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wang qiang leaned under the low wall and looked ahead at the searchlight, only to see a temporarily loaded steel defense line, with heavy tanks and mecha in line, and a rapid fire machine gun patrolling back and forth on the high platform.

At this moment, two people from the army, both dressed as officers, greeted Fang Guohui. the three of them exchanged a few words under the searchlight, then shook hands. Fang Guohui turned around and waved to the rear army, shouting, \"brother troops, everyone speed through the level, and there will naturally be someone to receive you from behind

the fugitives in the large army captured by the searchlight were filled with joy upon hearing this, rushing towards the level like a tide and rushing into the rear of the army.

on the contrary, Fang Guohui's troops were quite disciplined and had assembled under the mand of the battalion mander, waiting for instructions from the summit.

brother wang qiang, I will send you here. tonight is too chaotic, and there have been major mistakes in the deployment of the military Region Staff department. currently, there is a serious shortage of troops guarding the army fortress, and the four garrison divisions cannot be contacted. the troops of the 15th Army cannot be contacted. I must stay and participate in the later battles, at least resist until dawn, so take care of yourself. the shelter is right behind, and you can just leave Fang Guohui pointed to something behind him.

wang qiang thought for a moment and nodded.

the top priority is to find mao mao again. this battle cannot be controlled by one or two people, and even if one has a passion, it is useless. It's better to do something within one's capabilities.

take care of yourself, too. You are a good soldier, and every good soldier should e to a good end. \"wang qiang nodded and said sincerely.

why are you so speechless? You make me sound like I'm about to die! \"Fang Guohui laughed heartily.

wang qiang also smiled with embarrassment.

wang qiang, xiao Zhong, and wang Erye followed the passing refugees through the heavily guarded battle line, quickly passing through the military deployment area and arriving at the temporary shelter camp.

the shelter camp is located on the edge of the Legion Fortress, belonging to a non batant concentration camp. Looking up, one can see the magnificent architectural plex of the Legion Fortress.

the shelter camp is located in a location covered by artillery fire from the fortress, and as long as the front troops are not defeated, it can also ensure safety here.

At this moment, there was constant thunder in the sky, and heavy artillery shells flew with a whistling sound in the sky, then exploded in the distance, and the dim sky was set off in a bright red. the sound of machine gun is also as dense as rainstorm, and the sound is heard everywhere. the air was filled with smoke and a faint smell of blood, making people's spirits inexplicably excited.

the fight in the west is too fierce, I really don't know what's going on, \"xiao Zhong, who was organizing his magazine, looked up at the distance and said.

there are four magazines placed at xiao Zhong's feet, with the bullets filled and the remaining scattered ammunition wiped clean one by one, and placed aside. these are supplies that were recently received from Fang Guohui's urban defense forces.

At this moment, xiao Zhong was rushing to maintain his firearms. As a soldier, there were always some inexplicable premonitions. xiao Zhong felt uneasy, so he tried to wipe the firearms. only when the gun was in his hand did he feel a faint sense of security.

wang Er Ye was not idle, searching everywhere for his nephew, but soon the search failed.

this place has already acmodated nearly

people, and it is said that the population of the temporary shelter in the west is not less than this number.

people are crowded within an area of less than

square meters, and chaos is inevitable.

After wandering around for a long time, wang Erye squeezed out from the crowd and sat down next to wang qiang, saying, \"there are so many people here, it's too difficult to find someone

before the words fell, a burst of panic broke out in the crowd.

what's going on? \"wang qiang became alert.

A heart wrenching cry came from afar: \"Someone's dead! help

As if subjected to a chain reaction, the crowd in the direction of the scream suddenly expanded like boiling water, rushing towards the surroundings, inevitably causing a stampede.

Immediately after, the gunfire rang out, and wang qiang was startled. Following the gunfire, he saw that the defense soldiers guarding the temporary settlement were shooting at the crowd!

Several soldiers fired dozens of bullets and finally killed the dead person in the center of the crowd, but also took the lives of more than ten people nearby.

more than a dozen corpses lay in a pool of blood, and the people in the settlement were like frightened ducks, trembling and leaning against each other, but no one dared to protest.

\"what a hell of a world, people in troubled times are far inferior to taiping dogs.\" wang Erye sighed.

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