremely skilled in climbing at a very fast speed and difficult to kill. I estimate that the three defense lines of the outer city wall were easily defeated, which is closely related to these monsters

After speaking, Sun Zaichen made a gesture to the two close school officials next to him. the two officials understood and immediately stepped out of the crowd. one of them took down a broad back sword from behind; the other person's hands sparkled with blue light, making them look like a pair of fists.

wang qiang noticed that these two school officials are actually foreigners!

Foreigner again!

wang qiang remembered the unresolved matter today, and he didn't know if the cannibal Shandru had been eaten by zombies all over the city.

of course, a beautiful face inevitably es to mind. Is that blonde beauty named wei weian okay now?

two foreign school officials weled the unresolved zombies of the soldiers, took over the dominant position in the battle, and unexpectedly shook hands with the zombies!

the school official with a broad back and long sword held the sword in both hands and stepped on the star step, racing around the mutated zombie. At the same time, a white light faintly appeared on the blade of the sword.

Is this a sword like awn? the sword like awn is swift and unparalleled, but the white awn can solidify but not disperse. It is such a skilled swordsman who can practice qi and enter the sword. I never expected that westerners would have such superb swordsmanship masters. old Sun, you have obtained another fierce general, \"said Nian Kuang with a moving expression.

Sun Zaichen smiled but remained silent.

In the battle between humans and corpses, with each wave of the zombie's claws that evolved into a blade, the sword wielding officer lowered his waist and stepped forward to face the sword, stimulating the sharp edge of the sword to the extreme. Unexpectedly, a steel flower exploded on the blade limb of the zombie!

the claws of this zombie are so hard that even their swords cannot be cut off? \"Nian Kuang frowned slightly.

Sun Zaichen sighed lightly and said, \"Yes, just now two of these monsters attacked here, and I paid the price of two shifts to get away with killing them. Now there are three more. It's been a long night, and I don't know how many new zombies there are in the zombie wave. I can only pray for luck not to be too bad

At this moment, the school official who was holding a fist holster also handed over to the zombie. the powerful school official's fists were detached, hitting the zombie's body with each punch, causing the zombie to howl. but the wielding blades and claws of the zombies made the school officials quite afraid. whenever they tried to hit the zombie's head, they were forced open by the claws cut by the disorderly cloak.

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